4a - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, April 12,1994 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" R OOTS J. PETER HVIDSTEN / PORT PERRY STAR Students from Cartwright Central Public School were presented their Literary and Poster Awards by members of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 419 last Thursday at the school. Winners are: front left, Sarah Brown (3rd Poster), Dawn Hall (2nd Poster), Jesse Vitek (3rd Literary), Lisa Schoep (2nd Literary, and Sarah Stapley (1st Literary and 2nd Zone Literary). Second row, left, Danielle Low (1st Literary), Jocelyn Thomson (2nd Poster), Stacey Headon (1st Poster) and Carla McLaughlin (accepting for Jeremy Johns - 1st Poster and 3rd Poster Zone competition). Legion representatives, from left, Jack Lee, service officer, Geof Taylor, Chairman of Youth Ed., and Heidi Cushing, Poppy Chairman. Sympathy of the community is extended to the family of Mrs. Florence Larmer, a long-time resident of this area on Sunday in Port Perry Hospital. Visita- tion will be on Tuesday with the funeral on Wednesday from Wagg Funeral Chapel, Port Perry. On Sunday, Helen and Stuart Lic reil attended the baptism of their grandson Bryce Wilson Rodman at Little Britain Unit- ed Church, at the regular Sun- day morning service. Bryce's great grandmother Mrs. Edna Wilson was in attendance, along with aunts, cousins and grandparents. A family gather- ing was held following the church service. Rev. Doreen VanCamp of Craik, Saskatchewan, spent a week visiting her mother Mrs. Margaret VanCamp, her broth- er Richard and Ruby VanCamp and family, as well as other rel- atives and friends in the area. Larry Hoskin of Lake Louise, Alberta, is spending a week in the area visiting his mother Mrs. Muriel Hoskin of Port Perry, his sisters Joan and Har- vey Graham, Purple Hill and Pat Fletcher, Port Perry, and brother Ron and Sandra Hoskin of Blackstock, their families and other friends in the area. Friday evening dinner guests of Gerald and Joyce Kelly and Esther were Gerald's sister Barbara and Bryan Park of Marmora and Francis Peeters of Midland. On Friday evening, the Fed- eration of Agriculture held its annual banquet at the Black- stock Recreation Centre. Den- ms Yellowlees, President, chaired the meeting. Following the delicious dinner prepared and served by the UCW, the customary business was attend- ed to. Guest speaker was Dan Needles, writer of the Wingfield Farms episodes, who delivered a very entertaining address. The remainder of the evening was spent in a social time. Many local people perhaps are unaware of the active Cart- wright Youth Council which is presently operating out of the Nestleton Community Centre, encompassing Caesarea, Nes- tleton, Blackstock and immedi- ate rural areas. This is a ser- vice-oriented community organ- ization comprised of teens and pre-teens (11-18 years). Council Executive is Chairperson Jen- nifer Balser; Vice-Chairperson Jana Paga; Special Event Chairperson Cory Minshall; Secretary Heather Goulding; Adult Advisor Mary Boccaccio (Treasurer), Rick Davie, Linda Davie. The Council has two pur- poses: 1. To provide entertainment for teens and pre-teens on a reg- ular bi-weekly basis. The pro- ceeds from the dances fund all community activities. Dance proceeds are the group's only in- come. 2. To contribute to the com- munity by way of assisting oth- er service clubs and by running one major fundraiser per year, the proceeds going to the organ- ization of choice. Since its organization in 1992, the Cartwright Youth Council has assisted many local groups in a great variety of pro- jects. Keep up your good work, folks. All too often we just hear negative reports about the ac- tivities of the youth of today. Here is an excellent example of a very worthy group. On Satur- day, April 16, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., at C.C.P.S., the Cartwright Youth Council, in co-operation with the Scugog Optimist Club and the Durham Regional Police , is offering a Bi- cycle Safety Rodeo for children of all ages. Bring your bikes and helmets and try the riding skills obstacle course or have your bike tested and adjusted, if nec- essary, for mechanical fitness or register your bike with the Durham Regional Police and have an identification sticker affixed. Or do all three. Every- thingis free of charge. Also on Saturday, April 16 an indoor yard sale will be held at the Town Hall with proceeds go- ing to the 1st Cartwright Scout- ing. On Friday, April 22, the Mu- sic Department of Cartwright High School is holding a dance at the Rec Centre featuring a live new country band "Dear Johns". Cost is $25 per couple or $15 single. For tickets, call the school at 986-4142. On Saturday, April 23, a Family Fun day is to be held at the Rec Centre and Arena with craft tables, Old MacDonald's Farm, Face Painting and a Trike-A-Thon. This event, planned by the Nursery school, will run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and is free of charge. On Friday, April 15, the St.