Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 3 May 1994, p. 37

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Tr NG "WY 3 ins STE oy rim ~~, y -- mig. 4 he Rena ae "A Family Tradition for 128 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, May 3,1994 - 13a AUCT WEDNESDAY, MAY 11 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. - Machinery sale at LINDSAY COM- MUNITY SALE BARN LIMITED, R. 2, Lindsay, Ont. JD 2130 diesel tractor with Allied loader; M.F. 50 diesel tractor p.s.; M.F. 165 tractor with loader; Duetz DX 390 tractor with loader; A.C. WD45 tractor with 3 furrow plow; Gehl haybine 2170 9 ft; N.-H. 479 haybine; Welger RP 15 round baler; JD 800 self-propelled swather 12' header; JD 1424 hay- bine hydro swing 12 ft; N1 mower pto, Massey 124 baler with thrower; N.H. 273 baler; M.F. side rake; JD D544 B Ind. loader; JD 450D dozer: Int. 132 disc 9 ft. 6 in. 3 pth.; M.F. 43 plow 3 - 14s 3 pth.; S tooth cultivator 32 ft. 3 pth.; Cockshutt plow 5 fur- row; M.F. 2 furrow plow; Ferguson 2 furrow plow; Ferguson cultivator; Int. 130 manure spreader; N.H. 519 manure spreader; JD 450 seed drill 17 run; Int. seed drill 16 run grain and grass; gravity box; 2 wheel trail- er; 2 wheel Tandem trailer; 2 wheel box trailer 6 x 10 ft.; flat rack and gearing; new stock trailer 18 ft. x 7 1/2; 1979 Chev. cube van 1 ton 10 ft, as is; 1983 Int. stake 5 ton certi- fied; Lincolin welder AC 225-S 20 ft. extension. Sale time 1 p.m. Con- tact CARL HICKSON 705-224- 9959, Sale Bam 705-324-2774. RECEIVER AUCTION SALE FRIDAY, MAY 6 SALE TIME: 10 A.M. Gary Hill Auctions have been in- structed by Mendlowitz & Asso- ciates Inc. Receiver and Manager to Supplement and Liquidate the assets of WILSON'S MILLS WHITEVALE LTD. in detailed lots by auction. Take Hwy. 401 to Brock Rd. N., at Pickering. Go north to 5th Conc. turn left, & go west to Whitevale. FARM TRAC- TOR, FORKLIFT, & EQUIP: 1980 White 2-60 4 wh. drive diesel trac- tor with K140 Idr. 1400 hrs. 60 h.p. (good), Hyster diesel forklift (good), W50-36 port. auger, 25 ft. Xx 8" auger, Farm King 8" x 46' port. auger, Allied 6" x 8" port. au- gers, 2 tote 4 ton fert. spreaders, Valec 5 ton fert. spread., scrap iron, 3 h.p. port air comp., power washer, Lincoln welder, skid hand truck, propane furnace 145,000 BTU (good), Air tools, power 'tools, qty. of hdw., hand & garden tools, gas weedeater, 3 h.p. lawn- mower, blower pipe & cupplers, fluorescent light fix., Midland base radios & 4 mobiles, Ig. wooden 2' x 16' country sign, shop shelving plus more. GRAIN BINS & MILL EQUIPMENT: Berlin 25,000 bu., grain bin with 18' sweep, floor aeration, propane htr. fan, roof auger & spreader (ex. 4 yrs. old), 2 Waesteel Rosco 2,500 bu. V bot- tom bins, 1 ton V bottom bin, tote 1 ton sack holder, 6 ton Gravity bin, stat. cement mixer, 1 ton hop- per feed mixer with bagger, Tay- lor bird feed packager with dust hood, 8' conveyor with adj. ht., hot air sealer & bag top trimmer (ex., selling with Reserve), 50 ft. clay leg elev. 3" cups, 1,000 Ib. weigh carl.,, 2 moisture testers, gram scale, brass sample stick, qty. Beam scales, qty. bag carts, Fischbein bg. sewing mach. ( 2 yr. old), 2 storage 40 ft. trailers, Iq. qty. of skids, cardboard boxes (new), qty. Wilson Mills plastic bgs., plus more. OFFICE TRAIL- ER & COMPUTER EQUIPMENT: 45 ft. office trailer with washroom & air, ( no wheels, good), Rex ro- lary 8112Z photocopier, Konica fax machine, Friden postage me- ter, PS2 computer 386, IBM 3 Pro printer, IBM pt. of sale computer, Star SP 300 cash/charge invoice printer, 6 drawer lateral file cab., 4 file cab., oak & steel desks, of- fice chairs, computer tables, store shelving units, glass counter dis- play unil, 