14 uw = 2 an Thursday, August 3, 2023 s AWARDS CELEBRATE # GRADUATING HIGH = SCHOOL STUDENTS ” FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE SAM SMITH Young people do good things and help their com- munities every ten going unnoticed. itil now, thanks to the Oakville Rotary Club. Ban eta Rotary tucati wards cele- brate the. hard work and dedication of graduating high school students for their selfless work, extra- curricular community service and embodiment of the company's "service over self" motto. ROTARY CLUB AWARDS ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIPS This year's ‘event saw ot students $2,000 to assist st them with funding their post-second- ary education. Among those recipi- ents, Fatima Zaidi was giv- en an extra $1,000 and also received the Donna Mess- her grandfather's experi- ence with dementia i spired Zaidi to pursue aca- reer in research and medi- cine. She hopes to help those affected by neurological diseases and other mental disorders. Th ‘d commemo- rates Donna Messer, a for- club in west Oakville, known for her impeccable networking and for men- torship of many Grade 12 9 #12-511 Maple Grove Dr. 905.339.3366 iC, WSs ADP 4 OSP ace fs dessa a ph sete ‘Shelf Adele ad 1 Sade lel th 33 insidehalton.com Oakville Place Shopping Centre 905.849.3874 students. The Oakville Rotarians have been supporting local charities and non-profit organizations for over 100 years. They acquire the funds through local public events and offer financial aid to organizations with their own projects and oals. Some of Rotary's col- lected funds are funneled into their global projects, so they can have a mean- ingful and positive impact around the world. All of this is possible through the generosity of the Oakville Awards for Business Excellence, the ‘amily Ribfest, the Golf to Gwe Tournament and Ro- mline Auction. Their efforts make this ideaa reality and helppn pro” vide families and c¢ nities with the fesouttess and assistance they need. For more details on Oak- ville's Rotary Clubs, visit www.rotaryoakville.ca. im Smith is a place- ment student from Sheri- dan College. ce) Oakville South #118-1060 Speers Rd. a 905.842.1702 I COMMUNITY SUPPORTING OUR COMMUNITY John Sanchez photo From left, Re-lmagine Ontario Board Chair Maria Zegarac, MPP Stephen Crawford and Re-Imagine Ontario Executive Director Monica Smith were on hand to recognize the $18,200 Resilient Communities Fund grant from the Ontario Teaurn Foundation rp wn pe used to develop the group's three-year post COVID strategic plan. youth and isolated seniors in the communlty with improved access to pascal and services. Don’t miss out on the sounds that you love. Check your hearing. Your hearing helps you stay connected to those who matter most, enjoy all the sights and sounds around you, and maintain a good quality of life. Get your hearing checked by a licensed hearing care professional at your local Connect Hearing clinic. Book your FREE" hearing test today! 1.888.850.9979 + connecthearing.ca Connect Hearing YOUR HEARING PROFESSIONALS Li 9 Letting) an Save up to $2,000 on a pair of Select level CAA) PECTS hearing aids with your CAA membership!” 905.631.6789 u y P!Rewards