- John's Anglican Church is hold- ing its annual Silent Auction and Bird Show by Ken Carmi- chael. At the United Church on Fri- day, April 29, the Annual Tal- ent Auction will be held. A bus trip to the outlets of Hamilton will be held on April 30. It will visit a towel outlet, several craft and fabric outlets and large mall. Admission is $20 each. For further informa- tion, call 986-4257. Who says life in a small rural community is uneventful? The Pine Ridge Garden Club 18 sponsoring an International Smorgasbord in Nestleton Hall on April 30. For further infor- mation call 986-4771 or 986- 5330. Many of our snowbirds are re- turning or planning to do so soon. Andrea Weir returned home on Saturday from spend- ing a winter in Arizona. Wel- come back. The Blackstock W.I. held its annual meeting on April 6 at the United Church Blue Room. There were 12 members and one visitor who enjoyed a deli- cious hot pot luck dinner. The group welcomed Mrs. Jeanette FAXING SERVICE PORTPERRY STAR OFFICE CENTRE 188 Mary St, Port Perry Phone: 985-7383 » Fax: 985-3708 [ hope everyone enjoyed this past weekend of beautiful spring!! weather... don't know about you but I was beginning to wonder if we would ever see the grass again. However, things are looking up, we actu- ally have some grass turning green. Having said that, it will probably snow tomorrow. Happy birthday this week to Jennifer Cook, Ron King, David Lee and to our daughter Ash- leigh who is now five...Wow! How time passes!! Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per was celebrated on Sunday. Two new members were re- Steane of Blackstock. Following the W.I. Ode and Mary Stewart Collect, President May Shor- tridge read a poem "What mon- ey cannot buy". The regular business was dealt with - min- utes, correspondence and plans for the next Lions dinner. A pro- gram planning meeting will be held on April 18 for members at the church at 9 a.m. Election of officers for 94/95 was conducted by Mrs. M. Hoskin with Mrs. J. Adams as Secretary for this. President will be Mrs. Pat Sleep; First Vice-President Mrs. M. Shortridge; Sec.- Treasurer Mrs. Carol Thornton. Annual reports were read by Jean Adams and Kathleen Watts. The meeting closed with singing of O Canada. There were 12 tables at the weekly card party with the fol- lowing winners: Ruby Co- chrane, Muriel Butson, George Harper, Harold Crawford, Charlie = Campbell, Eileen Warder and Vi Linton. Draws were won by Jean Porrill, Kath- leen Watts, Don Cochrane, Bet- sy Staniland, Pat Porrill and Ross McRoberts. Members of the Blackstock Agricultural Society are remind- ed of the April meeting to be held this Thursday at 8 p.m. at the Rec Centre. The annual Curling Club ban- quet and awards presentation was held on Saturday evening at the Rec Centre. Following wel- come by President Mark Gra- ham and Grace by Fred Ford, a delicious dinner prepared an dserved by the A.C.W. was en- joyed. Lawrence VanCamp thanked the ladies. A special presentation took place. Blair Martyn, chairman of the Recreation Complex Com- mittee pointed out the dedica- tion and accomplishments of the late John Goss over many years. Merrill VanCamp of Rec Board reviewed many of the accom- plishments of John who was praised for his extraordinary vi- sion and his persistence which brought these ideas to pass. A suitable plaque was presented to Mrs. Fodma Goss from the Board. Howard Hall, Mayor of Scugog, also praised the achievements of John and pre- eef Supper ceived in church membership being presented by the clerk of session \ Lawrence Nicholls. Marlene \Desautels Joined by Profession of Faith and Dawn Cook by transfer from Knox United Church in Sutton. The Sunday School theme given by Cameron McDonald was "Jesus is Alive and With Us." How can we tell He is with us when we can't see Him? Rev- erend David Shepherd chose for the sermon "The Body of Christ." There is a steward's meeting at the church this Wednesday, April 13 at 7 p.m. followed by a congregation meeting at 8 p.m. There are still some tickets left for the Seagrave Beef Sup- per, Wednesday, April 20. Sit- tings are 5 p.m., 6 p.m. and 7:15 p.m. Tickets are available for all sittings at this time. Please call Len 985-8066, Fred 985-2627 or Ken Short (705) 357-3504. That's it for this week, please call Diane Cooke with your news next week at 985-3722. sented Mrs. Goss with a plaque. Gord Mills, M.P.P., gave a trib- ute to John's 96-year-old mother who was in attendance, along with other members of the Goss family. Mr. Mills presented a special provincial award to John Goss posthumously. Mrs. Edna Goss made a very fitting reply of appreciation. Mark Graham reviewed the year's events for the curling club. Jodie Duff gave the finan- cial statement. Ron Vice thanked icemakers Bob Strong and Laverne Sutton for their fine ice this season. Dave Aldred of the mixed league presented the trophy and prizes as follows: First Craig Larmer, Barb Stead, Bill Parish and Tom Rowden; Second John and Gayle McNa- mara, Bev and Leanne Goslin; Third Doug and Karen Kadowa- ki, Dave and Marg Fielden. Fred Ford reviewed the men's league activities - Merlin Sug- gitt presented his trophy to Dale VanCamp, Ron Vice, David Shearnan and Bill Shepherd. Carol Gray reviewed the after- noon league with the hopes more ladies or gentlemen will be free to curl on Tuesday after- noons next year. Dale VanCamp conducted the Dan Needles entertains at Fed. of Agriculture meeting election of officers: President Mark Graham; Vice-President Carol Gray; Treasurer Jodie Barb Stead, Linda Green, Dave Al- dred, Fred Ford, John McNama- ra, Ron Vice, Joyce Kelly and Lor- Duff, Representatives na Edgerton. : The remainder of the eveni was spent (ancing to the music of the Travelling Wilburs. Advance notice of a retirement party for Ray Ashton on Friday, June 10 at Blackstock Rec Cen- tre. The evening will include a ng dinner catered by Wilma Van- i Camp and Jackie James, a lively ] program and a special presenta- tion. For an evening of fond mem- | ories, please contact Michelle | Morton at 986-5215 or Cart- : wright High School at 986-4241. Gerald and Joyce Kelly attend- ed a family brunch at the home of Elaine Kelly and John Robertson of Buckhorn on Sunday. They were supper guests of Art and ivelyn Robertson, also of Buck- orn.