Th -- Gs p-- IE I mn A SAG SL TNT 0, a -- amy I Te 7. P-- - -- dy he i dT Rabie HE EN ete Se 22 - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, April 14, 1992 SS bs aid "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" Asling, Prentice receive volunteer awards On Friday afternoon Roy and Erma Wilson of Cobden and friends Jim and Darylin Mirow- ski visited Earl and Marie Wil- son. On Saturday afternoon Floyd and Grace Evans, Earl and Ma- rie Wilson took Mrs. Bob Swift to celebrate Uncle Ern's birth- day. On Sunday afternoon Bob, Karin and Ryan Vanderbo- gaard visited with Ruth Ash- ton. Mr. Howard Gourlie Jr. of Ni- pawin, Saskatchewan is visit- ing his father, sister Doris Arm- strong and other family and friends. He will also be home for the family dinner April 25 when his father will be celebrating his 94th birthday. A beautiful communion ser- vice at Utica today when Karen Skeldingon flute and our organ- ist Norman Tucker played sev- eral duets. Thanks to the Sun- day School children who sang "Shalom" which means "peace." Uxbridge seniors have a bus tour to Niagara Heritage Quil- ters. They leave the Music Hall at 9 a.m. on May 8. If interested call Doreen Musselman at 852- 3680. Sympathy to friends and rela- FARM, BUSINESS & RETAIL COMPLETE COMPUTER SETUP & SUPPORT IBM COMPATIBLES Repairs - Modems « Fax's & Upgrades + Computerized Records - All Major Software Packages Supported WM. SANDIFORD (416) 985-9440 tives of the late Jim Stemp. Jim passed away at age 94. Don and Stella Asling and Heather Ashton attended a presentation of 1992 Volunteer Service Awards held in the Si- korski Polish Veteran's Associa- tion hall, in Oshawa on April 19 by the Ministry of Citizenship and Ministry of Culture and Communication represented by the Honorable Dianne Ziemba ~ and the Honorable Karen Has- ~ lam. Dr. Patricia Asling was the recipient of a 15 year award for her volunteer service at the Ux- bridge Scott Historical Society. Her father acccepted the award in her absence. Mr. Gordon Prentice also re- ceived an award for 10 years of volunteer service at the same society. Both Dr. Pat and Gordon spent their early life in Epsom community. The unit of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank in this area would like to thank everyone who attended the evening of Sa- cred Music Friday evening April 10. The offering for the evening totalled $1,765. April 17 is Good Friday Ser- vice at Epsom Church at 10:30 a.m. April 18 at Utica Church at 7:30 for an hour of Easter Mu- sic. April 19 at 11 a.m. Easter Service at Epsom Church at 11 a.m. April 22, Women's Insti- tute meeting at Dorothy Doble's home at 8 p.m. April 25 is Mr. Gourlie's birthday. On April there was a beauti- ful luncheon sponsored by the Bethesda Reach Women's Insti- tute. After luncheon all enjoyed a lovely program with guest 169 North St., Certificates D. J. TAYLOR INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. Port Perry' LOL 1B7 Guaranteed Investment (Rates Subject to Change without Notice) G.l.C. 5YEAR 9.3/8% PHONE 985-8416 EEE Em ew] e EEE Ewe] EXPERT KARATE INSTRUCTION Call 985-7982 ®)| Sundays & Tuesdays 7 pm 0 (py | ®)| 986- 5071 Anytime SANTA [3ctterliving PATIO ROOMS Spring Special 3] FREE SKYLIGHT for your Betterliving Patio Room ADD BEAUTIFUL NEW LIVING SPACE TO YOUR HOME The Quality Patio Room that adds to your lifestyle & increases the value of your home. Enjoy the summer in absolute comfort with no unwanted breezes, no bugs & no rainy days to spoil your fun! Check these features: Beautiful added space - instantly, maintenance free - never needs painting, a fraction of the cost of conventionally constructed room additions. demonstrator from Personal Touch. Happy birthday to Dom Sim- monds, Kelly Hill and a big 30 for Steve Ashenhurst. A num- ber of Steve's friends gave him a surprise birthday party on Saturday night. Margaret Sevier and daugh- ter Joanne of Newmarket were Sunday luncheon guests with her parents Earl and Elizabeth Taylor. Sunday lunch guests with Ruth Ashton were Keith and Faye Ashton and great- granddaughter Vickie Ashton. A number of the dairy farm- ers attended the Holstein spring show at Stratford last Saturday. Julia and Clay Dempsey of Scugog Island were supper guests with her parents Keith and Faye Ashton. James' friend + the school Meridith Jackson was also there for dinner. As a spring fundraiser the Greenbank/Epsom Public School has made available to you family portraits and por- trait photography by Terry Paul of Uxbridge. Sittings will be made available at Green- bank Public School on the fol- lowing dates May 6, 7, and 10. If interested would you please call at 985-2567 or Joanne Hansen at 985-0600. The scholl has a very busy month ahead. The week of April 26 is Education Week until May 1. Ongoing activities through- out the week are: Art Gallery in the hallway, Daily fitness activ- ities, school singing of Educa- tion Week song, "Learning for Life" and the Epsom Literary Guild (daily) 9:15-9:45. Daily events are as follows: Monday 1 p.m Science Olympics, Tuesday 1 p.m. all grades go to Green- bank to see a dress rehersal of the play "Readin', Ritin', and Rockin". At 9 a.m. on Wednesday, Lit- erary Guild (Brock High School). 