TTA re "A Family Tradition for 125 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, March 31, 1992 - 9 From Page 1 Oshawa car plants more com- petitive. Since GM chairman Robert Stempel's pre-Christmas an- nouncement of a major restruct- ing program, GM Canada offi- cials have been attempting to find ways to make the Oshawa car facility more competitive. It has argued that mandatory overtime was needed to stay competitive. Mr. Low says the two Oshawa car plants have traditionally been five to 10 per cent behind in productivity compared to the other North American plants. He says the new agreement now enables them to reach their build schedules. Although the issue of manda- tory overtime is resolved, the agreement does not come into effect until a new product is an- nounced for Oshawa Car Plant 2. This plant is without a prod- uct after the 1994 production year, and is waiting for the an- nouncement of another product. "Let's be clear. If ratified by the membership, these changes are dependent on GM's an- nouncement of a new product al- location for the car assembly plant," said Bob White CAW president. "The onus is now on GM to GM more competitive come up with a positive deci- sion. We urge the company to re- solve the question of the plant's future as soon as possible to end the painful uncertainty that Oshawa workers, their families and the entire community have been living through." Mr. Low also stressed that the deal is contingent on a new product announcement, but said this deal strengthens the plant's business case, making them more competitive. Mr. Low was unable to deter- mine when_a new product an- nouncement would be made for Car Plant 2. Many thanks to Art Parrind- Family photos April 19 By Sonja Graham A great time was had by all who attended the St. Patrick's card party at Myrtle United Church. There were 17 tables and the winners for the evening were: Tom Farndell highest men's; George Harper - second; Alice Whiting highest ladies; Vivian Eckel - second. Most lone hands for men was Charlie Horne and Mary Poots for the ladies. er for the donation of apples and also to Bob Eckel's donation for flowers. Mary Housego did a wonderful job on the flower ar- rangements and many people went home with these lovely prizes. On Tuesday, April 19 from 3:30-9:30 p.m. at the church, family photos will be taken. The photos will be included in the 150th anniversary booklet and there is no charge for this. Fam- ilies then have a chance to pur- chase their photos if they wish to do so. There are many time slots still open to choose from. If you need any more information please give Mary Housego a call at 655-4003. Se So Eas ET = -- a yl == Es mma mE wm 1991 & 1992 Demonstrators & New 1991 91 Chevrolet Lumina APV Passenger Van, #28950A 4 dr., fully power equipped, low km ................. $17,900 Past Model Gi 3,400km, fully equipped, blue/silver two tone.... $18,700 91 Pontiac Sunbird, #28819A Cars & Trucks Man Sugist 90 Chevrolet CL 8 Passenger Astro, #18407A 4 dr., original 1 owner, 21,000kM $9,600 i SA kia SY air, power locks & WindOWS ...........cceuvinenennnnne $18,100 91 Pontlac Firefly, #285388 92 Park Avenue Sedan, #28739 90 GMC SLE 8 Passenger Safarl, #18862A od r nasenbeck. en ST 88.900 Demonstrator 7,900 esr, $34,418 wcoursees $31,899 air, digital instrumentation ...........c.cccceueunens $17,800 5 dr. i --- eterna reer naas $8,200 9:2 Butch LoSabie Livitad Sedan, £15027 90 Chevrolet Sliverado 8' Box Pick-up, #28765A 90 Bulck LeSabre Limited, #18383A Demonstisto! 