5' x 4' letter sign, Ideal, cooler, plus more. VEHICLES: 81 Dodge pickup 8 cyl., ps, pb, 1967 Chev. stake truck 14 fl. box with hoist - selling as is. NOTE: A FRI- DAY SALE. Few small items Good selection of farm equip., feed mill & office equip. TERMS: Cash, Mastercard, Visa & Chq. with |.D. GARY HILL AUCTIONS Gary & Nancy Hill, 4) A.R. 1, Sunderland, Ont. a LOC 1HO Sunderland 1-705-357-2185 Mt. Albert 1-905-473-2138 Cellular 1-416-518-6401 Fax 1-705-357-1333 SATURDAY, MAY 7 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Auction sale of farm machinery and household furniture. The property of MORLEY AND JOANN FISHER, Lot 5, Con. 13, Manvers Twp, 9 miles south of Lindsay on Hwy. 35 to 14th Con. of Manvers - west on County Road #57 - 1/2 miles - south 1/2 mile - west 1 1/2 miles or first farm east of Janetville (watch for signs). Ford Super Major diesel tractor with front end loader, Cock- shutt 560 diesel tractor (4 cyl. Perkins), New Holland 268 baler, Shultz manure spreader, Int. side rake, John Deere 3 furrow trip beam plough, Int 45 Vibrashank 12' cult vator with 2x2 extensions, John Deere #6 1 row harvester with direct cut hay head, Allied automatic stooker, M.F. side rake, corn planter, field sprayer, John Deere blade 3 pt., John Deere hay wagon, fertilizer spreader, electric hammer mill, 32' hay elevator, grain augers, complete Gallagher fencing system - approx. 1 mile, quantity of cedar posts, quantity rails, quantity steel stakes, 11 HP White riding lawn- mower, 1979 Ford F250 6 cyl. 4 speed, flat deck, as is, round bale feeder, 3 sets cattle clippers, 2 sets Burdizos, Lincoln 300 amp PTO driven welder c/w trailer, large quan- tity of tools, 2 1/2" electric drill, 2 ¥/8 drill, 1/2" hammer drill, 3/4 drive sockets, 1/2" sockets, 3 bench tool boxes, taps and dyes, complete sets of wrenches up to 2", many other items. Refrigerator, stove, dishwasher, Kenmore washer and dryer - 2 years, 3 deep freezes, 26" color TV, VCR, 2 piece wall unit, 2 chesterfield suites, Hoover vacuum, complete bedroom suite, single, double and queen side beds, dressers, Hoover vacuum, some antiques, woodstove, insulated chimney, kitchen table and chairs, crystal, small household items, full size Black Knight pinball machine (collectors), full contents of house as owners are moving west. Terms cash, no reserve. Sale at 11 a.m. Sale managed and sold by CARL HICKSON AUCTIONS, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959, mobile 749- 7084. SATURDAY, MAY 7 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. The property of WILLIAM AND ANNE MONTGOMERY, 3871 Proutt Road, Nestleton, 5 miles east of Port Perry or 5 miles west of Hwy. 35 on 7A, turn north on Durham Rd. 57, approx. 1 mile, tum east on Proutt Road, approx. 1 mile. Machinery: M.F. 135 tractor with Allied hydraulic loader; Int. B250 tractor with 3 PTH; M.F. 124 square baler - like new, M.F. 110 Bu. PTO manure spreader, 6 ft. J.D. Bush Hog, W4 Int. tractor, 3 PTH Dan- huzer 12 in. posthole auger, 3 PTH Sedore snowblower, Allis Chalmers B-12 HP garden tractor with 42 in. mower, Allied motor driven bale stooker, pull type cattle squeeze on rubber, Int. 3 furrow plough, M.H. ground driven manure spreader, Eurospan 3PTH fertilizer spreader, 2 - 22 ft steel hay feeder, 24 ft. bale elevator, 3 PTH 7ft. scraper blade, 6x8 box trailer, portable cement mixer, 8 HP Mastercraft snowblow- er - like new. Tools and micella- neous items: 1 HP portable Com- met air compressor, Shell cattle oiler, Pioneer and Homelite chain saws, 10 in. radial arm saw with dust collector, 3 1/2 HP gas walter pump with 100 ft. hose, Cannox 225 amp. electric welder, 20 ft., 32 ft. and 40 ft. aluminum extension lad- ders, B and D