THIEN PE Te BY En. 8 - PORT PERRY STAR - Wednesday, September 8,1993 | SE RR Community Calendar runs each week in either the Port Perry Star or Star Marketplace providing space for local non-profit organizations to receive coverage for their important approaching events. Listings in Community Calendar are absolutely Free to any non-profit group. Copy must be submitted in writing before noon on Friday prior to publication, to be included in the next edition of the Port Perry Star or Star Marketplace. EO OMMUNITY CALENDAR RRRRLORRN0T SEPTEMBER 14, 21, 28 Oshawa Chapter One Parent Families Assoc. meets at Simcoe Hall Settlement House, 387 Simcoe St. S. - Info. 436-5089 or 728- 1011. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 Port Perry Seniors meeting, Latcham Centre, 2 p.m. 985-8146. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 Registration for 2nd Scugog Beavers, Cubs and Scouts - 7-8 p.m. - Scugog Island Hall. Info. 985-3220. SEPTEMBER 9-12 Durham Central Fair at Orono Fairgrounds. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 Manvers Figure Skating Club regis- tration, 7-9 p.m. - arena. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 Scugog Duplicate Bridge Club meets Wednesdays - Prince Albert Community Centre - 1 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Info. 986-0767. FRIDAY (evening only) AND SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 10 AND 11 145th Oakwood Fair. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 og Memorial Public Library - coffee with fibre artist Janet Coates. ' SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 Kite competition - 1-3 p.m. Port Perry High School Track. Info. and registration 985-3733. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 The Golden Slippers perform at Cullen Gardens - 2 p.m. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 Mount Pleasant School S.S. No. 12 Uxbridge Twp. (The 6th School) reunion - Mt. Zion Community Centre, Balsam, Ont. Pot luck lunch - 1 p.m. Info. 705-357-2119. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 Pineridge Chorus - guest night - 7:30 p.m. Uxbridge Music Hall. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 Beavers, Cubs, Scouts - registra- tion - 7-8 p.m. Manchester United Church Basement. Info. 985-3303. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 Amputee's meeting, second Tuesday of each month, - Michael Starr Building - 7 p.m. 623-1939. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 The Durham Region Employment Equity Network (D.R.E.E.N.) for - Durham Region Human Resource Professionals and Employment Equity Practitioners meets the second Tuesday of each month 11:45 a.m. - 2 p.m., Holiday Inn, Oshawa. Info. 721-2000, ext. 409. MONDAY AND TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 AND 14 Port Perry High School night school registration - main office at the school. ~~ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 Durham Environmental Network meeting, Courtroom 1, the Fire Hall, 132 Church St. Bowmanville. 7:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 Big Sisters N.O.W. orientation - 7 p.m., 179) King St. E. Info. 436- 0951. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 Brooklin Mom's Morning meets every Wednesday, 9:15 - 11:15 a.m. - Brooklin United Church, Cassells Road. Info. 655-5680. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 | Good Tyme Cloggers lessons, reg- istration and info - 6:30 - 8 p.m. Caesarea Hall. Info. 986- 0815;986-5503. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 Blackstock Lions Farmers Night. Info. 986-5599; 986-5335. EVERY TUESDAY Duplicate Bridge for novice players | is held every Tuesday - 7:15 p.m., St. Andrew's Community Centre. Info. 725-4163. n From page 1 board chairman Janet Edwards cited a dwindling clientele and a desire to act responsibly with ublic money as the key reasons or ceasing operations. The client base had dropped from 40 women in March to sixin May. Ms. Edwards partially blamed the "bad press" for the declining clientele, adding the negative media attention made it difficult for sexual assault vic- tims to come forward with total confidence in the centre. "We were saddened to hear the news that the Scugog centre was closing," Ms. Saunders told the Port Perry Star. "There is a need for the