3,000 Ki cc... $29,105 conven $26,999 M4 the options, 10,000KM .........vveeerrersrreens $17,100 AlaWIESS SIVET fINISN w..vververeeereeeeeeeeeeereeeneenn. $17,900 92 Poitiac Bonneville SE Sedan, #2262 90 GMC Slorra 8' Box Pick-up, #28743A 90 Pontiac Sunbird LE, #084438 Pemonsiuator 9,600 ki... ...... $26,152. cece $22,999 305 V8, automatic, box liner ..........cccveeeveeennne $11,350 4 dr., QULOMALIC, AIF cveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eee eae $10,100 92 Buick Regal Limited Sedan, #28672 90 Chevrolet "S-10" Long Box Pick-up, #183448 90 Cavalier CS Notchback Coupe, #078508 Domonstisior 5,200 KW... $23,388 ..oovoons $24,796 4.3 V6, aUtOMALIC ..eevveeeeeeeeeeereereeeereeaaan eee $10,550 dark gray finish, automatic ...............cccoeeeennnnn. $9,900 *92 Pontlac Sunbird SE Sedan, #28806 89 GMC 8' Box Pick-up, #28869A 89 Buick Park Avenue Sedan, #28622A Demonstrator 4,000 km........... $16,085......... $15,699 ' luxury plus, fully €QUIPPE ............ceveereveeennnn.. $16,900 +91 GMC "S" Jimmy 4x4, #18436 4.3 V6, automatic .....cceeereeenieiniiiinnniirinnenennnns $10,700 89 Buick Century Limited, #28618A 4 dr. model, new, unlisensed ...$25,326 ......... $23,400 || 88 GMC SE 5 Passenger Safar, #28734A 4 dr., white finish, @ir ....ccceeeeeeeiieiiieiiieeeeenne, $12,500 91 Pontiac Bonneville LE Sedan, #18215 DUOTIARIC, BIE crv. virrininsisssassrmssmsinsnssmssnsasmanans $10,900 £9 Pontlac Grand Am Coupe, #287594 Demonstrator 9,000 km ......... $23,712 ......... $20,699 88 GMC "S-10" Extended Cab Pick-up, #281770A quad 4 motor, automatic, air .......................... $10,400 91 Pontiac Bonneville LE Sedan, #18322 V6, 5 speed, CaSSete ...........eeeevvurreeeneeeeeenennns $7,700 89 Buick Century Custom, #287565 Demonstrator 9,000 Km ......... $23,642 ........ $20,500 [| 87 GMC SE 5 Passenger Safarl, #07701A 4 d7., YO, BUIOMBNC, BIL wus csrssinsnas sss ane $10,300 *91 GMC 4 Wheel Drive Hardtop Tracker, #18307 BULOMALIC, AIF, CTUISE ........coisrrussssmsremmsmransnensns $10,900 89 Pontiac Tempest LE, #18206A op Irackey, ) , Demonstrator 5,000 km ......... $15,500 ......... $14,999 87 Chevrolet Deluxe 1/2 Ton - 8' Box, #18357A 4 dr., V6, automatic, maroon/silver .................. $9,800 ! ' ? | 89 Pontiac Grand Am, #18598A *91 Firefly Convertible, #18855 V8, automatic .........ouvuuiinieiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie eee $8,200 4 dr., maroon finish, automatic ......................... $9,600 New, white finish/decor pkg..... $12,255 ......... $11,999 85 GMC 3/4 Ton Pick-up - 8' Box, #186418B 89 Pontiac Sunbird SE Coupe, #28656A * Eligible for low rate financing or cashback up to 350 v3, 4 speed, certified ........cooeeeiiiiiiiineinnens $7,900 AULOMBLIC, BIT oremmsss susssssmssrneressomsnsnnss sessymmsgmuns $9,400 $1,000.00 - ask our sales representatives. 89 Pontlac Sunbird LE Coupe, #07891A AULOMALIC, AIM oer eas $9,200 All demonstrators include General 89 Pontiac Tempest, #18542A Motors 3 year!80,000 km 4 dr., 4 cylinder, automatic .................cccccocoenn.. $9,000 Protection Plan 89 Cavaller CS, #97151A Total Plus 4 dr., AM/FM stereo, automatic, air .................. $8,700 Warranty 89 Cavaller CS, #28645A 4 dr., automatic, air, tilt wheel, 75,000km _........ $7,900 87 Pontiac Sunbird LE, #287188 4 dr., automatic, AM radio, 46,000km .............. $7,000 86 Buick Regal Limited Coupe, #18550A one owner original, buckets & console .............. $8,000 . vr pois (¢ q Ne RDI 85 PontlacGrand Prix Coupe, #18593A Sand recopg, V6, automatic, air .......cooervinniiiiiiiii $6,950 NP 4 > fu J taxeg Sy '85 Oldsmobile Cutlass Brougham Coupe, #18353A Free ith oer oy D.A5 V8, QULOMALIC, AIT ....evevvereereeecacecarenins con siieneen $6,500 Prices i, eriele sold of advepty 84 Bulck Skyhawk Custom Sedan, #287118 Limiteq 73, ! ag advertise, ised two tone blue, automatic, 77,000km ................ $4,400 € Offoy Xlendeg ( nt. 83 Honda Accord Sedan, #288958 April 30/95, automatic, cruise, pwr. steering, 81,000km..... PONTIAC BUICK LIMITED 10 Vanedward Drive, Port Perry 985-8474 f-- Cw ---- SS = -- -- my --------------------- ------ Be a | § | | TT a a I Oo