ST ------ "A Family Tradition far 125 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, March 31,1992 - § MARCH 28 - APRIL 17 "Bittersweet" - Watercolours by Leslie A. Parkes at Scugog Memorial Library. Artists' Reception Saturday, March 28 from 1:30 - 4 p.m. Everyone welcome. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 Hot Beef Supper, Oddfellows Hall, 6:30 p.m. Adults $9; Children $3.50. Tickets call Clem Jeffrey 985-2343. Sponsored by Oddfellow Lodge. THURSDAY, APRIL 2 Scugog Memorial Library Travelogue - India & Delhi, 7:30 p.m. - no charge. THURSDAY, APRIL 2 Pesticide Action League of Durham Environmental Network Info Evening" on B.t. & Pesticide use. Guest speakers Ken Carmichael & Shelley Gallaway, Chamber of Commerce, 181 Perry ST., Port Perry at 7:30-8:30 p.m. FRIDAY, APRIL 3 Canadian Cancer Society, Scugog Branch - Daffodil Day, Port Perry. FRIDAY, APRIL 3 Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 419, Port Perry, Downstairs lounge presents Chuck Stewart and the Country Strings Band - 8:30 p.m. FRIDAY, APRIL 3 Durham Region Federation of Agriculture Annual Banquet & Dance, Blackstock Recreation "Complex. Banquet - 7 p.m. Speaker: Jack Wilkinson, OFA V.P. For tickets call 986-0657. SATURDAY, APRIL 4 Lake Scugog Historical Society presents workshop ""Milestones in 19th Century Family Life," 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. - Scugog Island Museum Church. Pre-registration tickets $15 includes lunch, tour of museum, films, & slides. Contact Kim Harper 985-3589. SUNDAY, APRIL 5 The Proverbs, one of Canada's premier mixed gospel singing groups, at Greenbank United Church - 7:30 p.m. SUNDAY, APRIL 5 Mendelssohn's Cantata - "As The Hart Pants™ - Featuring soprano Marion Rodway, organist Keith Rasmussen and the senior choir during regular worship. Port Perry United Church at 10 a.m. MONDAY, APRIL 6 Parkinson Support Group, Durham Region Chapter, general meeting at 7:30 p.m. St. Mark's United Church, Whitby. Guest speaker Paul Gauthier on Tai Chi. For more info. 666-8576. TUESDAY, APRIL 7 Port Perry United Church Women and O.P.P. Constable Gerry Smith present a workshop "Women Travelling Alone, 7:30 p.m. at Port Perry United Church Auditorium. Free admission - all welcome. TUESDAY, APRIL 7 Durham Region Farm Computer Day - Ontario Ministry of PORT PERRY avo AREA COMMUNITY CALENDAR Port Perry and Area Community Calendar runs each week in the Star and provides space for local non-profit organizations to receive coverage for their important approaching events. Listings in Compunity Calendar are absolutely Free to any non-profit group. Copy must be submitted in writing before 5:00 p.m. on Friday prior to publication to be _included in the next edition of the Port Perry Star. Agriculture and Food, 60 Vanedward Drive, Port Perry. Displays of computer hardware and agricultural software. Educational programs with indus- try experts - noon - 10 p.m. Details call 986-0657. THURSDAY, APRIL 9 Spring Fashion Show, Yelverton United Church Hall. Dessert & Coffee 7:30 p.m. Fashion Show 8 p.m. Tickets $5. Call 986-5068. SATURDAY, APRIL 11 Spring '92 Country Cookin and Craft sale, 12:30 - 3 p.m., Scugog Island Hall. Craft sale, bake sale, demonstrations & displays. Sponsored by Scugog Island Head U.C.W. - Adults $1; children .25 cents - afternoon tea included. SUNDAY, APRIL 12 Motor City Cat Club 20th Championship Cat Show to be held at the Pickering Recreation Complex in Pickering, Ont. MONDAY, APRIL 13 The Pet Parrot Club, Oshawa meet at O'Neill Collegiate and Vocational Institute, 301 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa - 8 p.m. THURSDAY, APRIL 16 Pine Ridge Garden Club - bus trip to the National Home Show & Garden Festival, Exhibition Place, Toronto. Tickets: $10 and are available at Lizylou Color Craft or at the Garden Club meeting, Nestleton Hall on April 7. More info. 986-5330 S. Love. SATURDAY, APRIL 18 Parkwood Easter Egg Hunt! - 1:30 p.m. Parkwood Estate. Open to children 10 and under and must be accompanied by an adult. Special prizes for decorated bas- ket. Pre-registration at Parkwood 579-1311. In case of rain - cancelled. SUNDAY, APRIL 19 Easter Egg Hunt {4th annual, Queen Street, Port Perry - volun- teers needed. Call 985-0761 Ken Koury, Nuts About Chocolate. SATURDAY, APRIL 25 Benefit Dance for the John Jolicoeur family, to be held at the Goreski Resort, Scugog Island from 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. Music & entertainment - $10/person. For tickets call 985-7557. Donations may be made at the CIBC on Queen St. in Port Perry. SATURDAY, APRIL 25 Durham Region's Parents of Multiple Births Association - sale featuring infant's and children's clothing, etc. - 9 a.m. - noon, Adelaide Ave. and Wilson Rd. Oshawa. For info. 436-9058. SATURDAY, MAY 2 Operation Scugog sale of child- ren's clothing, accessories, ctc., Masonic Hall, Queen St. - 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Sizes infant - size 16. For morc info Kelly Olsen 