18a - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, May 10,1994 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" THURSDAY, MAY 12 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale at 870 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby. Antiques, cars, new furni- ture. We are selling an estate from Port Perry induding: 9 pc. oak diner (round table), mahogany music stand, curio cabinet, 6 Royal Doul ton figurines, teawagon, 3 pc. sel- tea, dressers, piano, oak crib, stoller, etc., new sofas, chairs, loveseats, new oak table and 6 chairs, newer office chairs, walnut drop leaf table, kids pool and ping pong tables, 2 color TVs, chande- liers, lamps, 3 air conditioners, lock- ers, Commodore computer, doors and windows, small items, plus much more. Excellent sale. Vehi- cles: 1962 T-Bird (good condition), 1991 Astrovan ext., AWD, (loaded), 1988 Pontiac Tempest, 1984 Sun- bird 2000 convertible (77,000 kms.), 1985 Dodge Caravan (75,000 kms.), 1982 Firebird - new black paint. Note time: 6 p.m. Viewing: Thursday 1 p.m. to sale. Plan to attend. MCLEAN AUCTIONS AND LIQUIDATIONS, 432-2836, 686- 3291. SATURDAY, MAY 14 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. PETHICK AUCTION BARN, 2498 Conc. Road 8, R.R. 1, Bowmanville (Haydon). This week we have a fine selection of antique and mod- ern fumiture, appliances, glass and china, lawn and garden equipment, tools and may other interesting and unusual items. Terms are cash, cheque or Visa, viewing from 5 p.m. For more information call 1-905- 263-4252. Sale managed and sold by GARRY K. POWELL AUC- TIONS. Plan on joining us on Mon- day, May 23, 11 a.m. for our annual Victoria Day Sale featuring some quality pieces of antique furniture, glass and china and some very col- lectable other pieces. See next weeks paper for complete list. SATURDAY, MAY 14 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Spring equipment and consignment auction to be held at the MABEE AUCTION CENTRE, 1 mile north of Rosedale on Hwy. 35. Accepting boats, bikes, RVs, trailers, trucks, cars, farm machinery, tractors, lawn equipment, tools and related equip- ment. To enter your item call early for free advertising! At 705-374- 4800, 454-2841 or 878-7134 or bring to the barn! CALVIN MABEE AUCTIONS. Don't miss it! WEDNESDAY, MAY 18 SALE TIME: 4:45 P.M. Auction sale of antiques and fumi- ture and collectables from a Toronto home selling at NEIL BACON AUC- TIONS LTD., corner of Hwy. 47 and 12. TO INCLUDE: Picture framers cutting table, large quantity of malt- ting frames, pictures, modern household fumishings, trunk, freez- er, oak drawers, toilet set, Beswick animals, Royal Winton pcs., Bavaria, U.S. Zone pc., jewellery, buttons, R.C.A.F. items, advertising books, cameras, pictures, sterling silver pcs., gas lawnmower, plus the furnishings of an Uxbridge apart- ment. Sale managed and sold by NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 985-1068. THURSDAY, MAY 12 SALE TIME: 5:00 P.M. Shrubs - approx 500 evergreens, white and blue spruce, flowering shrubs, spreaders, trees, etc. 6 p.m. - excellent appliances, modem furniture, antiques, hand knotted Persian and Chinese rugs, glass, china at ORVAL MCLEAN AUC- TION CENTER - LINDSAY. Prop- erty of ELIZABETH HURLBERT, moving and EMMA AND SANDY WINDATT, Fenelon Falls, property sold. Sale to indude excellent Hot- point almond refrigerator and matching range, Viking auto washer and matching dryer, Maytag dish- washer, chest freezer, microwave, GE self-clean range, apt. size fridge and stove, JVC component stereo, 3 pc. modern bedroom suite, chests, dressers, French Provincial chesterfield suite, modern chester- field, wing chair, pressback chairs, oak treadle sewing machine, press- back highchair, trunk, double wardrobe, hat rack, bed