10 The South Marysburgh Mirror | 'South Marysburgh Recreation Sa ARN DANCE Milford Fair Grounds Saturday, June 22 8 p.m. till ? Music by Diamonds in the Rough $10 per couple 7 2A V By Z SN Diamonds in the rough is a Country and Western Band. A bar and refreshments are available. Tickets can be purchased from the Township office, members of the South Maryshun Recreation Committee, and from retail outlets in Milford. SANS NN NNT A NSIS A NN NN A NNT NS NN NSA ANS ANNI NEAR ANS NSIS CRYPTICKLE 11 Dour clan upset in vessel (8) 12 Keep out about left drum (6) 14 Rump removed with precision (8) 16 Sweetheart is crushed ice fan (6) 18 Not a soul in Reno bodyguard (6) 19 Great yen returning to mother for a flower tree (8) 20 A poem opposed (6) 21 By sheep I make smoked meat (8) 24 Broken holes lead to rented property (9) 26 Sea destroyed canoe (5) TANASE DOWN Responsible for electricity total on most of cable (11) Quoted distorted edict (5) Thinner flowed back over oarsman (8) Shots of rum for little kids? (4) No, it is up to the musical function (6) Relax, it is shortly up (3) Pollution created by vitamin in full-grown food (12) Credentials inserted in stress, friend - not on purpose (12) O00 JN nH WN 13 Horsemen hold no good field for chiefs (11) ACROSS 15 Crude about the South and failing (2, 7) 1 Inoculations for holidays around an Ohio city, briefly 17 Commie going up to injure gold bandit (8) (12) 22 Blast hippo's head tusk (5) 9 Tie tangled coats (5) 23 Tie Yp space (4) N 10 Went back for a sweet in the grass (9) 25 Raising my Italian ambition (3) (Solution on page 12)