Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 14 Jun 1994, p. 40

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12a- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, June 14,1994 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" PORT PERRY STAR CLASSIFIED Notice Yard Sales "Coming Events For Sale Cars for Sale THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEET- ING of Durham Region Cormnunity Care Association will be held on [hursday, June 23, 1994 at 6:30 p.m. at the Uxbndge Seniors Cen- re, 75 Marietta St, Uxbndge, Ont The guest speaker will be Mr. Paul Tutte, Senior Policy Analyst, Long- Term Care. To confirm attendance, please call your local office at 985- 8461 by June 20, 1994 Greetings Happy 25th Anniversary Mom & Dad SATURDAY, JUNE 18, Y am noon, 20013 Hwy 12 Greenbank Fumiture and misc tarly shoppers call 985-0242 SATURDAY, JUNE 18,9 am , rain or shine. 16600 Old Simcoe Road, nex! to soccer held Coming Events Bishop Alfred and Eleanor Wool- cock, of Oshawa, will be celebrat- ing the 60th Anniversary of their marriage on Saturday, June 25, 1994. An Open House will be held from 2 - 5:30 p.m. at the Royal Canadian Legion, 471 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Best wishes only. J Love Kim, Randy & Heather HAPPY BIRTHDAY To my cousin Bev Love Delia Announcement Don Thompson wishes to announce the marriage of his daughter Patti Thompson to Bill Blundell of Uxbridge. Wedding to take place July 2nd. Personals ROMANS 7: Vs. 3 So then, f while her husband liveth she ba marred to another man, she shall be called an adulteress. JESUS IN OSHAWA Holiday Inn 7:030pm Every Saturday 1-705-953-9475 JIM CAMPBELL Yard Sales 3751 MOUNTJOY ROAD, Black- stock, Saturday and Sunday, June 18 and 19, 25 and 26, 9 am - 2 p.m Everything from antiques to topsoil, etc. Also Yamaha YT60 kids 3 wheeler Rain or shine BARN SALE, Saturday, June 18 Fanning mill, turnip pulper, forge blower, snowmobile, color TV, 50 gal. John Bean orchard sprayer and lots of stuff. 15200 Marsh Hill Road, between Utca and Epsom DISCOVERY TOYS WARE- HOUSE sale with Dollhouse chil- drens dothing, Saturday, June 18, 9 a.m. - noon, 53 Lakeview Drive - 985-1551. Free draws, excellent pnces. EPSOM-UTICA UNITED CHURCH Beef Supper with entertainment continuous from 5 - 7 p.m., Satur- day, June 18 at Utica Hall. Adults $10, ages 6-12 $5, under 5 - free. FATHER'S DAY BREAKFAST, Sunday, June 19, 8 am. - noon at Oddfellows Hall (bacon and eggs). Adults $3.50, children $2, preschoolers free. FRIENDS OF CLARE NOLAN are cordially invited to a celebration in honour of her 90th Birthday on Sat- urday, June 25, 1994 from 1-4 p.m. It will be held at the Uxbridge Health Care Centre, 130 Reach St. Uxbridge, Ont. Best wishes only please. HOSKINS STABLES - 4 course Horsemanship courses, 2 weeks each, starting June 27, 9 a.m. - noon. For more information 986- 5558, 986-4558. MUSEUM PIONEER DAYS, June 18-19. Enjoy noon lunch, sand- wiches, hamburgers, pie. Head U. CW. RETIREMENT TEA for Marjone Green, Tuesday, June 21, 7 - 8:30 p.m., Cartwright Central Public School, in the gym. STRAWBERRY SUPPER at Black- stock United Church, Saturday, June 25, 4:30 p.m. onwards. Adults $7.50, children $3.50. THE DENISE HOUSE Sedna Women's Shelter and Support Ser- vices Inc. You are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of The Denise House, Wednesday, June 29. 1994, 4 p.m. at Kinsmen Com- munity Centre, 109 Colbome St W.