985-9168. - Financial and Business Planning Corporations - Farms - Small Business Income Tax - Planning and Preparation Worth money and time Council makes gains at meeting Scugog's councillors say the recent "Meech Lake" was well worth the time and money spent. The Township of Scugog council participated in an all- day offsite meeting at the Grey- stone Restaurant, south of Port Perry. Dubbing it "Meech Lake 5," Regional Councillor Yvonne Christie said it was an extreme- ly worthwhile day. Councillor Christie said the meeting brought up a lot of is- sues and provided the council- lors with a chance to meet each other in a relaxed environment free of interruptions. The 10-hour meeting was split into two sessions. The morning session concerned re- gional issues. The purpose of this says Mayor Howard Hall was to give the councillors a bet- terunderstandingofregional is- sues. A number of regional officials made presentations during the morning including Pat Olive, Commissioner of Economic De- velopment, Vic Silgailis, Com- missioner of Works, Dr. M.R. Michael, Commissioner of Plan- ning, and Gary Herrema, Re- gional Chairman. "It really gave an overview to the new councillors of what the Multi-vehicle accident claims life of woman A three-vehicle accident on Highway 7A near Yelverton on March 26 claimed the life of a Peterborough area woman and sent another man to hospital. According to Ontario Provin- cial Police, a car travelling east- bound on Highway 7A was struck head on by a westbound tractor trailer and float, which also struck another eastbound vehicle, before leaving the scene. Linda Armstrong , 43, of RR2 Peterborough was taken to Community Memorial Hospital in Port Perry where she died a short time later. The driver of the vehicle, Cary Steele, 27, also of Peterborough, was listed in serious condition in Sunny- brook Hospital in Toronto. The driver in the third vehicle, Ke- vin Dupuis, of Locust Hill, was uninjured in the accident. Police have charged Joseph Buckley, 48, of RR5 Lindsay with criminal negligence caus- ing death, criminal negligence causing bodily harm, and fail- ing to remain at the scene of an. accident. On Monday, police recon- structed the accident. This in- vestigation was being conduct- Hospital report March 20-26 Admitted... 27 Deaths... 0 BIrHS. .....cviions ssonmmonns ss smmnmsnres soem 4 Emergencies........................... 260 Operations................................ 17 Discharged............oiwimmamess asmmnne 25 Remaining.............................. 38 Marina Rates For 1992 ed by the O.P.P.'s 'I'rathc Investigation Unit. Sergeant R.B. McManus of Newcastle O.P.P. said a number of measurements will be taken and entered into a computer to aidin theinvestigation. region does," Mayor Hall said. Mayor Hall said the meeting gave councillors a chance to learn about the issues of the re- gion first-hand instead of being reported by the mayor or region- al councillor. "The councillors know what the thrust of the region is on cer- tainissues now," he said. The afternoon session fo- cussed on more local issues, and provided the councillors a chance to discuss whatever they felt necessary. A number of are- as were addressed including the proposed budget. David Dietlein, Ward 4 Coun- cillor, was pleased with the way the day went. He said it provid- ed them with a chance to "get the opinions of the other coun- cillors"" on certain issues. Although Mayor Hall couldn't place an exact cost on the day, he estimated it to be approxi- mately $1,000. But others feel the cost is not important, when the value from the dayis considered. "You have to be able to do this," Councillor Christie said. "Sometimes you have to do what you know is tobe right." miflar ights presents Based on Anna & the King of Siam by Margaret Landon Music by Richard Rodgers » Book & Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein Il "Musical Directors: Tom & Catherine Millar Director: Diane Lackic Choreographer: Niki Allard Producer: Karen Burns at Town Hall 1873 Queen & Lilla Streets, Port Perry Tickets available at Irwin Smith Music 305 Queen Street, Port Perry or call (416) 985-2635 April 23,24, 25,30, & May 1,2,7,8 &9 All performances star at 8:00 pm. Thursday, April 23 tickets are $8.00 - All other performances are $10.00 oz - RESORT ON LAKE SCUGOG Reserved Seating Only RR#3 Port Perry Ontario LIL 1B4 (416) 985-9763 (416) 985-9764 (fax) Boat Length Scasonal Open Slip Seasonal Covered Slip Yearly up 10 17°01". ..iirisuiinnns 18 to 19'11" 200 21°11" $365.00 $400.00 $1250.00 $1425.00 $1675.00 The Complete Family Resort - facilities include: two heated swimming pools, beach, tennis court, recreation and playground facilities, modern washrooms, restaurant, security controlled entrance, full service for OMC, Merc, & Volvo stern drives, marine supply outlet, gasoline, propane, hydro and water at most boat slips, trailer sites and trailer sales. "-- I = ---- ces i tn nt a A rn real mp Be Ar ho ety MELANIE AE WON Tw etl 0. A ON TIT