8 - PORT PERRY STAR - Real Estate Section - Tuesday, October 20, 1992 'VACANT BACHELOR apt. - $400 inclusive, suit one person, private, in country. 986-5618. VIEW LAKE waterfront, 3 bedroom home - $900 plus utilities, first and last months. 416-422-4766 alter 6 p.m. KINSMEN HALL - Available for dances, meetings, receplions. Kitchen & bar. Plenty of parking. 985-3736. Help Wanted EXPERIENCED and thorough cleaning lady needed one day every other week for residence on Island. Curent references will be required upon interview. $12 per hourly rate. All replies will be answered. Box #26, c/o Port Perry Star, 188 Mary St, Port Perry, Ont. LOL 187. FULLTIME GROOM, horse farm near Utica. Phone 852-3607. PARTIME/FULLTIME secretary required for a small trucking compa- ny. Phone 985-2832. BRICK WORK, fireplace, chimney, etc. Licensed bricklayer, quality work, 15 years experience, refer- ences available. Phone Gerry 985- 3584. MOTHER OF 3 willing to do babysitting in my home. References available. Call Debbie 986-4033. NEED A HAND? Call Murray. Grass cutting, window & eave- strough deaning, gardening, hedge & tree trimmings, paper & painting, garage, attic, basement & yard clean-up & removal. Call 985-0069. Cotlage raising, levelling, piers, perimeter walls, full basements installed. Masonry work also. 705- 652-3797 or 705-745-3790. PROFESSIONAL Wallpapering and painting. Reasonable rates Call Roy Povey 985-0940. QUALITY DAYCARE available, Prince Albert, any age, any lime call for information and interview 655-4281. WILL BABYSIT in my home - shift work O.K_, located at King St. Prince Albert. 985-1630. J&B HOME IMPROVEMENTS Complete Home Renovations Roofing, Siding, Fascia 5" Seamless Trough, Drywall, Stucco Spraying, Painting, etc Pre-Christmas Painting Q Special Oct. thru Dec Paint any average sized room for $65. complete (paint excluded) Paint 2 or more rooms and your washroom will be painted FREE of charge (or room of equivalent size) Don't delay - Call today Have your home ready for Xmas ALL WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES Joe (416) 986-5682 Brian (416) 986-0820 AND OTHERS In the matter of the estate of IRVINE BRUCE JEWELL. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of Irvine Bruce Jewell, late of the Townchip of Scugog, in the Region- al Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 15th day of July, 1992 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of November, 1992 full par- ticulars of their claims. IMMEDIATE- LY after the said date the assets ol the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario this 1st day of October, 1992. FOWLER, DAVIES Barristers and Solicitors, 175 North Street, Port Perry, Ontario LoL 1B7 Solicitors for Shirley A. Jewell, Ken Murray and Arnold Kerry, Execulors MARLENE R. JOBB Account Manager Residential Mortgages 24 Hour Approva Appointments arranged at home or place of business. Evening and Weekend appointments available. BUS: {s 432-0840 RES: (416) 571-2168 Messages Toll Free Pager 1 (416) 551-7695 Auction EIL N BACON N\A UCTIONS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23 SALE TIME: 6 P.M. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN, 3 miles east of Litte Britain on County Rd. 4. Antique chest of drawers with moustache pulls, modem loveseat, bed chesterfield, modem wardrobe, chrome suite in excellent condition, washstands, crocks, chesterfields, cookstove, Almond 2 door refrigera- tor and matching 30° electric stove, maple desk and chair, modern dressers and chests of drawers, coal oil lamps, occasional chairs, coffee and end tables, 2 door refrig- erator and matching stove, 6 pc. modern dinette suite, oval and flat top trunks, plastic stacking chairs, 8 h.p. snow blower, 2 horse drawn buggys, 1982 Firebird (as is), plus a quantity of china, glass, household and collectable items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS phone or fax 705-786-2183. PO Box 220, Greenbank, ON LOC 1BO (416) 985-1068 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of IRVINE BRUCE JEWELL, late of the Town- ship of Scugog in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 15th day of July, 1992 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of November, 1992 full par- ticulars of their claims. IMMEDIATE- LY after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario this 1st day of October, 1992. FOWLER, DAVIES Barristers and Solicitors, 175 North Street, Port Perry, Ontario LoL 1B7 Solicitors for Shidey A. Jewell, Ken Murray and Arnold Kerry, Executors TAKE NOTICE that all articles sub- mitted to BETTY BRITE CLEAN- ERS at 1888 Scugog St., Porl Perry, for cleaning or repair service prior lo August 31, 1991 and which articles have nol yel been retrieved by those who originally submitted them will be sold by Betty Brite with- out further notice on such terms deemed acceptable. The sale shall lake place subsequent to November 5. 