4 - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, February 23, 1993 : aaa 2 CALENDAR Community Calendar runs each week in the Port Perry Star and Star Marketplace providing space for local non-profit organizations to receive coverage for their important approaching events. Listings in Community Calendar are absolutely Free to any non-profit group. Copy must be submitted in writing before noon on Friday prior to publication, to be included in the next edition of the Port Perry Star and Star Marketplace. TUESDAY, FEB. 23 MARCH 2, 9, 16, 23 AND 30 Oshawa Chapter One Parent Families Association meets - 8 p.m. Simcoe Hall Settlement House, 387 Simcoe Street, Oshawa FEBRUARY 1-28 February is Heart and Stroke month in Scugog Township. Please support the campaign when the canvasser calls at your door. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 MARCH 3, 24, APRIL 1, 14 Aspects of Wild Bird Rehabilitation - Level II, MacKay Animal Clinic - 7:30-9:30 p.m. To register call | Cathy 430-3019. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Shrove Tuesday - Pancake Supper, St. Thomas Anglican Church, Winchester St. E., Brooklin. 5-8 p-m. Tickets at door. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Cralts at library on the Main Floor of The McLaughlin Library, 65 Bagot St., Oshawa. 10:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Durham Business and Professional Women's Club, monthly dinner meeting - 6 p.m. Earl of Durham Dining Lounge, 227 Brock St. S., Whitby. Info. 427-6930. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Free showing of "Super Companies and a video about NAFTA, 8 p.m. - Latcham Centre. Info. 985-3225. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Port Perry Fiddle Club Dance and Jam session every fourth Wednesday of month - Islander Banquet Hall, Scugog Island - 7 p.m. Info. 985-7557. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Stress Management - 7:30 p.m. - McLaughlin Public Library Auditorium, 65 Bagot St., Oshawa. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27 Durham Chapter's Bowlamania, Leisure Lanes Champlain Drive, Whitby 4-7 p.m. Info. 428-1325. MONDAY, MARCH 1 Infertility Information in Durham - 7 p.m. - Whitby Library, Main Branch, 405 Dundas St. West. TUESDAY, MARCH 2 4-H Club - Blackstock United Church 7-9 p.m. For children 10- ) 11 years. Info. 986-5112. TUESDAY, MARCH 2 Pine Ridge Garden Club monthly meeting and competition - 8 p.m. Nestleton Community Hall. TUESDAY, MARCH 2 Whitby Oshawa Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society meets at 7:30 p.m. - Henry St. High School. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3 Fair board meeting - 8 p.m. at Medical Associates Building. THURSDAY, MARCH 4 Scugog Memorial Library Travelogue Presentation - 7:30 p.m. Baltic Cruise, Scandinavian Capitals. , MAY 15 AND 186, 1993 Brock District High School reun- ion. Info. 705-432-2311. | "Scugog"s Community Newspaper of Choice" Mayor pleased with 3.5% hike in regional budget By Scott Anderson Port Perry Star Durham's aim for a budget in- crease of less than five per cent has been realized. Last week, council approved the region's budget whi¢h sees a rise of 3.5 per cent, wéll below the targetted five per cent. The current and capital bud- gets for general purposes has a oe expenditure of 330,966,700 and a net expendi- ture of $120,343,135. The recommended 1993 net regional levy of $92,816,000 will cost the average taxpayer $437, an average increase of approxi- mately $15 per household over 1992's figure of $422. Scugog's share of the increase will be slightly higher at 3.6 per cent or $440. This is up from $424 last year. Uxbridge also saw a 3.6-per cent increase, while Brock's increase was set at 3.5 percent. Pickering had the highest in- crease at 3.9 per cent and Oshawa at 3.8 per cent. Brock Mayor Don Hadden, chairman of the Finance Com- mittee, said he was pleased to have the budget finished and commended the region's repre- sentatives for coming in under the five per cent goal. "The 3.5-per cent level is rea- sonably acceptable. Although nobody's happy with any rise in today's environment." Don Evans, chief administra- tive officer, also praised the doc- ument. "I think it's a good budget," he said. "All the principle functions of the region are supported in EE FREE Brake Inspection (regularly $27.50) with Lube, Oil & Filter special *24.95 10% off Brake Pads, Shoes, Drums & Rotors Maintenance Inspection & Report 24.95 These prices are in effect until the end of March 1993 for GM Cars & Light Duty Trucks. Offer does not apply with other discounts. | The expert choice. Sales Service oi 989-8474 PEE, > PONTIAC BUICK LIMITED 10 Vanedward Drive, Port Perry GM 985-8514 Parts 985-2716 the budget." A number of uncontrollable factors led to the increase in- cluding the rising welfare costs and demands from the police services board. Mayor Hadden said welfare cases continue to escalate due to the current recession, while the region is seeing only limited help in cost-sharing from the provincial government. Based on caseload estimates for 1993, the budget has ear- marked $27 million for general welfare assistance. This is an increase of $1.7 million (6.9 per cent)over 1992. The increase also represented a two-per cent increase in the netregional levy. In a budget report, Mayor Hadden. placed the blame for the increase solely on the pro- vincial government. "The continued increasing caseloads due to the current eco- nomic recession has forced wel- fare costs to escalate with only limited increased cost-sharing by the province," he said. "These programs are largely mandated by the province and thus, this cost increase is beyond the con- 'trol of Durham Regional Coun- cil." Rising costs and increased personnel services forced an in- crease in the Police Services' budget as well. This portion of the budget increased by 5.4 per cent to $52.9 million. The im- pact on the net levy is three per cent. Salary and benefits amount- ed to the largest portion of the budget with more than $42.3 million earmarked for this pur- pose. The Works Commiittee bud- get also increased over last year's figure. The $10.65 mil- lion set aside for the committee represents a b5.7-per cent in- crease. Other' areas to see increases were the ¥inance and Adminis- tration Committee (11.2 per cent), Special Standing Com- mittee (8.4 per cent), Health and Social Services (5.9 per cent) and Planning (4.4 per cent). Scugog Mayor Howard Hall called the regional budget "a good budget." "It was made very, very clear that we as a council would not stand for major increases," he said. Mayor Hall said when the tar- get figure of five per cent was set, it was believed very difficult to achieve. But he says through hard work it was not only achieved, but surpassed. Although pleased, he ex- pressed concern over the rising costs of welfare. He said if the upward spiral continued, they would be forced to dip into the reserve fund to pay for the costs. "It's not a good idea to dip into reserves just to balance a bud- get," he said. The township's budget is ex- pected some time in March. tender, golden chicken. Plenty for 4-6 hungry Shoppers. $7399 DINNER SPECIAL 3 PIECE CHICKEN DINNER :. pis. 3pc. Chicken, Dinner Roll, Salad, Fries These spedals expire Feb. 28, 1993. 59 SYA $4.00 Regular $13.59. 136 Water St., Port Perry