heavy duty 1/2 in. electric hammer drill, B and D 1/2 in. electric reversible drill, Millers Falls jack hammer with chisals and diills, electric grinders, Hilti bits, 25 ton hydraulic jacks, 1979 Chev 1/2 ton truck, 80 square bales straw, quanti- ty of good quality power and hand tools and accessories, 40 rod New Page wire fence, 6 ft. and 7 ft. alu- minum stepladders, Bee electric fencer, flat top farm scales, qty. scrap iron. Livestock: 4 crossbred steers, approx 950 Ibs. Second ring selling funiture at noon: Rose col- ored chesterfield and chair, 2 single beds, night tables, chests of draw- ers, 12 in. Bradford color TV, drop front writing desk, glass door mod- ern wardrobe, shortwave antique cabinet radio, qty airffoarn mattress- es, lawn chairs, work benches, 22 - 250 Remington rifle with scope, crocks, harness maker, plus a quantity of household items Farm sold - owners moving. No reserve, lunch available DON AND GREG CORNUIL AUCTIONEERS, RR #1 Little Britain Phone or fax 705- 786-2183 SATURDAY, MAY 7 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. "SATURDAYS AUCTION ACTION' at PETHICK AUCTION BARN, 2498 Conc. Rd. #8, (Haydon), A.R. 1, Bowmanville. This week we have the contents of a Toronto home to include a mahogany dining room suite, 7 mahogany hall table, mahogany drop front library desk, mahogany drop front desk w/claw feet, oak bedroom suite, pine couch, pine corner cabinet, pine bed, pine 2 dr. dresser, captains chairs, small pine table with 1 draw- er, mahogany games table, 1 yr. old Kenmore washer and many other pcs. of furniture, lots of glass and china, tools, lawn and garden equip- ment and many other interesting and unusual pieces. Terms are cash, cheque or Visa, viewing from 5 p.m., for more info call 1-905-263- 4252. Sale managed and sold by GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS. Sale dates still available, your place or ours. SUNDAY, MAY 8 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. VIEWING: 10:00 A.M. MACGREGOR AND WEST Estate Auction Sale of antiques, collecta- bles and household effects at Agri- culture Building, Orono Fairgrounds (take Main St, Orono and turn east at OLCO Station and follow signs). Auction features the partial estate of the late MELVILLE AND LILLIAN SLEEP of Bowmanville and another small estate, plus inclusions of antique furniture in original and refinished condition. Partial list indudes: 7' oak Church pew, misc. antique dressers and chests of drawers, treadle sewing machine, old pine cupboard, oak washstand, misc. chairs and rockers (sets, par- lour, kitchen, occasional, etc.), pine blanket box and storage trunks, tool chest and old tools, misc. tables (kitchen, parlour, candle, etc.), old lights, tins, bottles, signs, clocks, violin, toys, books, crock and jug, dolls carriage (c30s), pair of 1930 Buick wire wheels, bedroom and liv- ing room suites, complete contents of kitchen (glass, china, small appli- ances, cuttlery, etc.), old quilts and linen, copper boilers, 10 cent peanut machine, garden tools, lawnmower, washer, dryer, stove, etc., plus origi- nal, Limited Edition and Decorative Art work. This is only a partial list of the many rare, unique and useful articles from these two homes, with many smaller articles still packed prior to listing. Note our summer location and early start time with smaller artides selling outside at 11 a.m. and moving inside at noon, fol- low signs to fairgrounds. (Next auc- tions - May 15, 22 and 29) MAC- GREGOR AND WEST AUCTIONS, Mike MacGregor 905-987-5402, Junior West 905-983-5556. SATURDAY, MAY 7 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Nursery equipment, tractor, farm machinery, polyhouses, irrigation pipes and