14 - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, March 1,1994 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" News of interest to our rural neighbours in Scugog Township ALLL Thoughts: The move to the old farmstead is shaping up well and the neighbors are help- ful and friendly, which adds a great deal to life! 1 feel quite comfortable and at times dis- gustingly lazy down here..the simple life..had forgotten what it was like! I'm spinning a web of old customs around me and have a taste for solitude, be- sides writing news, letters and whatever turns up of interest! But, winter begins to pall on a person! March is the month of Hope when the country comes awake - so we'll set our sights" on Spring! We know in the month of March that winter won't be lasting too long! World Day of Prayer The World Day of Prayer in. this area will be held at Nestle- ton Community Centre on Fri- day, March 4 at 2 p.m., hosted by St. Bernadette's Roman Catholic Parish. Speaker - Sis- ter Irene Baker with theme - "Go, See, Act". The World Day of Prayer is a global prayer and prayerful action. On the first Friday in March each year peo- ple in over 170 countries partic- ipate in a common service In their own locality. Services are translated into thousands of languages and dialects. In Can- ada, the World Day of Prayer is sponsored by the Women's In- ter-Church Council of Canada - a national council with repre- sentatives from many denomi- nations! Family Concerns It was delightful to have son Grant of Oshawa for an early visit on Saturday at the farm- stead. We had breakfast tegeth- er, and after, Grant spent some time assisting his mom with many tasks that needed atten- tion. After a tasty lunch and a great visit, he left for home. So good to see him! Our warmest wishes to Marg Baumchen of McKee Road for better health soon - from her many friends. Nice her sister Myrtle of Warkworth was able to pay her a visit. Pleased to see Helen Stouffer of Port Perry, who is looking great in hospital after the mis- fortune of breaking her hip! Our best wishes to her for a good recovery. Also best wishes to Florence Larmer of Black- stock, who has been in hospital for a while - we hope she will have better health soon. Michael Lishman of Reaboro spent the weekend with Uncle Calvin and Aunt Yvonne Hol- land and Grandma Neta Fish of Edgerton Road. Nestleton United Church With greeter Carol Hill at the door, the "Second in Lent" Sun- day attendance was poor, due to the wintry weather condi- tions. The service was conduct- ed by our minister Rev. David Shearman. He brought a mean- ingful message on the subject of "names" with Carol Hill the reader. Karen Yellowlees was the able organist. Atter the service closed, a cup of coffee and refreshments were enjoyed in the Sunday School Room, and a time of fellowship was pleasant. Let us hope the weather will change for the better soon, so that folks feel like going to church. Perhaps March will be ushered in with warm soft breezes to mark the defeat of winter. Quotes You know it is time to diet when you nod one chin and two others second the motion! If the doctor says you're sound as a dollar these days - you'd better start worrying! Joy - Real joy comes not from ease of riches or from the praise of others, but from doing some- thing worthwhile. (Wilfred T. Grenfell) Nestleton Presbyterian Church by Winnifred Davison The regular service in Nestle- ton Presbyterian Church was conducted by Rev. Wm. Fairley at 11 a.m. The pianist was Joyce Taylor, and Oliver Roh- rer and John McRae were ush- ers. Responsive Psalm reading was 22. Scripture readings were from Genesis 17, and St. Mark 8 verse 31 to end. The World Day of Prayer services Sunday School class was taught by Peggy Jones and more children will be welcome. On the Second Sunday of Lent - Rev. Fairley spoke of the temptations of Jesus in the wilderness, and the keeping of the covenant with Abraham and then with David. We must "live in love" and take up our cross daily. Following the service, a soup and sandwich lunch was en- Joyed in the Sunday School Hall, and then the Church An- nual Meeting was held. The reports had been pre- pared by Joyce Taylor in book- let form, and Rev. Fairley was chairman. Church officers' terms were renewed, and re- pairs and renovations will be further considered. The audi- tor's report showed a good fi- nancial standing. Regular service at 11 a.m. next Sunday, March 6. Nestleton Women's Institute Members of Nestleton Wom- en's Institute are reminded of the regular March meeting to be held at the home of Winni- fred Davison at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 2. Visitors and members are most wel- come - after our January and February holidays. SCOTT ANDERSON / PORT PERRY STAR Grade 6 students Greg Evans and Jeff Vanuden organized a morning of Winter Olympics at Epsom Public School on Friday which included snowshoe races. Communion service is March 20 Head