"A Family Tradition for 127 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, June 22, 1993 - 11 Lette 'S to the editor It's the same music with a different singer To the Editor: I found it amusing the other day when I received a brochure from our member of parlia- ment, Mr. Stevenson, asking me to fill in what I thought about things. I don't know if this brochure is being paid for by the Conservative party or by the taxpayer. If it is being paid for by tax money, send me no more, because they will only do as they have done before, just what the leader tells them. Kim Campbell doesn't speak of "we" as a party but "I" or "my" government. This reminds me of the same dictatorship that we have had through the Trudeau and Mulroney years. It sounds to me like the same music, just a different singer. Kim Camp- bell said a couple of things in the leadership campaign that must have taught her to be more careful towards the end, but if she gains power in an election, watch out! The old parties will not change unless forced to. We need new ideas. Mulroney put Canada into debt more than all the other prime ministers put together. He mortgaged our children and their children to the tune of around $300 billion. Gave millions of borrowed mon- ey to other countries, while say- ing he was fighting the deficit. Do politicians think Canadians are that naive? Maybe they all think like Kim Campbell that Demand accountability To the Editor: I am tired of being labelled Homophobic when 1 believe that homosexuals have become Heterophobic. There are so many half truths being propa- gated about AIDS. There is a new book out"Rethinking AIDS" by Dr. Bernstein who states that HIV virus alone doesn't cause AIDS - but there are co-factors such as Hepatitis, Barr-Epstein and Cytomegalovirus common to homosexuals - also sexually transmitted diseases, T.B. and even smoking - and the good news that Dr. Bernstein states 1s there will not be an outbreak of AIDS in the heterosexual community and that 86 per cent of AIDS is among the homosex- uals and drug users - seven per cent among heterosexuals and two per cent caused by blood transfusions. Another correction is that only 1.5 per cent of the popula- tion are homosexuals not 10 per cent and AIDS is the only virus that has civil rights - V.D. and - T.B. are reportable and isolated and contacts followed up by public health officials - now in the U.S. because of pressure by militant activists there is a 23 per cent increase of funding by the government for AIDS re- search at the expense of Cardio- vascular Research which was cut and is the leading killer of all diseases. Is this fair? 98.5 Kinsmen and Kinettes have weekend to remember It was a successful weekend for the Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs of Port Perry. At the annual district conven- tion in Orillia the Kinsmen won the Public Relations Award for central Ontario, as well as an award for the largest percent- age increase for donations to Cystic Fibrosis research. The Kinette Club of Port Perry was also honored with the Best Service Project Award for its recent Coats for Kids project. Officials with the local club were pleased with the results. "It proves once again that Port Perry has one of the finest Kinsmen Clubs in Ontario," Dave Robinson, past national president of the Kinsmen Clubs of Canada and president of the Port Perry Clubsaid. per cent of the population are suffering because 1.5 per cent engage in risky behavior. Let's demand accountability and responsibility of these mili- tant activists minority. By the way the Toronto Board of Education just allowed tax- payers money to be spent on a float for Gay Pride Parade Day - average cost $5,000-10,000. M. McCaffrey, Reg. N. Port Perry ScuGoG MEMORIAL LIBRARY & individuals for their generous support we are all stupid SOB's. If, in the next 10 years, Kim Campbell, Jean Chretien, or whoever leads Canada contin- ues the debt, we will not be able to pay the interest. We have all lived pretty high on the hog over the years gone by, on borrowed money. Now is the time to pay back what we have enjoyed. The debt must be paid. We have to free ourselves from the old party thinking, 'ride to fame on bor- rowed money'. I think there are alternatives and I hope when we vote we can look at the choices, and elect someone who has a plan -- not Just talk. It seems to me that the three old parties have one thing in common - they all like things just the way they are. I would hope in the next fed- eral election the people of Cana- da would get a message out to the members of parliament that Canada means more