chester- field, wheelchair, entertainment unit, wall unit, large pine cannonball bed, matching pine chiffrobe mirror, oak drop front desk, mahogany coffee table, childs desk and chest, house- hold items, Secretary office desk, steno cabinets, desks, 2 legal 4 drawer file cabinets, 2 and 3 drawer file cabinets, qty. Chinese floral and hooked rugs and beautiful Persian hand knotted rugs. Partial list. Note time - 5 p.m. shrubs. To cohsign estates of housefulls or list your own on site sale call ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS (705)324-2783 Lind- say. Orval and Barry McLean, Auc- tioneers. WEDNESDAY, MAY 11 SALE TIME: 4:45 P.M. NEIL BACON AUCTIONS ANNIVERSARY SALE of antiques, furniture, collectables, glassware and coins featuring items from the home of MRS. JENNETTE JEHU of Uxbridge selling at NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD., comer of Hwy. 47 and 12. TO INCLUDE: Immac. ant. oak beaufront china cabinet with mirror back, glass shelves and claw feet, double pedestal oak table with 8 hoop back chairs (like new), single drawers library table, walnut parlour table, pine armoir, ant. hi- back washstand, ant. oak hall seat with bevelled mirror, maple corner cupboard, walnut smoker stand, walnut armchair, spinning wheel, open hutch, 6 pc. maple dinette suite, washer and dryer, 10 ft. book- case, 2 leather chesterfields, oil paintings, horse prints, pine mirror, Seth Thomas wall clock, 14 K hunt- ing case pocket watch, Limoges dishes, silver pcs., highchair, 11 cups and saucers, several pcs. of Cornflower, salt and peppers, set of Royal Albert dishes (Country Rose), Wedgewood, Beswick, crystal lamp, plus large quantity of collectables and glassware. Coins from a Peter- borough estate including $5 Canadi- an gold pc., 1967 Canadian set with $20 gold coin, 200 Mint silver dol- lars, 50 cased Mint dollars,7 cased double dollar sets, George VI 20 dollar and 1 dollar, 175 50 cent pcs. 40s, 50s, 60s, 100 silver quarters, 50 fish, 25 rabbits, plus many others items. Sale managed and sold by NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 985-1068. SUNDAY, MAY 15 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. LARGE COIN AUCTION, PETHICK AUCTION BARN, 2498 Conc. Road 8, R.R. #1, Bowmanville (Haydon). We have a large estate collection to be sold by auction to indude Cana- dian silver dollars, half dollars, quar- ters, dimes, 5 cent pieces, Commer- ative silver. dollars, Centennial sets, mint sets, presentation set 1867 - 1967, American coins, silver dollars, half dollars, quarters, dimes, nickles, pennies, President John F. Kennedy half dollars, British coins, world notes and coins plus many other pieces, dates from 1892 to 1970s. Large sale, viewing from 10 a.m. Terms are cash, cheque or Visa. For more information call 1- 905-263-4252. Sale managed and sold by GARRY K. POWELL AUC- TIONS. GARDEN SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS SUNDAY, MAY 15 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. VIEWING: 10:00 A.M. MacGregor and West Estate Auc- tion sale of antiquas, collectables, household effects, garden tractor at Agriculture Building, Orono Fair- grounds (take Main St, Orono and follow signs). Auction features par- tial estate from Orono, plus an excellent offering of antique fumiture in orginal and refinished condition, numerous rare and unique collecta- bles, plus a selection of articles found in and around the home. Par- tial list includes dining room set, bedroom set, oak washstand, sev- eral old dressers and chests of drawers, oak 4' church pew, drop front desk/bookshelf combo, desk and chair, misc. old tables (kitchen, harvest, parlour, work and candle, etc.), large selection of old chairs and rockers, 3 old violins, spinning wheel, butter churn, rugs, mirrors, Gingerbeer bottles, crocks