ser- vice in the community," the ODRCC executive director says. Although the clients were re- ferred to the Oshawa Durham Rape Crisis Centre, Ms. Saun- ders says employees at the cen- tre realize the need to operate a satellite office in Port Perry to better serve the needs of their north Durham clients. The satellite office will pro- vide face-to-face counselling, a 24-hour crisis line, public edu- cation, court advocacy, and a reference library. The location will remain confidential to en- sure the anonymity of clients. "We are providing the same programs that are offered to put survivors of sexual as- sault and incest survivors in "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" Oshawa Rape Crisis to open satellite centre on Sept. 20 gouthern Durham Region," Ms. Saunders says. The office will be staffed by existing employees from the Oshawa office. Ms. Saunders says a volun- teer training session will be held soon for women interested in helping out at the centre. For- mer volunteers of the Scugog centre are welcome to partici- pate at the centre. Due to financial restraints, the centre will not have regular office hours, but Ms. Saunders says "we will make ourselves available to the women when they need us." The Oshawa Durham Rape Crisis Centre is presently lobby- ing the Ministry of the Solicitor General and Correctional Ser- vices for funding for the new centre, says Ms. Saunders. Members of the community wishing to support this endeav- or may do so by mailing a chari- table donation to the Oshawa Durham Rape Crisis Centre, P. O. Box 2373, Oshawa, Ontario, L1H 17VE.. Clients wishing to access ser- vices may call the 24-hour crisis line at 725-2241. Collect calls will be accepted. Building permits up for seven months of 1993 Although the impact of the recession still lingers, building permits issued in Scugog Township as of the end of July 1993 indicate things are getting better. To date, permit values are up by more than $6 million over the same period last year. The largest area of increase comes for institutional and gov- ernment buildings additions and alterations with a total val- ue of $5,177,000. Single family dwelling are not far behind with over $3,479,700 FALL HARVEST DAYS | "Where the Past Comes Alive on Scugog Island" NEXT WEEKEND! Sept. 18 & 19 in permits issued. This us up by close to $800,000 over the previ- ous year. Other areas which have increased in the past year are single family additions and alterations at $1,162,975 for 51 permits, compared to $814,300 for 40 permits last year. Only two commercial con- struction permits have been issued at a value of $700,000. The largest of these was for the new Big V drug store being built on Queen Street. Permits issued for swimming pools are close to $100,000 less this year than in 1992, with only $68,500 being issued. The total value of permits to the end of July 1993 is compared to - $11,577,653 $5,118,991 in 1992. Kick off Big Brothers/Sisters month of September by joining us In our Kite Flying Competition. Sunday, September 12, 1993. 1:00pm fo 3:00pm. Port Perry High School Track. ~)- Help colour the sky with homemade kite and win a prize in one of the following categories; Funniest; Most Unique; Largest; Longest Run or Best Big Brother or Big Sister Kite. Refreshments, displays and a whole lot of fun! So... don't miss itll Children are invited to make their own kites which willbe supplied. Anyone with their own kite are welcome to fly with us. Anyone flying a kite will receive free pop and chips. Please register by calling 985-3733 as kites are limited. friendship at our Kite Competition. Enter your UXBRIDGE © BOWLDEN 48 YEARS OF PERSONAL SERVICE UXBRIDGE MEMORIAL Quality & Satisfaction assured by our own Written Guarantee 852-3472 FoR PE iownoou 108 BROCK ST. WEST 1aAnsPORTATION BY REQUEST 3 BARA nea bine COMPANY MEMORIALS OF DISTINCTION GRANITE MARBLE BRONZE CEMETERY LETTERING & RENOVATIONS CUSTOM DESIGNING & LETTERING HOME APPOINTMENTS AND MSc. OWNED {ED BY WW SSAUGAS 0F Suna ISLANDS Renowned Native Artist NORMAN KNOTT 11:00am to 4:00pm Saturday & Sunday, September 11 & 12 Refreshments will be served Open: Mon. - Thurs. & Sat. 9:30am to 5:30pm e Fri. 9:00am to 9:00pm & Sun. noon to 5:00pm ~ Gallery of Arts & Crafts ~ 191 Queen St., Port Perry LOL 1B8 (416) 985-4977 pr -~ -- i -- i ct.