id DUFF - In loving memory of a dear mother, Hazel, who passed away Spr 26 1976. » how patient in thy suffering When no hand could give thee ease ox be hugo of the helpless w and gave thee peace Lovingly remembered by the family HARPER - In loving memory of our parents, Minnie and Cliff. Dad left us on July 24, 1971 and Mom on May 3, 1987. The world year to year And friends from day to day But never will the ones we love From memory pass away Sadly missed by, Elsle and Bill Roy and family. SCOTT, Beverley S. - In loving memory of my dear husband, who passed away April 28, 1991. itis sad to walk the road alone Instead of side by side But to all there comes a moment When the ways of life divide You gave me years of happiness Then came soirow and tears But you left me beautiful memcries | will treasure through the years Sadly missed by wife - Faye and family. BULLER, Wayne and Terr! (nee O'Neil) - Would like to announce the quick and safe arrival of their first bundle of joy, Tyler Russell on April 14, 1993. Proud ts are Doug and Mae Buller and Jack and Eleanor O'Neil all of Port Perry. Special thanks to Dr. Brown, Dr. Tuckand all the obstetrical nurses at Port Perry Hospital. SHE'S A GIRL LYNDE, Brian and Julie - of Little are thrilled to announce the safe arrival of Alexandra Victoria 8 Ibs. 9 ozs. on April 18, 1993 at Oshawa General. Fifth grandchild for Tessa Hamilton of Janetville and first granddaughter for Warmer and Nelda Lynde of Little Britain. CONVERY, Darren and Susan - (nee McDougall) are pleased to announce the birth of their twin sons, Patrick Dennis 5 Ibs. 6 ozs. and Mitchell Alexander 5 Ibs. 4 0zs., on April 15, 1993 at Oshawa Gener- al Hospital. Proud grandparents are John and Pat McDougall of Port Perry and Garry and Marilyn Con- very of Sudbury, Ont. KRISTENSEN, Spenser Erica - Eric, Leona and David are proud to announce the arrival of their second child and little sister. Spenser arrived on Easter Sunday, April 11, 1993 at 6:46 a.m., weighing 7 Ibs. 7 ozs. Grandparents welcoming her are John and Willie Bonsma of Wilmot Creek, Bowmanville and John and Lisa Kristensen of Oxford Mills, Ontario. Special thanks to Dr. Spear, Dr. Jana and the matemity staff at Oshawa General Hospital. THE MEATING PLACE home of Old Country Catering offers full ser- vice for weddings, banquets or any occasion. 985-2818. DURHAM COLLEGE CONTINU- OUS Learning instructor starting a computer training business. See ad under Miscellaneous Services in the Business Directory - 985-1706. SATURDAY, MAY 1 household items, shower stall with taps, 25" console TV. Rain date May 2. 10551 Old Simcoe Rd, Port Perry. 9 am. STOP YO-YO DIETING. For safe and permanent results, call Deb at Healthstyle 985-9372. THE FOOT STOP - advanced nurs- ing foot care clinic, Sunderland Medical Center. Call 705-439-2875 for appointment. SCUGOG RAPE CRISIS CENTRE 24 Hour crisis line 579-8006 Collect if necessary Office hrs. 10-6 Mon.-Fri. 985-8850 WOMEN IN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS For help call THE DENISE HOUSE (formeity Auberge) FOR WOMEN & CI{'LDREN TOLL FREE: 1-800-263-3725 or confidentiality assured 728-7311 BAHA'IS BELIEVE: The essence of understanding is to testify to one's poverty and submit to the will of the Lord, the Sovereign, the Gra- cious, the All-Powerful. For infor- mation, check the Public Library or call 985-4582. FREE "Guide to selecting an Intro. 7 service - 12 Questions You Should Ask". To get your copy call 986- CARE anytime. SINCERE SINGLES personal intro- duction service. A confidential way to meet that special person. Join Ontario's fastest growing membaer- ship. Let us "Change Your Life." Call Judy 725-5767 or Heather 1-800- 667-3283. £ ROMANS 7: Vs. 3 | So then, if while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress. JESUS IN.OSHAWA Holiday Inn 7:30 p.m. Evary Saturday 1-705-953-9475 JIM CAMPBELL PA PN PPP 1/4 MILE EAST EPSOM SCHOOL Durham 8. Boats and motor, tools, childrens clothes and toys, bikes, equipment, furniture, books, tables, May 1 and2-8am-1 pm 60 VANEDWARD DR., Unit #6. Saturday, May 1, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Indoors. Antiques: chairs, small - tables, trunks, blanket boxes, as found. Foot stools, towel rack (unfinished). Fabric remnants, odds and ends. SATURDAY, MAY 1, 9 am. 3191 Hood Drive (end of Island Road). Entertainment unit, fireplace uten- sils, dishes, new Christmas decora- tions, Gl Joe vehicles, everything but the kitchen sink! DJ TAYLOR INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. 169 North St., Port Perry, Ont. LOL 1B7 « 985-8416 SEE US FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS FOUR FAMILY yard sale, 121 Munro Cres., Uxbridge. Saturday, May 1, Sunday, May 2 - 8 am.-2 p.m. Sofa, chairs, microwave stand, shelves, dishes and glassware, kitchen misc., skis, exercycle, speakers, craft supplies, drapes, pictures, records, toys. Plus NEW STOCK from linen/gift store dosing with up to 80 per cent offl KELLETT SENIORS, 327 Kellett Street are holding an indoor yard sale on Saturday, May 1, 9 am. - 4 p.m. LAST TIME. Items include furni- ture, antiques, clothing, landscape supplies - 18" round patio stones, cobble stone, barbecue briquettes, used lumber, McLauglin buggy, 2 wardrobes, 1 Heintzman plano (in excellent condition), one large microwave, chrome stacking chairs, antique dining table with self storing leaf, etc. 14310 Old Simcoe Rd., Prince Albert, May 1,9 a.m. -5 p.m. MOVING SALE - 1646 Scugog Street. May 1 and 2, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Fumiture, appliances, chil- drens books, toys, antiques. MAXINE"S NAIL CARE offers nail technician training course. For fur- ther information, call 723-6672. OPEN HOUSE - Saturday, May 1, 1993 (1-4 p.m.). 2 Couves Lane, Greenbank. Spacious three bed- room raised bungalow. Approx. 1/2 acre, community water, all clay brick, air exchanger, central vac, bright, dry unspoiled basement, attached garage, eat-in kitchen, for- | mal dining room. Don't miss this | opportunity to view. This could be the home you are jooking for! Watch for signs on Hwy. 12, Call evenings 985-2308. Century 21 On Track Realty Inc. is pleased to announce and acquaintances to call him at his office 985-7371. EMMERSON INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED 193 QUEEN, PORT PERRY, ONT. LOL 1B9 (416) 985-7306 -- ater ee Seta ee Stam e State Se aE hese ate Se ROSE, RRR IRR "LAKE SCUGOG WATERFRONT | hmm So ey | Sn ee een : y. . y ge ( V | s : 4 Tripp, oc. Broker os 085.7508, bar and "more, Vendor: says bring all offers... i 5 1 ef £ ¥ £ i Ef SOR HOBBY FARM - 7.6 1 Aid $94,900. for this 2 bedroom bungalow on the [| 10 miles north of Port Perry. Newer raised bungalow : Kod ath fry sa ctu, ad ng om i with ideal ie Tome Thr Sra | iss ct ge rence | ig Sone Str, wl i, i QE Rn 3 Ce = ~ AM