The South Marysburgh Mirror ISSN Number 1181-6333 Published monthly by D.W. Marcille, R.R. 2, Milford, ON KOK 2P0 THANK YOLI! FOR SUPPORTING 1ST MILFORD SCOUTING The L.G.A. Sales Receipts that you have given us in the past have helped the senior boys to take trips to Jamb orees, such as the Newfoundland Jamboree J uly 1995, which without those receipts they would only dream about. Yes, we are still collecting .G.A.; Food City; Ultra Mart; and hopefully in the near future A&P Sales Receipts. These stores give us money for the sales receipts. To you as a consumer, it is a disposable item as everyone buys groceries somewhere. Ist Milford Scouting Group has a Special Bank Account that this money is deposited and the proceeds are not used for regular operations or regular camps - only large Jamboree Camps that are very expensive both to the boys and prents. As long as a boy remains in Scouting regardless of the section he or she(for the older section)the money will go to help them go to camp. The Sections that usually attend these Jamboree Camps are Scouts, Venturers and Rovers. Our next Jamboree Camp, that we are aware of is the CANADIAN JAMBOREE IN THUNDER BAY - JULY 1997. Our Sales Receipt Money is going towards this goal at the present moment. THE COLLECTION OF SALES RECEIPTS WILL BE A REGULAR FUND RAISER FOR US. The Sales Receipts can be dropped off at the following locations: ANN FARWELL LIBRARY IN MILFORD ATHOL TOWNSHIP OFFICE IN CHERRY VALLEY BLACK RIVER CHEESE FACTORY MILFORD POST OFFICE WRIGHT'S DRUG STORE - PHARMACY DEPARTMENT IN PICTON ANY MEMBER OF 1ST MILFORD SCOUTING OR PHONE 476-4939 Phone (613) 476-3798 Fax (613) 476-4980 =F P= p= ON GROWING OLD The writing indicates the hand shakes a bit, and the letter explains that the following poem was found yellowing on a sheet of newsprint stored away from a time and place that can not be remembered. "I think a lot of people need to be reminded." There is no way of telling where it was published or who wrote it. Blessed are they who understand My faltering step and palsied hand. Blessed are they who know that my ears today Must strain to catch the things they say. Blessed are they who seem to know That my eyes are dim and my wits are slow. Blessed are those who look away When coffee spilled at the table today. Blessed are they with a cheery smile Who stop and chat for a little while. Blessed are they who never say You've told that story twice today. Blessed are they who know the ways To bring back memories of yesterdays. Blessed are they who make it known That I'm loved, respected, and not alone. Blessed are they who know I'm at loss To find the strength to carry the cross. Blessed are those who ease the days On my journey Home in loving ways. b v v % ¥ : ) ' ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ % ¥ v i : ¥ Let us know of any upcoming event of your club or} organization and we will be glad to let all of our readers know about it. We will do all we can to help make your project successful. Advise us also | if you are starting a new enterprise or have any : announcements regarding an already established | business. Just call 476-3798 and provide us with the details. a a I EN NE a a Rr Th re TT RR