ld Election cont'd from pg. 9 the nation. The illiterate voter who does not know what he ig voting for, or why, is the greatest danger io free in stitutions. itis the duty of every citizen who has thus formed an intelligent opinion on political matters to do one's part in creating a ands ustaining a asound oll ublic opinion, This one an do by feeling and showing an interest in oolitics in the best sense of the word: this is not a selfish scramble [o] ffice, but the discussion and settlement of great ry [QS public questions according to reason and right, through PTT a PS JS CF SU [ SS EL : mn - persons of ability and character, Especially in the case of reform movements in political life is it the duty of each individual to stand up for what one honestly believes to be right, and to express himself ovenly and freslv in ees nimeell open ree favour of the Specific measures which would save the country from harm. The history ofalireforms proves how important is the duty resting upon the private citizen to us one's right of free speech. HTS [R= Aloe -L a Pp NO one who has the right to vote has a moral right to refrain from voting whenever it is possible for one. The plainest part of one's political duty, bound up with one' very right ist exercise thevoting nower, One is not doin i List einevoling power nein Ir one's duty t to one's cour nity 3 WHEN one stays away Ti from the polls on election day, whatever the real cause may be - indifference, contempt, or absorption in business or The one method that avails in Canada for [RER2 RA L010 ie JV rocuring just laws and honest officials is to vole for capable and worthy persons. Under this method each ~ i Copies of the "Mirror* available from: ERS Hicks' General Store, Milford Coffee Gallery, Milford Wendy's General Store, Cherry Valley Wright's Drugs, Picion Si i i A Milford Fair Thani 1 You ! e have had another § Wali Milford Fair and that was only possible be- cause of the wonderful juip ab ll a rn that | had - the many A true dairy pepe who worked quietly Queenaniars cehind the scenes and to the acciaim those who heiped on the Saturday made it all come together. | Wishto thank all of her loyal subjects, of you and | feel priveleged to have worked with you aii to bring it off Rita Laramy SE 2. 0 A ERT TI I AT RA TE 0 November-December deadline for "Mirror" - 1 November/S3 vote counts, and each voter should see that one's vote is cast, One is not responsible when the opposite narty ~~ Eppes [pr ORG succeeds in eiecting a bad man orin cai yi ig out awrong measure, if he has voted against them: the responsibility rests upon the other party. but one is responsible to the extent of one's vote and to vote intelligently, but to vote Yom mlm my dom dam milla em certain Harty with a singe ye tone Ce or good, with a Cea = Y ne's or against it. according to own reason and con- science. Few pereons are qualified by their abilities or character t RU NUS J FHS Spy [1 5 JR IX NJ, Ta mm to serve the country in high political positions. The rep- resentative office citizens; but whe represe {4 houid not abe sought by the private e's fellow-citizens call upon one to in wy town or oi government, in the 1 Ihe 1Owy H MILY GWEN LIT ey dt 30 gu oii ne Provincial Legislature, or in the Dominion Parliament, their summons should be 1 eeded, unless there are strong reasons to the contrary. talents and the worth of all ite citizens are properly subiect to the call of the I PN community and should be esteemed OY EVEIy One as ine most honourable of ali services. in time of peace, then, the patriot thinks u pon these n Ls TO - heme em Ee ay ~- = nyrit vievys, 10 oie ald