We all know that maps are pretty useful things. They help us get around and they help us know where we are when we stay put. They are great for recreating memo- ries and projecting plans. These days if you can use a computer you can even dial up live sateilite photographs of almost anywhere on earth, which is about as active a map as there could be. But when you zoom in on Milford they don't show any detail except a fuzzy blotch of colour. The Milford Fair Board has something a iot better: a highly de- tailed computer-generated map of the Milford Fair site. The members of the Fair Board all got a copy at this month's meeting. Let's use our imagination to ride in our Milford sateilite to both time-travel and zoom in on this map and see what's going on. The Parade First we put the camera time-dial on the panoramic setting and zoom out a bit to check on the "Greater Milford Area". It's about 9:45 am on September 17" and the early-bird pa- rade entrants have arrived at South Marysburgh School. They ve registered and gone to their spot in the assembly area. As time progresses the kids are here, the cars are there, the floats are over there, the bands are tuning up, and the horses are waiting far away so that they won't be spooked by all the noise and activity. Fair Board members and volunteers look up and down the road wondering who will be coming and when, for the final make-up of the pa- rade is only known when the bands strike up and the marching starts. Evervone is welcome to enter and com- pete for prizes. The prizes are listed in the Fair catalogue, with copies at Hicks' store, the library and the Cheese Fac- tory. Kids love the parade. Why not encourage yours to enter. Kids in the parade get into the Fair free, and they all win a prize. Better yet, why not join them? Continued on page 15 Kim Inch Releases First CD! Kim Inch has lived in Milford for the past 11 years with her husband and three children. She is origi- nally from Prince Edward Island but feels the Cony is like a slice of P.E.L She has been sharing her voice for years in many different ven- ues from weddings, musicals, concerts, festivals, fundrais- ers and services. In- spirational and gos- pel are her first foves. Kim bas just released her first ever CD titled "Mixed Blessings" which is a diverse collection of inspirational songs which she recorded at "Through The Cedars Music Productions" with Paul Johnson. (www ticmp.com). it has been a labour of love and she is very grate- ful for the love and support from family and friends. For anyone interested in purchasing a CD they are available at Town & Country Video (Picton); Hicks' General Store (Milford); Sam's (Quinte Mall) or from Kim 476-5174 & dkbscinch@kos.net. ® Grammar to Help You 5 ® Gastronomy 7 ® Druella Acantha Malvina 11 ® "Have a Dream" 13 ® Life in the Past 18 ® The Last Word 20