THE BARRIE EXAMINER Friday and. Saturday, December . 3 and 4. "OPEN HE'S HERE AGAIN . Harold Lloyd "High and Dizzy" If you don't feel right, don't come, 'cause you'll be:sick with laughter "You Never : Daniels 2. Can Tell" Also story 'of the same name. it | 4 . sO in ~ YOUR MONDAY AND TUESDAY Harry Carey 99 SHE WANTED"TO BE BAD-- As check-girl in a smart hotel the daily contact on | E ) with luxury filled her soul with bitterness. She decided to gain wealth at any cost. * iS And how she got herself out of the tangle with the help of Prince Charming makes 6 99 nd oo the story of Rowena Jones a delightfn! one. \ 3 ; --_ j . . 7 \/ Bébe Daniels, most chic and most entrancing of all the stars in a whirl of gorgeous From the book of the same name By Government Order, no Children under Sixteen will be admitted. re S" ECIAL COMEDY ALSO od. PRICES : : MR. AND MRS. CARTER DE HAVEN IN "THE MODEL HUSBAND" od NIGHT, 55°; SAT. MATINEE, 27¢ PRICES, 16 AND 27¢ ° clothes in "YOU NEVER CAN TELL." Don't Miss'It ! we Wed. and Thur. PRICES, 16 AND 27¢ yd. BO. d. 4 iN . = -- . OOOO | A SUPER LEATHER 'U.F.0. SECRETARY wheelbarrows, Instead, * the government | ing system of government. "The two-party d. t Dec. 2.--Mrs. R. E, Coulter bad the mis: | . nos ny user which costs the puis | : maintained 8 high protective tariff, thus | system is not co-operation, it is war," he intake, tb tall devastate: coseatly: but' ex: PERSONAL no more than unother material of a sim- HEARD AT LEFROY adding to tbe cost. Occasionally Mr. Mor-| ssid. The 1500 clube in this province % vy cured with just a severe shaking up....... |" % Jilar nature, yet laste longer, helps tore: rison would pound the newspapers for not | should discus the affairs of the country and d. The Fu x' Club will meet on Saturday z | duce the H.C.L, Such a material, we be- sympathizing with his figures-on rural de-| keep in touch with their members, who pvening. at 8 o'clock. "A good. attendance | SOK X20 20K ROOK RK HOR E08 Lieve, hus been found in Chrome Tanned population and went on to show that he| ought to be recalled if they did not stand is iu requested, as jt is necessary to appoint} Miss Laabella Ball ia visiting near Hawke- Waterproof Sole Leather. This leather (Continued from Page 9) was not interested in worse conditions in| on their election platform. dices th: tiled (the convertion x Tor: Lume 6 hus been used extensively in Great Brituin,| Continuing, the U.F.O. Secretary praised |France, Germany and other countries, but| In conclusion, Mr. Morrison made an d. as Mew, Christopher Burne is eer-| "fea Vair of Toronto ix in town for| "bere ite hard wearing qualities have made | the Drury Government for what it had ac-|in better conditions here at home. ' The| peal on bebulf of the candidate. - tously iil,with pneumonia at time of writing! a few days. it popular. Mr. Robb, of the Progressive | complished, especially the stand it took in| speaker gave figures to show how the im- | a V. Her friends wah for an carly recovery... # Mise' Rathleet Kinuady: Vidtiag hee Shoe Repair Stores, Muleuster St., who has} probing the Timber irregularities and Hy-| mediate country has lost in population, 'd Nec sod Mis: GB Henry spent sccuple anoint y 6 her' had experience with this leather in the Old! dro-Radials scheme, He did not always| while our towns haye grown. He also if oi dayr thin week with friends in Toronto|"'Mias Spry of Toronto i» spending « week | COUNUY. Ruaranters that it in absolutely | gree with Hon, E. C. Drury, yet that| pointed out the falling off in the production LAKEVIEW DAIRY ng "A farewell gothering will be held in| with Mim Gladys 'Ardagh waterproof, wears barder sham most leath-| was no reason why praise should not be| of fall wheat, barley, ete., but © gain in the Hal ae dee Scere ta honor of Reg at Ads isting der ft doe not aqueek, and in undoubtedly given where due. "When our men do| bay and pasture. -- Faverson Walker, who has 0 faithfully and| mother, Mrs. Sherman Bird, ue best, ae leather he hx worked with| wrong. condemn them, and when they do| The speaker urged the people to choose) AW. LONGHURST & rd. kuualy filled the position of teller in the} Mrv. R, Re Splan of Toronto ix visiting] {F Men*. boys' and children's wear. A right, praise them. or we are no better of | their representatives from the producers.) "** Y¥* Sons Ucion' Bank Bere: Mr. Walker is a Barrie! nse gather. idae Handy. Mary, 6 Stock of 'this leather, can be ween in the |thsn we were before the election,"" he de- those who knew the value of money, not| have just purchased Lakevi bor und has won many friends in Thornton.