MBOPINION -A SPORTING FUTURE 3 & ‘FOR OUR COMMUNITY = TRANSFORMATION OF @ SIXTEEN MILE z 2 SPORTS PARK ° UNDERWAY, WRITES ROB BURTON ROB BURTON Column I have long dreamed of having a community cen- tre in each of the seven rds, and now we will have one in each. year unfolds, a significant transformation is underwat yur town. The heartbeat "of this change is located at Six- teen Mile Sports Park, where the sound of con: struction melds harmon: ously with the vision ofa a vibrant community hub. Thismonumental devel- opment project heralds an era of exciting athletic and recreational prospects for assemb! sports f facilities and a testa- our town's commit- ment ig enhancing the qual- we of life for its residents. At the forefront of this development are two mul- ti-purpose sportsfields and a worl icket ground, both scheduled to be completed by the end of this year. A notable feature is the cricket pitch, not merely for its expected impact on the local cricketing land- € scape but also for its signif- 2 icance in building for the future. The vision for the Six- teen Mile Sports Park ex- insidehalton.cor > “This monumental development project heralds an era of exciting athletic and recreational prospects for our residents.” tends beyond 2023. A slew of additional amenities is on the drawing board, primed to make this park a verita- ble oasis for sports and rec- reation enthusiasts. These include a state-of- splash pad, an engaging playground, and an invit- ing fitness station. Each of these projects has been meticulously planned and is set for com- pletion in late 2024. ‘ansformation of Sixteen Mile Sports Park isn't just about construct- ing buildings or layi down fields. It's about fos- teri ommunity, promot- ing healthy living, and cre- ating a diverse and inclu- sive space that caters to a broad range of interests. As the park continues to evolve, we eagerly antici- pate its completion. The countdown to late 2024 be- gins now, as we look for- ward to the day when the park's finishing touches will be set in place, and it stands asa testament to the sporting spirit and com- unal aspiration of our town. Rob Burton is the May- or of Oakville. He can be reached at mayor@oak- ville.ca. TO LEARN HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR OWN CONTENT VISIT INSIDEHALTON.COM SNAPSHOT yn Wiggins photo A family of swans take a dip at Bronte Heritage Park. Do you have a great local photo you'd like to share? Send it to sleblanc@metroland.com, along with a brief description. AVOID FINANCIAL PROCRASTINATION PUTTING DECISIONS OFF CAN CAUSE PROBLEMS, WRITES PETER WATSON Let's talk about finan- cial ‘inati: and i PETER WATSON Column how you can avoid it. ‘Years ago, t the ¢ deadline turn in the mailbox by mid- night ona specific day. I re- member on a few occasions with the deadline fast ap. proaching, driving return to our local post of fice to make sure it was filed on time and therefore avoiding a financial penal- ty. There were many oth- ers doing the same thing. Procrastination is just not something that potentially affects ects you, it affects many. e of behaviour is nee wpe Why, with several months to com- plete your tax return, would you leave it until the last minute? The answer is simple. Because you are human. Most people have things ues ost Meeeaedn a piacrastination include failure to have a written financial plan that articulates your life goals and how they can be achieved. aienother Significant a not willo! the two} powers of; attorney that cover health and property. Procrastination is nor- jus avoid i that are extremely impor- tant. Peter Watson, of arson they this normal human Teher viour is something you would like to change, con- sider developing a strategy that will alter your pro- crastination tendencies. ‘here are lots of ways this can be done. Go ahead and be creative; maybe even | have some fun in the prot Personal financial is- REP, CIM®, Fest ofen a weekly financial plan- ning column, Dollars & Sense. He can be contacted through www.watsonin- vestments.com. SIGN UP FOR OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER AT INSIDEHALTON.COM ABOUT US ; lay, is a Metroland Media Group Ltd., wholly-owned subsidiary of ‘Torstar Corporation. The Metroland family ‘of newspapers is comprised publications across Ontario. 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