4 - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, May 11, 1993 Cost Plus Pricing - - - Can You Afford To Shop Anywhere Else? Open T -- 0-8, Friday 9-8 & Sat. 90. " Peameal Bacon -n. Lean Ground Beef -n. Ground Beef -n. Breakfast Bacon -w. Sirloin Tip Roasts - Ib. Eye of Ey Round Roast -». Eye Round Steaks - wn. Sirloin Tip Steaks - Ib. Boneless Butterfly Chops -n. Meaty Back Ribs - nw. Boneless Pork Loin Roast -w. Breaded Pan Fry Schnitzels- ». Fresh Pork | Shiskabob Meat - ». Rack of Pork Roast -m. Smoked Rack Pork Tenderioins -w. Fresh Potato Salad -w. ; \ & i ; "30 Water Stee, Pot Per, Ont SAUCY GOURMET 1° V4 favours 49° 500 ml Sale Ends May 15, 1993 KELLY LOWN/PORT PERRY STAR Cubs and Scouts of the Year 1st Port Perry Cubs, Scouts and beavers held thelr end of year banquet at the Port Perry High School on Saturday night. Pictured are the Cubs and Scouts of the Year. From left are: Burke Thomson, Cub of the Year (Pack B), Matthew Rankin, Cub of Year (Pack A), Greg Manns, Cub of Year (also Pack A) and Jeff Morden, Scout of the Year. Two applications proposed to fill void after taxi company closes Two men are seeking licenses ward Hall said a decision would Scugog Clerk Earl Cuddie for a local taxi service to fill the bemadeshortly. says all applicants must meet. void left after Village Taxi Ser- "We don't want to see the an extensive list of criteria be- vice closed its doors. town without a taxi," he said. fore an application is approved. Bruce Lockhart and Archie Ewing made separate presenta- tions to the township council on Monday, both are seeking the prized licenses. D. J. TAYLOR G.IC. Both men are proposing to INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. FIVE YEAR start up a taxi service to replace the service which stopped oper- 169 North St., Port Perry LOL 1B7 atingonMayd. = ion wa Guaranteed Investment de at the moot hg. Mayor Ho. Certificates Es me (Rates Subject to Change without Notice) PHONE 985-8416 2 2 Don't Miss the PORT PERRY | . Robert Boyko, Orthodont | HOME SHOW : DE E Moyltol6atthe ns --_-- Port Perry Arena. : ¢ ~ Free Admission ~ SAVE UPTO $899.00 Choose one of the pictured accessories FREE Jointer Sander when you buy a MARK V 555252 Pro Planer 1449 150 1299 * N.B. Freight F.O.B. Shopsmith Canada Warehouse t Demonstration prices on accessories apply only with the purchase of a MARK V. Choose the payment plan that suits you best! | 1) MasterCard 2) Visa 3) Cash 4) Personal Cheque 5) Revolving Charge Plan (ask for details) Shopsmith See Live Demonstrations Daily oa | PORT PERRY HOME SHOW uno. «| PORT PERRY ARENA, MAY 14 - MAY 16 eon 210 Sati 0amoon ta Hatem Sunday - 12:00 noon to 6:00pm Shopemith® is a registered trademark of Shopsmith, Inc 5-93