"A Family Tradition for 127 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, April 27, 1993 - 33 Karen and Hugh Goodacre of Newfoundland are visiting her parents Tony and Margaret uivesteyn and other relatives and friends in this area. They will be returning home on Thursday. They visited Hugh's mother and grandmother in British Columbia before coming to Ontario. While here the Dui- vesteyn family celebrated the baptism of Jared Nathaniel, son of Ivan and Sonja Duivesteyn on April 18 with the Vannetten amily. Jared was baptised at the Hope Christian Church, Prince Albert. The family gath- ering was held at the home of Ivan and Sonja in Blackstock. - On this Sunday family and friends ineluding Karen and Hugh gathered at the home of Margaret and Tony Duivesteyn to celebrate Margaret's birth- day. More friends are planning to visit Margaret on Monday, Margaret's actual birthday. Happy birthday, Margaret. Sympathy is extended to Har- old and Eileen McLaughlin and Roy and Edith McLaughlin and families on the sudden and un- expected passing of their broth- .er Ted McLaughlin of Fenelon Falls. Our thoughts are with you at this time. Congratulations to Paul Green who along with a friend has opened a restaurant "Gal- lery Garden" in Toronto across from the Ontario Art Gallery. Congratulations and best wish- es. Merrill and Jean Van Camp visited Joyce and Bob Fraser and family Sunday afternoon and evening celebrating Joyce's "special" birthday. Congratulations to C.H.S. Band who placed first above two * other bands at the Music Festi- val in Quebec City last week. There will be a car wash at the Cartwright High School on Saturday, May 8 from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. sponsored by the Durham East 4-H Exchange with Mani- toba. This is a very appropriate time as that is the day of C.H.S. Formal and with Mother's Day the following day what better day to have your car washed by an energetic group of 4-hers? Do support our young people. There is a great variety of items listed for the United Church Talent Auction on Fri- day evening which begins at 7 p.m. There were 11 tables at the weekly euchre party with the following winners: Eileen Warder, Charlie Campbell, Nerta Masters, Jean Porrill, Carl Ferguson, Grant Bright, Thomas Manns. Lucky draws were won by Dorothy Beech, Ross McRoberts, Richard Manns, Vera Fawns, Betsy Sta- niland and Nerta Masters. t Congratulations gk Carol & Ed Hobbs 5. on your 25" WEDDING ANNIVERSARY May 3, 1993 always - Family & Friends * 9 What is Blackstock coming to? On Friday night Trewins Farm Equipment lost four rid- ing lawnmowers - two orange and two green. If anyone saw anything that may give leads to this, either Earle or Lloyd Tre- win would be very pleased to hear from you. The members of O.N.O. and their spouses and friends en- joyed the production of Joseph and his Amazing Technocolor Dreamcoat at Toronto on Sun- day evening. More snowbirds have re- turned home - welcome back Bill and Ruth Marconi and Dal- ton and Kathleen Dorrell and others that haven'tlisted. Glad that Noreen Malcolm is home from Port Perry Hospital. Sorry that Ross Duff is a pa- tient in Oshawa Hospital un- dergoing tests. At the regular Sunday Church service the Sacrament of Baptism was conducted by Rev. D. Davis when the follow- ing children were presented: Amii Lynn and Linda Pearl Cal- lum and Steven Paul and Che- Ar Aye ----"p st -- ryl Lee Crook, children in Carol and Dan Steward's family; Jor- dan Douglas, son of Joyce and Douglas Larmer and Douglas William (D.J.) son of Lorrie and Doug Grove. Dale preached an impressive sermon on "Who Is That Masked Man?" Following church Lorrie and Doug Grove hosted a family gathering in honorof D.J.'s bap- tism with the following guests Glen and Joan Grove, Jeff Grove and Kelly Gibson, Franc- es Grove, Steven and Deanna Grove and family, Lorrie's mother Mary Ellen Goodchild and her brother David Good- child. Marion and Glenn Larmer hosted a family gathering in honor of their grandson Jor- dan's baptism with their guests Morley and Lola Bruce of Sea- grave, Doug and Joyce Larmer, Jesica, James and Jordan of Blackwater. On Wednesday, April 21 - 18 members of the Morning Unit of the U.C.W. met at the home of Anita Davis. After a delicious brunch, our SI IT TAY <> Kitchen, Bathroom & Custom Cabinets | All Built on the Premises. <> Professional Designing i\ (@ <> Complete Fumiture Stripping & ; Restoration <> Cabinetry Designed & Built for People with Special Needs --MARTINO'S --s CABINETS & REFINISHING |f{ 54 Main Street, South, Uxbridge, Ontario 852-7131 | DOM MARTINO - CABINET MAKER Reasonable Rates ~ Free Estimates ~ Work Guaranteed: Cartwright band takes top spot by Jo unit leader thanked our host- ess, Anita and opened the meet- ing. A memoria paper written by Eileen McLaughlin to Elean- or Werry was read. Eleanor was a member of this unit and a faithful and willing worker for her U.C.W. She will be greatly missed. Jean Van Camp led us in worship. Her theme was "Those Who Have Eyes." Mavis Brodie was in charge of the pro- gram. A short skit by some of the members showed us what can happen when you don't have an agenda at a meeting. We then explored the impor- tance of having an agenda in our lives be reviewing our suc- cesses and making of long and short term goals for ourselves. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. A Ny RNA A ~~ 4-HNews By Meghan Kyte This was our very last meet- ing for this club at 4-H so when we got settled we said the 4-H pledge and the minutes were read. Then off we went to get ready for Acheivement Night. When we had gathered in the groups we had already chosen we began planning our skits, projects and displays. After 15 minutes we told the other groups what we were do- ing. Then we gathered together to play games such as: Tele- phone, Snakes and Ladders, Duck-Duck-goose which we changed to Chicken-Chicken- egg and What Time is it Mr. Wolf? The meeting was fun and ex- citing at the same time! SERVICE CLUBS... Advertise your services and/or special events FREE! 4 MEA The Scugog Chamber of Commerce is publishing ny special full colour Tourist Brochure to be distributed throughout the Scugog Area. We need to know all about the services you provide and/or your special events. This space is provided FREE but hurry! copy deadline is May 1st/93. BUSINESSES... All paid memberships are listed in the Business Directory. Members who wish to reserve space for an ad receive a special rate. Please don't delay as space is limited. Copy deadline is May Ist/93. To reserve your space or for more information please call Tony or Henry at 985-9755. Now, for a limited time, when you open a new chequing or savings account with $500 or more at the Laurentian Bank you will receive a free movie video*. You can choose from a wide selection of popular Disappearing Classics, five great Disney titles that will soon be out of circulation. In fact each branch will hold © The Walt Disney Company movie titles including Disney's On Beep x n ' » [2% - 166 Queen $t., Port Perry (416) 985-8435 three draws to give away a set " py , N ; allows you to make no-charge of all five Disney Disappearing withdrawals at any Interac Classics. Plus, with every $300 *cash machine. deposited in your new account receive a ballot to win a 29" Sharp Stereo TV and Stereo special offers. VCR. Each branch will award one prize. But that's not ik all you'll get. You'll also AURENTI AN BANK receive an Automated OF CANADA Banking Machine card, which SINCE 1846 So drop by the Laurentian from now until May 31st, you'll Bank branch near you for complete rules on all of our * Funds must remain on deposit for 90 days. Limit two videos per household. Offer ends May 31st, 1993. Must be 18 years of age. a ui al a, a OL iis Bk Clee | a A ea Zr 2c eA ct cZ Ae ar AR a a a A yp ai re A