| Mise Jenie McLarty of Oshawa spent a| "indow of Mr. Rob's workshop. | clared. . | hose who were resdy to use the money ave just purchased Lakeview Congratulations. to-Mr. snd Mrs, Mar-| {ow days thin week with Miss M. Kennedy. |, Although th's leuther costs more than the | Mr. Morrison showed that by population | ter the people had toiled to make it. "We| Dairy, the milk business of D. d rwtt on the arrival of won: wlso to Mr.) T. C McCullough ia spending w few daya| Dest Oak tanned leacher. yet. to introduce \and the wealth repreven'ed by theit indus |esn expect nothing but heavy taxes for the at ( '4 u hind Mes. Perey Kennard on the arrival off among former frienda and neighbors. at| (Pi 'aterproof, wear-resisting leather to try the farmers are entitled to much larger | future because we have overlooked the mar W. Bishop, formerly known ig » daughter recently Mrs, Geo. Plow-| Lefroy the public of Barrie, Mr. Robb is not mak- | parliamentary representation than they have|who talks in dollar and cente and given ' + ¢ 9 rwin and daughter left recently for their| "James Moore of Port Colborne ix spend. | ip ny increase in ess sharers. Pancnelaod aan They are coming into their own the millionaire the preference." as City Dairy, on Dunlop St., : ally examine this leather at a ji wi * 60,000 mi if '. ' bene in British Columbia. Mey. Plowmaning 1 few waeks with his parent, Mr. and! ihe™ Progrewive Show Repair "Storen--~ a be fairs embers! Reviewing the East Elgin victory, Mr.|and the old business will be grl and this visit was much enjoyed by|" Rev. ag Mer, E. 7 Douglas attended | (Ad¥t- , During the war. Mr. Morvizon went on. | Mormon Bie ine thet franchise" Tre [Carried on in the new way hes host of friends in and around here. tie faneral of i k MeMurtry of _ the government spent much in showing|Women-in exercising their franchise. The ay. COE LUDGEAL OF BCs ge TRON (Clem tree: 7 i tile hi heir back gardens to| "ext generation will surely be interested in _ ne ert under the auspices of the.W.I.,| Midland on Monday ffst Reg. Bluckstock. while ut'ending the [peonle how to use their back gardens to |r afb Eo egies é Int, wart decided nuceem, the pro-| Mr. and Mrs, Chester McBride of Hamil-| Central Methodiat Church tex meeting. on advantege, which was distinct opposition |the government of theif country, becsute | YOUR TRADE SOLICITED 8 f were for soldiers' comforts for Xmas, |ton have been epending a few days with | Monday night, fell down a stairway and to the farmers, but never showed the far-/0f the interest ahown by the women, 'stanunted to $25. The: pragramme:con-|M;. and Me. Geo. D. Habbard; broke both bones in his right arm. mers how to make their own boots or| The U.F.O. Secretary criticised the exist- Phone tinted of choice solos by Miss Sptoule and! Mr. and Mm. A. Johiffton of Thornton Neville Jamieson. violin selections by Lorne] «pent the week-end viviting the latter's sis- Arnold of Cookstown, and the Thornton) ter, Mrs. (Dr.i Simpson, hestra favored the audience with some| Mrs. Stewart Macdonald. with her ice selections. Rev. Mr. Adams gave) daughter Doris, of Hamilton. is paying 3 4 in. illustrated talk on Westmins'er Abbey,| short visit to her father, J. R. Cotter. which was niuch enjoyed by all. These con- (rts are much appreciated and it is hoped Mre. Wim, Hill and daughter Neolo were | visiting in Toron'o Her daughter Myrtle | that this live-wire organization known as) returned home with her for the week-end.| the Women's Institute, will give us plenty) Oyiny to the absence of Mrs. M. V. Rice, | Satisfaction a re oxte®'spent a few [ET84, Dutcher took charge of 'the organ | ° ine Louie Elli \ afew [Fests te Metho s ' diogn Test eek with her sunt,, Mye-D. A,|(2,collet St. Methodist Chureh on Sunday s eo balers. Mrs. Handy, Mary St., had the misfor- | in a ano : : tune to fall downstairs and bresk an ankle. k 9 i . eG Her many friends wish her speedy re- 1 |eovery. | Mr. andre, A. Sinclair end Mr, and Mrs. J.C. Sincisir were in Toronto Friday | attending the funeral of their friend, Mrs. | Fleming Elwood Broome of Lefroy, who has been farming at Prince Rupert. Sack.. for the past seven months, spent Monday in town on bis way home, . Mr. ond Mrs, Atchie Longhurst returned home on Tuesday from Fort William, where