Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 31 May 1994, p. 28

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4a - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, May 31,1994 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" Auction Sales TUESDAY, JUNE 7 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Consignment machinery sale at the Woodville Community Sale Barn TUESDAY, JUNE 7 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Consignment machinery sale at the WOODVILLE COMMUNITY SALt Auction Sales FRIDAY, JUNE 3 SALE TIME: 5:30 P.M. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN, 3 miles east of Little Bntain on County Auction Sales THURSDAY, JUNE 16 SALE TIME: 5:00 P.M. Auction sale selling household items and tools. The property of MONDAY, JUNE 6 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Auction sale of commercial restau- rant and office equipment to be held at the MABEE AUCTION CENTRE on Hwy. 35, 1 mile north of Rosedale or 20 minutes north of THURSDAY, JUNE 9 SALE TIME: 5:00 P.M. Auction sale al the Islander Banquet Hall, 150 Percy Cresc., Scugog Island. Exdusive sale for the estate of the late MRS. MARJORIE WILLIAMS, from Port Credit. Craft- lo consign or tor information call BARN lems include a 135 MF Road 4 Contents of a Kirkfield MAY SHORTRIDGE, 14420 Old Lindsay CALVIN MABEE AUC- malic bed. complete house of angi KEVIN BARKER AUCTIONS diesel tractor with front end loader, home plus others. Oak Highboy Scugog Road, Blackstock. Full hist TIONS, RR. 1, Lindsay 705-374- -- 4, Sop © I decoy £31) (705)439-2101 135 MF gas tractor, 135 M F dresser, walnut vanity dresser, pine next week. Sale managed and sold 4800 or Rosedale 705-454-2841. Royal Doulton dishes and figurines, - diesel vactor, 165 MF diesel trac- cupboard bottom, wool winder, but- by AUCTIONEER DON MONDAY NIGHT - JUNE 13 SALE TIME: 5 P.M. Auction sale of antiques, pinball machine, appliances, tools, riding mower for the Estate of MARY JANE WRIGHT (Toronto), and ROSS SWEPSON (Port Perry), lo be held at the Wilson's Sales Arena, north on Main St. of Ux- bridge to Davis Dr. ANT. & HOUSEHOLD: Hoosier cup- board, oak cedar chest, dropleal table, walnut drop front side-by- side, mahogany 4 pc. bedroom ste. (2 dressers, bed, night stand), ant. chest drawers, 5' wal- nut wardrobe, Ig. walnut ward- robe, blankel box, walnut dress- ers, ant. oak bedstead, oak library desk, 3 pc. bedroom ste., cedar hope chest, ant. dry sink table, harvest table, hoopback & Wind- sor chairs, anl. pine cupboard, ant. chairs, blanket box, ant. chesterfield & tub chair with wal- nut trim (reupholstered year ago), upholstered loveseals, chrome kitchen ste. (ex.), camping equip., copper boiler, ant. wooden boxes, old guitar, crocks, ant. tins, old Barbership equip., ant. china, Royal Doulton gravy dish, knick- knacks, old dishes, Derby Hat (ex.), occupied Japan, cut glass, Zenith console color TV (3 yrs.), German mantle clock, linens, gra- nileware, plus much more. Beatty freezer, fridge, Inglis Liberator washer & dryer, Electrolux vac. TOOLS: qty. used & new hand tools (sockets, jackstands, ham- mer), table saw, old oil cans, qty. new hardware, oil sign, ant. Ver- doll oil sign in orig. bracket (ex.), 3.5 rototiller, old garden tractor, Craftsman 12 h.p. riding mower (4 years old, ex) SNOWMO- BILES: 1971 Boa Ski (single, good), 1970 Alouette. NOTE: An excellent selection from one own- er moving, and from an estate. GARY HILL AUCTIONS 1 plus many other items. Also selling RA 1 Suncertand, ont. 4% 39 EX Boohivo hockey cards, sev- LOC 1HO eral rookie cards (Messier, NESTLETON Sunderland 1-705-357-2185 Mt. Albert 1-905-473-2138 or, 5800 Hesston round baler, J.D H1300 disc, White 2 52 disc, 268 NH. hayliner, 18" Rothwell 5th wheel livestock trailer, 8350 J.D. double disc seed drill (like new), Ford tractor weights, various balers, hay rakes, plows, cultivators, plus many more items 100 numerous to mention. Consignments welcome. For more information call KEVIN BARKER AUCTIONS (705)439- 2101. