"Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" Maurice Midgley General Delivery Nothing Too Small - Groceries - Fop - Ice - Anything! Fast Courteous Delivery! We Pick-up! Reasonable Rates SENIORS DISCOUNT balances your TMR feeding program for healthier, more productive dairy herds. &@D), Shur-Gain Sets the Standard in TMRs For balanced nutrition and high productivity, no other feeding program compares to Shur-Gain's. The Advanced Milkscore Computer program has been developed based on extensive in-house research and backed up by our own research farm. This unique computer program provides you with an accurate and practical TMR feeding program designed just for your herd! a>), Professional Service Our dairy specialists begin with a complete feed analysis of your on-farm feedstuffs from Shur-Gain's accredited lab. Using these results and the Advanced Milkscore Computer program, a sophisticated feeding program is developed that accurately balances your TMR -- complete with batch mixing, total group feeding schedules and effects of moisture changes in forages. . | DD, Provides the Peak in Performance Shur-Gain's TMR feeding program takes the guesswork out of your dairy herd's nutritional requirements. Your cows get everything they need. They stay healthier and more productive! Your Shur-Gain Dealer: PORT PERRY FEEDS LTD. 40 Vanedward Dr., Port Perry 985-7363 H & M WRIGHT FEED CO. LTD. 3490 Hwy. 7A, Blackstock 986-4201 SPENCER'S FEED SERVICE LTD. Greenbank 985-3371 H.H. GOODE & SON 1987 LTD. Uxbridge 852-3355 Sunday Evening Musicales to be held at Head Church Society will be presenting eve- ning musicales at the Head Church beginning this Sunday evening. tainer and pianist will perform, along with the Kawartha Big Band, which plays nostalgic music. society, created the idea for the musicales as a platform for tal- ent to play to a receptive audi- ence. e events, plans are to have bar- bershop quartets and orches- tras, along with other solo per- formers at the church over the next several weeks. tember 18 and 25 and October 9, The Lake Scugog Historical | : Eric Genuis, a singer, enter- Alex Ingram, a member of the i i 9, Ws The Kawartha Big Band will be one of the entertainers at the first night of Sunday Evening Musicales. The event which will see proceeds go to the museum takes place at Head Church this Sunday evening. 16,23 and 30. tions will be split between the Admission to the event is free, entertainers and the museum. but donations to the Scugog For more information on the Shores Museum Village will be musicales call Alex Ingram at accepted at the door. The dona- 985-8967. Although not all the perform- rs are in place for the series of Concerts will be held on Sep- oo Ta Q 20-14 QVM Sl dT Tol- J YI oT:1 4 UNITED CHURCHES BAHA'I FAITH Baha'i Information Meetings Minister: MYRTLE Rev. Robert J. Le Page UNITED CHURCH Every Sunday 8 - 10 p.m. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 MINISTER - REV. GLEN EAGLE 1667 King St., Prince Albert Po Parry 10 a.m. Service - 9:45 a.m. All Welcome. More information orming Worship School call 985-9339 or 985-4582 Prince Albert - 11:30 a.m. Burdoy Moming Worship Combined Sunday School NESTLETON ; in Port Perry United Church UNITED CHURCH Nursery Care Rev. Wm. Fairley - Minister E 'Always Available Sunday Service 11 a.m. REV. DAVID SHEARMAN a ---- Join us as we celebrate our B.A., M. Div. I _-- 149th Anniversary SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 ETT TE CI TRS Ted Ve [Te ME ET To | All Welcome! 10 a.m. - Blackstock UNITED CHURCHES 11:15 - North Nestleton Nursery During Worship Minister Elaine Barber : PORT PERRY 985-4094 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. Manchester 11 a.m. Anniversary Service BAPTIST CHURCH GREENBANK PASTORAL CHARGE Guest Speaker: Pastor, Rev. David Shepherd Rev. Don Tansley SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 Soloist: Seagrave 9:30 a.m. Audrey Beauchamp Greenbank 11 a.m. Lunch to follow Pinedale 12:30 p.m. Sunday School at time of worship at all three churches 2210 Hwy. 7A - 985-8681 THE NEW DAVID S. DANIELS, PASTOR Ps APOSTOLIC CHURCH EVANGELISTIC MTGS. 80 Mary St., 2nd Floo SAT.-7pm.; 180 Mary St, r SUN. - 11 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. YOUR LOCAL FAMILY MONE ag oor oy COLUMBUS COMMUNITY CHURCH DR. JOHN MOORE UNITED CHURCH = REGULARISERVICES - 9:45 a.m. Sunday School A Community Church For All Sunday 10:90am. 8.3 p.m. 11 a.m. Worship & Jr. Church Rev. Jack Griffen B.A., M.Div. Wednesday 8 p.m. 5:45 p.m. Prayer Fellowship SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 For further information 6:30 p.m. Worship Service Service -10 a.m. call 985-2794 TUESDAY, Sept. 13 - 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship & "A Hearty Welcome To All' Between Friends Sunday School (Women % Ministry) "Searching the Scriptures" ot Luck Breakfast ; CHURCH OF GOD WEDNESDAY . 7 a.m. Nursery care always available Men's Prayer Time 7-8:30 p.m. (7TH DAY) ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10 Mary St. S., Oshawa, Ont. AWANNA Boys & Girls Clubs L1H 8M3 Opening & Registration (905) 432-3091 THURSDAY -7 p.m. Minister: Rev. D.A. (Sandy) Beaton What does the Bble say about the return of Jesus? How will it be? For answers to these questions write the Church of God (7th Day) or call 432-3091 and ask for The Second Coming of Jesus. Bible Study & Prayer Sidewalk Youth - 7:30 p.m. FRIDAY - 7:30 p.m. Jr. & Sr. Youth Call for information A warm welcome to all Nursery Available Wheelchair accessible SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 10 a.m. Service Sunday School Nursery Care Available During Worship For further information call 985-3881 or 985-4746 All are warmly welcome PORT PERRY STAR OFFICE CF WEDDING INVITATIONS AVAILABLE AT 188 Mary St, Pott Perry « 985-7383 « F- ax: 985-3708 te mr em When business is good, it pays to advertise... When business is bad, you've got to advertise!