[18 |, The South Marysburgh Mirror] Life in the Past From the daily journals of Nelson Hicks, great grandfather of Vicki Emlaw, at Hix Holme, South Bay May, 1898 May 1 Quartly Meeting at the Carman a very large crowd attended. Matilda Clark from Petworth came here for a visit. Mon. 2 Ma and Mr. Clark went down to Ida's. I ploughed the Potatoes ground in the swamp. Tu. 3 It rained all day. I wasn't doying very much. We. 4 I helped Ma and Mary E. clean the Cellar. After supper Rubby Jenkins came down here and him and I went down to the Point to a certain place vistin, Th. 5 Rained most of the day. Ida was up here helping pa- per the Bedroom. Fr. 6 Paw went up to Ervin Hicks to fraft for him. I draged on the flats. Sat. 7 Paw and Mary E went over to Picton. Mary E got a new pair of fine Boots. Sun. 8 I was down to the Union to meeting. After meeting went down to see M.S. May 9 I washed the Buggy and got it ready for painting. Tu. 10 I was painting at the buggy most of the day. Paw was ganging in the young orchard. We. 11 We are having fine weather only a little cold nights. We planted the Potatoes in the swamp about 8 bushels. Th. 12 It has rained most all day Sarah Eliza Rorke has been here for a few days visiting. I took her down home after supper. Fri. 13 Maw and Ida went up to Annie Mauds. It is quite wet after the rain but every thing is growing fine. Sat. 14 Paw has been trimming apple trees to day. I culti- vated the garden. Emmit Wood was up here to night to see Mary Ellen. Sun. 15 I went out to the Carman to Sunday school. Then went home with Willie Hicks stayed till after dinner and Walker's Greenhouse Visit us for your gardening needs ae: Special Mothers’ Day Gifts - May 6 - 13 Open 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. 5Sp.m. - Saturday & Sunday 1 km East of Milford Phone a7 1118 - Monday to Friday 8 a.m. County Rd 17 went to the union to meeting and Sunday School. May 16 Paw cultivated the com ground over on the flats. I finished varnishing the buggy. Tu. 17 planted three bushels of potatoes more in the swamp. I went down to Abrham Carmon got a pup. Wed 18 Paw and I have been fixing the fence up in the swamp. After supper I went down to Mr. Heads with the wheel. There was others there practicing for the Chair for the Union. Th. 19 Last night it rained and has been raining all the forenoon to day. George Collier and wife where here to day and S Rorke was here till after dinner. Fri. 20 Put the buggy together. It looks very good. After Supper i went down after M.S. and come up to the Carman to League. Sat. 21 We are having fine weather now and everything is looking fine. The plumb trees and apple trees are all out in bloom Sun. 22 I went down to Sunday School at the union the roads are quite dry. But looks very much like rain again. May. 23 M. S. and I started for Jakes change our minds and stayed at George L Colliers all night as it looks so like rain we did not want to venture on back. Tu. 24 Queen's Birth day M.S. and I went. There was very good horse races. Seen Jake and Lib and many others that we knew. Had a good time left Picton for Corkers about Five Oclock arrived Seven. Got the buggy very muddy. We. 25 Paw's Birth day him and Maw went up to Annie Mauds. It's been very warm to day. Th. 26 Paw and I trimed apples trees. Very nice weather now and great prospects of good crops. The League had a small picnic down by Smith Store house. I was down played ball some and other games made over six dollars. Fri 27 Paw Cultivated the corn field over on the flats. I trimed some trees. Sat. 28 Paw and Maw went over to Picton. Lib come out went down to Mr. Spaffords. She's coming up here Sunday. May 29 I went down to the Union to Sunday School and meeting After meeting went down with MS. Louella Clark was there visting came down with Lib. Mon. 30 I marked out the com ground, Paw started plant- ing. Tu. 31 I ploughed for Buckwheat here in the first field. Paw finished planting the com. It took over a bushel.- - Submitted by Vicki Emlaw