1992, at 1888 Scugog St. Port Perry and all proceeds applied lo cleaning repair and storage service charges occasioned lo Betty Bnte Mortgages PRIVATE MORTGAGES - The place to go when you bank says no! Anubis Investments. 416-668 7200 Whitby GAGES - one slop financing Promp!. confidential service Cress brook Investments Limited 985 3832 Auction Sales ANTIQUE Show & Sale October 24 10-6 October 25 «11-5 THUNDERBIRD GOLF CLUB Ashburn, Ontario 686-1121 Tools of the Trade SHOW & SALE Sunday, Oct. 25 10 am to 4 pm Admission $4.00 KAHN BARN Brock Rd. North, Pickering 3-1/2 miles north of 401 Exit 399 THE ONLY ANTIQUE TOOL SHOW IN ONTARIO Featuring Tools of Various Trades Household Kitchen Utensils & Farm, Indian Artifacts Survey & Medical Instruments Books & Catalogues SALE TIME: 5 P.M. Auction sale of fumiture, clocks, and walches, gem stone equiment, sell- ing at Neil Bacon Auctions Lid., cor- ner of Hwy. 12 and 47. To include: flat back cupboard, pine counter, dining room suite, bedroom suite, lamps, table, pictures, glassware, 7 antique clocks, including Mission, English Parlor, Regulator, Mantel Pillar, Mantel Carriage, Steeple, 300 Day Brass Coach House Clocks are running and complete, 35 new watches including Bulova, Cardinal, Orlean, antique watches including a ladies Waltham, men's Elgin, Omega watch, Bulova Accutron, Cloisonne thimbles, several pens, plus equipment from a Gem Busi- ness of Gem Stone Cutting Equip- ment and Jewelers Equipment, Lap- idary Equipment, Cabechon cutling machine, Diamond saws, drilling machines, 1,000 Ibs. of cutting material, color photo developer and printer. sitter kiln, Lehman Slip-O- Matic, clay mixer. Also approx. 1,000 books on various topics from a private home. NOTE: Gem and Jewelers Equipment like new. Sale sold and managed by NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 985-1068. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22 - 12 NOON HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL Complete Laujo Dispersal for Laural & Joan Hamilton, Lakefield, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ont. 65 Head, RHA 177-191-182, 5 Very Good, featuring a (VG-2y) Jan /89 "Cedar" selling fresh since June & proj. to 3 y 226-224- 211 BCA, a (VG-2y) Jan ./89 Astro Jet with 177-200-187 BCA selling fresh since July, a Dam & Daughter both milking over 102 1b. Oct. test day, a June/90 Starbuck due in Dec. to Counselor, a May/90 Eclipse due in Jan. to Prelude. Followed by the Wilson's Breeder's Special Sale. See last week's paper for full details. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 - 5:30 P.M. FURNITURE & ANTIQUES Auction sale of Furniture & Antiques from a Stouftville Estate, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ont See flyer in mail for more details. Sales managed & sold by ALC TIONS LIMITED R.R." UXBRIDGE, ONT. (416) 852-3524 (416) 852-9755 Legal Notices MORTGAGE LOANS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the Eslate of THOMAS WILLIAM PERCIVAL WILLIAMSON commonly known as PERCY WILLIAMSON, late of the Township of Scugog. Regional Municipality of Durham. who died on or about the 1st day of October 1992 mus! be filed with the under signed personal representative on or before November 21st, 1992 Thereafter the undersigned will dis tribute the assets of the said Estate having regard only to claims then fled DATED the 20th day of Octo ber 1997 Sharon Bulns 519 Juhana Drive Oshawa. Ontario Executnx. by her Solicitor George L Smith Barnster and Solicitor 226 Queen St Box 5243 Port Perry Ontarno Lal 1B9 1st and 2nd's to 95% of value - all property types Prime Rates Quick Service & Approvals CALL 1p p (07.1) FINANCIAL CORP. 571-2880 OSHAWA 666-2936 PICKERING RECEIVER SALE OFFICE FURN. - WHSE. PACKING - FORKLIFTS - COMPUTERS - FAX MACHINES - TRUCKS - VEHICLES - STORE FIXTURES - REFRIGERATION UNITS We have been instructed by Richter & Partners Inc , Receiver and Manager, 10 supplement and liquidate the assets of GERRY'S DISTRIBUTORS LTD. In Detailed Lots by Auction ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1992 AT 11:00 A.M. AT 593 ALMA ST., PORT PERRY, ONTARIO (Hwy 12 North to 7A East to Old Simcoe St. South to Alma St) Sale Consists Of COMPUTERS & FAX MACH. 2 IBM PC Computers * Olympia Word Processor '2 Wang PC Computers * Apco PC Computer * MAI Basic Four Computer Sys * MAI High Speed Pnnter * Powerwave Power Supply * 12 MAI Comp Screens * Fujtsu Dex80 Fax Mach * Qty Calc. * IBM Typewriter OFFICE FURN. & EQUIP: Qty DP & SP Desks * Qty 4 Dr File Cabs * Qty Files & Office Supplies * Storage Cabs & Exec & Steno Chairs * Danby Fndge * 5 Water Coolers * Panasonic Microwave * Bunn Coffee Makers ° Central Vac System WHSE. RACKING & EQUIP. 100 Sect HD Pallet Racking * 8 Pallet Trucks ) 3 Hand Cans * 3 Dock Plates * Weigh Scales * 3 Disposal Bins * Qty Whse Cans & Wire Store Fixtures * 2 Freezers * Qty S/S Work Tables * Produce Pkg Wrapper * Qty Igloo Coolers * Rolling Walk Up Ladder * Time Clock * Qty Misc Tools * 16 H P Roper Ride on Lawn Mower FORKLIFTS: Peg 2600 1b Elco Forkift * Clark 2000 Ib Elec Forkhft = 2 Penwick Elec Pallet Trucks * Raymond 3000 'b Elec Reach Truck * Nippon 4000 Ib Elec Reach Truck VEHICLES & TRAILERS: 2 1990 Dodge Caravans * 1989 Ford Aerstar * 1988 Volvo White Tractor 34068 38000 Ib Rear Axle Traller w/Diesel Relngeration Units Traller (MVD#3249961) * 1977 AC Hiway Traler * 1989 & 1979-40 Hiway 1976 Storage INSPECTIONS: Tues . Oct 20, 10 amto 4 pm & Morning of Sale at 3 am INFORMATION: Phone (416) 630-5241 OUTSIDE TORONTO" 1(800)263-1469 TERMS: $200 Dep 25% on Purch Exceed $1,000 Total Purch By Cash or Cert Cheque J DeRande, D Ordon, D Gauley - Auctioneers Danbury Sales TORONTO CALGARY EDMONTON 7. [efel0AY 33 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24 SALE TIME: 11 AM. Giving up farming - WILLIAM AND CATHERINE ROGERS, R.R. 3, Havelock, Ontario, 14 kms. north of Cambellford on County 50 (Prene- veau Rd.) or 2 kms. south of No. 7 on Preneveau Rd. (Watch for sale signs). CATTLE: Hereford Cow, Simmental Cow, Dual Purpose Cow, Hereford/Limousin Cow. (These four cows are rebred Limousin and Simmental, due Jan- uary and April). Two yearling steers (Simmental and Hereford/Limousin), Charolais heifer calf, Dual Purpose heifer calf, Here- fordLimousin calf, 8 yr. old Charo- lais cow due January, Charolais/Simmental cow due April, 2 yr. old Simmental cow due April - (these 3 cows have been preg. checked), 2 yr. old Charolais/Sim- mental cow due June - heifer calf at side, 4 yr. old Simmental cow due June steer call at side, Charolais/Simmental cow due in July (these 6 cows are bred Charo- lais), M.F. 245 diesel tractor with 350 Allied front end loader, power bucket, P.S_, single outlets, P.T.O., 3 p.h., 13.6 x 28 tires, approx. 3240 hrs., good. Tractor chains, Interna- tional 29 tooth cultivator, 3 ph. Inter- national 2 furrow trip beam plough, 3 ph, MF. 8 tandem disc 3 ph, Two ground drive manure spread- ers on rubber, Massey Harris 13 run seed drill on steel, grass seed box, Ford 7° mower, 3 ph., M.F. 1051 rotary mower, 5°, 3 ph, Pollard 4 wheel rake, trail type, MF. No. 12 baler, good, Rubber tired Martin wagon with flat rack, bale buncher. JD 28 hay or grain elevator with undercarriage and motor, four sec- tion of finishing harrows and evener, two Cockshutt 422 pull type com- bines, plo, 6 pickup (1 working, 1 for parts), Hammer Mill with under- carnage, pto , dump rake, 3 drum roller, Ford 6° snowblower, 3 ph, reversible, single augar Massey 1 way disc, Fanning Mill with electric motor, Danuser post hole auger, 12° 3 ph. plo. 3 pt hitch sprayer, Mar tin head gate 72° x 29" with rear gate and side gate, 4 months old. three 50" hydro poles, electric fence stakes and wire, electric fencer, 3 pt hitch wood splitter, steel culver! 11° x 187, 8" sap pan, lire box. approx. 120 buckets and holding tank, new water pump with 3 hp engine, quantity of hardware nuts and bolts, etc, 100 ton jack, forks, shovels, etc , Mazda engine 4 cyl working, scythe, truck racks for Ford pickup. harness, whiffle trees, small quantity of steel roofing, single axle trailer with 250 gal. water tank, two Ford pickups for scrap Mazda 2 door car for scrap, quantity of scrap manure spreader for trailer on rub ber, 100' heavy chain - 6" x 47 links, circular saw machine pto.. 3 ph, quantity of 17 and 2° lumber, approx 1.200 square bales of hay (1991 and 1992), approx. 