Ee lt le AAT i a | R A RR 3 aS R a RR a = a, a SERRE ine RR RN a PRIVATE MORTGAGES - The place to go when you bank says no! Anubis Investments. 416-668-7200 Whitby. MORTGAGE LOANS | ¢ FIRST & SECONDS at PRIME RATES 7 UP to 90% NHA MORTGAGES ¢ EXISTING MORTGAGES BOUGHT & SOLD v VACATION and ALL OTHER PROPERTY « DEBT CONSOLIDATION ¢ NO COMPLICATED INCOME or CREDIT REQUIREMENTS ¢ POWER of SALE REFINANCES « REFINANCING of PROBLEM SITUATIONS « PERSONAL LOANS and LINES LEASING: Auto, Boat, RV, Etc. For more information call: 571-2880 | Raycan Financial Ltd. 215 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa, Ontario OF CREDIT FOR ANY PURPOSE | SR IN PORT PERRY AREA - Prescrip- tion sunglasses in green case. Call collect 1-416-294-2585. SMALL BLACK MALE dog (Skip- perke) looks like small Hyena! Utica area. Answers (sometimes) lo "Rainbow". Reward - 985-0888. BUSINESS peop interested in New Multi Level Mar- keting Co., Ladies Fashions. Call {416} 986-5068. OFFERING EXCELLENT OPPOR- TUNITY to people interested in operating own business from home with fast growing successful multi level marketing firm. Business experience is not necessary. Eam- ing potential is unlimited. Call Steve (416) 985-8521. FOR ALL YOUR Auction needs, farm sales, antiques, estate, real estate, etc. call Kevin Barker (705) 439-2101 or Fraser Macintyre (705)374-4091. Book your sale nowl! ROSS BAILEY - HARVEY GRA- HAM Auctions - Farm sales, all types of auctions. Call 986-4856. Np: CON \ Ne ' crion > PO Box 220, Greenbank, On: LOC 1B0 (416) 985-1068 COCHRANE AUCTION SERVICE Estates ® Antiques Farm Equipment Livestock ® Real Estate ® Appraisals Call Don, Freida or Phil 416-985-2788 SALE TIME: 10:00 AM. We will be resuming our outside sales at the southwest side of the Woodville Community Sale Bam. Anyone wishing to advertise, con- sign or needing information, call KEVIN BARKER (705) 439-2101. SATURDAY, APRIL 4 SALE TIME: 10:00 AM. Quality furniture, antiques, Royal Doulton figurines, 1990 cars at ORVAL McLEAN AUCTION CEN- TRE - LINDSAY. Property of Mrs. Ted Spenceley & Mary Machett (both giving up housekeeping) plus other select inclusions. 9 pc. oak dining room ste., 9 pc. carved wal nut dining room ste., 4 & 5 pc. wal- nut bedroom stes., 3 pc. waterfall bedroom ste., oak curved glass china cabinet, oak side-by-side, secretary desk, table top desk with S-roll, 2 pc. chesterfield, carved sofa, wing chairs, Victorian side chair, fireside chair, kneehole desk, washstand, reupholstered day bed, Quasar console colour TV with remote, cedar chest, Toshiba microwave & stand, bookshelf, vac- uum with powerhead, dehumidifier, quality coffee tables, swivel rockers, old trunks, excellent bed chester- field, pressback rocker, four poster bed, fancy carved tables, carved blanket box, dresser, 12 Royal Doulton figurines, household items, gold refrigerator & electric range, port. dishwasher, step ladder, 1990 Dodge Spirit w/ air, 1990 Tempest 6 cyl., air, 86 Ford Tempo. To con- sign quality fumiture & estates or list your spring sale, call McLEAN AUCTIONS (705)324-2783 LIND- SAY. ORVAL & BARRY McLEAN, Auctioneers. SATURDAY, APRIL 4 SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Auction sale of farm implements, the property of Peter Koczulab, lot 17, con. 7, former Township of Dar- lington, Town of Newcastle, on Durham Rd. 57, 3 miles north of Taunton Rd. or 1/2 mile south of Enniskillen. AC D-15 tractor with loader, bale forks, tractor tire chains, Massey Ferguson Super 90 tractor, diesel, power steering, good condi- tion; AC plough; Kneverland plough 4-16s auto-trip, good condition; AC disc 8', AC cultivator 8', bale bunch- er, 5 ton wagon with rack, NH baler 310, like new, NH rake 256, like new, hay elevator with motor, MF manure spreader, grain auger, 250 gal. sprayer, 5 section harrows, chain harrows, seed drill, horse sleigh, roller, cedar