"A Family Tradition for 128 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, July 5,1994 - 13 ehh | ea THE. Richard Doyle awarded medal for founding Engineering Hall of Fame A former Scu Townshi resident has Ti for making a significant contribu- tion to the country. Richard Doyle, formerly of Prince Albert, was awarded the Commemorative Medal for the 125th Anniversary of Canadian Confederation. Mr. Doyle was notified recent- ly of the selection by Governor General Ramon Hnatyshyn's of- fice. According to the letter, "this award is being made to those persons who have made a signif- cant contribution to Canada, to their community, or to their fel- low Canadians." Former Port Perry lawyer found guilty Bryan Davies, a former Port Perry lawyer, was suspended from practising law for one year and ordered to pay $2,000 in le- gal costs, after he was found guilty last week of professional misconduct over misappropria- tion of funds. It was discovered Mr. Davies, 35, misgdppropriated about $58,000 of client's money, when he admitted to his former part- ner, Mr. Michael Fowler, that he took $58,000 from one client and used approximately $52,000 to pay another. The partnership was dissolved im- mediately after his admission of guilt. Mr. Davies admitted to lead- ing the man, a former teacher, into believing he was entitled to a larger settlement for a wrong- ful dismissal suit when he wasn't. He also admitted to breaking a number of rules by borrowing $50,000 from another client to cover a financial crisis in a sur- veying company, operated by he and a relative, without provid- ing any security to the client. Following his suspension Mr. Davies is required to apply to the Law Society of Upper Cana- da to pratise law in any capaci- ty, apart from an assistant crown attorney, where he has been working as a part time crown attorney in a Whitby of- ce. Mr. Davies was given five months credit, because he with- drew voluntarily from practice and sought medical attention after the subject came to light. It was discovered that at the time of the event, he was work- ing under extreme pressure at work, while suffering from man- ic depression. The condition was not recognized by doctors, until the admission of guilt oc- curred. Seventy-three letters from fellow lawyers, judges and friends were filed at the discipli- anry hearing in January attest- ing to Mr. Davies' character cha- racer. The judge stated the misap- propriation was not motivated by greed, but a genuine, mis- guided attempt to help his client, a former teacher of Da- vies. [3 x ie REY 7; € TE Tr i 2.00 Le 8 Pr FROM THE CHEN "The decoration is a reminder of the values of service, individ- ual respect, and community ef- fort on which Canada was built and on which its quality of life will always depend." Mr. Doyle, who now lives in Orleans, Ontario, near Ottawa, 18 head of Government Rela- tions at the National Research Council of Canada. He was recognized for his work in founding the Canadian Science and Engineering Hall of Famein 1992. He was also honored last year with the National Research Council's Certificate of Merit for his role in the Hall of fame and other work in promoting science and engineering in Canada. The Hall of Fame was estab- lished by the NRC, the National Museum of Science and Tech- nology, the Association of Part- - ners in Education and other or- ganizations to mark the 125th anniversary of Canada's birth with a lasting tribute to Canadi- an scientists, engineers and in- ventors. To date, 17 Canadians have been inducted into the Hall of Fame and are honored in a por- trait gallery which has been dis- played at the National Museum and will be permanently in- stalled in the NRC's historic na- tional laboratory building in Ot- tawa. Mr. Doyle, a native of Prince Albert attended public school in the area, as well as Port Perry High School. Partners in Performance. woofs AN TO CENTRAL PAINT sikkensg & WALLPAPER Authorized Dealer 299 Ritson Rd. S.. Oshawa 434-3939 CETOL UV Interior * Protect your Pine * UV specially formulated to protect your pine from yellowing * Extra clear matte finish | RYT SO TOR RING 1H OA STI TIN NIE SAND - GRAVEL - LIMESTONE Screenings $10.50 Tonne 2" & 3/4" Crusher Run $11.00 Tonne HL6, 2" & 3/4" Clear $13.00 Tonne 1/4" & 3/8" Clear Stone $14.00 Tonne You don't have to be So in the ' 'big leagues" to play with a winning team Fact is, many of Canada's best dairy operations -- small and large -- produce excellent milk and lots of it. And they do it with Shur-Gain. You don't have to be in the big leagues to play with a winning team. You just have to be the best. And in dairy, the best team is Shur-Gain and you. 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