|The South Marysburgh Mirror Milford Community | Friendship Circle § Gillian Parker graciously opened her home to the circle ladies on Thur. May | at 1:30pm. Gillian amiably chaired the meeting in president Mary’s absence. She also capably presented the Thought for the Day. ¢ April minutes were read and approved. Nine members answered roll call with suggestions for improv- ing building in Milford for the celebration of Milford 200. Card secretary Margaret sent 2 get-well cards. Treasurer Wilma very adroitly handled our financ- es and informed us of our income and expenses. It was decided to start earlier in the season to make quilts for the homeless so they can get more use from them. Auctioneer Alice encouraged the ladies to bid competitively on the curious prizes offered for sale. Our coffers benefited considerably from this function. lies were served a delicious organic lunch from Gillian’s own stocks and were thanked on behalf of the group by Barb. Full Selection of FRAMES SUNGLASSES CONTACT LENSES Eye Exams Arranged Lab on Premises CANN-WOOD OPTICAL 297 Main St. Picton 476-1655 Gift Certificates Available tappy Gathers’ Pay Please patronize our advertisers. Without their support the Mirror could not be published. NEW PARTS FOR Toyora, HOND. SUZUKE VW Ci ANCLUDING NEWER DOMESTIC), DELIVERY AVAILABLE, SPECIALISTS IN JAGUAR, B AND OTHER QUALITY AUTOMOBILES. RICHARD COPPLE SOUTH BAY 2763 | COUNTY ROAD 13 ICTON, ONTARIO TEL ‘13) 476-8074 FAX: (613) 476-1550 Website: www. E-mail: info@longrun.com JMPORTS ine Video Variables will transfer Your Favorite Records (33 1/3, 45, 78 rpm) to CD Home Videos to DVD Slides & Photos to CD or DVD Slide Show Bruce & Lenie 613-476-8891 3031 County Road 10 across from the Milford Post Office