Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 17 Aug 2023, p. 13

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IBCRIME BOY ALLEGEDLY FILMED IN MOVIE THEATRE BATHROOM MAN FACING NUMEROUS CHARGES A 30-year-old Brampton toa male who allegedly record- ed other males for sexual purposes across the Great- er Toronto Area (GTA). Halton police charged the ‘aman with n April 1 after a 13-year- old boy who attended the Cineplex Cinemas on Win- ston Park Drive in Oakville allegedly saw a pect filming him over “the top of the bathroom stall. The man was held in custody pending 2 bail hearing at that time Through further i inves- tigation, it was determined between October 2021 and March 2023, the accused None of the charges have been proven in court. ly 30 locations across the GTA and one location in Montreal (sporting events, ovie theatres, blic portedly red men's public washrooms andsur- reptitiously recorded males. Th d anyone with information, or anyone who may have been victimi: reault of the internet child exploitation unit at 905- 825-4777, ext. 8986. Tips can also be submit- ed cs to range in age from ap- proximately three years old to adulthood. As a result of the new evidence, the man was re- arrested on August 3, and charged with the addition- al offences of voyeuri: making child pornography and omnes of child has once bgain been Poa in custody pending a bail hearing. rime Stoppers. See something? Hea i Know Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (IPS) or through the web haltoncrimestopper- aa. SCAN THIS Ct for more local crime news. BEHIND THE CRIMES To) WW-Ye Me lale M Olatvel hu Ye MOrers Mam eOlalcelute) PPERS DRUG MART s Help You! DE RANGO PHARMACY INC. ¥ Patient Counselling / Free Nutrition ¥ Complete Diabetic Care Visit: / Free RX Delivery Our journalists revisit the crimes that dominated headlines in our communities. INSIDEHALTON.COM/BEHINDTHECRIMES Interlocking & Concrete Speci o FS a < (3) Q f=} z 5 mped Concrete (eas ways * Garage Floors * Patios * Driveways © urbe 3 (French) COMMUNITIES WE SERVE: APPRO ED AUT alaat-lar-lareksver-lel-merel inl —_ at 0 ra \ ——s os @) O @ HENCKELS- HENCKELS BALLARINI a HUGE SELECTION OF 3PCNONSTICK | OPEN STOCK FLATWARE KNIVES - BEAUTY TOOLS. FRYPAN SET =. Fer he frst 5 people “in ine"eoch. a 4 Matbekortepeuheodelss WhO. y eS - (iT ic = f i Faunce | SED Fume | 2 TD, wuss | ZWILLING® 10PC o ‘8L STOCK POT 7 6.25. STOCK 4.251 SERVING COOKWARE SET ‘WITH UD . POT WITH LID. eS PAN WITH LID. MSRP $700 MSRP $260 MSRP $230 MSRP $280 BALLARINI ‘ZWILLING® . ZWILLING® I) ZwItuNc® ; ii aN Arne \ RMLNs: Seq se Prone wan asesits MSRP $800 MSRP $300 MSRP $450 SALLARINE Zwuunes Sun ame Nex BeHONEncK: = Fea we woe IS Sas aaa tSoan MSRP $160 ‘SET = MSRP $230, MSRP $330 MSRP $300 4 ( ZWILUNG® ‘ZWILUNG® | _)-e | HeNcKeLs 45 Beung ee SSE one MSRP $95 KETTLE PRO- ‘MAKER MSRP $280 |_l $375 MSRP $150 i 15PC KNIFE 7PC KNIFE 7PM arcsteak KNIFE ieee sas Lhe se Bienen MSRP $435 MSRP $354 MSRP $70 MSRP $55. €z0z ‘LL isnGny ‘Aepsiny, | Jeaeeg emlxeo | EL woo uoyeyepisu!

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