and jugs, oil lamps, pine blanket box and stor- age boxes, old tins, irons, tools, bot- tles, graniteware, etc. Good selec- tion of glass and china (Depression, R.S. Prussia, Nippon, Bennington bowl, etc.), color TV, plus numerous household effects, also lawnrollers, Allis Chalmers garden tractor, out- board motor, chain saws, etc. A large quality sale, something for one and all. Call for all your auction needs. (Next sale: Outstanding Estate and Antique Holiday Auction, Sunday May 22.) MACGREGOR AND WEST AUCTIONS, Mike MacGregor 905-987-5402, Junior West 905-983-5556. SATURDAY, MAY 14 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Auction sale of furniture, tools, efc. - the property of SUSAN CLAYTON. Located at the 4th Conc. of Uxbridge Township and Webb Sideroad or 4 miles east of Stouf- fville on Webb Sideroad. Included will be: his and hers cherrywood dressers, 2 matching night tables, 2 desks, 2 antique dres sers, rocker, 3 pc. living room suite, kitchen table and chairs, 6x8 area rug, sewing machine, occasional chairs, books, lamps, glassware, Coors Light Sil- ver Bullet neon sign, chesterfield and chair, woodstove, snowshoes, forks, shovels, hand tools and more. Lunch available. Terms cash. PHIL FAULKNER AUCTIONS 1-705- 426-9217. FRIDAY, MAY 13 SALE TIME: 5:30 P.M. CORNEIL"S AUCTION BARN - 9 pc. custom made pine Cannonball bedroom suite with 2 single beds, antique porcelain Barbers chair, Edison cylinder gramophone and cylinders, 2 accordians, 9 pc. morn- dern dinette suite, church pew, chesterfields, 24 in. almond stove with black front, press back rocker, treadle sewing machine, chests of drawers, walnut vanity and bench, organ stools, wicker chairs, wooden rocking chairs, crocks, coal oil lamps, 5 pc. dinette suite, refinished dresser, Admiral 2 door refrigerator, 30 in. electric stove, pine corner cupboard, blanket boxes, Victorian settee, 6 in. Delta planer jointer, 5 hp Honda rototiller, 16 hp Dynamark garden tractor, Jarvis well saw, 12 ft. Peterborough cedar strip boat, 1985 Ford LTD, plus a quantity of good china and glass, new hard- ware, collectable and household items. Note new starting time out- side at 5:30 p.m. and inside at 6 p.m. DON AND GREG CORNEIL, Auctioneers, R. R. #1, Little Britain. Phone or fax 705-786-2183. THURSDAY, MAY 19 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Auction sale of B.N.F. PERENNIAL NURSERY and real estate - going out of business, Lot 17, Con. 7, Cartwright Twp. Take 7A Highway east to Nestleton, Ont., turn left, go 1/2 mile. Real estate: lot - 1/2 acre, brick bungalow, 1,200 sq. ft., 3 bed room, country kitchen, living room, 4 pc. bathroom, partial basement, 2 car detached garage. Terms: $5,000 down day of sale, cash or certified cheque, 30 days to close, reserve bid. Property offered at 8 p.m. Open house May 7 - 15,2 - 6 p.m. 10,000 - 4" square pots, 600 - 2 1/2" Jiffy pots, 35 varieties peren- nial plants and herbs, 250 sowing trays, shading cloth 50 per cent - 3 x 100' x 12' with eyes, torch, electric chipper, J.D. Garden Trail, desk, step ladders, tools, 25 cedar posts and many more items. AUCTION- EER: BRUCE KELLETT 705-328- 2185. Terms: Cash or cheque with I.D. and Visa. Lunch will be avail able. MONDAY, MAY 23 SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Auction sale of farm machinery, live- stock, antiques, elc. The property of NELLIE AND BILL SPENCE. From Hartley go 1/2 mile west, then 1/2 mile north or from Woodville go 4 miles east to 9th Conc. then north 1 142 miles. See signs. Sale includes a M.F. 165 diesel tractor with 350 front end loader, Ferguson 2085 gas tractor, M.F. #35 gas combine, #485 John Deere hay- bine, Allied ground driven stooker, M.F. #124 square baler, M.F. #160 manure spreader, Cockshutt #170 manure spreader, M.F. side delivery