planks, cedar posts, steel posts, barbed wire, fence wire, cattle squeeze, livestock scale, chain saw, weed trimmer, larps, scrap metal, 1988 Chev 12 lon truck, V8 automatic, 90,000 kms., excellent condition, many other items, 600 bales hay, some straw. ARNOT WOTTEN, AUC- TIONEER, CHARLES REID, AUC- TIONEER, R.R. 1, Hampton, 416- 263-2512. FRIDAY, APRIL 3 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M Comeil's Auction Bam, 3 miles east of Little Britain on County Rd. 4. The property of Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Kimmerly of Oshawa plus other consignors. Antique walnut bonnet chest, 6 pc. modem walnut dinette suite, platform rocker, modern dressers & chests of drawers, coal oil lamps, crocks, Aladin lamp, 15 cu. ft. & 18 cu. ft. chest freezers, chesterfields, coffee & end tables, console colour TV, curio cabinet, antique parlour table, single door refrigerator, new oak drop leaf din- ing table, new Deacon's benches, Savage 30-30 rifle, 12 & 16 gauge shot guns, Cooey 22 rifles, 5 HP rototiller, electric furnace, 6 in. Beaver planer/jointer, Brunner air compressor, 2 wooden wheel horse drawn wagons, go cart with Honda engine, 4x8 box trailer with 2 ft. sides & top, qty. china, glass, brass tools, antiques & collectable items. DON & GREG CORNEIL, AUC- TIONEERS, R.R. #1, Little Britain. Phone or fax 705-786-2183. SATURDAY, APRL 4 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Don't forget the auction sale of the late Bill Johnson and Mrs. Ruby Johnson that was advertised in last week's Star. Location is one mile east of Blackstock on the Edgerton Rd. Six tractors, quantity of machin- ery and small . REG JOHN- SON & GARY HILL, AUCTION- EERS. SATURDAY, APRIL 11 SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. At PETERBOROUGH AUCTION CENTER, 2 miles east of Peterbor- ough on Hwy. #7. We have been instructed to liquidate approx. 60 late model vehicles including: CARS: 89-91 Dodge Dynastys, 89- 90 Corsicas, 90 Chev Luminas, 90 Plymouth Acclaims, 90 Dodge Spir- its, 89-90 Ford Taurus, 89 Ford Topaz, 86-91 Pontiac Sunbird & Cavaliers, 90 Ford Escort. PICK- UPS: 2WD & 4WD, 88-91 Ford, Chev & Dodge 1/2 tone& 3/4 ton. OTHERS: 89 Isuzu Trooper 4x4, 87 Suzuki 4X4, 91 Ext. Safari Van, 75 Chev. motorhome, 79 Curbside van. Partial listing only, subject to additions & deletions. TERMS: AT TIME OF SALE $500.00 CASH DEPOSIT OR VISA, balance within 5 days by cash or certified cheque. NOTE: vehicles guaranteed to have clear titles. VIEWING: Fri. April 10 - noon until 7 PM, Sat. 9 AM. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Don't miss this excellent opportunity to purchase a quality used vehicle. For information, call ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS, PETERBOR- OUGH. (705)745-5007. items. AUCTION SALES THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL2 - 6 P.M. FURNITURE & ANTIQUES Auction Sale Furniture & Antiques for A. Stephenson, Buttonville, & others, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge. including 8 pc. Dining Room Suite, oval table, Chesterfield (both ends recline), pine blanket box, pine bench, 6' harvest table, washstand, open faced hutch, 3 pc. bedroom suite, dressers, 2 Oak single beds, wardrobe, bunk beds, corner cabinet, cedar chest, hall tree, 2 cherry coffee tables, buffet, needle point chair, antique hall mirror, wicker framed mirrors, frames, mantle clock, lamps Hoover Vacuum, TV converter, Westinghouse air conditioner, dinner bell, crock, apple peeler, antique meat slicer, kitchen suite, rug, books, linen, dishes & glassware, collector plates, mugs & bells, oil lamp, Essay silver tea service, qty. toys, hockey & baseball cards, tools, Lawn Boy Lawn Mower (new), wheelbarrow, Delta band saw, boat trailer, Sth wheel trailer hitch, plus many other THURSDAY, APRIL9 - HOLSTEINS WILSON"S SPRING SENSATION CALF SENSATION selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ontario DEEP PEDIGREED YOUNG COWS WITH GREAT POTENTIAL MANY FROM VERY GOOD OR EXCELLENT DAMS SEVERAL DAMS OVER 200 BCA Several fresh or close at sale time Daughters of Popular Sires including Leadman, Lincoln, Starbuck, Tony, Tab, Astro Jet, Inspiration A GREAT GROUP OF 4-H AGE CALVES by Blackstar, Broker, Lindy, Lincoln, Inspiration, Starmaker, Delegate SEVERAL FROM (VG) DAMS WITH 4% TEST Followed by Consignments including fresh & close cows & heifers Sales Managed & Sold by 11 AM. AUCTIONS LIMITED R.R.2 UXBRIDGE, ONT. YY / 852-3524 416) 852-9755 Goodwood Lions Hall, Front St. (3rd. Conc.) in Goodwood. The Goodwood, Stouffville, Claremont, and Ballantrae Lions Clubs have joined together & created an auction well worthy of your attendance. Furniture, antiques, collectables, dishes, glassware, registered prints, 100 day bricks, 50 sheets plywood, cases of motor oil & dish detergent, bicycles, window air conditioner, 30° kitchen stove, wire fencing, comic books, stacking hall chairs & much much more. All above in good working order. Come join the fun. Proceeds to Camp Kirk. TOM CLARKSON, EARL GAUSLIN, AUCTIONEERS 416-640-6411. . SATURDAY, APRIL 4 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. "SATURDAYS AUCTION ACTION® Every Saturday night at 6:30 p.m. at THE PETHICK AUCTION BARN, Haydon, 8 miles N. of Bowmanville, east off Durham #57 at 8th Con. of Newcastle. This week we are sell- ing contents of 2 dress shops, new and modern styles, dresses, skirts, elc., adding machine, stereo, racks, office equip., plus antique and mod- em furniture, lots of glass and china and lots of other interesting and unusual pieces. Terms are cash, cheque or Visa. Viewing from 5 pm. Sale managed and sold by GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS. FRIDAY, APRIL 3 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Auction sale of used and recondi- tioned appliances, office equip., dis- play cases, and large inventory of repair parts. By order of Durham Bailiff Services, by virtue of the Landlord & Tenant Act RSO 1980, we are selling the complete con- tents of M&M Appliance Repair, 23 King St. West, Oshawa, to include a large inventory of reconditioned and used fridges, stoves, washers, dry- ers, freezers, microwaves, appli- ance carts, office equip. Pitney- Bowes photocopier, Ig. curved counter, display cases, lots & lots of appliance parts. Terms are cash or cheque with ID. For more info. call 1-416-263-4252. Sale managed and sold by GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS. Viewing 1 hour before sale time. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8 SALE TIME: 5:00 P.M Auction sale of funiture and col- lectables from a Keswick home, selling at NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD., comer of Hwy. 12 & 47. TO INCLUDE: 9 pc. walnut dining room suite, butter chum, chest of drawers, bookcase, ant. cast door stop, washboard, woodenware, crocks, silver, pictures, decoy, brassware, new brass lamps, quan- lity of glassware including crystal, VCR, golf clubs, 4 drawer filing cabi- net, 1980 Thunderbird (2 door). Sale sold and managed by NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 985- 1068. CONSIGN NOW TO ORVAL McLEAN AUCTION CENTRE - LINDSAY Annual April spring consignment sale of tractors, farm machinery, trailers, boats, recreation vehicles, cars, trucks, construction equip- ment, shop equipment & tools, rid- ing lawnmowers, elc. Bring to bam of phone 324-2783 by April 10th for advertising. Also booking spring on site sales. ORVAL & BARRY McLEAN - AUCTIONEERS & LIQ- UIDATORS. Tools of the Trade SHOW & SALE Sun., April 5th 10 am to 4 p.m Admission $4.00 KAHN BARN Brock Rd. North, Pickering 3-1/2 miles north of 401 Exit 339 THE ONLY ANTIQUE TOOL SHOW IN ONTARIO Featuring Tools of Various Trades Household Kitchen Utensils & Farm, Indian Artifacts Survey & Medical Instruments Books & Catalogues INFORMATION CALL 416-433-7086 SUNDAY, APRIL 12 SALE TIME: 12:30 PM. Auction sale at Orono Town Hall (Main St, Orono) (Viewing 10:30 am.). We are pleased to offer for auction a selection of quality items from a Toronto collection, consisting of fumiture, fine art, glass & china, jewellery, elc. Approx. 