pumps, shop equipment, tools at MANETTA FARMS, Ponty- pool. Nursery equipment - Holland tree ransplanter, Kuhn E125 - 3 pt. 40" rototiller, 3 pt. furrow maker, tree planters, Batehold walk behind cut- ter, 6 rolls plastic, 2 - 3 ft. undercut- ters, 3 pt. 3 ft roller, 3,000 wt. gen- erator, 3 gas powered irrigation pumps, many 3, 4 and 5" irmgation pipes 30' long, 3 pt. Ferguson MK- 21. Farm machinery: Case gas tractor, Ford 7' scraper, John Deere 5' rotary mower, 3 pt. Spragmotor field sprayer, 3 pt. posthole auger, M.F. 130 manure spreader, 4 fi. Bush Hog mower, 2 furrow plow, 12 ft. dbl. disc with hydraulics, 3 pt. 6' cultivator, Kneverland Hydrein 3 fur- row plow, 3 pt. 4' disc. Tools: 2 table saws, band saw, metal cut-off saw, drill press, pipe vice, shredder, cutters, pipe wrenches, 8' roller, bench grinder, hand tools, new red tool box Miscellaneous many baskethulls, 2 B and S motors, old Renfrew cookstove, lawnmowers, truck tires, antique iron wheels, antique MH. grinder, 454 car motor, chain link fence, underground cable, 5 gal. pails paint, 3 benches, 1976 Ford dump truck, old truck with winch, about 200 new 10" cement blocks, qty scrap, pipe, etc No reserva Terms cash or good cheque with | D Interesting sale Lunch avalable 10 am ORVAI MCLEAN AUCTIONS 324-2783 Call now to book your sale Orval and Bay Md ean Auctioneers FRIDAY, MAY 13 SALE TIME: 1:30 P.M. Mini Cow Sale selling at LINDSAY COMMUNITY SALE BARN LTD., R. 2, Lindsay. Selling bred and springer cows and cows with calves by side. A good selection will be on offering. Cows will be pregnancy checked and should be in the bam Thursday evening or early Friday morning. Barn opens 6:30 a.m. Mini sale sells approx. 1:30 p.m. Contact CARL HICKSON 705-324- 9959, ARNOT R. WOTTEN 705- 324-9959 or Sale Barn 705-324- 2774. FRIDAY, MAY 6 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN - the property of MARJORIE MCDER- MOTT of Port Perry plus others. 4 pc. modern bedroom suite, gold chesterfield and matching chair, round oak split pedestal dining table with claw feet and 5 leaves, china cabinet - glass three sides, 6 caned oak dining chairs, 9 pc. oak dining room suite (refinished), Victorian lamp table, walnut hall tree, pine drop leaf table, brass fireplace uten- sils, 3 pc. antique bedroom suite with washstand, bed and dresser, 2 door refrigerator, qty. silver 50 cent pieces, flat top farm scales, spool bed, 6 place setting of Daffodil sil- verware, mahogany Highboy dress- er, walnut dresser, blanket box, Vic- torian chairs, Weedeater, wheelbar- rel, jig saw, 4 section Diamond har- rows with draw bar, Craftsman elec- tric snowblower, hedge trimmers, 40 hp. Evenrude outboard boat motor, 125 HP. Mercury outboard motor, 16 ft. fibreglass boat with 65 HP Mercury motor and trailer, chest Coke cooler, Busy Bee 10 in. radial am saw, Craftsman 9 in. radial arm saw, Rockwell Beaver band saw, 12 hp. Yardman riding lawnmower (like new), 1984 Dodge Charger, qty. of old local postcards, handmade quilts, good quality china, glass, hand and power tools, complete Gretzky rookie set plus other sportscards. DON AND GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS, R. R. #1, Little Britain 705-786-2183. WEDNESDAY, MAY 4 SALE TIME: 4:45 P.M. Auction sale of furniture and antiques from an Uxbridge home selling at NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD., corner of Hwy. 47 and 12. TO INCLUDE: ant. National plat- form scales, ant. washstand, butter chum, ant. Shingler's bench, unusu- al ant. pump, color TV, computer, pictures, crosscut saw, hay fork, milk can, collectables, chest, tables, 2 double mattresses, oak chair, implement seat, chisels, large quan- lity of small items and