THE/BARRIE EXAMINER LIGHT SESSION OF | .. COUNTY COUNCIL | Very Little Business to Oc- i t cupy the.Attention of the : | ' ( } Councillors. Usually there is little business before the County Council, at' ite November Session, This year the 'business was even scantier than ordinarily, there being nothing of f | euajor importance on the docket, except f the udoption of the teforestation report and that went through without discussion. Council adjourned Friday night. i . Thomas AAE \ . Wants 'To See An -Amberola In YOUR ' HomeThisChristmas! Finance I Mis Beardeley's request for a salary in- crease wax Inid over until, the January session. 5 It was decided that the chairman of oe Finance and the County Treasurer inter- view, che Government with "reference to| costs of $1500 in connection with the trial of « prisoher from Muskoka, this amount being oow charged ngainst thix county. A grant was refused to the Bradford | Poultry Show. | Dr. Helliwell's bill for holding » post| * | nuortem on the body of Robt. Ironwides | wus not puid, a# one coroner hed alrewdy lwen paid for this work. \- Accounts from Industriel Schools were \/ Faid as follows: Alexandra, $120.45; Vic toris, $641.70; St. Mary's, $46; St. John's, $236.09. } $45 was voted to defray the expenses of | the stock judging team to Guelph. i Thos. Beecroft and M. N. Stephens were | reappointed auditors. A $2.00 necount of Wm. Copeland for} * : 1 Industrial Schools charged to the Coun- ty, with details ox to commitmenta; in 5 future the committals will be submitted to é the County, Solicitor for opinion as to the County's liability, The Treasurer and Clerk will interview the Government ax to the advizubility of having the Industrial Schools report quarterly to the County Council the conduct of each inmate, with a view to placing them in foster homes, whereby they may become good cifizens and st the same time relieve the County of their_ maintenance. Printing a 50D copies of the minutes of the Novem- yer session were ordered to be printed, and BN 70 copies of the year's minutes to be bound with the financial statement. ) nts for printing and stationery, niing. to $332 were pamed for pay. aid, except such as are ordered | through the chairmyn of the Printing Committee, County Property | No action was taken Fegarding the con. niunication of the Hydro inspector regard. ing alleged defective wiring in the Chil- dren's Shelter. office. and court house were J Teistry office § house $530.23 ; carpet, iS. R. Hart, stationery, $153, Roads and Bridges Toxsorontio will be paid $2000 to assist in building bridge over Mad River on the 'Toxsorontio-Nottawasaga line, Fred Viney's account of $5.00 for re- | nioving timber 'at the Kirkpatrick bridge | was passed, James Hawke, Mount Stephen P.O., was appointed caretaker for the North River Bridge on con, SyyMntchedash, at $15 per annum. -- W. A. Sawtell will receive $25 to pay for damages done to his automobile be- cause of a washout on Midhurst hill. In connection with the James McCracken $27;| securing such legislation that {armers Hav. is the world's gieatest phonograph value---per fected in every detail by the znventor of the pho- nograph! The Amberola' has proved its guperior ity over high-priced "'talking machines" and com- mercial: phonographs in numerous public tests! And you can own this wonderful phonograph-- you and your family can enjoy its exquisire music this Christmgs right in your home eventhough vou have felt you could not yet afford a phonograph! Remember. as Mr Edison's authorized dealer, We are bound to carry out the spirit of his wish--_ . [forwarding to the Legislature a memorial ,| asking that the license money for motor | vebicles be refunded to the municipalities Jat the rate of 20 per cent. on all perman- .|ent work done.on the boundary lines be- jas.|twetn said municipalities; leo that the speed limit be the same in police vi as in-towns and incorporated villages. Deer Eating Fall Wheat Coun, Moore was appointed to interview niembers of the Legislature with a view to *|ing whesb or other:crops destroyed' by deer "|receive a, fair compensation for the' loss No Grant to Educational Assoen, ~ Act Immediately! 'Come to our store or write to us at once--every minute is valuable. Otherwise our stock of Amberolas ma be exhausted and we may have to disappoint you , If you want an Amberola in your home Christmas morning, call or write today--tomorrow---pladbe: The J. M. Greene Music Co. Ltd. "THE HOME OF GOOD MUSIC" Corner Elizabeth' and Mary Streets -_ Wi 4" - . + r Fereiat se tse [sr Qiokaews, leek At ° Last year many thousands of families enjoyed an Amberola _on : at he Be Wr Rit Fad ~ Christmas as the result of Mr. Edison's expressed wish to bring. . was refused on the ground thut nearly | - + ii . 54 . * ~ OM te municipliin Bad ebattbnted | music to every home in the land This Christmas will witness 4 peparately : a ' © 4 ; sa. hat Bi more thousands of Edison's Amberola Phonographs in happy | wea A. Ryan's request for repairs to : ¥ 1 brige on con, 6, Ajala, wan ald over| homes on Christmas morning hecause you again have the oppor- | "Note ml be ponte St each end af, tunity to own an Amberola, practically on your own terms! Just the Narrow' Bridge warning the pubtic | think what this means! aeuinst excessive speed. { P \ No action was taken on Geo, Howe's | dis be nage ttc he ' sn th i of Sot Da for a EDISONS NEW DIAMOND ; meee through flooding. Finance ; fs nti ee AMBE ROI Re Kolicitor was passed for payment, q Oro To, will be paid $63.34 for convey- i' by 4 ing G. Miller to the House of Refuge. ~ _ ) 'The Clerk was inetructed' to prepare a ' statement showing. the names of inmates | it is up to us to make it possible for you to own an Amberola right away! We are ready and willing to do so. We know the Christmas'season is a drain on your resources--at this time you can- not make any big expenditure. Well, you won't have to/ 'You can have an Amberols practically on your own terms! Let us know just how much or how 4¢tle you can pay now, and what fu- ture payments will be most conventent and easy for you--and we will work out a satisfactory arrange- ment. We insist on only one condition-- uy) Thompeoi The Education Committee recommended award drain, Vesora will be paid $223,25 . Wardell, no the 'ateor ; f i * aries ll be Yo. Frank' Dol we ie at when Ht cae el he ye Bri paid to Fri ing!" Upon the reeomm: ion of the , arsine re Of some work done on the | Minister of Public ®orks, it rag decided ine River bridge. to allow the County 'spend up poesedlon: ee pee for, opimlaton to $400. year for clerical' assistance, work as follows; L, Archer, ae f f C. Jermey, $5:70; J.B. Would: Add' to County, Rasds WE SPECIALIZE IN" 'TOWN AND FARM PROPERTIES fe a you it will pay you. Of antisfigd customers--why not you? W. 0. Partridge & W. T. H. Gilroy Office 46 Bayfield St. P.O.Box 1011 Office phone. 861 -- fi 86