-- "A Family Tradition for 128 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, July 26,1994 - oa_ Back to safety basics Sun exposure ups cancer risk The tractor continues to be the number one killer on Onta- rio farms. From 1977 through 1992, 288 people died while us- ing tractors in the course of do- ing farm work. This represents almost half (48 percent) of all farming-related fatalities in Ontario. Sideways and rear rollovers accounted for 167 of these deaths. Other tractor-related fatalities resulted from by- standers and passengers being run over, falling from tractors, being crushed, or getting caught in the power take-off. A number of deaths occurred when farm tractors collided with other vehicles on the road. We need to get back to the ba- sics of tractor safety. That's why the Farm Safety Association chose Tractor Safety as its 1994 theme. The carnage must stop! The Ontario Ministry of Agri- culture and Food has provided funding to help the Association promote tractor safety to its members and the total agricul- tural community. The project will include production of vari- ous pieces of tractor safety liter- ature, a display program, and a new tractor safety video. Medical authorities report a significant increase in skin can- cer over the past few years. Most cases can be successfully The skin-damaging effects of solar radiation are cumulative. Minimizing exposure to the sun is comparable to wearing hear- ing protection. Precautions tak- en today can help individuals avoid serious medical problems in later years. Vallance Equipment & Rental Ltd. Brooklin (905) 655-3291 or (905) 655-3122 Continuing to Serve Durham Region MASSEY-FERGUSON TRACTORS & ACCESSORIES FOR ALL YOUR FARMING NEEDS Where conditions are harshest, only the strong survive. This is the world of the Thomas HD Series skid steers, a full series of loaders uniquely adapted to severe environments. The HD family ranges from 800 to 2300 Ibs capacity; each specially equipped for maximum front-end strength, increased break-out force, greater frame strength and high output torque. It your survival instincts say you need a tougher loader, check out Thomas ... a step ahead. THE STRENGTH TO SURVIVE * free service on first year (500 ho - * 1-year total unit warranty + free extended warranty on qualifying units * 5-year mainframe warranty ; B & W FARM SERVICE Hwy. 7 & 12, Saintfield - south of Sunderland (705) 357-3760 or (705) 357-3192 treated. However, the most seri- ous form - melanoma - can be life threatening. Prolonged exposure to the sun is of to increase poten- ROLL-BELT™ BALER tial for skin cancer develop- ment. Individuals with light- XT coloured skin and poor tanning \ ability are at greatest risk. The Ql danger increases with the amount of time spent in the sun. Solar radiation is most in- tense at mid-day (between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.). Even with tractor cabs, many farmers have to spend some time in the sun during peak radiation peri- ods. Best advice is to cover up! Wear long pants and long- sleeved shirts - not t-shirts and cut-offs. Ball caps offer no protection to the ears or the back of the neck. A full-brimmed hat pro- vides much better protection. Use a sunscreen on the hands, face, ears, neck, and any other area of exposed skin. AKWOOD GROMART LTD. Seruing The rhrea For 10 Years e Custom Application e Fertilizer e Pesticide e Seed Grain * Forage Seeds e Lawn Fertilizer e Hay/silage Tubes e Hay/silage Innoculent R.R.#1, Oakwood, Ont. The Model 630 Roll-Belt™ round baler works quietly with little maintenance to give you dense, high-quality bales. It makes bales four feet wide by four feet in diameter, weighing 650 pounds. Capacity ranges up to 10 tons per hour. And best of all, superior design and tough construction mean the "630" is durable and ready to work when you are. Stop in for a demonstration today. MORROW FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. 705-953-9666 Over 45 years in the business Custom Application Fertilizer +' Chemical + Seed FORD NEW HOLLAND e Versatile OWNED & OPERATED SUNDERLAND (705) 357-3121 BY JOHN SMITH You can depend on us!" CASHWAY BUILDING CENTRES For All Your Farm Building & Renovation Needs SEE US FIRST! TRIM ROOF TRUSSES PLUMBING PAINT INSULATION ROOFING POWER TOOLS KITCHEN CABINETS SIDING FREE DELIVERY 1910 SCUGOG ST. Nate Sovoog J! PORT PERRY 7A (Scugog (HWY. 7A) il TEL: 985-7334 FAX: 985-0803 Mon. - Fri. 7:30 - 6:00 Sat. 8:00 - 5:00 PLYWOOD HARDWARE ELECTRICAL LUMBER DOORS WINDOWS You can depend on us|' CASHWAY BUILDING CENTRES