C--O Ona -- 20 - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, June 23, 1992 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" Last day of school Wednesday June 24 : Greenbank News by Helen McKean We found strange news in our daily newspaper this morning - "Sunday was the coldest first day of summer in 72 years." Maybe we can still put away our woolies, yet. Kellie Marie Quantrill was baptized in church on Sunday. She is the daughter of Cheryl and Steve Quantrill in Green- bank. Our special guest soloists were Eve and Emily" Stone, granddaughters of our organist Mrs. Betty Stone. The flowers in the sanctuary were in loving memory of Mrs. Eva Stone, mother of Willie Stone. Our sympathy goes out to the Stone family at this time. Mr. Armour McMillan is very much alive and well! He phoned me to note this in our Green- bank news. A Mr. Armour McMillan was buried in Green- bank United Cemetery last week. He was the second cousin of our own Armour. His father was born in the Stone house where Bob Hunter now lives. He lived in Orillia. I hope this proves our own Armour is still with us! A delightful tea was held in Greenbank School last Thurs- day, served by the teachers and staff. This was to express their thanks and appreciation to all the volunteers who helped dur- ing the year. I want to thank Margaret Couperthwaite for writing this news column the last three weeks while I was indisposed. Too, for her kindness staying. with me and going to Whitby Hospital. We really need friends at this time. Of course I must thank everyone for their cards and good wishes I re- ceived and too, Dot Hooker, the goodies you brought over were appreciated; especially your driving Don to the hospital. Thanks everyone. Ladies of the U.C.W. please remember our Bake Sale on Fri- day afternoon. We need your pies and cookies, etc., to make this day a success. It will be held in front of the church. We hope for warmer weather. The Greenbank Gamblers are on a hot streak and last Thursday night in Greenbank Park they downed Peterbo- rough I.C.G. to move into top spot in the Peterborough City league. This follows directly on the heels of their big win in the Bal- timore-Cobourg Senior Mens' Fastball Tournament last weekend and the Gamblers are currently riding a nine game winning streak. The team plays in Greenbank Park every Thursday night at 8 p.m. Greenbank Public School News The Grade 6 students spent Wednesday afternoon visiting S.A. Cawker School. They were greeted by former Greenbank students and welcomed by the staff. Thank you for an informa- tive orientation of your school for our intermediate grades. Thursday afternoon, the staff met parent volunteers in the gym for tea and dessert. Sam- ples of student art, unit studies, trips and the Discovery Box were displayed. Thank you to the many parents who volun- teer each year to help the chil- dren. The teachers appreciate your involvement. A special presentation was made to Mrs. Ellie Speck, our crossing guard for nearly 10 years. Leslie Jeffrey, Paul Chang and Kevin Edwards thanked Mrs. Speck and pre- sented a gift on behalf of all the bikers and walkers. Thank you for your care all these years and may you have a "Happy Retire- ment". On Friday, all students cele- brated "Comalia", a year end assembly to remember favorite songs, dances, oral language and present certificates to the graduates. Many parents and members of the community joined us. The Comalia was hosted by the Grade 6 graduat- ing class. Congratulations on a job well done. Best wishes for a successful future. On Monday, the Grade 6 graduates were treated to a luncheon with the staff. All preparations were made by the Grade 5 class. Epsom and Greenbank schools will play a baseball game on Tuesday at noon at Ep- som. Epsom students and staff versus Mr. Bark and Grade 5. Go, challengers! Last day for school will be Wednesday, June 24 with dis- -missal at 3:30 p.m. The students and staff at Greenbank Public School wish you a safe, happy summer. See you in September! TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS IN THIS SPACE Please Call......................... 985-7383 2, MOONLIGHT Thursday, June 25 With each purchase of above receive FREE package of 12 IGA Hamburger or Hot Dog Buns. Queen St., Port Perry V.LP. (Values, Influences and Peers) graduation was held Wednesday at R. H. Cornish Public School. During the school year students learned about drug and alcohol addiction and how to overcome peer pressure. At the graduation students performed a number of skits relating to the material they had learned. From Page 17 Marie and Earl Wilson enter- tained all of their family on fa- ther's Day. Mike Wilson has just re- turned from a horse show in New York where he showed his own horse. Don and Linda Card and fam- ily of Port Perry were supper guests with his parents Allen and Norine Card on Father's Day. We are pleased to learn that Faye Ashton is recovering from recent illness. Lila Faulkner, Paul and Shir- ley Baster and Kathy were Sun- day dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jones. Beth and Ken Catherwood were with Ruth Ashton on Sun- day. Epsom news Canada 125 is just around the corner. Choir practice - Thursday 7:30 p.m. Utica Hall. Those going in the parade, please be at Epsom Church no later than 12:30, there is a lot of organizing to be done. We hope all the children will have costumes and have their bikes decorated. Come, there is always room for more. Dress up and be in the pa- rade. Enter a float or be a spec- tator, but come. 1 p.m. June 27. Sports at Epsom School, base- ball, children's events. Hot dogs at 2:30 p.m. At 6:30 p.m. at Utica Hall - come for strawberry shortcake, old time fiddlers, music and skits. For information, call Bill McKay 985-9205; or Ralph Not- tingham 852-7793. fil Community News Ideas? | ca The Port Perry Star 985-7383 1)