100 square bales of straw, 30 round bales of hay (4 x 5), many other items too numerous to list. Please note sale order - small items sell first at 11 am followed by machinery. then cattle at approximately 12 30 p m TERMS cash or cheque with 1D Owner and auctioneer not responsi- ble for accident or injury day of sale ROY AND ROD WILLIAMS, Auc tioneers, Campbeliford 705-653- 3533 Lunch available SALE TIME: NOON Kawartha Jersey Club Invitational Sale at Hickson Sales Arena featur- ing 40 fresh and springing cows and heifers. Sale chairman Lionel McKe- own 705-953-9852. CARL HICK- SON 705-324-8311; Res: 705-324 9959. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21 SALE TIME: 5 P.M. Auction sale of furniture and antiques from a Port Perry home, selling at Neil Bacon Auctions Ltd., corner of Hwy. 12 and 47. To include: upright piano, Conn alto saxophone, accordian, china cabi- net, side-by-side dresser, Diamond dye cabinet, lamps, pictures, oil lamp, hockey cards, stamps, 4 Lucy Montgomery books, 5 pc. glass kitchen suite, 20 china cups and saucers, 10" Della table saw (like new). Also selling will be furniture from a Stouffville home. Living room furniture, sump pump. Sale sold and managed by NEIL BACON AUC- TIONS LTD. 985-1068. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31 SALE TIME: 10 A.M. Fall consignment auction of farm machinery at Orval McLean Auction Center, Lindsay. Construction equipment, boats and RV's, trailers, woodworking and shop equipment, riding lawn mowers, tractors, farm machinery, approx 30 late model cars, trucks, vans. To have your consignment advertised call by October 22. CALL NOW TO CON- SIGN. ORVAL MCLEAN AUC- TIONS 705-324-2783 Lindsay. Orval and Barry McLean Auction- eers. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31 SALE TIME: 10:30 A.M. Auction sale for ALEC WALCER, to be held on site 1 km. west of Enniskillen on 8 th Concession of Newcastle, to include antique car, 3 trucks, farm equipment, furniture, shop tools, riding mower and more. 1930 Chev. 100% complete wispare parts, 1980 GMC crew cab, 1980 Ford supercab, 1981 GMC crewcab, 1981 Ford van Clubwag- on, John Deere 110 riding mower, 3 trailers, 3 truck caps, 3 gas engines, 2 chain saws, 3 ph blade, 3 ph snow blower, gas wood splitter on trailer, ATV mower w/7hp motor, rototiller, Sears table saw 10°, water pump, metal shop tables, HD metal shelving, lots of shop tools, new and used truck tires, file cabinel, patio furniture, 9' garage door, bedroom suite, chesterfield suite, freezer, old pine cupboards, oak desk, rockers, hall tree, pine cradle, piano stool, many garden and hand tools and lots more interesting and unusual pieces, large sale, lunch available. Terms are cash or cheque with 1D. For more information call 1-416- 263-4252. Sale managed and sold by GARRY K. POWELL AUC- TIONS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8 SALE TIME: 11 AM. Auction sale of SPORTS CARDS & MEMORABILIA at the PETHICK AUCTION BARN, Haydon, 8 miles north of Bowmanville, east ofl Durham #57 at 8th Conc. of New- castle. This sale is a store closeout for CLARKS CARDS & MEMORA- BILIA, Colborne to include hockey card singles-1986 Mario Lemieux, 87-Adam Dates, 84 Cam Neely, 84 Steve Yzerman, 87 Luc Robitalle, 81 Jari Kurri, 80-81-82-83-84-85-86- 87-88 Gretzky, Gordie Howe, Bobby Orr, Andy Moog, Brett Hull, several Lindros cards, signed facto- ry Classic Draft pick cards, signed factory Traks cards, 90-91 Pro sets, Pro set Platinum w/etter of authen- ticity, 92 Fleer Ultra and many more Ball cards to include, Frank Thomas, Jose Canseco, Ken Griffy Junior, Mike Shmedt, Ricky Hender- son, Mark McGuire, 68 Nolan Ryan rookie card, 91 Stan Musial signed, approx. 100 sets of cards, 50 boxes single cards, job lots, signed base- balls, box lots of money cards, lots of rookie cards, memoriabilia and lots more, large sale, something for everyone. Viewing from 10 am terms are cash, cheque or Visa For more information call 1-416-263- 4252. Sale managed and sold by GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS A CHR Aart ----_. pI R---- ~~ vy