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1 SALE TIME: 4:45P.M. Auction sale of furniture and antiques for the estate of CORA MERRICK of Uxbridge, selling at NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD., corner of Hwy. 47 and 12. TO INCLUDE: 3 pc. bedroom suite, fridge, 24" stove (white), portable dishwasher, Inglis dryer, spin wash- er, dehumidifier, china cabinet, Zenith color TV, 2 pc. chesterfield suite, kitchen suite, dressers, stereo, end tables, books, lamps, records, Royal Winton pcs., cups and saucers (Royal Albert), oil lamp, Corningware, plus many other items. Sale managed and sold by NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 985-1068. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 SALE TIME: 4:45 P.M. Auction sale of furniture and antiques for a Port Perry home sell- ing at NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD., corner of Hwy. 47 and 12. TO INCLUDE: 6 pc. dinette suite (ex.), hall table, 5 pc. bedroom suite (ex.), chesterfield and 2 wing chairs, coffee table, plant stand, microwave stand, computer desk (ex.), patio set, crystal, large quantity of Avon collector pcs. (steins, jewellery), glassware, collectables, lamps, pic- tures, aluminum ext. ladder, Weedeater, several hand tools, Canadiana 11 HP. riding lawnmow- er w/42" front mount mower (articu- late), 7 1/4" worm drive skill saw, Bourque, Savard) and approx. 10,000 baseball cards from the 1980s. Note: Owners moving to ter churn, spinning wheel, ash wardrobe, Knobe upright piano, oak comer whatnot stand, pine desk, 9 pc. modem dining room suite, mod- em dressers and chests of drawers, antique settee, cedar chest, Dea- cons bench, wooden rocking chair, oak china cabinet, wicker table, oak bed and dresser, Bonnet chesls, square oak dining table, walnut bul- fet, odd wooden kitchen chairs, roll- away tools box, wicker fern stand, qty. sockets and wrenches, plus a quantity of china, glass, tools, household and collectable items. DON AND GREG CORNEIL AUC- TIONEERS, R.R. #1, Little Britain. Phone or fax 705-786-2183. MONDAY, JUNE 13 SALE TIME: 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION at PETERBOROUGH AUCTION CENTER (2 miles east on Hwy. #7), Peterborough. About 40 cars, many late model, trucks, 4X4s, vans, RVs, riding lawnmowers, boats, etc. Call now to consign your vehicle. CONSIGN EARLY. Letus sell your car. Call 705-745-5007 ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS. COCHRANE 985-2788. THURSDAY, JUNE 2 SALE TIME: 5:30 P.M. VIEWING: 4:30 P.M. Clearing auction sale of antiques, collectables, household effects, art work and sportscards at AGRICUL- TURE BUILDING, Orono Fair- grounds, take Main St. Orono and follow signs. Auction features a var- ied selection of artides. Partial list indudes: grain scales, misc. chairs and rockers, corner shelf, misc. tables (parlour, kilchen, etc.), Victo- rian lounger and matching slipper chair, washstand, misc. dressers and chests of drawers, milk bottles (named), stand up Pepsi cooler, quilts, silver pcs., old and newer dolls and teddy bears, Cast tractor seat, treadle sewing machine, quali- ty selection of glass and china, Fies- ta, crystal, Depression, etc. Art work by David Haulney, bronze and copper statues, plus numerous household articles, tools, couch, T.V., lawnmowers, etc. Sportscards include old and newer sets and rookies. Cards sell 1st at 5:30 p.m. Regular auction starts at approx. 