1 p.m. Pauline Lang, the Director of Education wi 1 visit Epsom Public School. Thursday, Glenda Leedle, our physical education 'consultant will be finé tuning our folk danc- ing for up and coming "Spring Swing". Grade five and six will be pre- paring a French luncheon for the staff at 12 p.m. The meal will be accompanied with French entertainment. Doesn't the report of one week at Epsom make your head spin. The children of course will be involved with Canada's 125th anniversary celebrations. Educators Breakfast is on Friday, April 24 at 7 a.m. at Harwood Secondary School. The purpose is the start of Edu- cation Week from April 26 until May 2. Invited are one pupil, one parent, and one teacher from each school. Please send Zehrs tapes to the school. I'll tell you about "Spring Swing" and the Video Still Cam- era called "Mivaka" next week. Volunteers needed Spring clean up April 25 Get involved in your community! The Seagrave Park spring clean up is scheduled for Saturday, April 25 at 9 a.m. (the snow will be gone by then wont it???) Park Board reminds all volunteers to take their rakes, shovels and gloves. Let's hope parkas and snowshoes are not called for! The Hospital Auxiliary Fair is fast approaching. It will be held Satur- day, April 18 and now times are available for you - its open from 11 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. at the Latcham Cen- tre, Port Perry. Thanks to Donna Sweetman we will be able to include in this column a monthly update on the Hospital Auxiliary Million Penny. When given the dollar amounts regularly who knows maybe some local groups will 'challenge' each other! 1. Seagrave Store - Seagrave U.C.W. - $4.35 (34 cents of which were "pennies from Heaven" as they were found in the Seagrave Church parking lot by Mrs. Phyllis $5.45; 2. Wray who then donated them); 3. Auxiliary member Mrs. Gertie Wannamaker - $7.50. Don't forget this week is the Seagrave beef supper. It's always a popular community event. Sincere thanks to all who organize, donate items, and volunteer their time. Happy birthday wishes go out to Eleanor Sturman, Ron King, Derick Kent, and David Lee. A special hap- py birthday to Bill Keen who is tur- ning 91 on Wednesday. Belated hap- py birthday to Grant Jackson. Robinglade Estates Women's group enjoyed a good turnout at their recent meeting. Everyone en- joyed the talk and presentation from "My Country Bungalow' owner = PETER & VIOLET RABBIT invite you to join them at their 2nd annual the Downtown Area. ; PORT PERRY EASTER PARTY SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1992 FROM 10-3 Come to the Bunny House on Queen Street and receive your EASTER TREAT and stroll BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT L AREA Peter Rabbit says, "COLOUR ME and ENTER MY CONTEST". Colouring sheets available at Local Merchants Ages5to7 and 8 to 10 Bring your picture to Lizylou Decor Centre, 239 Queen St., Port Perry by April 17th, 1992. J a RRR ood Seas rave News _by| Dione Cooke Leslie. Thanks again Leslie! Winner of the 50/50 $ draw was-Diane Run- cieman. Winners of a draw gift each were Christiane Zidner and Marg Johanson. The groups next meeting will be the ever popular "Games Night' being held at Sandie Jonahs home on Wednesday, May 20. A cou- ple of card tables are needed that night. Also ladies are reminded to take their work schedules or home calendars as the date and location of our June dinner outing will be discussed and finalized. The 1st Seagrave Girl Guides are reminded that there is no Guides Easter Monday, April 20. Next meeting is Monday, April 27 when a hike is planned. More news on that later. Girl Guides and Brownies will be given their appropriate number of Girl Guide cookie boxes and therefore will be delivering to the community soon. Speedy recovery to Ruth Zolitz who underwent surgery in Oshawa General Hospital last week. Best wishes to Mabel Sturman who was transferred from the Port Perry Hospital to the nursing home recently. Seagrave Church News There was a procession of Sunday School children all carrying palm branches into the church on Sunday. They presented one to each member of the cangregation. The Lenten candle was ex- tinguished by Cassie and Logan and their mother Marilyn Snider. The Good Friday service will be at Pinedale Church at 8 p.m. The Easter Sunrise servce will be at Pinedale Cemetery. The Lenten Bible Study will meet at the church this Thursday at 8:30 p.m. after choir practice. That's all for this week. Best wishes for a joyous Easter season to everyone. Please call Ann Sandiford with any news you have for next weeks column. The Port Perry Star Reaching the hearts and homes of over 20,000 LOYAL READERS EVERY WEEK ARE --------