po 4a - PORT PERRY STAR - Wednesday, May 25,1994 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" Career Days at S. A. Cawker by Mandy Heayn Grade 8 S.A. Cawker Public School On April 25 and 26, S.A. Caw- ker held Career Days at the school. Various people from our community came to share their careers with students Grades 6- 8. Each student got to choose four careers that interested them, then they would sit in on a talk and afterwards ask ques- tions. About 30 guests came to describe their careers to us, each one giving up an afternoon to be with us. As a student, I found it to be an interesting op- portunity. I really enjoyed all of my choices and in the period of time we had, which was 30 to 36 minutes, the spokesperson gave out very informative and useful information. Career Days to me is a great may sell for less. Today at GM Goodwrench the price on the ground is the price on the hoist. Period. 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INCLUDES Supply and install quality AC spark plugs CHECK e Air, PCV, Fuel filters ° Belts, hoses and fluid levels * Visual battery check * Ignition wires and cap e Electronic engine analysis ° Road test GOODWRENCH EXHAUST SYSTEM .GOODWRENCH EXHAUST SYSTEM 09" MUFFLER SEE, FOR AS LONG AS YOU OWN YOUR SEE, =] Goodwrench INCLUDES R- * Muffler * Tall Pipe e Clamps ° Labour * All done by our friendly GM-trained service experts. * MSRP for a 2.0 L 4 cylinder 87-89 Cavalier and Sunbird exhaust system, induding labour. Applicable taxes extra. Dealers ny sell for less. 085-8474 Service 7%. EXPERT SERVICE - NOBODY MNOWS YOUR VEMICLE BETTER THAN THIS PARTICIPATING DEALER Philp Pontiac Buick Ltd. 10 Vanedward Dr. HONEST PRICES idea for the age groups we in- cluded because it gives you some ideas of what you'd like to do when the time comes. After- wards, in our gymnasium, we held a tea, where all the stu- dents got to talk with our guests. This was also very nice since you had a chance to actu- ally speak with the presenters on an individual basis. This type of reception was new to us. Hopefully it will stay for next year even though I won't be ere. Everyone I've spoken with really enjoyed it and got an overwhelming amount of useful information. During our mornings on these two days, we had guest speakers. Thursday we were ex- cited to have Bill and Paula Lishman. They gave a very won- derful presentation. I really think if everyone cared as much about our Earth as they do, it wouldn't be in such a mess. They're very caring and down to Earth people. Friday we had Mary-Lynn West-Moynes, who is a director at Durham College. She seemed to be a very dedicated person who talked about employability skills. She gave us the message to "follow your dreams and do the best you can do to make them happen." What people don't realize is that you could learn from these presentations if you paid enough attention. I certainly did. From all of the guests I talked with, I learned that in or- der to survive and know what you want, you need hope and you need to realize that you and your thoughts are important. Also, if you want something that you think you'd never stand a chance of getting, you should at least try for it. You never know how it will turn out in the long run. On behalf of the students at S.A. Cawker, I would like to thank everyone who took the time to speak with us. All your presentations were wonderful. Photo by Terry Paul Photography Port Perry Star subscriber Harold Wilson submitted this 5 generation photo recently. In the photo are, back left, Harold Wilson (great grandfather), Kelth Wilson (grandfather). Front left, Ruby Wilson (great-great grandmother) , Darren Wilson (father) and baby Kyle Wilson. | [1] an All At Guaranteed Low Prices UNITED ||™* BZ CARPET® || &i°f Largest Carpet Selection B LI N D S in Scugog Townshi and a mombor ofthe argeat copet | | VERTICALS « VENETIANS buying group in Canada PLEATED SHADES HOMESTEAD by Ballard & Carnegie a. HWY. 7AEAST - PORT PERRY 985-2451 or 985-2157 Ivory Forest Pools & Spas SY ) > cprCIAL _ | 2 a LF MLS $639.00 BROMINE 14 kg. -- Sale - MLS $69.00- SOLAR BLANKETS $79.95. $92.95 $123.95 HAYWARD SUPER Ii THP POOL PUMPS $349.00 --$169.95 28 kg. --$219.95 CHLORINE PUCKS er / 18' x 32' INGROUND POOL = $11,999 completely installed - based on good access. IVORY FOREST POOLS & SPAS 1010) Me) & SPAS LINER REPLACEMENTS Book before June 15th only $150.00 labour - parts extra (ie. 16 x 32 rect. $1136.00) Open Sunday until July 5th. PORT PERRY AJAX (905) 985-3557 (905) 619-9645 ER crs. xs IO ST PETA TIAA VS reer = UY Ted - -- Ca | '