124 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice 18 - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, April 6, 1993 oo > Pe PLS a ls J Winter's last blast (?) left area trees under a heavy weight of ice on the weekend. As the KELLY LOWN/PORT PERRY STAR power returned to this Cochrane Street home on Friday night, the tree in their front yard re- Cr News By Helen McKean Ad da A > a i £0 < Na oy ra So ru es The Sunday School children opened the service in Green- bank Church with the Palm Sunday Processional. Mark Oli- vero extinguished the Lenten Candle. "Hosanna" was the Easter anthem sung by the choir. : The Fidelis Group of the U.C.W. meet on Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. in the church. Please note the date has changed. The Evening Unit of U.C.W. meets on Wednesday, April 7 at 7:30 p.m. in the church. A. K( UCW meets April 7 welcome. CL Good Friday service is to be held in Pinedale Church at 8 p.m. Anyone "wishing to place Easter Lillies in the church, in memory 'of a loved one, please contact Barb Ward at 985-3908. Easter Sunrise service will be at 6:30 a.m. at Greenbank Ce- metery. Participants are invit- ed to breakfast afterwards. Mrs. Ruby Beare and Mrs. Myrtle Snelgrove have re- turned from their visit to the south. Ruby attended the funer- al of her sister-in-law Mrs. Ivan Beare on Saturday. News Just Received!! Our best wishes to the newest members of "Over The Hill Club." If you see, Joanne, Janet or Linda this week be sure to se ll sponded by splitting in two and collapsing on the roof. V.O.N. representative will be the guest speaker. Everyone is Easter Sunday service wish them a "happy 40." Life be- gins at 40! i] the farm of Bob and Heather id McCrae at 985 Scugog Line 4 24 with breakfast to follow at Port Perry United Church. Church service at Port Perry 10 a.m. and Prince Albert 11:30 a.m. Better health is wished for Friday morning service at 11 Jim Martin who was admitted a.m. Sunday, April 11 at 7:30 to Oshawa Hospital on Satur- a.m. Easter Sunrise Service at day. Scugog bridge results . March 31 - Afternoon 4 Table Howell -Avg. 42 3-1/2 Table Howell - Avg. 24 First - Doris Phinney and First - Jeanne Dymond and Georgia Brock 53-1/2 Minnie Fisher 27-1/2. Second - Miriam and Charles | Second - Georgia Brock and Labanovich 44-1/2. Ww ! Ed Clark 27. Third - Ginny Clifford and Third - Doris Phinney and Harold Brown tied with Joe - Cliff Chambers 25-1/2. Neal and Stan Smegal 43-1/2. Evening | | KARATE HL IU ICREETE to 65 years | Friends of Clayton Love will be glad to know he is now get- ting out a little after having sur- gery in Toronto. Sympathy is extended to Roy and Dorothy Hope and family on the sudden death of Roy's brother in Uxbridge on Sunday evening. Also to Kon and Mary Williamson on the death of Mary's sister-in-law in Eng- land. There was a smaller turn out for the weekly euchre on Thurs- day as the travelling was not very good. The winners for the evening ladies: Rita Storie, Ile- an Pugh, and Betsy Staniland. Men: Milton Anderson, Jim Martin, and Carl Gimblett. Lucky draws: Merv Storie, Jim- my Emerton, and Lloyd Greig. Lone hand series winners: Nor- man Rohrer and Jim Martin tied with 15. Myrtle Snelgrove has re- turned home after spending three months in Florida. Ruby Beare and Marie Clarke spent 1993 CHEVROLET PICKUPS regular cab, 150 package, 305V8, auto O/D, power steering/brakes, anti-lock brakes, alloy wheels, two- tine paint & stripe, cloth seats, sliding rear window, 1.9% 24 month lease. $30 Based on $1,000 down or trade-in, 1st & security & all taxes optional buy back or mileage clause. 24 months @ 1.9%. MORE TO CHOOSE FROM! CALL TODAY plus taxes Improves Concentration the past month with her. Sy HWY. 35S. The Port Perry and Prince Al- ¢ Physical GEO Lindsay bert United Churches will join SL AS LUAC the Presbyterian congregation EEGINHINMIING at St. John's Church for Good 324-3533 oe Self-esteem * Respect For Others AEA oN RENEES $2.99 for hatteries Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm If you have a Hearing Problem or a Hearing Aid, call today for an appointment or for a consultation. CITY HEARING AID CENTRE Professional PRE ARR RG SERVICES including Audiometric Testing Impedance Audiometry Real Ear Measurement Electronic Hearing Aid Analysis Prescription & Fitting of Hearing Aids All Make Repairs & Service Counselling & Medical Referrals Financial Assistance is available to all Residents of Ontario o Improves Grades o Child Abduction LEARN ABOUT Prevention | KARATE BEFORE: YOU JOIN Program INTRODUCTORY 9 9 15 COURSE ' (members only) MEN « WOMEN ¢ CHILDREN alla AVR =IVES Isle M1Y.Y Martial Arts Centre 15258 Simcoe St., Port Perry 985-0205 73 Brock St. W., Uxbridge 852-3093 Terry Faiers, BC-HIS Gayle Faiers, B.Sc, BC-HIS HEARING INSTRUMENT SPECIALISTS 462 Paxton Street, Port Perry, Ontario L9L 1L9 GHS-L160 (opposite Port Perry Community Hospital) Registered, Ministry of Health, A.D.P.