rake, M.F. #43 3/12 plow, M.F. &' cultivator, Massey Harris seed drill, 100 gal. sprayer, 16" hay wagon, 10' stiff tooth cultivator, 6' Lucknow snowblower, 32' hay elevator on wheels, George White #6 threshing machine, Farm Hand mix mill, Turn- co gravity box, 16' grain auger, 100 gal. diesel tank, land roller, 4 section diamond harrows, Sedore rear end loader, small trailer, stooker fork, Skidoo, round bale feeder, Buzz saw, 20 round bales, assortment of lumber and scrap metal, single and double wipple trees, old fanning mill, antique gramophone (Ideal), old records, antique rocker, maple buf- fet, 3 pc. bedroom suite, maple dresser, old Singer sewing machine, Remington electric sewing machine, old beads, cream cans, wicker baskets, 18" color TV, old crocks and bottles, litter carrier track plus many more items too numer- ous to mention. Livestock indudes 17 Angus cows, 2 Angus HFs, all bred to a young Black Angus bull, also to be sold. Plan to attend this tidy sale. Terms cash, no reserve, lunch available. Sale managed and sold by KEVIN BARKER AUC- TIONS 705-439-2101, Fraser Mac- Intyre (705)374-4091. THURSDAY, MAY 19 SALE TIME: 5:00 P.M. Auction sale at Islander Banquet Hall. Viewing from 2 p.m. Partial estate from Port Perry. 8 pc. dining room suite, fridge, stove, good washer and dryer, freezer, pine bedroom suite and others, 10 cu. ft. combination safe, good chesterfield suites, kitchen suite, Lazyboy chair, vacuum cleaners, bench and weights, elec. typewriter, lamps, dishes, rugs, coffee and end tables, metal shelving, lawnmowers, hand tools, garden tools and much more. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 655-8073 or 985-9807 at Hall. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES . REESOR TO ADVERTISE Landscaping WEED CONTROL MOBILE WELDING IN.-T15 SPACE by University Werks || | Specalingin promo en & REPAIRS CALL Interlocking brick, wood decks, X FERTILIZING PORT PERRY Government Approved | "Professional Designa. || [-cnzele 985-3383 985-8180 985-7383 Quality Products All work guaranteed - Fre imates wok guess -Fe strates TARTAN UPHOLSTERY 1 CLARENCE WILLCOCK WELDING Shop & Mobile © Fab. & Repairs Phone 985-2589 Recover or Buy New - Come Visit Our Showroom » Sklar-Peppler Dealer Quality Fabrics * Replacement Cushion Foam * Repairs * Footstools Free Estimates - Over 25 years experience 60 Vanedward Dr, Unit 8, Port Perry 985-4357 eee Pelillng "Big or small we fall them all!" 0E88-986E ALEX'S LANDSCAPING & DESIGN Serving Scugog Area since 1980 Tree Planting - Maintenance Mini Backhoe Service Post Hole Digging Bush Hog - Mulching p Phone 985-3873 Landscaping & Garden Centre Free Estimates -- --- e ALL TYPES » (DL=% lea I a Fs] €=1| IE 2 U=T o P= [GEM dV] ap] oF] scaping Service | WEY W111 1 =F A Walks, Patios, Retaining Walls (905) 985-2673 PLEASE RECYCLE Cn LL RRR REAR a THIS N NEWSPAPER RR RRR RR RS RS NORTH DURHAM {rptias APPLIANCE LE, Parts * Sales Installations Service - 1 yr. warranties ROD COUGHS BACKHOE SERVICES LTD. TRENCHING HOEPACKING LEVELLING Sewer & Waterline Repairs 905) 985-9987 Gov't. Licenced Fully Insured IAN'S WEED CONTROL lan McCrae (905) 985-0346 FREE ESTIMATES Weed Spraying ¢ Fertilizing Insect Control PLUMBING KEN RANKIN PLUMBING New Installations, Renovations Repairs, Whilpool Tubs Free Estimates - For prompt service call ag Caleb St. QRK_3608 | Port Perry BOOKKEEPING 178 Reach Industrial Park Rd. 985-1271 MARLENE PARISI BOOKKEEPING SERVICE e Accounting ¢ Income Tax lalian & German Service © Manual or Computer Uxbridge (305) 852-5571 SCUGOG APPLIANCE -- REPAIR REFRIGERATION New & Used Parts For The Handyman New & Used Appliances For Sale BUY - SELL - TRADE cal 986-5312 Anytime Tom Vanderende Personal Income Tax & Bookkeeping Service BRIDGET MISENER Call anytime & leave message at (905) 655-5170