U.C.W. will be conducting the service. Music by "2 plus 3 Friends." The Grace U.C.W. will be sponsoring a "Wearing of the Green" Ham and Scalloped Po- tato Supper at the Island Hall on Thursday, March 17 at 6 . p.m. A program will follow. For tickets call Karen 985-8871 or Florence 985-9346. A Communion Service will be held on Sunday, March 20. Please mark your calendars. Our minister, Elaine Barber will be on holidays until March 9. For emergency pastoral care, call Rev. David Shepherd, Greenbank Pastoral Charge at 985-7787. Call 985-8871 with your news for next week's column. Have a good week! Locals compete in Sunderland Festival It is hard to believe that Feb- ruary is over. Watching the Olympics helped the month pass quickly. Hope everyone survived the excitement of the hockey game on Sunday! Scugog Island United Church 19100 Island Road The Thinking Day Service was held on Sunday and the 2nd Scugog Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and 4th Port Perry Brownies and Guides participated in the service. This was an opportuni- ty for the boys and girls to cele- brate the joint birthdays of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell and to think about children in other countries. Special thanks to the children and leaders for a job well done. The service, refresh- ments and fellowship were en- joyed by all ages. The Lectionary Bible Study on Tuesday is cancelled. The Grace U.C.W. will meet on Wednesday, March 2 at 8 p.m. at the home of Heidi Krieg. The Head U.C.W. will also meet on Wednesday, March 2 at 8 p.m. at the home of Bonnie Gerrow. Remember your craft item. Choir practice will be held on Thursday, March 3 at 7 p.m. The World Day of Prayer Ser- vice will be held on Friday, March 4 at 1:30 p.m. at the Port Perry United Church. The Youth Group meeting on Friday, March 4 1s cancelled. Youth please take note. On Sunday, March 6 the There were 11 tables of eu- chre played on Friday night in Utica Hall. Winners were: La- dies First Margaret Gall, Secc- ond Jean Drake, Third Doris Bell. Men's First Wilma Lynde, Second Malcolm Allbright, Third George Harper. Wilma and Malcolm both had six lone hands so shared the prize. F'reeze-out was won by Bill But- ters and Norene Hill, Art Par- ratt and Martin Gall were sec- ond. Draws were won by Harry Hill, Violet Linton and Jean Drake. Carolyn Parish was the winner of the 50/50 draw. Plan to attend the next euchre which will be in two weeks, March 11. Church and Sunday School this week will be held in Utica startingat 11 a.m. The U.C.W. will hold ther next: meeting on Tuesday, March 8 at Ipsom Church, starting with dessert and re- freshments at 1 p.m. The word for roll call 1s "comfort". The special guest for the afternoon will be Healthstyles colummist Deb McDonald. I'm pleased to report that Jean Jeffery 1s out of hospital. She spent a couple of days in Oshawa with daughter Yvonne and John Moore before she re- turned to her home. On a cold February evening, members of the Bethesda- Reach Women's Institute en- joyed the relaxing affects of their quest Norine Blyth, R.M.T. Norine is a registered massage therapist living in the Uxbridge area. Thank you No- rine, the knowledge of our bod- ies and how we "work" was most informative, in addition: to the relaxing massage, a real bonus! Please mark your calendar to attend our March social, March 26 at the Roberts. Also April 12 - noon for our annual spring luncheon at Trinity United Church, Uxbridge. Congratulations to the win- ners and participants in the re- cent Sunderland Music Festi- val. Our area was well represented and our young peo- ple are to be congratulated. "Well wishes" are extended to Neil Evans who is a patient at Uxbridge Cottage Hospital. Best wishes also to Irene Jor- dan who had the misfortune to fall, breaking her hip. She had to have a plastic replacement. [rene 1s a patient in Port Perry Hospital. Andrew and Jeanette Stn- bling of St. Thomas were week- end guests of her parents, Bruce and Jean Houghland. Georgina and Pete Sutcliffe were Sunday supper guests with Terry and Eleanor Craw- ford at Greenbank. Lorne and Eileen Slute visit- ed on Sunday with son Brian and family at Cookstown. Utica welcomes back to our community Terri and Ineke De- onarain and girls. This family lived for some time on the 4th Line and a few years ago moved to Woodville. They have since returned and have purchased the Ed Donnelly home just east of the village. It's nice to have them back in our midst. Johanna Urech is presently visiting with her son Rob and family in Rochester Hills near Detroit. I'm pleased to report that her new granddaughter, who had been hospitalized, is now home from hospital and do- ing well. It's always such a con- cern when little babies get sick. | Personalized Wedding & Anniversary Pens various styles & colours Port Perry Star OFFICE CENTRE 188 Mary St, Port Perry 985-7383 LL) he nN pu LE woe Soa J yum -- NT ---- __--_-- mmm I mr EE a AE AE