CT I Lue ) Ce " 20 - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, March 9, 1993 he WP "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" re aha Aa A Er News by Jean Jeffery EA eee eA oe XX AH RHR AFP el The first meeting of the Ep- som-Utica Youth Group will be held March 26 at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Sandra Kerry. Any local young people, 11 years of age and up who are interested in an evening of fun and learn- ing are welcome. Come and bring your friends! Robt. Ashton visited with his friend Aaron Wilson at Kemp- ville College and attended the a College Royal a very enjoyable weekend. The Epsom-Utica U.C.W. ca- tered a banquet on Saturday evening in Memory Hall, Utica for the Gun Club. About 70 at- tended. After enjoying a deli- cious beef dinner they held their awards programin the hall. Cathy Monsma celebrated her birthday by inviting her parents Norine and Alan Card and several of Jack's family for Saturday supper. Scott and his brother Rick Wilson are spending a few days in the Dominican Republic where for several years Scott has gone to help a friend pre- pare and show his cattle at the Holstein Cattle Show. Scott's wife's mother who lives near Ottawa is keeping Beth company in his absence. Julia Baster and friends Kar- en Weidman and Jason Agnew were dinner guests with Paul and Shirley Baster on Sunday evening. Marydale Tapscott and the curling team she plays with curled for the Senior Provincial Championship at a bonspiel in London. The team played two good games but lost just by a cats whisker. Congratulations. Uxbridge seniors are looking forward to their March meeting on the 16th. This should be a pot luck (bring your table setting). THANK YOU Seniors to kick up their heels We have a new P.A. system, but you'll still have to remem- ber to treat the "Mike" like a lov- er, get real close. Date - March 16. Thursday, March 11 we are expecting that many will wish to try out the lessons on ball- room dancing. Aren't we lucky to get a teacher for this class. Remember Thursday, March 11 at 10 a.m. On Friday there will be dance exercise or line danc- ing. Wendy Evans hosted a birth- day party for her sister Janice on Friday evening a happy 26th for Janice Bethesda Reach W.1. Journeved to the Nether- During March the Port Perry Star celebrates the 1st Anniversary of Star Marketplace While you will continue to receive Star Marketplace free of charge each week, we'd like to introduce you to our award winning Tuesday publication The Port Perry Star . You can enjoy fantastic saving during March with this 188 MARY STREET - PORT PERRY, ONT. - SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFER { one year subscription to The Port Perry Star ~ (New Subscription or Renewal) Reg. $32.10 value for only.......... Offer expires March 31, 1993 ona For 52 Issues m--_--_------------=1 > 8 Z Postal Code New Subs. ce cc on ~~ 1 ee re ee ee of Please start sending my copy of The Port Perry Star right sway! Renewal (416) 985-7383 Fax 985-3708 Phone # fesse acseesetstaser ess see tasters Please Don't Forget to e Enclose your cheque, money order or VISA number ® Fill in the above coupon ® Indicate New or Renewal lands to catch a glimpse of a beautiful country, a group of people concerned for their world neighbors. Corrine Croxall rep- resented Bethesda at the A.C.W.W, (Associated Country Women of the World) Confer- ence. Corrine shared with us her experiences, her pictorial commentary, the slides and the hands on costumes and souve- nirs helped to make this an in- teresting and enjoyable eve- ning. As we watched the faces and heard the comments we real- ized our guests (friends from Holland now making their home in Canada) were perfectly in tune with their heritage in Holland. School Kindergarten Regis- tration is necessary. Just a re- minder -doitnow. March 25 Constable Fox will be at the school to discuss bicy- cle safety. With help from the S.A.C. these helmets will be on" sale at reduced prices - Epsom 2:15 p.m. Chocolate bar sales coming up today. Epsom Grade II will visit Purple Woods Area to learn the methods of making maple syrup. Hospital report Feb. 26-March 4 ARIMA. oni oviiiiicisssssmmrrnranton 23 Deaths........cccovvrmreeeeennnenennnns 2 Births.......ccccoeiiiiinniiireeerenneneen. 4 Emergencies..............cccuue.... 254 Operations...oomrrmreesersi 16 Discharged............ccccoeveeeennnne 25 Remaining.......ccccccceevnreecnnanne. 43 Euchre on Thursday at centre by Florence Ashton % % 2 A the Women's Missionary Socie- ty met at the home of Lois Daw last Wednesday afternoon. President Ruth Oliver chaired the meeting and opened with a call to worship. Ray Death con- ducted the worship service. We joined in the singing of "Just As I Am." Scripture reading was from John 6 vs 36-40. Ruth in- troduced us to the new stud "Churches in Solidarity with Women." Refreshments were served and a social half hour en- joyed. The Ladies Bible Class will meet at the home of Joan Knight on Tuesday afternoon of this week at 2 p.m. Thursday night is euchre night again at the Ashburn Community Centre at 8 p.m. Everyone welcome. On Saturday afternoon, sev- eral from Ashburn and Myrtle travelled by bus to Lindsay to attend the Tommy Hunter Show at the Academy Theatre. This was an excellent perfor- mance and to top it off we all en- joyed dinner at a local restau- rant. Joan and Theo Knight were entertaining some of their fami- ly members on Sunday evening - a family birthday party. Please phone me at 655-4240 with some news sometime. The Eleanor Knight Group of