"A Family Tradition for 127 Years" Bike Rodeo on June 11 The annual church service at the old Presbyterian Church at Utica was well attended. Next Sunday it will be Decoration Service for Hillman and Ken- dall Cemeteries with service in the Utica United Church. The Sunday School had their picnic barbecue at Epsom on Saturday evening and on Sun- day the children assisted with their graduation church ser- vice. We have new neighbors I hear, they have moved into the new house on Palace St. After the service at Utica on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ray Munro. On Sunday there was a show- er for Shari Haugen at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Lynn Mitchell of Port Perry, which Mrs. Elva Kerry attended. There was a bride and groom shower Saturday eveningat Ep- som Church. The groom appar- ently had other commitments but the bride accepted the many gifts. On Sunday the bride's mother, Mrs. Breznikar held open house for friends and neighbors in honor of her daughter Maria's forthcoming wedding. YMCA summer camp programs Check out the YMCA for lots of summer fun this year! There are summer Day Camps offered called "Down To Earth Camps" for ages six to 14 years at Ux- bridge, Cannington, Sunder- land, Beaverton and Little Brit- ain with car pooling to Uxbridge from Port Perry. These camps run from July 5 to Sept. 3in one week sessions and are open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. with ex- tended hours available for working parents. The program includes nature studies, crafts, co-operative games, sports, spe- cial events, theme days, Par- ent's Nights and more! The "Kindercamp" runs at the same sites and days for ages three to five years and runs from 9 a.m. until noon with morning EDC available. The little guys and gals have lots of age specific games, sports, songs and crafts too. There's also the "Farm Camp" held at Sundance Mead- ows (Just north of Seagrave) with the Darby family! It's a regular "Down To Earth Camp" and "Kindercamp" (ages four to five years) with lots of animals to visit, hay rides and pony rides for the little ones. There is also a "Dance Camp" and "Theatre Arts Camp" of- fered at most sites that is part "down To Earth Camp" with plenty of dancing and perfor- mances included. There's more! Preschool classes, Dance and Theatre Arts classes, Modelling, Tutor- ing and Water Safety are all of- fered at the Port Perry YMCA and a special Art Workshop is offered in Brock Township. So much to do this summer and YMCA programs are open to everyone! For a brochure, just call 985-2824 or pick one up at your local school. We hope you Join us for the summer of a life- time! (som and Utica Church. Bethesda Reach Women's In- stitute meeting will be held at the home of Marilyn Stroud on June 9 at 8 p.m. to plan next year's program. There is another wedding in our area when Murray Evans and Melodie Barron will be married this Saturday. There was a shower on Saturday at the home of John and Dorothy Simpson of Pontypool. There will be a roast beef din- ner at Utica Hall from 5-9 p.m. Adults: $10; children six - 12 will pay $5. Those under six dine for free. This is in aid of Ep- Kim and Dan Smith of Green- bank spent a pleasant time Sunday afternoon visiting Dar- lene Christie. Happy 60th birthday to Bar- bara Simmonds. The tamily en- tertained many friends during the week in her honor. The Taylors had a visit last week from their daughter and granddaughter of Newmarket, also daughter and granddaugh- ter of Sundridge. On Tuesday, June 8 there will draw. be the annual reneral meeting FAMILY COMPUTERS and official opening of he new New or Used office in the Uxbridge Senior's Activity Building. i Get the full r ackage On Thursday, July 1 the draw ajor ages for an afghan and meat voucher Haydyars « Schwars + Tiong will be made at Canada Day fes- Sp bai vice tivities at Elgin Park. The tour of homes in Ux- WILLIAM M. SANDIFORD bridge was a wonderful success. WILLIAM M. SANDIFORD JR. About 500 participated, several from the Epsom and Bethesda area. (416) 985-1877 (416) 985-8576 Laurentian Bank winners Margaret and Bob Henshall were the wi in Port Perry as part of the bank's Sprin from bank manager Will Davidson and BUSINESS COMPUTERS The last big event in the school year at Epsom is the Bike Rodeo on June 11 in the after- noon. There will be bike regis- tration numbers by Durham Po- lice. Detailed information was sent home to the parents. Would You Like To ELIMINATE POST WEANING SETBACK In Your Starter Pigs? 3: vi p You With.... ¥ Let Us Hel An extremely palatable and highly digestible complete feed specifically formulated or piglets during the weaning transition to ensure acceptability and maximum growth. N PRE-WEANING PIG STARTER LHTITUR TRUITT THES * Highly palatable * Improved digestibility * Improved feed intake * Minimized post-weaning lag * Improved teed cons ersion * Improved cost/kg vain YOUR BENEFITS INCLUDE: For more product information, Contact your nearest SHUR-GAIN Dealer H & M WRIGHT FEEDS CO. PORT PERRY FEEDS LTD. 14 Scugog St. Blackstock 986-4201 40 Vanedward Dr, Por Peny 985-7363 Hwy. 12, Brooklin 655-4804 SPENCER'S FEED SERVICE LTD. H.H. GOODE & SON 1987 LTD. Greenbank, Ontario 985-3371 Uxbridge, Ontario 852-3355 hoe PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, June 8, 1993 - 37 ESE RR Ra nners of a television and VCR from Laurentian Bank g Campaign. The couple accepted the prize last week Regional Councillor Yvonne Christie who made the PORT PERRY DENTAL OFFICE AMIEY. DENTAL CARE DENTISTRYFOR 15 $100 IN YOUR POCKET Is you've found the car of your dreams and are now shopping for financing, look no further than the Uxbridge Credit Union. Not only do we offer competitive rates, outstanding service and reduced service charges, but from now till June 27, we'll put $100" in your pocket with a car loan of $10,000 or more. A Hundred Dollars Cash for you to spend any way you like. Unlike other financial institutions, the Uxbridge Credit Union makes the deci- sion regarding your loan here, in Uxbridge. Isn't it time you took advantage of the benefits offered at your Uxbridge Credit Union. Uxbridge Credit Union 70 Brock Street West 852.3388 * applicable to loans arranged at the Uxbridge Credit Union offices only.