350 select items. Walch next week's paper for complete adds. (Next auction East- er Sunday, April 19th). MacGRE- GOR AUCTIONS 416-987-5402 or 416-983-5556. TUESDAY, APRIL 28 TUESDAY, MAY 5 SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Spring stocker & feeder sales at the WOODVILLE COMMUNITY SALE BARN, 1 mile east of Woodville, Ont. are as follows: Tuesday, April 28, 11 a.m. is our Regional Farmer's sale. Cattle for this sale must be booked in prior to sale date and on an ovemight stand. Tues- day, May 5, 11 am. Regular stock- er sale. Book your cattle in now!! For information, call KEVIN BARK- ER, AUCTIONEER (705) 439-2101. MONDAY, APRIL 13 SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Auction sale of farm machinery and tools at NEIL BACON AUCTIONS. If you wish to consign, please call NEIL BACON AUCTIONS - 985- 1068. SATURDAY, APRIL 4 SALE TIME: 7:00 P.M Horse, pony & tack sale at the Woodville Community Sale Bam. Anyone wishing to consign or for more information, call KEVIN BARKER (705) 439-2101. "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" RR TE 3 32 Ly A a iS ¥ 3 & ~ ~ { o RN -- Nu She SR a RA SI = WEDNESDAY, APRIL SALE TIME: 5:00 PML Auction sale of excellent home fur- nishings for a Downsview home; selling at NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD., comer of Hwy. 12 & 47. TO INCLUDE: 3 pc. glass wall unit (almond), 7 pc. kitchen suite (almond), 3 pc. chesterfield suite (green - 3 mos. old), G.E. upright freezer (almond), apan. size fridge, electric double bed (6 mos. old). chest of drawers, Electrohome cojour T.V. wiremote, Electrohome V.C.R. w/remote (both 1 yr. old), dehumidifier, Nashville electric gui- tac and amplifier, Pioneer stereo system, records, gas barbecue, Northwestern set of golf clubs (new), bookcases, large quantity of good glassware (boxed up at time of listing), books, pictures, collection of porcelain dolls, large quantity of Indian brass. NOTE: Items from this home are mostly 1 yr. old and are in excellent condition. Sale sold and managed by NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 985-1068. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15 SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. t machinery auction at the Woodville Community Sale Barn. To consign and have your machinery advertised call auction- eer - KEVIN BARKER (705) 439- 2101. SATURDAY, APRIL 4 SATURDAY, APRIL 11 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Special sheep, lamb & goal sales at the Woodville Community Sale Bam, Saturday, April 4th and Satur- day, April 11th. Sales start at 10:00 a.m. sharp. For information, call KEVIN BARKER, AUCTIONEER (705) 439-2101. THE SMALL CLASSIFIED ADS THAT WORK * 10 Word Ad to run for two consecutive weeks. The Port Pe Port Perry, INTRODUCING - THE PORT PERRY STAR ) Cost - $4.50 prepaid + G.S.T. Must be prepaid by cash or credit card. Services or Items up to $999.00 value only. Private person ads only - businesses not valid. One item per advertisment only. No changes in copy after first insertion. Price and phone number must be in all ads. No phone orders or cancellations. No photocopies or faxes accepted. ADS MUST BE DELIVERED OR MAILED TO: Star, 188 Mary Street, nt. LOL 1B7 lgl= ARY JUST ONE MORE REASON wHY THE "PORT PERRY STAR" IS STILL Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice PORT PERRY STAR TO FIND OUT HOW A PORT PERRY STAR STAR MARKETPLACE Classified Advertisement can start working for you - call (416) 985-7383