6:30 p.m. This is a large auction, plan on staying late. (Next auction - Sunday, June 19, 11 a.m.) Call for all your auction reeds. MACGRE- GOR AND WEST AUCTIONS, Mike MacGregcr 905-987-5402, Junior West 905-983-5556. SATURDAY, JUNE 11 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Auction sale of farm machinery and furniture, the property of PENMONT FARM (EARL PENWARDEN), lot 3 and 4, Conc. 8, Durham Road 57 to Enniskillen Fire Hall, tum east 3 1/2 miles on Conc. Rd. 8. McKee 460 tractor diesel with cab - p.s., 2,400 hrs.: Int. 414 tractor diesel; Farmall H tractor with loader; A-C 72 com bine; A-C haymower; A-C rake; bale buncher; N.H. 268 baler; M.-H. seed drill; N.H. 328 manure spreader plo; fertilizer spreader, 3 pth.; Fiskars 3 furrow plough, 3 pth. wide bottom; Ferguson 3 furrow plough; A-C field sprayer; bale elevator; 14 ft. disc with hyd. lift; Int. cultivator, 3 pth; J.D. cultivator; McKee snowblower, posthole auger; harrows; circular saws; 2 wheel trailer; cattle de- horners; 1980 GMC van, as is; 1955-56 Chev. car bumper. Furni- ture: oak desk; platform rockers; coffee table and 2 end tables, antique commode; cupboard with glass doors; odd chairs; chest of drawers; pine table; washstand, trunks; extension table; Findlay cookstove; Singer sewing machine; freezer; gramophone; medicine chest; vanity; bathroom taps. Many more items too numerous to men- tion. Sale time: 11 am. Furniture sells first. ARNOT R. WOTTEN AUCTION SERVICE, R.R. 1, Hampton, 905-263-2512. Toby jugs, moustache cups, Nip- pon, Militia, Carnival, Bavarian, Ger- many, Winton and Depression dish- es, gale leg table, bar fridge, oil paintings, Duncan Phyfe table sec- retary desk, wardrobe, good stemware and glass, Tiffany lamps, bedroom suite, oil lamps, brass pieces, candy kettle, wall clock, Shopsmith, hand tools, 24' ladder and many more excellen} items. Viewing from 2 p.m. day of sale. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 655-8073 or 985-9807. FRIDAY, JUNE 3 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. MACMILLAN AUCTION CENTRE, 3 miles east of Argyle (Hwy. 46). Approximately 15 guns include: J.M. Marlin 45-70 single shot lever action, Winchester 1894 lever action 38-55, several 22s and shot- guns, Marlin 1893 lever action 38- 55, etc. Bayonets, assorted hunting knives, WWI trench knife, swords, logging ruler, officers baton, fishing reels,( assorted pocket watches Buren, Ingersol, Waltham, etc.), air compressor and tools, electric Lin- coln welder, bench grinder, hydraulic jacks, assorted hand/power tools, wringer washers, old trunks, plus assortment house- hold furnishings, large garden roller, stooker, bale fork, glass/china and MANY MORE interesting items. Call/fax (705)374-5511, JIM MACMILLAN AUCTIONEER. UNITED CHURCHES Port Perry & Prince Albert UNITED CHURCH MYRTLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH | ! | 2 Sh fo] 27: Ye], :Y 2 {e] SUNDAY, JUNE 5 Cellular 1-416-518-6401 Rev. Wm. Fairley - Minister Fax 1-705-357-1333 DE. To many a sin Minister: Rev. Robert J. Le Page MINISTER - REV. GLEN EAGLE Service - 11 a.m. 985-1068. SUD AY, JUNE 5 Service - 9:45 a.m. Sunday School provided on Ferry Sunday School All Welcome Jf™ " - ------------ S E- .