4. PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, June 7,1994 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" = ¥: Em Community Memorial Hos pital and The Medical Associates squared off last week in a tug-of-war to mark Participaction Day. The team from CMH came out on top. The members are Bette Hodgins, Jeff Cox, James Brody, Jane Justynski, Rae Robson, Todd Farmer and Brenda Manns. |B f Dr. Daryl Workmar OPTOMETRIST ~ Complete Eye Care Contact Lenses | Mon. & Thurs. 9am - 8pm, "Tues., Wed., Fri,, 9am - 5pm Saturday 9am-1pm 180 Mary Street, Port Perry (beside Go-operators) © (905) 985-1361 | Green@ Shield £2 MetLife CANADA BLUE CROAN CROIX BLEUE Support the "Ride For Sight" June 10, 11 & 12 sal NC COLOUR POSTER the Bigger the Better ! OFF 11" x 14" to 20" x 30" Colour 35mm Full Frame El Negatives Only - OFFER VALID: June 8th, 1994 to June 30 1994 Stedmans VIS Department + Store Perry Plaza 985-3844 " : ' Rae Af wd . a eel P @ BE BE BBN BB HB BE EEE EE EE EER Dissappointed with report From page 1 Mr. Brown was disappointed that the steering committee, made up of a number of volun- teers involved in the health ser- vices field, "didn't take more time to investigate what this fa- cility does." The administrator said a more comprehensive descrip- tion of the hospital was provid- ed by Chief of Staff Dr. Robert Allin, but it was not used. "Frankly they ignored it and this irritates me," Mr. Brown said. The discussion paper also does not adequately reflect the direction in which CMH offi- cials see the facility going. While the report suggests the facility would retain "some emergency and inpatient capac- ity while exploring new roles in relation to ambulatory outpa- tient and community-based mo- dalities of care," officials at CMH see a slightly different role for the Port Perry-based hospitalin the future. According to Mr. Brown, the hospital would "continue its pri- mary care activities, while de- veloping expanded ambulatory care roles within the northern hospitals system. The hospital would maintain its emergency service capacity, review its in- patient needs, and explore new roles in providing enhanced am- bulatory outpatients and com- munity-based modalities of care." Despite the criticism, the hos- pital officials note it is not the fi- nal document. "We must remember that it's a discussion paper and not carved in stone," Mr. Brown said. "It's open for review and change." The District Health Council will be holding a series of public meetings to discuss the paper including a meeting in Port Perry on June 23. And CMH officials are urging the public to get involved. "We're hoping the community will express their opinions," sald Hospital Board Chairman Kent Farndale. "It's the commu- nity's hospital and we're hoping that they voice their concerns." "From our point of view, we want the public to speak up be- cause that's who the steering committee will listen to," said Mr. Brown. Health Council officials say the consultation process is im- portant as well. "Consultation is part of the process. Final decisions have not been: made and nothing is carved in stone," said DRDHC's Linda Hessey. The Health Council intends to compile the suggestions from the public before preparing a fi- nal report. The paper would then be forwarded to the Minis- ter of Health for consideration. The council hopes to have the process completed by early fall. No major issues From Page 3 will be seeking re-election and is fully prepared to run a cam- paign, should competitors seek election. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Manchester, Ontario at 7:30 p.m. auditors for the fiscal year 1994-95. The Annual Meeting of the Central Seven Association for Community Living will be held on Thursday, June 16th, 1994 at the Lions Club Hall, The business to be conducted will include the receiving of various reports, the election of a"Board of Directors and the appointment of Copies of all reports will be available at the Annual Meeting or at our offices during the week preceding the meeting. bb. CENTRAL SEVEN ASSOCIATION oo" 3 for COMMUNITY LIVING ---- P.O. Box 964 yy 16025 Old Simcoe Road NT Port Perry, LOL 1A8 985-8511 Just What Dad UTICA FARM EQUIPMENT 2 MILES WEST OF MANCHESTER (905) 985-9701 Needs 4 De a a w- £0 ; Ha (/ BLAST DIRTY EQUIPMENT SQUEAKY CLEAN rot, I vo. Fo HAVO HD | Jerere I | | | In the past there have been some major issues facing school trustees, but she does not feel there is anything major facing the board this year. "We deal with so many issues that one item may be important to one group and not to another. I caution anyone who runs at any level, not to run on one is- sue. We have to be prepared to deal with a wide variety of top- ics." Although rumors and specu- lation have been plentiful about a lengthy number of candidates throwing their hats in the ring this year, there has not been any official declarations, aside from Mrs. Kelly changing ve- nues. . While some councillors say they have heard rumblings of plenty of nominees, others have not heard much, calling it "very quiet." Some are expecting a large race, while again, others are not. (CNT & PNT Additonal 15% Savings QUALITY GOLDEN & MEDALLION WINDOWS & DOORS ONCE-A-YEAR SAVINGS All wood, all viavi, vinyl clad, aluminum clad, windows for replacement or new construction JUNE 3RD TO JUNE 24TH == |! | ney HOME IMPROVEMENT CF NT KITCHEN & BATH VALIANT SVT ( (7 * yy ) Vv. & (XH oot [Rie 4 | Ad