| Oshawa RSV. P by June 27, 1994 For further information call 728-7311 WERRY FAMILY REUNION, Tyrone Commumty Centre reqisira- ton 12:30 pm potluck dinner 1 pin Sunday. June 19 - bnng your own dishes and cutlery 50th Wedding Anniversary The family of Marian & James Macleod cordially invite you to a social tea at the Blackstock Recreation Centre on June 19,1994, 2-4 pm. Best wishes only please! STRAWBERRY SUPPER, Colum- bus United Church, Thursday, June 30, 5-730 pm Adults $7, 5-12 years $5, under 5 years $1 Tick- els 985-9224 or 655-4836 STRAWBERRY SUPPER, Sunday, July 3, Scugog Island Hall, 5 - 6:15 p.m. Phone Bonnie - 985-7426. THE BORELIANS COMMUNITY THEATRE is having its Annual General Meeting on Thursday, June 16, 1994, at the Port Perry Town Hall. All members are encouraged lo attend and new members are most welcome. The meeting will start at 7:30 p.m. and hght refresh- ments will be served For Sale 1/6 HP. PISTON water pump, 20 gal tank, Tamper motor, $150 - 985-9521. 12 ACRES STANDING hay; rototiller; lawnmower - 986-4707. 1985 BONAIR 700 hard top camper, sleeps 6, icebox, sink, stove, toilet, awning, asking $2,800 0.B.0. 905-986-5489 alter 5 p.m. 2 DOORS 80"X32", 1 range, 1 electric organ, all exceilent shape 905-986-4374. 25' BOAT TRAILER suitable for pontoon boat - 985-3948. 5 PIECE DELCRAFT bedroom suite plus 5 year old Simmons mat- tress and box spring $400; Cannon- ball bed $25; G.E. microwave $25; mirror 26x30 $20; washer $100; dryer $75; movie projector and screen $50; entertainment centre, solid walnut $200; electric stove $25; 4 Kumo tires and 4 wheels $300, 31x10.50x15. Call 985-7625. AIRTIGHT STOVES & FIRE- PLACES, inserts and zero clear- ance, new and used. Three full showrooms at Whitby, Port Perry and Lindsay. Overridge Retail, Port Perry - 985-0715. APPROX. 35 TON of split field stone. Ice cream parlour table set with oak top, refinished. Tomato plants $8 flat - 985-2994. BABY BEEF $1.90 a Ib./per half, cut and wrapped. Beef patties 32 a Ib., minimum $10 order. Large and extra large eggs $1.10 a doz. 985- 3546. BASSWOOD LOGS - call 985- 2787 after 6 p.m. BEIGE COUCH AND chair; older stereo cabinet; folding cedar lawn chairs; assorted bikes; adaptable rowing machine; 17 4X4 cedar posts. 1977 Monte Carlo body parts - 985-7640 BOOK COVERS: durabie clear plastic. adjustable widths, vanous sizes. Available at The Pont Peny Star, 188 Mary St, 985-7383 CEDAR RAILS for fencing also uli rails for firewood - Liew Villa Farms 986-4250 GARAGE/MOVING SALE, Satur- day, Sunday, June 18,19 8 am - 4 p.m, 7 Murray St, Greenbank NEIGHBOURHOOD YARD SALE, Saturday. June 18, 10am -4 pm, Starrs Beach, (west of Washburn Island). Something for everyone SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 8am A 201 and 206 Shanley Street, Port Perry SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 830 am. 3621 Mountjoy Road, Blackstock (Hwy 57 at Asselstines) TV, snow- shoes. kerosene heater. much more zw a, Port P & ; Port Perry 2. Seniors iN Open House at Fg Latcham Centre Wednesday, June 22 at 2pm Special Program Afternoon Tea Public is invited Free Admission Screened Topsoil pick-up or delivery Special rates or truckers Open 7 Days a week 705-786-1458 PORT PERRY LANDSCAPING SUPPLIES TOPSOIL » TRIPLE MIX * SAND » GRAVEL * LIMESTONE » CEDAR MULCH » WHITE MARBLE * BRICK CHIPS * INTERLOCKING STONE * FLAGSTONE 985-7727 Pickup or delivery on any amount For Sale DINING ROOM SUITE; table w/b chairs $100, hving room lamps $25/pair, electne walter healer - used 1 year $75 Call 985-3339 DIRT BIKE - SUZUKI, 1987 RM8O, runs like new, recently rebuilt, $1,2000B 0 -986-4343 DOCK FLOATS - 8 ft moulded plastic floats available at Techstar Plastics 985-8479 DRY HARDWOODtrewood, cut, spht and delivered $185 bush cord 1-705-357-1705 ELECTROLUX - service, supply and sales, 60 Van tdward Dr, Port Perry. Overndge Retail 985-0715 FENCE POSTS - 150 cedar posts for sale. Call 985-8995 FIBREGLASS AND EPOXY male- rials, how to videos and books, osmosis repair kits, boat paint, prop repairs. OSHAWA GLASS FIBRE, 341 Durham Court, 579-1433. FIREWOOD - all hardwood, cut & split 16"; also firewood logs. 985- 3361. FRIDGE AND STOVE $325, excel- lent condition - call 986-0792. FRIDGES, STOVES, washers, dry- ers and freezers. 