- J. Peter Hvidsten Port Perry Star Rubbing shoulders with influential, high profile people has become a way of life for Bill Lishman over the past few years, as his talents become increasingly sought. Mr. Lishman, a Purple Hill sculptor/inventor, has proven his talents on numerous pro- jects over the past decade, his most recent being commis- sioned to work on the filming of an IMAX 3-D movie. The giant screen 3-D movie, entitled "The Last Buffalo" can be shown in only three coun- tries around the world, Japan, Canada and the United States. The Last Buffalo debuted at EXPO '90 in Osaka Japan, with Mr. Lishman present, and was seen by close to 2 million viewers during its 183 day run. The film proved to be one of the most popular attractions at the fair and was described by the Japanese press as a "work of a " The film if cu in Montreal 'and hds been run- ning eight times daily since Christmas. It also played dur- ing 1991 in Vancouver's CN IMAX® Theatre, the world's only permanent IMAX®3- D facility. Unfortunately for Ontario residents, the film will not be seen in Toronto. because the IMAX theatre at Ontario Place is not equipped to show 3-D movies. Last month, Mr. Lisham was invited to the premier showing of "The Last Buffalo" at the Moody Garden Theatre in Galvaston, Texas. A press 'release anfiouncing tly playing the premier of "The Last Buffalo" notes, "the film's star is Canadian Inventor-Artist- Sculptor Bill "Father Goose" Lishman, who is best know for his unprecedented "C'mon "4 # ® Geese" video which has been translated into six languages and distributed in 18 countries." It was at this premier show- ing Mr. Lishman says he took oN df # Fae part in one of the most lavish parties he's ever encountered. Dressed uncomfortably in a tuxedo, Mr. Lishman was one of the guest speakers, along with singer/actor/songwriter John Denver and Robert Kennedy Jr.,. son of the late President John F. Kennedy. But it was also at this part) that Mr. Lishman met and talked about flying with Captain Frank Culbertson, commander of the next Shuttle space flight scheduled to be launched in July. It was during this meeting that Mr. Lishman gave Mr. Culbertson a copy of his award winning film "C'mon Geese," which shows him flying with the Canada Geese in his ultra- light aircraft. Mr. Culbertson was so impressed with the film, he wrote to Mr. Lishman after he About "The Last Buffalo" The Last Buffalo, a 27-minute IMAX 3-D film featuring Purple Hill sculptor Bill Lishman, weaves scenes of nature, wildlife and sounds of life, with a sculptor' s life-like replicas to make a moving statement about the need to protect the earth's creatures and their natural habitat. In the opening scenes the camera pans over a vast expanse of nature's eroding, renewing wilderness and then shifts suddenly to the heat and noise of a dark old forge where a man (Lishman) works with fire, metal and mallet. At this point it is not clear what the sculptor is working on as molten metal streams toward the viewer and hot sparks fly all around. Mr. Lishman says the effects of the 3-D film put the viewer right into the middle of the scene. "It's like you could reach your hand out and touch things," he said. The film bounces back and forth from the workshop to nature, where some of the most incredible footage ever filmed of animals in nature can be seen. It brings to the screen giant 3-D images of buffalo, cougars, deer, eagles, and an incredible flying sequence of a Trumpeter Swan. All of these animals are seen in the final moments of the film sculpted out of iron in the smoky workshop. The work- shop was built by Mr. Lishman on his property and all of the . Purple Hill. But Mr. Lishman says 'he feels thie most: 'spectacular . scenes were taken on Lake Scugog and show A Trumpeter Swan flying along the lake near Seven Mile Island. This par- ticular'scerie took six months to film. The film is currently showing in Montreal. 985-8507 Port Perry (SYSYSEP~d 010 Cc Whitby 1} abi Sry ce )JORT PERRY auto glass &* trim ud, ater Street & 6 High Street, Port Perry FINALLY! scenes inyolving the old forge were taken on location at | aT Dundas Street, E. ANXIOUS TO BE OUT returned home. The following 4 are a few of the comments: "I -" think your art and craftman- ~ ship-are magnificent, but what * I'm really impressed with is your airmanship on. video. "C'mon Geese" is a fascinating "story. We've watched it count- less times already. Our friends love it, my 17-year-old daugh- - ter thinks it would be.a great 8 science project, and my two- year-old son. asked to watch "The Geese" Svery couple of hours Zag a cranes ~It-was in this 1 same letter that the Lisliman's were invited_to the official launch of the space shuttle this July. Mr. Lishnéin says he would like to attend, but it. will. depend at what stage he's at with his latest project;-raising and training a ~ flock, of "Canada Geese to migrate with this fall. "+ | PETER FVIOSTEN PORT PERRY STAR Bill Lishman takes up a pose beside a statue of himself which he sculpted for the final scene of "The Last Buttalo." " ITBY AUTO GLASS specialists ltd. The 1st Port Perry Scouts are now offering DOOR-T0-DOOR DELIVERY SERVICE for your flyers, catalogues, magazines, etc. Take advantage of our one day delivery service. For more information call Larry Whitby Warmer Weather -- Longer Days! 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