PLY han diag dn ry "A Family Tradition for 127 Years" a al - Letter to the editor PORT PERRY STAR - Wednesday, September 8,1993- 7 NDP now taking away my rights From Page 6 regardless of age. This includes abortion. #21, 22 - a law denying the rights of ordinary citizens to protest or provide pro-life assis- tance at abortion facilities. #43-45 - expediting the test- ing and approval of the abortion pill RU-486, and making the hu- man pesticide free of charge. Many of these 46 recommen- dations have been quietly passed under the table. This is a sneaky effort on behalf of our government in order to avoid public hearings debate and out- cry. This also contradicts its stance on what a democratic na- that this provincial government would not even hesitate to pro- ceed with implementing these injunctions. You cannot stereotype the ac- tions of those pro-lifers who have been extreme in their ac- tions. It is just as childish as an elementary school teacher who keeps their class in at recess be- cause of one person's wrong do- ing Really! This is not political- ly correct and no longer is it a question of one's opinion on the subject; it is now a question of one's opinion not being allowed to be expressed in the open, re- garding this subject. Our government has already rights? I don't think so. Katherine Ouellette, Port Perry Superspuds say thanks! To the Editor: Thank you Gary Beechey and Joe Gibson, coaches of the Su- perspuds T-Ball team. You took our flower-pickers, Our dreamers and dirt-kickers, They stood out there with glove in hand, 8x8 Garden Shed denied the unborn of a right to tion represents. life, now they take away my I find it utterly disgusting 45 YEARS AGO Thursday, September 16, 1948 Three hundred dollars in cash and $1,200 in stamps were taken from the Port Perry Post Office during a robbery. The safe was taken but was recovered, though badly damaged, in a field near Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reesor and Danny were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Powers, Unionville, and accompanied them on a motor trip to Bellfountain. Rev. Merrill Ferguson returned to his work in Angola, Africa after spending a year's furlough in Canada and the USA. He was staying in Blackstock with his wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goose, Ashburn, spent the weekend at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. George Phillips on Georgian Bay. 35 YEARS AGO Thursday, September 11, 1958 The Hon. Matthew Dymond, M. D., and Mrs. Dymond were presented to H. R. H. Princess Margaret during the recent Royal Tour. A hackney stallion owned by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sadler won the Canadian Hackney Society Special Ribbon at the CNE in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Vanderheul Sr., who have been visiting their sons Manus, Harry and daughter Mrs. B. Van Ryswick, left for their home in Holland. 30 YEARS AGO Thursday, September 12, 1963 At the regular meeting of Fidelity Lodge AF and AM, V. Wor. Bro. Norman W. Heayn was presented with the regalia of Grand Stewart of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clark, Scugog, were taken by surprise when more than 30 friends arrived for a chivari. 25 YEARS AGO Thursday, September 12, 1968 A meeting was held to reorganize the Arena Board and discuss future arena plans. It was suggested that ice time fees should be increased from $8 to $10 for local organizations. The actual cost to the arena for providing ice in 1967 was estimated at $14.50 per hour. Neil Malcolm's Holstein Macabar Madeline was chosen Grand Champion, Senior Champion and best uddered female in the Durham County Black and White Show at Orono Fair. R. H. Cornish Public School attendance includes 700 students and 24 teachers this year. 20 YEARS AGO Wednesday, September 12, 1973 The Ontario County Engineers Dept. has paid $175,000 for a 100-acre gravel site on the 4th Concession of Reach Township. The land was offered to the township six months ago for $100,000. Three ward councillors were acclaimed to positions on local council. They are Neil Hunter, Ward 1; Jerry Taylor, Ward 3; and Donald Frew, Ward 4. For the past month and a half, Port Perry Council has been trying to get rid of a sunken boat that is tied up at the waterfront. 10 YEARSAGO Wednesday, September 7, 1983 Port Perry MoJack Pee Wee fastball team won a silver medal at the Ontario Summer Games in Sudbury. Jennifer Lee, 9, and Michelle Morton, 8, both of Blackstock, sold popcorn for a dime a bag in front of the Blackstock Post Office. Proceeds went to the Community Memorial Hospital expansion fund. Artists Les Parkes and Peter Hoekstra created a colorful mural in the children's room at Community Memorial Hospital with the help of a memorial donation from friends and family of Barry Grierson. The young boy was killed by a motorist as he stepped out of a school bus in front of his Seagrave home. STONEMOOR DAY CARE CENTRES INC. | 399 Queen Street, Port Perry Offers a "Child Enrichment Programme" hildren 18 ths to 5 years. out eid wing wl available. L For futher information call 985-0800 py Hours 6:30 am to 6 pm Watching for the ball to land. Win or loss, the kids had fun, Trying to hit a real home run. You taught them well, and they'll be back, To give the ball another whack. Leanne Lang and grateful parents. Feels claim outlandish To the Editor: In reply to the outlandish claims by Gary Edgar, newly elected Chief of the Mississau- ga's Band on Scugog Island, as reported recently in our local media, counter action is under- way. Organization has begun. Federal and provincial gov- ernments have given to this small band, close to $1.7 million "for new housing, store financing and a bingo hall, over the past several years. This freeloading on the gener- al taxpayer has to stop. It is not a part of any treaty, recent or past. Joel W. Aldred, DFC Scugog Island Through village before you know An 80 km. speed limit sign at the north end of Seagrave, near the park, will be lowered soon. - Councillor Ken Carruthers told council the speed limit isn't reduced to 35 km. per hour until almost at the United Church. "Why you're almost through Seagrave before the sign indi- cates a change in the speed lim- it," he said. Council authorized Mr. Carruthers to have the 35 km. sign moved north of the park. EMMERSON INSURANCE ERS LIMITED 193 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY, ONT. LIL 1B9 (416) 985-7306 ALL LINES OF GENERAL INSURANCE NATIONAL \Y[ TRUST A Division of National Victoria and Grey Trustco 4.25" 1 YEAR ANNUAL INTEREST 6.25% - 5 Year Annual Rates Subject to Change without Notice. *\, exterior sheeting, 399.00 All Swing-N-Slide Products 20% off Ticketed Price! =n ~~ -- 24' x 24° Garage Package includes: trusses, framing lumber, shingles, = pars, gare 00s GGG QO mame ig Oak Kitchen Display Set ACORN KITCHEN CUPBOARDS $2,499.95 NE INCREE LAKE $CUG0G LUMBER CO. LTD. 11 Vanedward Dr., 085-739 1 Port Perry * QUALITY PRODUCTS QUALITY SERVICE * COMPETITIVE PRICING oh ER gen a ah Pr i pm, ou --_