they were attending the funeral of their | aon, the Inte Edward Longhurst. Come to Us. We Sell the Bell "built to give a lifetime of sat- isfaction." Our winter's supply of pi- for everybody --- DIAMONDS, JEWELRY ) AND SILVERWARE \ are Gifts that last REEVE'S JEWELRY STORE is Barrie's Greatest Gift Store Is the cottage and the mansion; on the farm id in the town--everywhere--the language of Music is inwardly understood by all. some people Not the written notes of music; understand them and others don't. es the is tnd Mrs. Bremner apd Mie Bremner ' But every normal human being understands those anos is now in, no danger of all ' = = lett esterday Ee ttither | Pave pleasant harmonies that fall upon the ear, pene- frost-checking. No two of owing to the death of Mr. Bremner's fa- i i i - eee ¥ CREDIT SALE then who pened exay Tuesday momning, | Gifts' trate the oe interpret all the emotions of = ianos are alike. The C. B. Lewis of the Bracebridge' branch . Individual Piano i of Farm Stock & Implements} ;."\, "jnarge of the local 'branch. of the this Theniewiircetin' yoursslttn/Nusie? : ividual Piano is the one to ee sona BSE of Nova Scotia this week. Mr. Mac- | Christmas . uy. 1), . 'The undersigned has received instructions FLellan being confined to his house through Winter's coming! Long, cold evenings will soon 4 : é = ies here. Snow and Sleet and Jack Frost's i iiateiiaietetetetate tates 1 . be here. Snow an eet and Jac! rost's icy % THOMAS BOWMAN Hiss: Monit (hee. Misa Kees, Weide) breath will keep you in the house. . Lot 9, Con. 2, ORO once, a resident of Barre, hav been visit = ; ; erhaps You re x es 8 Te eee ee aa heed . But--with plenty of music you'll want to stay in- to all by public auction on Nov. 26 for her home in B.C., near the ; J r4 Si be enjooable | ; THURSDAY, DEC. 9th Okanagan Volley. 1 . .doors--and every hour will be enjoy: s e y ~ 4 A AY, DEE. The many friend of Mr. and Mim Tho. | " . oa: y ag wg pg ell A very large range of Musical.Gifts from 50c to $500.00 HORSES--Grey horse, 8 yrs. old, heavy, 1, who has been very) <i gacdig lan | : Mouth Organs, Autoharps, Banjos, Guitars, Ukeleles, " - Violins, Accordeons, Phonographs, Pianag,; Etc., Etc. Phonograph... WE SPECIALIZE ON THE hdeal It reproduces any make of re- cord to perfection. ' THE BRUNSWICK we have in various models Come and hear' them. Also the Sonora and Phonol: Phonographs. Terms to suit purchaser, an without interest. 1J. 6. Keenan | The Music Man 4 Danlop Street, Opposite:P. 0. Square. Miss MoCarty, manag left this week for the by Jos. Dodd of I has been exceedingly id her removal is jose having business with the G.N.W. Mrs. Gordon H. Battle.(nee Reta O'Con- | nor) of Orillia spent the week recently with her parefits, Mr. and Mrs, M. J. O'Connor, Bradford St. While here her intimate friends tendered her a shower in 'honor o! her recent marringe, Mrs. Battle was the recipient of many beautiful gifts: -- » who is well known in Bus 'y, having travelled through this territory for an implement firm sev- is now located at Osage, Sask, e purchased the Village Inn some] mopths 9 In a letter to The Examiner, dated Nov. 26,-he says. 'We are having a very fine winter ao far, no-anow and very little= frost."" a 'yi bay Yi a ib PIGS--Brood sow; 6 store pigs. CATTLE--8 good young cows, su 'to. bein calf; heifer, 2 yrs. old, fat; 4 yrs. old; 4 yearling 'steers, Dur- hum bull, 3 yrs. old, registered; Durham dull, 10 'months old; 12 spring calves; 'yearling 'heifers... SHEEP--11 Cotswold ewes; ram. IMPLEMENTS-- Deeri TH, nearly new; Frost & Wood mower, 5-ft cut, nearly new; McCormick 13-dige drill, Deering rake, 'nearly new; McCormick man- ure spreader; Frost .& Wood hay loader; set disc harrows; top bugey;. spring. tdoth cultivator; 2 sets drag harrows; cutter; road cart; Oliver riding plow; -- eet sloop rleighs; Fleury 2-furrow plow turnip drill, new ;, dem omplete wagon, nearly new; comple'e mn, Speight; set market sleighs;. 2 sets vheavy harness; set single harness; a number of, shingles; » quantity of hay; cream separator; also forks, chains, doublotrees and -many- other articles WE DEMONSTRATE all kinds of Musical Instruments. Come and hear them before you buy. Cotswold "FINE ASSORTMENT OF SHEET MUSIC binder, --Phonographs, all sorts and styles, at Keenan' Terms 10 nen Reasonable Charges. W. A. McINDLESS ~ <> + (Late of 75th SERVICE -- 'All will be sold' without reserve, _ Bale wt 1 W. A. McConkey, Auct,