ie bee Men's:Blue Suits, Art Kraft Brand, all sizes, worth '$40, i li cial condition of the County of Simcoe, | country towns, The forest of Ontario wil hereafter yield the opposite of what ia done in Ontario. |the exne and careful dicetinn given to tho | were. "he munjeipalities, Recently a coal speculstor cleaned Courier. penditure on roads far in excess of any|'0 get out of the } Seventy U. 8. firms are reported to ve was handling. at $6 and sold it at $17, the tariff bars, food s showing under the circumstances] by making it compulsory for the mining| dition that & w focouraging for the future of the party." | companies to sell direct to the retailer, | County's organi | | Concluding an editorisl on the Eust Ei { i It's a great thing to be optimistic. When there was ample time to spare at| Canada is making very gratifying pro-|0* *en. Sinee 1912, Acoording to the Orillia News-Letter, it! the November session, the County Council) gress in reducing ite war debt, e Fes ibe Bowmanville News: Not for many years have mén in cities turned their thoughts Among the municipal corporations of the |s0, much as during: this year, to. MMEN T OF TH E WE E K 7 province, few, if any, can equal the finan.| wards thé country, some moving to C . 2 others: going into a A ER St ee and a large measure of credit is due to/ Country oo farme--teck to nature ae Soled : 4 ; RUBBER GOODS OF ALL KINDS REPAIRED WORK DONE NEATLY AND PROMPTLY 'GIVE US A TRIAL E.D. LIVINGSTON It in the opinion of some men of more to the public treasury and lees to | where the cost of the provincial voters' liste| County's financial affane by Treasurer} vision that very trying times for many the politician with a pull, says the Perth} and various other itema are loaded Upon) Quinlan. Simece hag adopted the pay-as-| Manufacturing' concerns are abesd and that You-go aystem and notwithstanding an ex.|more people than ever: before will went ities. One economist "P| other county and heavy contributions to|states that singe ttt the manufecturing seeking sites in Windsor district. Evidently | $210.000 in six minutes by a deat in "black | war funds, the debenture debt, instead n1| boom hax been slowing down while the they don't anticipste much lowering of} diamonds" without ever seeing what he| being increased, has been gradually reduc- carning power of agricutture has gone right He purchased 20,000 tons} ed until it will vanish ere the close of this|0M inereusing, both positively and eompara- Goal men say year. It ia a happy coincidence that War.|tively. and never more the, in the last that such speculation is one reason for the|den Train, whose age is the same as tho|few years. Tie i the main reason why fin election, the Picton Gaxette observes:| high cost of this fuel. The U, 8, Govern-| corporation of Simeoe, should during his| the incredse 'in oity Population has been #0, "That the Conservative candidate made as|ment could easily wipe out these rafters | regime see the County free of debt--a con. | mieh smaller than previously. How agri- not been seen since the|°tl'ure is gaining on other industrien in ion, the inducements it offers to industrious; bitious and energetic young men may exsily particularly, the The liab- farm has run further abead of the city in the Spanish River Paper Gompany raiser| might have devoted some hours to the con-| ity ineurced by the great war is somewhat the race for wealth than ever 'in the hiv. | materi FIVE POINTS am Wealth to ws is not mere for vain glory but on: opportunity its price on newsprint. as expected, from | ideration of the question of a county mem.|ovee $2,127,000,000, It matures at vur-|f0FY Of this generation, 'Thus the farmor | {or achievement; and Poverty we think it $100 to $130 on January Ist. it will in-| rial for the soldiers, Since the committee | ious times in the period between Aug. 1,,'" Winning in the race against the cities, crease ita profite by six million dollars next | reported adversely on a memorial volume 1921,, and Dee. 1, 1987, year--und this your has been mighty /the whole project seems to have been drop-| that if the debt is to be good one, too , F ped. In the meantime other counties less -- wealthy and not so prominent in the war Four Onturip moving picture censors are| have gone shea and erected suitable mon. to reerixg $2.500 per annum each. A de-| uments for their heroic deed, Putution thought that amount insufficient ; but a host of others would look on auch| Owing to the withdrawal of government | ® job as "pretty eusy money"'--particular: | support from the market in Victory bonds, |'oward repayment of the principal of the ly Mf uo better attention is paid to the| there hos been a alight depression in the | debt. work chun bas been done heretofore. prices of these securities. Such a depres- | eltinenia 'to serve on the rion can be only temporary and in oo way |! collection of war taxes throughout the| It is estimated | | fn 1919 the cont per pupil was $63.37. | of the country stand an a pledge for these and will be even higher thie year, with' a xeouritien, People who had invested money 1. 