- yy 10 am. | Morning Worship & Sunday School ; I } . _ I Prince Albert 1Rate] Sa felol SR ISR (0) : i = 11:30 a.m. UN) {=D Xo 1] Toy BAHA'I FAITH . Morning Worship & So ore REV. DAVID SHEARMAN Baha'i Information Meetings | $4098 LUBE, OIL & FILTER |} varied J IRC y y SUNDAY, JUNE 5 1667 King St., Prince Albert i a 11:15am. All Welcome. More information i -- * Includes required quantity premium oil and i Manchester & Scugog Island Nestleton Sunday School call 985-9339 or 985-4582 go Toyota genuine oil filter. (Trucks & vans extra) UNITED CHURCHES Anniversary No service at Blackstock OFFER ENDS TOYOTA i : MAY 31, 1994. 0 Minister Elaine Barber Nursery During Worship GREENBANK LINDSAY'S OLDEST IMPORT DEALER Scugog Island 9:45 a.m. THE NEW Pastor, Rev. David Shepherd Yoo Little Britain Rd, across from McLean's Auction Bam. "We Thank God for Rainbows" APOSTOLIC CHURCH SUNDAY, JUNE 5 Py A _ Award Sunday Greenbank Sunday School \a = * = (705) 324-6771 | Your Gieun aad 180 Mary St., 2nd Floor Anniversary ie i ule puke sally sun coy Sa YOUR LOCAL FAMILY Guest Speaker: Brian Jones ; p paling CHURCH Greenbank 11 a.m. Manchester 11:15 a.m. - REGULAR SERVICES - Sunday 10:30 a.m. & 5 p.m. Seagrave & Pinedale Congregations Worship ® Insurance assignment (we collect from insurance companias) 9:40-10:50 a.m. Ages 4 & up Call for more infor. or transportation 11 a.m. Victory Service \Vilea f0]:}3% Wednesday 8 p.m. With Greenbank : For further information | for the whole famil Rect oon pL 7] WE'VE MOVED "A Hearty Welcome To All" y . y 500 ALMA STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 2 ow " rents: (Old Gerry's Produce Bldg.) Minister: Rev. D.A. (Sandy) Beaton | a. : ren © our patients Come celebrate Victory & Jesus | PORT PERRY SUNDAY, JUNE 5 | State-of-the-Art Care 2: 7 with us at our services. All this week BAPTIST CHURCH 10 a.m. Service b = °C Conitorishie almosphiere as § 99 7 at Victory Christian Centre. Church School and Nursery | & °* Relaxation techniques (4 "Ue 3 7 SUNDAY, JUNE 5 During Worship | | ° Nitrous Oxide (gas) £=4 5 $d 7 Come to Victory Kids Club For further information call #| © Cosmetic Bonding See k % Join the clowns, puppets & 085-3881 or 985-4746 | * Emergencies welcomed special music for a gro time of All are warmly welcome 3 unday morning fun. COLUMBUS COMMUNITY UNITED CHURCH 2210 Hwy. 7A - 985-8681 DAVID S. DANIELS, PASTOR RR 3 2 =| DR.A CHIA DR. J. COTTRELL Share Group Meetings 9:45 a.m. Sunday School ! 5 DR. M. GARFAT New patients always welcome! Tues. & Wed. nights 7:30 p-m. 11 a.m. Worship & Jr. Church A Community Church For All b DR. J HARDY Tues. 7:30 p.m Youth meeting 5:45 p.m Prayer Fellowship Rev. Jack Griffen B.A. M.Div. El DA.T.KING iOrmedontisy 7 p.m Saturday Prayer 6:30 p.m ! ; SUNDAY, JUNE 5 | 5 : :30 p.m. Worship Service f PORT PERRY | Service - 10 a.m. Morning Worship & I Sunday School } "159th Church Anniversary" | | Prayers for sick at all services GOD HAS A PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE - STEP INTO VICTORY! For further information call Pastor John Benschop Wy 985.8890 or 985:1346 [| Nursery Available THURSDAY 7 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer 7:30 p.m - Sidewalk Youth FRIDAY 7:30 p.m. Jr. & Sr. Youth A warm welcome to all Wheelchair accessible (1p DENTAL CENTRE : : 238 QUEEN ST. - PORT PERRY 985-8451 Evening & Saturday appointments available *The Doorway to Opportunity" 7:30 p.m. "The Noteables In Concert" Nursery Care Always Available &@ RAS AR Rn 00090000

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