966-5312. HAY EQUIPMENT - a New Holland 1005 automatic hay wagon, Intema- tional swather No. 201; hay condr tioner 10' cut; disability scooter - Fortress 2000 FS; Invacare manual wheelchair; Invacare motorized wheelchair (905)655-3025. HAY FOR SALE, Alfalfa and Timo- thy, 28 acres - 986-4895. HAY, POSTS AND rails 986-4343. HOOVER SPIN WASHER and dryer on stand, excellent condition, asking $150 - call after 6 p.m. 985- 7520. IBM, SMITH CORONA, SHARP, BROTHER; typewriters, fax machines, cash registers, copiers, sales, rentals, supplies and service; for over 30 years. Jenkins Business Equipment, 15 Albert St, Unit 1 - 728-7591, 985-9783. JOHN DEERE USED 100 gallon sprayer (3 point hitch). Spraymotor 175 gallon trailer sprayer. Both excellent. Rotary sickle and flail mowers, 2 New Holland used hay- bines. Trewin Farm Equipment, Blackstock 986-4283 KING SIZE WATERBED, excellent condition, asking $100 - 985-8965. LAWN AND GARDEN tractors, new and used (0 per cent interest and no monthly payment to January 1995 on new Agco Alls models) Dethatchers, aerators, rollers, sprayers. spin trimmers, spreaders and lawn sweepers Poulan Pro lawn tractors, tillers push mowers, cham saws, etc bord 1700 diesel compact tractor (25 hp) like new Trewin Farm Equipment, Blackstock 986-4283 LUMBER - SPRUCE, Hemlock and cedar. Rough-cut. Full thickness or scant. Length up to 20 feet. Phone Bob Kyte 986-5200 MAPLE HUTCH and buffet, 6' table with 6 chairs - 705-324-3869 MIXED STANDING HAY - phone noon hour or evenings 985-7566. MOBILE HOME 12'x60' two bed- room, new gas furnace, asking $9950. Call 985-3607 MOVING SALE - ANTIQUE furni- ture, antique car, brass plated single bed and lamp table, washer, dryer, drapes - 985-8026 ORGANIC GARDENERS! Well composted sheep manuare - pick- up loads, U-haul $15; delivered $30 - 986-5051 after 8 p.m PHOTOCOPY PAPER: letter, legal and ledger (11"x17") sizes. White, assorted colors and fluorescent col- ors. Also certificate royal bond and malching envelopes. Four new designs - marble, border, clouds and trees Available at The Port Perry Star, 188 Mary St., Port Perry - 985-7383. PRESENTATION BOARDS - 48" wide x 36" high, white, lightweight, folds up, conforms to Science Fair standards. Available at the Port Perry Star Office Centre, 188 Mary St, Port Perry - 985-7383. QUALITY, GENTLY USED - crib, highchair, carrier, car seat, car booster, gates, baby bath - 985- 8268. ROWING MACHINE $25 - evenings 985-8771. SAFES - BIG, 2X3X5, secure guns, cameras, documents, cash, heavy steel construction, reduced to $499 - 705-328-0600. SATELLITE DISH, SWING set, exercise cycle, rowing machine, hockey game - 985-4255. 1989 DODGE ARIES, 4 door, char- coal grey, 45,000 kms., excellent condition, certified, $5,600 O.B.O After 5 p.m. 985-2006. Trucks for Sale 1985 DODGE 1/2 ton, new tires, gas shocks, excellent condition, with cap, certified, $4,000 - 986-0775. 1988 FORD F250, extended cab, certified, 4X4, one owner, $8,500. Call 905-723-9940 between 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. TRUCK CAPS, box liners, running boards, sales & installation. Van & Truck Word 579-6868 Livestock RIDING LESSONS, individual instruction, $15/hour. Sue 986- 0340. Pets & Kennels NEAPOLITIAN MASTIFF PUPS, ultimate family and protection dog. Big blue, also Lynxpoint Siamese kittens - 985-3233. SATELLITE SYSTEM COMPLETE with 10' dish and 25 mounting post $1,800 - 905-427-3731 ask for Jerry. SIDES OF PORK and beef from $120. Call Ed 905-852-7190. STANDING ALFALFA - TIMOTHY hay, Nestleton area, 100 acres - 986-4409. STANDING HAY - south of Manch- ester - 985-7701. TEA WAGON; MAGNASONIC microwave; chest, silver tudor plate; silver tea service; Moulinex food blender; Presto salad shooter; Sun- beam cool spray humidifier; filing cabinet; four leg cane; Electrolux broom - call 985-0894. TOPSOIL $5 per 1/2 ton load, U load; new ventilators, all