Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Dec 1920, p. 19

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1 ~ SREE84266 5664648520668 3858 200826855 1M ft Fd ad ad aaa ' & >) se \ A, ? ly. . lay i { ; ' p { ' <2 8 1 | a. =< Thursday because we say Instrument will vw 1: orn from all metal and of scoustics {t amplifies power and sweetness that ie THE ALL-RECORD, needle. adjusts it instantly to ALL , December 9, 1920. ASE your «urely choose rightly Your selection, like that of un- * aumbered thousands will be' The Brunswick. Bruns \icks ere scarce this Xmas---place your order now, Get Your Xmas Brunswick --More Than Mere Phonograph Gecision on the quality of the tone and you'll Not #0, but because e demonstrution on this super convince you By the Brunswick Method ot Reproduction # truences, fine- nness and richness are given to tone that cannot be duplicated ip other instruments These two exclusve features make the Brunswick the domi- sant phonograph: . THE ALL-WOOD OVAL HORN---built like o violin. Its entire free Its oval shape comply with the accepted laws , and; projects wusica) tones with @ purity, wonderful in Ufelie Adelity. ALL-NERDLE ULTONA plays ALL records + CORRECTLY with the exact weight. correct diaphragm and exact Nothing to take off or put on A mere twist of the wrist makes of records ONE USED CABINET GRAMOPHONE, $50 'The IDE. ISA BRUNSWICK " THE PEER OF ALL PHONOGRAPHS " 2 We have a big range of these super Instruments always in stock. All we ask is, come in--Hear, then Compare, and you will decide on a Brunswick, following the many who have recently made their choice a Brunswick, be- cause of its many exclusive features, being the only machine'on the market with an Oval All-wood Amplifier which is responsible for the sweet, resonant tone. Nothing is great except by Comparison, will you come in and JUST LISTEN TO THE BRUNSWICK-- LET YOUR EARS BE THE JUDGE. FROM $88 TO $400.00 IN STOCK Come in and look them over Remember--We sell for cash or on the Easy Payment Plan. If you want the best at the right price, come in and we will explalh a proposition that will appeal to you, HEINTZMAN & CO. PIANO TUNER IN TOWN. PHONE US IF YOU WANT YOUR PIANO TUNED. EVERYDAY' RELIGION Week-end Talks by REV, DR. THURLOW FRASER ------_--,, WHY BELIEVE? "Are you going to church this _motn- ing!" said one brother to another from whom he bad tong bgen separated, "No, I don't take any stock in that sort of thing now," "You wed to go regularly when we were young" fellows." "Yea, I know that I did.. But 1 seen too much of the world since then. I don't believe in church people and I don't believe in parsons, It wouldn't, do me any good to go." ° - "Well, you. will acknowledge that 1 have seen as much: of the, world as you have; perhaps more, I still: believe in the majority of church people and in the majority of parvons; and it does me.good to go to church." ' J rot town, These two brothers gathered" thd tri|ehureh when, no matter bow brosdminded | "of belief and of unbelief. One "PROGRESSIVE" OE REPAIR 'ORES W. S. ROBB, PROP. (Late 4th Batt.). WE DON'T COBBLE, WE REPAIR WIATER SPECIALS Waterproof Sole Leather, resists water and weer, All 'kinds' of Rubber 'Boots, Ov- ershoes and Rubber Goods repaired by heatless vuloanising, NOTE THE ADDRESS: and he got good. The other disbelieved and no good came to him, 'When Jesus suid: "According to your faith be it unto you.' id not ley down some mysterious or arbitrary rule which men could never bope to under- \stand. He put into simple words a rule by which we live every day. 'The person who believes in a good man or a good | cause 'il good frém them. He is up- 'Sifted and\ inspired by the example of |the man ofthe ideal of the cause, An- other person living alongside of him re- fuses to believe in that man or that of Not only(dote he get»ne good from th but be is often embittered against every- thing for which they stand. - Belief opens one life to all the good influences God sends us, Unbelief closes another life 'against the best things the Giver of Good has in store for us. Look at this fact in our closest human relationships, A child gets good from parents who™are good because he thinks there never were a dad and mother just so strong and smart, ¢0 wise and wonder- ful am hb are, A pupil gota good from his teacher when he is ready to buck that | teacher aguirst any other in town or out} 'A man gete good from his| and tolerant he may be towards all oth- 'erm, he believes that his church is the one which is best meeting his needs and the needs of the community, the one which is most clearly teaching. the truth, Reverse this. -Let a man lose faith in 'and henceforth even the EF all poisohed by bis un- lief, Let a citizen. lose faith in some public and that time he will,| from_that man, upright, self-snc- wifi and patriotic and-the citizen's sus-. piciois of him may have foundation: in"Tact, "Nevertheless, they block the rl te : SEB thy Ht Hi other men and women would bestow on us," if we would believe in them. A be- lieving life is always o fertile life, Itis forever receiving benefits from every source, from every good man and woman, from every good ease