"A Family Tradition for 126 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, September 1, 1992 - 25 $1,220 in park improvement account By Mabel Cawker Port Perry Fair Coming Up This Weekend The terrific three-day Port Perry Fair - the 1992 edition will "kick off" this coming Sat- urday, Sept. 5, through Sunday Sept. 6 and wrap up on Labor Day Monday, Sept. 7. There will be all kinds of activities for eve- ry member of the family, young and old alike. Once again of interest, the District of Ontario South Wom- en's Institute will have a dis- play in the Christie building - under the leadership of conven- or Mary Cannon and her com- mittee. The "rest nook" where you enjoy a break with home- made cookies topped off with good hot coffee freshly made, will relax you and the W.I members will make you most welcome - friendly group! Pennies for Friendship jars will be placed in case you may desire to contribute pennies or whatever - to help the world or- ganization - the Associated Country Women of the World, in their important work helping poorer nations around the News from the By Hazel Zoller Monday, Aug. 10 began as Movie Day all day. Residents were able to watch a variety of movies including an African movie in the morning. During Travel Club on Tues- day, Aug. 11, a National Geo- graphic video was shown. The 13th was our Monthly Birthday Party sponsored by the Blackstock Women's Insti- tute with a sing-song and piano playing. The ladies had a fash- ion show. Later that day a dis- cussion was held about the ear- ly 1900s and wagon train pioneers and the many changes that have taken place in histo- ry. Friday, Aug. 14 residents were entertained by "Spectro Music" in the afternoon while some went for walks at 2:30 p.m. because the weather was so beautiful. At 3:30 p.m. dur- ing Bible Care College, we talked of fulfillment of God's promise in our life. Monday, Aug. 17 was Kids Day. Margaret Charland was "high score" of Bonkers Bowling of 21. On the 18th volunteer, Mar- garet Cavill invited residents to her house for lunch. The weath- er was beautiful and we had Oc- toberfest sausage, chicken and the works. We extend our many thanks to her for the kind hospi- tality and the opportunity to have a great afternoon. We packed pickles on the 20th and on the 21st we enjoyed a [riendship Tea. We sang many songs that had friend or love in them. We read some poems and stories about friend- ship. Residents were asked to share some of their experiences with friends throughout their The Port Perry Star Scugog Township's Award Winning Community Newspaper Awards for: BEST FRONT PAGE BEST EDITORIAL PAGE PHOTOGRAPHY + ADVERTISING BEST ALL ROUND PAPER globe. So mark your calendar. You'll find it a pleasure and will look forward to the 1993 event- ful fair! Blackstock Fair A Successful Event The 127th annual Blackstock Fair was a great success, re- gardless of poor weather, and the Demolition Derby also was a successful venture on Friday evening. Our "hats off to the committee in charge." News Events of the Week Alovely supper was hosted by Mrs. Margaret Baumchen at her home, McKee's Road, on Wednesday evening with rela- tives and neighbors - a pleasant time of visiting while enjoying the delicious food. Next morn- ing, neighbor Neta Fish, Cad- mus Road, had a delightful cof- fee break at her home for the ladies. The Sam Cawkers were pleased to have as supper guests, Russell and Edda Bow- man of St. Christopher and daughter Pat Cornell of Etobi- coke. After the meal a visit was a highlight. Nursing Home lives and discussed what a friend meant - honesty, trust- worthy, stands with you through thick and thin and loves you just the way you are. During Bible Care College at 3:30 p.m. we talked about wis- dom from the Lord. Weekend guests of Lawrence and Gwen Malcolm of Nestle- ton were their five grandchil- dren Dan, Sam, Tim, Sarah and Rebecca Bilton of Lyndhurst. They all enjoyed Blackstock Fair on Saturday, and Nestle- ton Church on Sunday. Other recent guests were Dora and Harper Kelsey of Newcastle, Clara Schmid of Bowmanville and Bill and Toots Dan den Bosch of Co- bourg. Doris Nottingham of Caesar- ea, is hosting the Nestleton Women's Institute on Wednes- day, Sept. 2. The Tweedsmuir curator Gwen Malcolm and group will have the program and lunch. Visitors welcome. Nestleton United Church At Nestleton United Church on Sunday, Aug. 30, 11:15 a.m., 12th after Pentecost - a mild but windy day, brought forth worshippers to the church, with Robert and Carol Mairs greet- ing at the door. Rev. Dale Davis conducted the service opening with the Call to Worship. The children enjoyed their story told by the minister about people, then he taught them a song "Who are the People in my .Neighbor- hood" and accompanying them on the piano they sang the BCE Incorporated Inc. Free Research Report " ROBERT J. GOW 434-6161 or 683-1081 (Toronto line) RICHAR Investment advisors to Canadian enterprise and enterprising Canadians Happy 1st Birthday September bth, 1992 to a special grandson, TYLER GAYLORD Love Nanna & Poppy Locke Nestieton, Caesared! boy Mabel Cawker number. His message to the congregation "Called To Be Community" was excellent with many thoughts to take home! Katie -Mairs read the Scripture lessons. Rebecca Helsdon of Black- stock, sang a lovely number in keeping with the minister's theme entitled "Friends." She was accompanied by pianist Carol Mairs. Applause greeted them at the close. After the of- fering was taken by Norm and Rob Mairs, the congregation sang the Doxology. Service closed with hymn "In Loving Partnership" and all sang "Go Now In Peace." A Thank You Sincere thanks to everyone who worked, participated and attended the 1992 Lake Scugog Regatta. Our Kiddies Park im- rovement projection was $5,000. and through our special rojects, now stands at 1,219.19. Lets all keep the ball rolling by attending the regatta meeting Sunday, Sept. 6 at 11 a.m. in Putsey Park, for the election of officers for 1993. PEXXXXIZIXZXX IYI XIX XX XX XXII XXIIXIXIIXIIIIIXIN MK A be be 3) i +" ACTING \)JORKSHOP ¢ 3 3 K E x x + $ FORRIDS & T ENS! $ pd bd he Ages: 8to 16 * he Dates: Mondays - September 21 through October 12 4 D4 (4 sessions) 4 be Time: 7:00 10 9:00 pm x x + M Place: Town Hall 1873 * + + Cost: $50.00 complete 4 pd pd be Instructor -- JOHN H. FOOTE 3 4 4 be To register call: 985-06 11 s pq be Only thirty students will be accepted on a first call +! + basis. You must be registered to attend. * * 3 * * * + SH Call Now!!! xx 006000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000 AN Ba time b up to too lo adap Z 2: LIMINATES Wouldnt it be great if you could cut the time it takes to cut your grass? The POWER M from Lawn-Boy feed oi ings back into the lawn as fertilizer. bag or dispose of, of, you'll cut your mowing eles ois to discharge from the side. Forever Mowe Labour Day Special Inventory Clearout pr from LCH lawn mowers no clippings to Ri, when your grass is the mower nd og Open: Mon. - Fri. 8to 6 Saturday 8 to 3 t The Fain! tmame 17300 Simcoe St., N. ot wig mn RR1, Port Perry 985-3192