sizes and shapes, for all needs - call 986- 5310. TOPSOIL, FIREWOOD, CEDAR posts and rails - 986-0828. TOPSOIL, SANDS, GRAVEL - good prices. Discount on quantity. Call 986-5358. TRAILER 8.5'X6' - great for bikes, Seadoo's, ATVs and camping. Has raised windsurfer, canoe support $100 - 985-1902. UNIQUE GIFTS - Your designs put on glass for weddings, anniver- sarys, newboms, graduations, etc. - 985-1715. WANTED TO BUY - used metal brake, must be in good condition and reasonably priced 1-705-324- 1980. WANTED TO BUY - used pedal boat, must be in good condition and reasonably priced 1-705-324-1980. WE NOW CARRY a line of "Self Counsel" books, kits and forms Power of Attorney Kits, Wills, Divorce Guide, Basic Accounting, Rental Kits, Leases plus many more. Also "Computer Books for Dummies" - Windows, DOS, 1-2-3, etc. Port Perry Star Co., 188 Mary St., 985-7383. Cars for Sale 1965 TEXAS T-BIRD, new motor, trans, exhaust, all receipts, must sell - 985-9100 Bud Wylie - $5,700 1980 ACADIAN, needs new starter, good running condition, $400 - 985- 8026 or 705-745-0787. 1981 CHEV IMPALA, 350 engine, 2 door, $500 as is. Call 985-0813. TOY POODLE PUPPIES purebred, $300, bom May 18, ready to go end of June. 985-0452. Boats 12 1/2 FT. SPRINGBOK with 4.5 Merc., nice deep boat, excellent condition, must sell $900 O.B.O.; also older upright piano $200 0.B.0. 985-1946 anytime. 1988 16° SUNRAY boat, am/fm stereo, hydraulic tilt, 50 HP. Yama- ha motor, E-Z load trailer 705-357- 3409. 1988 WILKER CATALINA, 17' Bowrider, OMC Cobra stern drive, 4.3 L, 175 HP, good condition, $10,500 - 985-2031. 25 HP. MERC. electric start, 14' fibreglass boat and Gator trailer - call 985-7693 after 6 p.m. Wanted to Buy CASH FOR ANTIQUE china and glass, toys, fishing tackle, decoys, memorabilia, small fumiture - 905- 986-5427. WANTED TO BUY - (PRIVATE) business or property in Port Perry. Must show profit - 905-642-6288. Wanted to Rent LAKE SCUGOG COTTAGE want- ed: Responsible couple wish to rent clean, well equipped lakefront cot- tage. Must be 20 minutes maxi- mum to/from Caesarea (Williams Point) for August 20 to Labour Day or portion thereof. Please contact 416-485-3423 or 613-730-3002 RESPONSIBLE COUPLE, 2 chil- dren seek 2/3 bedroom house or duplex with yard, quiet street or rural area 416-535-9713. RETIRED LADY, NON-SMOKER with two cats wishes to rent house/cottage. Call 905-987-4768 after 6 p.m. VERY CLEAN, RESPONSIBLE couple with two children desire clean 3 bedroom house in country, Raglan/Columbus vicinity. Willing to do farm chores and maintain house and property in excellent condition in exchange for reduced rent. Horse farm experience Leave message 404-0853. For Rent 1 AND 2 BEDROOM condos for rent, some with lake view, 5 appli ances, $800 - $950 - Sutton Group Lifestyle, ask for Cheryl 985-1695 1983 PONTIAC 6000, auto, 4 door, air, PW, PL, good condition, $1,800 as is - 986-0813 WINDOWS, WINDOWS, WIN- DOWS. New windows in stock. Cash and carry or professional installation available from the Win- dow Warehouse located in the Reach Industrial Park, Regional Rd 8,985-3/747 1984 MAZDA 626, new brakes, gas tank, sell ass Call 985-8368 19864 PLYMOUTH HORIZON 40,000 kms , will sell certified $1100, or as 1s $900 985-1585, 985-1010 XL 100 DIRT BIKE, good condition, call 986-4229 or 1-705-328-3145 evenings Asking $900 1987 NISSAN SENTRA, new tires, good motor, good body - call 986- 4209 after 2 pm 1 BEDROOM APARTMENTS on main floor or second floor, large deck, new, private, fridge, stove, curtains, walk to amenities, $475 and $525 Janetville - phone 705- 328-0600. 1 BEDROOM apartment, utilities included, in Port Perry. 705-357- 3911 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, finished basement with studio, 2 baths, garage. 4 appliances available, $1,100 plus utilities - 985-3925

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