Published monthly by D.W. (Des) Marcille Phone: (613) 476-1139 ISSN Number 1181-6333 609 Morrison Point Road, Milford, ON KOK 2P0 E-mail: Website: South Bay U.C.W. U.C.W. met at South Bay United Church Hall on Wednesday, October 13th at 1:30 p.m. President Sandra Emlaw-read a short story about a young lad who went to a large city with very little money or knowledge about city life. He was fortunate to find people who helped him over the rough spots. He - came to the conclusion, as we should, that it's the people, not the place, that count. : Our theme hymn, purpose and Lord's Prayer fol- lowed. Skip McCormack's devotional was taken from Matthew 25, verses 31 to 40. Our hymn was "How Firm a Foundation." The theme of the devotional was showing that God cares for everyone - not just the chosen race. Sixteen members answered roll call. Card Secre- tary Donna Loney sent 8 cards to residents of the town- ship. Our U.C.W. sent $500.00 last month for the Carib- bean Hurricane Relief Fund. Joyce Minaker announced she has cook books put out by the Hospital Auxiliary as a fund raiser. The cost is $20.00. Marge Drury requested that all shoe boxes for the Christmas Samaritan purse be to her by November 7th. Our collection was gathered and dedicated. Brenda Minaker moved and Joyce Minaker sec- onded that we notify presbytery that South Bay is avail- able to host the Fall Rally on Wednesday, September 21st, 2005. Carried. President Sandra will not be available to take the November Meeting - Marge Drury volunteered to take it in her stead. Sandra introduced our guest speaker, public health Nurse Marie Clark, who spoke to the ladies about what to look for to discover breast cancer. We had several ladies from three other churches present for this informative program. To show our ap- preciation, our speaker was presented with Black River cheese. South Bay then hosted a light lunch for our guests over which we all enjoyed a social time. (ONING EVENT Saturday, Nov. 20th - South Bay UCW will meet at South Bay United Church hall at 1.30 pm. Irene Robb had devotional; roll call - wear a poppy or pay a toonie; pro- gram - Joyce Minaker; Social - Alice Miller; Lunch - Elea- nor Rorabeck and Rita Laramy; Objective - bring non per- ishable items for food bank. Thurs., Nov. 11th - Milford Friendship Circle will meet at the home of Alice Miller at 1:30. Margaret Crouse has Thought for the Day; Roll Call - wear a poppy and give a thought connected with Armistice Day; Program - auction of unwrapped item. Sat., Nov. 20th - South Bay United Church is spon- soring a Christmas craft sale, luncheon and home baking from 12 noon to 3 p.m. The luncheon featuring homemade soup, sandwiches and pie is $6.00. Come and partake of the best food in the County and do your Christmas shopping at the same time. Sat., Dec. 4™ - The Ladies of the Cherry Valley United Church and community are having a Bake Sale and Craft Sale in the Church Hall from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. All Vendors are local Artists or Groups offering hand crafted items sure to please someone on your gift list and a Cherry Valley Bake Sale is always a must go event. Wed., Dec. 15" -- Milford's Annual Community Christmas. St. Philip's Anglican Church & Milford in Bloom will arrange this popular event again this year. De- tails will be in the December Mirror. Please start gathering items to use when decorating your barrels & planters for the winter season. 45 Main Street, P.O. Box 200 Picton, ON KOK 2T0 BOPYAL LEPAGE