glassware, all angle trimming table, plus many other items, 12 ft. fibreglass canoe, patio set, Kenmore washer and dryer, laundry pump. Sale man- aged and sold by NEIL. BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 985-1068. WEDNESDAY, MAY 11 SALE TIME: 4:45 P.M. NEIL BACON AUCTIONS ANNIVERSARY SALE of antiques, furniture, collectables, glassware and coins featuring items from the home of MRS. JENNETTE JEHU of Uxbridge selling at NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD., corner of Hwy. 47 and 12. TO INCLUDE: Immac. ant. oak beaufront china cabinet with mirror back, glass shelves and claw feet, double pedestal pak table with 8 hoop back chairs (like new), single drawers library table, walnut parlour table, pine armoir, ant. hi- back washstand, ant. oak hall seat with bevelled mirror, maple corner cupboard, walnut smoker stand, walnut armchair, spinning wheel, open hutch, 6 pc. maple dinatte suite, washer and dryer, 10 ft book- case, 2 leather chesterfields, green chesterfield with swivel rocker (ex), oil paintings, horse prints, pine mir- ror, Seth Thomas wall clock, 14 K hunting case pocket watch, Limo- ges dishes, silver pcs, highchair, 11 cups and saucers, several pcs of Cornflower, salt and peppers. set of Royal Albert dishes (Country Rosa), Wedgewood, Beswick, crystal lamp, plus large quantity of collectables and glassware. Coins from a Peter- borough estate induding $5 Canadi- an gold pc., 1967 Canadian set with $20 gold coin, 200 Mint silver dol lars, 50 cased Mint dollars,7 cased double dollar sets, George VI 20 dollar and 1 dollar, 175 50 cent pcs. 40s, 50s, 60s, 100 silver quarters, 50 fish, 25 rabbits, plus many others tems Sale managed and sold by NEI BACON AUCTIONS LTD 985-1068 SATURDAY, MAY 14 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Spring equipment and consignment auction to be held at the MABEE AUCTION CENTRE, 1 mile north of Rosedale on Hwy. 35. Accepting boats, bikes, RVs, trailers, trucks, cars, fam machinery, tractors, lawn equipment, tools and related equip- ment. To enter your item call early for free advertising! At 705-374- 4800, 454-2841 or 878-7134 or bring to the barn! CALVIN MABEE AUCTIONS. Don'tmiss it! ON SALES PHOTOCOPYING - letter, legal and ledger (11" x 17") sizes, enlarge- ments and reductions, transparen- cies, labels, colored paper also available. Quantity pricing. Port Perry Star Co., 188 Mary St. 985- 7383. STAMPS: rubber and self inking (various sizes). Also signature and logo stamps and self inking daters. Quick delivery. Port Perry Star Co., 188 Mary St. 985-7383. REAL ESTATE - "DEADLINES * CLASSIFIED & DISPLAY ADVERTISING MONDAY at 12 NOON THURSDAY at 5:00 p.m. BUSINESS DIRECTORY - THURSDAY at 5; 00 . COMMUNITY CALENDAR - THURSDAY at 5:00 FT, DISTRIBUTE YOUR Advertising FLYERS through the Port Perry Star or Scugog Shores News wor Bu 5 Choose whatever market you want to target. We can deliver your message to more than 17,500 households every week, including saturation coverage of Port Perry and Scugog Township. For more details phone: 005) 985-7383 or long distance 1-800-561-6698 per insert No weight restrictions Varro Sale Time! 4 [ spring is in the air and now's the time 0 clean out the attic, basement and garage, and turn unused, unwanted articles into | $$$ CASH $$$ 2 for DEAL Advertise your upcoming YARD SALES in the Port Perry Star during APRIL and MAY and have, it placed in the Scugog oh age! Shores News nd of Call us s today and take advantage of this Spied offer! 188 MARY 8T. - PORT PERRY, ONT. (416) 986-7383 cl i DEL SNL pus: Cal amd Sales col a ak es a a a Ai a sa oii all nol gall ail coals sila hs ool so

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