"A Family Tradition for 127 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, February 23, 1993 - 9 Long distance plan angers residents By Scott Anderson Port Perry Star Bell Canada's plan to elimi- nate long distance charges across much of the Greater To- ronto Area is not being greeted with enthusiasm by all custom- ers. Earlier this month Bell Cana- da introduced a scheme in which the the area of coverage for non-long distance charges would be expanded. Under the Community Calling Plan, the area would extend from Bow- manville to Burlington and north to Uxbridge and Port Perry. In exchange for this service, customers would see two in- creases. An interim phase calls for an increase of $1.40 a month for residential customers and $3.25 month for single-line businesses beginning April 1. The second increase would be an additional $3.80 for residenc- es and $8.86 a month for busi- nesses in the plan area. Bell Canada estimates the av- erage total bill for the month in- s/Paterson Benn Phillip & Bonnie Benns are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their eldest daughter Angela Denise to Allan Paterson, son of Wilson & Sandra Paterson of Ashburn. Wedding to take place May 29, 1993, Port Perry United Church. TIFFANY Perfecting the world with quality Building Supplies & Service Vehicle Products (including Heavy Haulers) Roofing Products, Oils, Lubricants & Janitorial Supplies Rep: Frank R. Manthorne 206-375 Buena Vista Ave. Oshawa, Ont., Canada 416-436-0510 Call for free demonstration EMMERSON | INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED 193 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY, ONT. LIL 1B9 (416) 985-7306 ALL LINES OF GENERAL | INSURANCE NATIONAL TRUST A Division of National Victoria and Grey Trustco 6.0" 1 YEAR ANNUAL INTEREST 7.5% - 5 Year Annual Rates Subject to Change without Notice. | cluding long distance charges would increase by only $4.60 to $69. It argues the new rates would be offset by the savings on long distance usage. Not all local residents are happy about the proposed changes, especially those in communities such as Black- stock who are not included in the plan. Joan Graham, a resident of Blackstock, told the Port Perry Star last week, that many peo- ple in the community were not happy that Blackstock was not included. She said many are in- terested in the service. Joyce Kelly, also a resident of Blackstock, says she has talked to a number of residents in the area who are upset. But she says it is too early to tell just how much support is behind the proposal. "I think a lot of people just don't know about it yet," she said. Mrs. Kelly is urging all area residents to phone or write Bell Canada to express their dis- pleasure. Despite this outcry, Joan Rob- ertson, section manager for Bell Canada, says Blackstock does not qualify for the calling plan. - Based on studies, the numbers show that there is little interest for such a service in Blackstock, which contradicts the residents' comments. : The current Bell Canada cri- teria for no-charge calls is 40 miles and a 60-per cent interest. Mrs. Robertson says Blackstock i8 42 miles away and there is no real interest for the long dis- tance rates. This is based on customer records. "There has to be a cut off point somewhere," she said. Your Golden Horseshoe Pontiac - Buick Dealers are crushing the prime with this Pontiac Sunbird LE Sedan Despite Bell Canada's plans to exclude communities such as Blackstock from the new calling structure, Mrs. Robertson says it is not too late for the company to change its mind. She encour- ages residents to express their views. Customers are given this opportunity when submitting their monthly payments. If approved by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecom- munications Commission (CRTC), the Community Call- ing Plan will be introduced in the Toronto area on September - 1. %% 56-MONITH A. A LEASE RATLS 30-MONTH | EASE RATES ny Ben, ., by | 'Sunbird's crushing the competition with these features. Power Door Locks ¢/ Stainless Steel Exhaust &" Automatic Transmission ¢/ Air Conditioning ¢ Tinted Glass ¢/ Remote/Trunk Release / AM/FM Stereo Cassette 24 Hour Roadside Assistance* * 3 Year 60,000 km No Deductible GM Total Warranty Your Golden Horseshoe Performance Team. * This offer may not be combinad or used in combination with any other offer except the College Graduate Program. Offer applies 10 1993 new and unused, or demonstrates Sunbird models purchased from dealer inveiory. Offer valid for a limited time starting February 16. 1993 whila quantities last and applies to retail deliveries only. Lease rate of 1.9% available only on approved credit to qualified persons. Example: Based on a 36 month lease and capital cost of $12 867 includes administration lee on Sunbird LE 2)C89-18B. Monthly lease payments are $199. A minimum down payment of $1,077.00 must be paid at time of lease. Total lease obligation $7,184 38 including financing charges of $47300 Some mileage conditions apply 24 month contracts also available. Freight (85285), icence, insurance, GST and other applicable taxes not included. See dealer for details. ** Some charges may apply See dealer for details Rs il ll ig um PPE I a a peat a ----