i eM rth ¢ 1 \ "A Family Tradition for 126 Years" Pine Ridge Garden Club awards night By Shirley Love Pine Ridge Garden Club held their final meeting for the vear with a pot luck supper and Christmas party on Dec. 1. What an enjoyable and sociable evening with so many families attending .to enjoy a delicious supper. Entertainment was provided by the Senior Citizens' Choir of Port Perry. Mary Brown led and introduced the songs to be sung and Grace Hastings was on the piano. They sang a wide variety of Christmas carols. What a wonderful group of singers. They sure were enjoyed, as they received a good handclap and a standing ovation when they fin- ished. The 1993 election of officers were held under the direction of Mr. Bert Dickie, Treasurer for District 17. The- executive for 1993 are President Betty For- syth, 1st V.P. Pat Kingstone, 2nd V.P. Rika Wygerde, Hon. V.P. Paul Johansen. Treasurer Rie Hoogeveen and Secretary Kathleen Petrie. Directors are Grace Bajema, Marliese Hass- ler, Kathleen Petrie, Tettje Prins, Don Proutt, Grace Proutt, Bev Truax, Tina Wol- ters, Anne Woud and Anita Mazzarolo. Prizes for the year were awarded as follows: Best Flower Garden - Bev Truax was first and received the Johansen Vase; Tettje Prins, second; and Tina Wol- ters, third. Null Best Vegetable Garden - Tettje Prins was first and re- ceived the Johansen Bowl; El- don Fee, second and Dini Ooste- rholt, third. Cultural Division - Grace Bajema has the most points and was presented with the Newton Trophy; Tettje Prins was second and Anne-Julia Bajema was third. Decorative Division - Tett- je Prins had the most points and was presented with the Lil- lian Smith Memorial Trophy; Pat Kingstone was second and Grace Bajema, third. High Points winner for the year was Grace Bajema who re- ceived the Analda Trophy; Tett- je Prins was second and Pat Kingstone, third. Michelle Bonsma received a .trophy for most points in the Junior Garden Club. A beautiful Bird Feeder built and donated to the Garden Club by Paul Johansen was won by Marilyn Bonsma. Other door prizes donated by Village Garden Centre, Scugog Lumber and The Meating Place, were won by Anita Mazzorolo, Mable Dayes, Bernice Appleton. Mi- chelle Bonsma won the large jar of honey donated by Bert and Joan Dickie. The monthly competition was won by Margaret Trull and Shirley Love who received priz- es donated by Tettje Prins and Dollar Plus Bargain Centre. Bev Truax won the advanced membership draw. The club will reconvene in March, which is our member- ship night. A courteous invita- tion is extended to all. On be- half of all of us, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Christmas concert ¥ PIII Ea ds dk re on December 9 Greenbank News b I'm sure everyone joins us in extending our heartfelt sympa- thy to the Hunter family over the death of their dear brother Don Hunter. He was known to many in this area when Don and Margaret lived near Sea- grave. Mrs. Margaret Couperth- waite and Robert attended the anniversary service at the Wal- lace Memorial Church on Sun- day. Grandson Cory joined them to see this beautiful church. Margaret enjoyed the dinner theatre on Friday eve- ning at the Parkview Village in Stouffville. [Ladies please remember your WI. pot luck lunch at the home of Don and Helen McKean. Please bring a stamped Christ- mas card and an article for food hamper. At church on Sunday the Ad- vent Candle was lit by Cheryl, Kelly and Steve. Quatrill and the pulpit candle by Jill and Ken Hunter. Judy Gibson gave an interesting report for mis- gions and Rev. Shepherd's ser- mon was about the "Shepherd's at Jesus' Birth." Evegyone helped decorate the Christmas tree after the service. Our Sunday School Christ- mas Consert will be on Wednes- day, Dec. 9 at 7:30 p.m. at the church. The Christmas eve ser- vice is also at 7:30 p.m. All the beautiful poinsettias were placed in the church in memory of dear families and friends. The Fidelis Unit of U.C.W, enjoyed their "pot luck lunch- eon" last Wednesday. We had all our members out. Mrs. Ruby Beare and her group prepared a beautiful Christmas program having the members join in with readings, each followed by our singing a Christmas carol. Our ladies quartet, Ruby Beare, Jean Hunter, Mary Jean Till and Marie Cookman sang three numbers for us, with Betty McGee at the piano. The busi- ness meeting followed and eve- ryone greeted each other by singing "We Wish You A Merry Christmas." Plans were made to prepare our Christmas Ham- per for Operation Scugog. Each member of the executive agreed to let their name stand for an- other year. How could they re- fuse! It's Christmas time! BY The Pine Ridge Garden Club held an awa the Nestleton Community Centre. Winning Tettje Prins, Grace Bajema, Michelle Bonsma, Drop boxes throughout town rds presentation banquet on Tuesday, Dec. 1 at awards were (from left) Eldon Fee, Bev Truax, and Ann Julia Bajema. See story for detalls. i 7 Kinette Club's "Coats For Kids" drive well underway in Scugog The Kinette Club of Port Perry is trying to make this win- ter a little warmer for those less fortunate. It's "COATS FOR KIDS" win- ter coat drive is well underway but cannot be successful with- out the support of the citizens of Scugog Township. The Kinettes have set up drop boxes in several locations throughout Scugog and are en- couraging people to donate good used coats of all sizes. They are asking that the coats be clean and in good repair. The winter coat drive will run for the month of December fin- ishing on Dec. 18 to allow for \ ' Please recycle this newspaper _ y, sorting and distributing before Christmas. Several different avenues are being used for the distribution of the coats to en- sure that they go where they are needed the most. Efforts will be made to distribute the majority of the coats back into Scugog Township. Distribution will also be determined by the re- sponse from the public. The Kinettes were present at the Port Perry Christmas Pa- rade, handing out between 700- doesnt pay if you've had an... » Free Estimates (416) + No Obligations + Workmanship Guaranteed CRIME OSHAWA SECURITY SYSTEM 800 flyers informing the public about the coat drive and the ini- tial response was favorable. The following locations have been arranged as drop off spots: The Country Convenience Store - Blackstock, Sunnyside Market - Caesarea, Nestleton Country Store and Bakery, Port Perry [.G.A., Immaculate Conception Catholic School, R.H. Cornish Public School, S.A. Cawker Public School, and Port Perry High School. installed -1041 Province of Ontario. the Ontario Heritage Act. historical purposes. an liga TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, S.0., 1990 C. 018 AND IN THE MATTER of the lands and premises known as the "Landfall Farm" located in part of Lot 8, Concession 5, Ward IV, municipally known as 3120 Highway 7A, in the Township of Scugog, Regional Municipality of Durham, TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Scugog, on the 23rd day of November 1992, passed By-Law Number 59-92 to designate the above mentioned site as being of Historic and Architectural value or interest under PURPOSE OF THE DESIGNATION: The purpose of the designation is to recognize the 125th Anniversary of the farm for Dated at the Township of Scugog this 4th day of December, 1992. Earl S. Cuddie, Administrator/Clerk 208 North St., Port Perry, Ontario L9L. 1A7 (416) 985-7346