to us than big salaries, fat pensions and months off work. We need a balanced budget, less spending, people to take care of themselves or we could lose out on health care and a lot of other things. This goes for all levels of government, Munici- pal; Regional, Provincial and Federal. . Vallie Lovering LL) 42) £5 os 1.425% tr (f; \ wry w 2) LM at the Monster Yard Sale & Auction Artagraph Reproduction Technology ~~ Feed Bin Cindy Bel 5 Star Pools Nana Biasi . Bruce Gerrow C Blackstock Women's Institute Goldberg/Barton Pineridge District Scouts Bryce Jones Research Agency WH. Graham Mirvish Productions Catherine Carroll Karl Herder Nuts About Chocolate Robert Craddock High Seas Yacht Charter por pory Pining Country Style Donuts Kathy Hoar/Emiel's Port Pern ar Dsonery Toys ka oy &S Don Cochrane Auction Services Kastelic Kounting ll Dollar Store Lacey's Woolgathering Sgn Dowson's ValuMart Peter Loughran tlement 's Institute and to all our volunteers who Stedman's helped that day. Stigma Style Landscape Services KIDS! KIDS! KIDS! SEIN RUAN SE LO 1nd =D LOUIS RDN 4 EY KARATE DAY 07.1) | of WEEK OF JULY 19th & AUGUST 16th 9am to 4pm - $65/WEEK ACI SSTACRVIT= 8 (ola ROAV/=T 16S \V{elgallple sR {ela (gallallnle RIANA (s qa loTo a IR {ol SV aaTRa [ale Re Walalap[olS INFORMATION & REGISTRATION - CALL J] 985- J ------ a -- Ran ---- = -------------------- 0205 [IAA VR=1017,][0]0 0 ¢:Y Martial Arts Centre 15258 Simcoe St., Port Perry More than 50 anglers charged on Scugog By Kelly Lown Port Perry Star Ministry of Natural Resourc- es Conservation Officers have already laid more than 50 charges this season to Lake Scu- gog anglers. Although the ¢charges are plentiful, officer Mitch Phinney calls it a "normal year" for Lake Scugog. "There always seems to be problems on Scugog. We have enforced it (the lake) for years, but the message does not seem toget out," he said. This year there are several anglers still using the excuse of not having received their new Outdoors Card yet, according to officer Phinney. But, the Ministry can verify if an angler has applied for the new card. The fine for not having a fish- ing licence is $50. Officers have already charged 42 anglers for illegal fishing and five for not carrying their licence with them. All charges were laid dur- ing four routine boat patrols on the lake by the three conserva- tion officers responsible forit. Other charges were two for Coil Mattress Star Rest Warranty (10yr.) 179 PARADISE BYeYa Fa RE RFA Sal STETE Fo pPACISN OTVIT=T a BS) OP ale] a SLT gg ACT Io RNC ie 0.0) Bunk Beds, Brass Beds, Iron Beds, Car Beds, Wooden Beds, Murphy Beds, Electric Beds, Canopy Beds, Day Bets, Big Beds, Small Bes & Cribs! OUR SPECIALTY - MATTRESSES AT FACTORY DIRECT PRICES!!! Ortho | (15yr.) 239 299 349 too many lines and three for pos- sessing bass out of season. The fine for keeping a bass is $105. Those with more than one of the species can be taken to court, where the fine is much stiffer. "Anglers should be reminded bass season does not open until Saturday, June 26. It is illegal to fish for bass right now, (not just) to keep them. Just wait for the season to open," officer Phinney said. Another problem conserva- tion officers have run into on Lake Scugog are anglers keep- ing muskie, which are under the legal length. "To keep a muskie, they must be 34 inches, total, in length, or they must be put back," officer Phinney said. The conservation officers will be keeping a close eye on Lake Scugog this summer. "We will be doing a lot more patrols, most likely every week- end," he said. "We are busy on other lakes as well, but we are making a sol- id team effort to clean it (Scu- gog) up," he added. Ortho li (25yr) Ortho li (20yr) Single 2pc. poezc 249 299 349 449 cwenze 200 359 449 499 BILL WALLER career choice as an automotive sales-leasing representative. Bill extends an invitation to friends, neighbours and former associates to visit him at Bill Nurse Chev Olds when considering an automotive change. ANNOUNCEMENT Nurse Chev Olds is pleased to welcome two new members to their sales team. Bill brings knowledge to his new Janel, a former resident of Oshawa, now NURSE CHEVROLET # QLDSMOBILE .#. CADILLAC , JANET HOY-HARPER: residing in Port Perry, recenlly joined the Nurse Sdes Team" as an aulomolive and sales-leasing represeniaive. Jane! has com- pleded the eny sdes automolive raining program and is making positive progress in her newly chosen career. Janet exends an invitation fo her friends and former associates lo visit her at Bl Nurse Chev Olds when con- sidering an automolive change. 1530 Dundas St. E, Whitby 668-3304