in which it believ- es, The more peop|é we believe in, the more worthy causes to which we give our devotion, the more sources we have from which to draw benedictions upon our own lives, é 'The same is true in our relation to God. If we refuse to believe, even God's, om- nipotence cannot force upon us the gifts PUBLIC SPEAKING (Copyrighted) Frank Home Kirkpatrick No. 3,-- PUBLIC SPEAKING, "A TALK" The ways and means adopted by the "soapbox orator" to attract and retain a crowed shave always interacted me. These | open-air audiences do not necessarily feel | He would gladly bestow. If we but be-|-called upon to) aubscribe 10 the rules 'of | lieve in Him and trust Him, every bigh|behavier that obtain with more formal and holy quality we attribute to Him |uudiences. As a result the successful spesk- will find ita reflection in some measure in jer of this ilk is compelled to depend upon our own characters, his knowedge of human nature, his ability to illustrate from the experience of his | hearers, and his sensitivencss to the effect his ideas produce upon them, F-recall a very successful speaker of this | type. Hix method of securing and holding dience is original, sound and highly . He doe» not "yell his head off" to attract a crowd. He adopts a novel device, He sitéyon his box, and engages in intimate conyerastion with two or three others, This, t% he no doubt anticipates, arouses the curiosity of -those standing around. They draw near'to hear what he is talking ubout. He includes the newcomery in his conversstion, Otbers arrive. TH increase in the numbers\ of his hearers makes it necessary for'him to talk or converse more loudly. or, in other words, to accentuate his talk." Collingwood ratepayers will vote upon the question of establishing s municipal dairy, H: J. Twiss TAILOR FOR MEN of the case, be talks more loudiy-- but still te mie 'When the number in his atitience sp- Good Assortment of aches 100 he mounts his soap box that may be the better seen and heard, He he Suitihgs and take in a louder voice, but atill talks. Overcoatings Now he is .a public speaker, speaking from 1 patform, ' £ Be 'Thus, hiv speaking envolves from « sim- ple, intimate cgnveation 'wih one oF tro 5 tos "talk" adj toe sumber-- Upstairs TaiJor Shop feu vias ts tho nana ok SELUAGSSULLLLGSSE T5340 8555 L Chevetenne Cit | OUR XMAS CLUB OFFER OF REGENT MACHINES-- 33 in number--is closed.-- Sold out the first week. We have, however, been lucky and received five more of these Splendid Cabinet Machines, which we offer, while they last, on same liberal terms, namely: Price $138.00; $10.00 down, 16 selections Free, $2.00". a week, payable weekly,semi-monthly, or monthly, as you wish. We don't charge a-cent of interest on this proposition. WHAT A WONDERFUL GIFT FOR CHRISTMAS -- A GENUINE YE OLDE FIRM HEINTZMAN & CO. PIANO + We have them in Mahogany, Oak and English Berl! Walnut. It is unnecessary to enlarge upon the fine qualities and etc, of Heintaman & Co. Pianos -- They are known everywhere as "The Nation's Best." ' NOTICE-- WE ARE SHOWING BRUNSWICK MACHINES NEXT SINGER SEWING MACHINE STORE, NEAR FIVE POINTS; BARRIE. R--VPRPRLLLELEPEPPLOPOPOO SPP PPP PPPPES VE : audience, 'or to make it conform to the new environment or surroundings he merely accentuates or emphasizes his conversation, Of course, in this adjustment of a 'talk' to w large number, some of the extreme intimacy which characterizes s conversa tion with one or two is lost. Audience cot" ditions modify the extreme intimacy of conypraation with a few, but need not, and do not, in the case cited, eliminate it. As suggested, they merely accentuate ft, extend it, modify it. . ( 'Our soap-box orator's naturalneas in de- livery is charscteristic of the most effective public speaking of today. Some time ago public «peaking was declamatory and grand- iloquent. All that is changed. Today iwuch delivery would excite a mile, Only simple and ifrect conversationalism in style and language will arrest and hold the at- tention of men in this day and generation. Public speaking, th & modification or a variant of a "talk." This modifica- tion takes the form of an accentuated con- versation, The degree of the' accentuation in determined by the changing environment, The changing environment is the varying size of the audience, \ (Next article--Naturalness and' Simplic- ty.) SIMCOE MARBLE WORKS ; ARRI| Dealers in Gide pi em Monument: for unrepresented district, to sell well-known fruit aod orna- Good Pave Excuave tariory 'rights col 'e 'Oar aganey, i, valeable 'present «\ 600 acres of Nui y : Established 40 Yeats Write for ? J 4 LOPE PPL ESSE LET LEE OOL ETE 'fim BOX 65 CLARIFIED MILK Our new process. ensures the best quality, free from all impurities. Price, 14c per quart CLEARVIEW DAIRY L. J. ALLEN, Prop. Phone 528 Choice Meats _ Always -at Brennan's Homemade , Headcheese, Pure Pork Sausages, Also-the choicest of Beef, Pork, Veal and Lamb, Cured Meats, Lard and Shortening, Vegetables, etc., all at prices compar- ed with other butchers. Give usa trial for the choicest. of Roast' Beef. to Agency ELWAM NURSERY CO. | , TORONTO, ONT, eersanley

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