1937. total exuenditure of $2,505,657. Eduea-/in these bonds shpuld hold tightly to thera Hon cose have been mounting very rapidly | und those who ile money to Invest abould Down in Renfrew the citizens seem con: all over the country, but Toronto apparent: | find these secufitiex exceedingly attractive siderably "het up" over thin year's sane cient duya f ly has more than ite share of frills, at the present prices, The man who sells ment and « prominent tatepayer hax made it would make in civic a these bonds to invest in industrial promo- 1 genersl appeal against the entire roll The need of British Columbia munici jens. no matter how attractive they may with the object of opening up the whole Pali'ies for more money hgx brought out | appear, is making a mistake, suggestion in favor of making a per eap- ita grant to the municipal councils out of "the provincial treasury itenship ax were enunciated by the Guention. However, he is willing to with: ' Pericles in a mpeech addressed to the The special committee of the Legislature, the assesment roll This would be| sppointed to consider the equalizing of H trong opposition, the reason most gen; PRICES Have and Prices are going to Talk even More Loudly during the ext Two Days TWELVE-DAYS OF TH CLOTHING SALE HAVE GONE. ONLY TWO DAYS RE- To this there seeme|asid: "We are lovers of beaut 'agance DAYS. TELL EVERYBODY TO COME AND SAVE, SAVE WE ARE CUTTING, CUTTING OUR. PRICES AGAIN AND AGAIN, TO-MAKE THE LAST DAYS OF THE SALE. MEMORABLE IN THE HISTORY OF-B RRIE MERCHANDISING. ] Read Carefully Every Item and Act Quickly Young Men's Suits, worth $45.00, at per suit... .98 Men's Fancy Mackinaw Coats, worth $16, for $12.98 Form-Fitting Suits for young men, a lovely assortment _Men's Sheep Lined Coats, worth $17.00 for .. $12.98 of patterns, worth $40.00. Art Kraft Brand. Your Men's V Néck Sweaters, worth $7.50 to $10.00, last choice, only vo. eee ces eee ele vee $26.98 days of sale.i. ... 00... Le. $4.48 Men's Heavy Tweed Suits, $40.00 value, Art Kraft Men's Pullover Sweaters, worth $4.00 for only... $2.29 Brand, only, vibes ste oes $2498 Meng Heavy Tweed Pants, worth $10.00, for. . $6.98 _All Union Brands of Overalls and Coats, any. size-- while they last only ..:-... 0.0... ries ss $2.98 Men's Sunday Shirts, stiff cuffs, worth up to.$2.50, dur- ing last days of sale, OMY oss a et es ace OMe 'Red Label Stanfield's Underwear, all sizes, to clear only Men's Heavy Wool Sox, last days of. sale, only. ..., : : 4 39c, 3 pairs for $1.10 . Men's Gauntlet Gloves, worth $2.00,.for > ,... $1.29 Men's Pullover Mitts, worth 75¢, airs last days of sale only ... teeeee ede ees $28.98 Men's_All Wool Worsted Suits, fit guaranteed, blue or black, Art Kraft Brand, worth $65.00, last davs. of Bale HE Fee eee' sthna's ct ee + Pes ves SAA "Young Men's Overcoats, worth $40\00, for .. $22.98 ' Young Men's Overcoats, worth $45.00, for ..- $24.98 Men's Heavy Belted Overcoats, Art Kraft Brand;-worth' $50.00, last days ofsale...... :.. ....., $34.08 'Men's Black Melton Overcoats, afl'sizes, worth $45,00, Art Kraft Brand, last days of sale... \, $29.98 Bi Vetere tone a ae Fa oboe Collingwood ratepayers may vote upon Our citizens attend to both public and pri. gestions have been | quiet, but ae useless. de in other arts of Ontario and they | carefully und in person all mattem of pol- Notwithstanding th Are not s healthy sign. A generation ngo| icy, holding, ccuittatanding the enormous ag: | therg was keen competition among the best | together, but that acts are 'foredoomed to Rregate due by Canads, at the present rate municipal bodien:|fuiture whete undertaken undhconet's Rait be ity | (Od8Y it is with difficulty seitable men ean * 1890 the cost of education in the| affects the value of the bonds, for it should! Dominion every dollar of this big debt will be induced to offer themselves for such city of Toronto hus inéreased 308 per ceit.jbe remembered that the entire resources| have bev paid, with the scoumulsted in. no disgrace to, ucknowfedge, but a real de~ Bradution to, make ao effort to- overcome. vate duties and glo not allow sbsorption in their own vdrious affairs to. interfere with their knowledge of the city's, We differ from other states regarding the man who holds aloof from public Kfe, not ay We decide or debate not that words or deeds go ----------_ VOLPLANING TO NORMAL (Hamilton Spectator) We have before referred to the jeopardy In many' involved in what has been described as the waye this is truly an advanced age, yet in| fome respects we can.tearn much from an-| uuyem' hutigér strike." The phrase is very apt, for refraining from purchasing For example. what 9 ghange | necessary commodities now is just as fool- i the people | ish us that of the hunger strikers, and is should be actuated by wuch ideals of cit | likely to lead to similarly disastrous reeulte. orator | The stagnation in industry is already becom. model ing marked in certain direetiona, and if it MAIN. -LET NOTHING INTERFERE WITH YOUR COMING DURING THESE CLOSING jf 'draw the sppenl if the council Publishes city of Athens sbout 482 B.C. when he | continues few will escape the consequences. without | From a period of reckless ext; id lovers of wisdom without the public has swung back to Been Talkin TYLE that mirrors' the spirit of the times--that is the Prime characteristic of ART KRAFT CLOTHES ART KRAFT symbol- izes the enthusiasm and (confidence of youth. In them is incorporated every desirable feature --smart, yet not extreme style, superfine quality, nd'*moderate price. 3 Elizabeth Street VULCANIZER unressonable parsimony. Both are equally inimieal to the interests of the country, Te is specialty important that the course of trade be hept brisk at this time of rm | adjustment which is mow definitely upon om ments in favor of » gradual return to nor. * mality as opposed to ® sudden drop, which may threster to overset the! commercial stability of the country in its precipitate course. Those arguments are self-evident, Every individual should keep elearly before his mind the importance of acting normal- |1y, if normal conditions are to be Testored. | Tradesmen are making heroic efforts to ra establish their business on a normal Danis, snd are making real sacrifices to that end. They should be helped out in their endeav- ors to do so. Only by the co-operation of all parties--buyers, sellers, workers --cun we make a safe landing from the dizzy heights to which we have soared, MRS. G. DAWIS Corsetiere for the Spirella Corset for Barrie west of Toronto 8t., and Allaa- dale, solicits orders from all old customers and a large number of new clients, Address, 97 Cumberland St., Allandale. phone 767, 39-5Iptis y It in not necessary to repeat the argu. "