Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Dec 1920, p. 12

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psn re aeTED eet penn ae a8 hewsekeoper and man to help on the farm. Will Warnica, B.R, No. 1, Allen- dale. 47-400 MAID WANTED for general housework frem Dec. 21 to Jan. 4, ply Mrs, Vernom Plummer, 21 Charlotte 81, ,phone 708 496 WANTED---Resident salesman calling on retail 'groeery and butcher trade to sell a 02 e-- BOARDERS WANTED by day or week. Apply to 44 Worsley St. 44-499 SWEET CREAM WANTED--Apply, Ed. Bryson's, Elisubeth St, 49¢ MILK WANTED--Those having milk to soll apply at "Clearview Dairy,"' Allan- ule." Phone 528, 48tfe 'COW WANTED--Good young cow, one re- cently fresh or about to freshen, W. C. How, Barrie, phone 798. 490 WANTED--Offers to cut logs, ties and cordwood by contract at village of Shan- ty Bay. E.V. Wilson, Shanty Bay. 49c WANTED to buy or rent, one hundred acres or more, soil rich loam; with good buildings. Apply Examiner offi ROOMS WANTED--One or*two comfort. able rooms, furnished or unfurnished ; must be heated, Box 1031, Barrie. 49tfc PRACTICAL NURSE wishes employment 410 yenrw' experience maternity work and caring for children, Terms moderate. Best references. Addrese 205 Bradford St.. Barrie 48-9 WANTED by the undersigned, postal ad drvss 'or informution ae to the where. abouts of James Smith, toolmaker and fvemor (husband of Winnifred Rose Smith, formerly Witt), formerly _ of « Fuitbask, Cookstown, Tor- Orillia and other and more ree couver City, Erichsen, lace: Winnipe and Vs '© Toronta, Ont-e == ee For Sale FOR SALE-- Dry hardwood poles, phone 8 ting 21 49-500 SFHOLD FURNITURE for sale--Ap- 26 Charlotte St 47-49 + > Orillia, LOST--810.00 bill between Travers-Baily's |*UPerintendent of Barrie U: ¢ | LOST--In deer shooting, on what Browal & Crawford, 10 Adelaide St. East 49-51c | $0 north ball Wm bolereeae Bayfield. Sts. Finder jpleaso leave. at Boal millinery shop, Dunlop Sty. ja are to' get" thel tory Inc wreny in none eee --Reeerve Dee, 9 to heat 'Mle Jevohn Nioklin, violinist; at the Opera House. H. B. Rogers, 'hus been 'sppointed Inion poate and Ovenden, on Nov. 20, about 5.80) J. H. Resdman has purchased the Henry Clearing out sale of*pictures and made- Reward all Bros Kindly communicate with G. H. 8 Owen 8t., Barrie. STRAYED to lot 25, con. 6, Oro, spotted yearold ateor, Owner 0 proving property and Church last Sunday. W. J. Emms, Oro Station. neg Cme to the Opera House, Des. 9, to LOST--Betwéen Five Points and shoe fac. jhrar Mrs. Jones-Morgan, Welsh soprano, tory, on Tueeday. lady's open tered got {#24 Miss Jevohn Nicklin, violinist, wrist wateb, Finder will be rewarded| 'The Women's Missionary Society of Col- by leuving at Devlin & Murchison's. |lier St. Methodist Church held s threc-ses- 48-49c |sion meeting in their church yesterday. --Stationery makes itable Christ sift. Prices from 25c to $3.00 at Keenan's. ( Alexander Skinner, father of Mrs. Mal Crone MOP and eave Coneatt |colm MeLean of Acton, formerly of Barre, Apply to Mise Miller, 24 Eugenia Street, |'ied in Lindsay, Nov, 18, in his 84th year. 48-40p|_ 'There are two ways you can profit by The Examiner Ailet Columne--using them STRAYED onto the premises of undersign-|as opportunity arises and reading them ed. lot 12, con. 4, Medonte, on or about | regularly Nov. 1. one calf. Owner may have same | --Come to the informal dance in th» Rev. G. H. Knighton most acceptably filled the pulpit of the - Congregational FOUND--Purse, on Toronto train, Tues day evening, containing money and oth- B. Burnfield. Mount St, Louis. 'erford's orchestra, Toronto. Dancing from 48-50p |8.30 to 1 o'clock. 490 ---- "----------=| The services ut the Sulvation Army Cit- |FOUND-- Bay horse, sbdly) 10 ym. old. 'adel on Sunday, Dec, 5, will be conductei with white star on forehead; found wan: | h |by Lt.-Col, R. 'Hargraves (Commander of dering around Penetang Rd. Owner can the Hamilton Division) wasisted by Adjt. have same by proving ownership and |; bert Best, ing expenses. Apply Box 1082. Bar| Retiring eule of oilelo:h and linoleum 47-49 'yt Dougall Bros. 49tfo Known R.A. Sutherlund of 8 roud in lot Ba: as the Big Island, north of Severn River |Urday's Weekly Sun had an article showing of lost channel. pair deer the advantages of Inte variety of sweet clo: t j ver (as compered with the early) for hay, need and pasture. h Aid Society ri and west hounds. male; one, large, black aged: one extra lerge, blnck, white, covered with amell Barrie R. R. No. 48-49p. Live Stock for Sale | 'cnfeteria tea from 5.30 to 7.30; fancy goods and candy for sale; a rummage table. There has been « big rush for 'Dum- BABY CUTTER for sule. with white top. Apply 43 Tiffin St, Allandale. 49 7 -OUN sold out today. Those who could not get Oe OtO RUS area ator, tiles (weigh yeate for the night performance can sce 3000, Apply ut this office 48-497 'the same show a! 2.30 Saturday afternoon, HEAVY SLEIGHS AND CUTTER for wale. John Binghym, 75 Toronto St. 49-50p BERKSHIRE HOG FOR SALE-Apply to Prices for matinee--ground floor, all seutr, 1 Ws de Divide: Coolatoen "49 80 cents; balcony, all seats, 55 cents, No PIANO VOR SALE--Good practice piuno. Phone 466 or call ut 16 Sampson St. | 48tfc | --<$<--< FOR SALE -Parlor auite, carpets and range und other furniture. Apply 26 Chat St 49p F JRE FOR SALE---New Emprese range, Quebre heater, curpets. Apply 2 Cherlotte $1 48-49 WE HAVE THEM ALL*-Lemon, orange and citron peel. choice and fresh. R. we, currants, dates. ete, R. J. Gull: her, 110 Buyfield St, Phone 295. 48p Sound dry elm cut to 16- per full cord, dit R. Vo Wilvon. Shanty Bay, Gro fi FS FOR SALE--Smnll heater and large Oak heat burne coal or wood, 4 penfeldt St.. near East 49p Good Peerless Pen- | new, with water wply Mrs. A, Louisa St? A5tfo Coluubin Grafonols, mahog: | tion, Apply to » Bank af Com. mercer. or 229 Dunlop St. after 6th inst. 49p FOR SALP. Flooring, siding: sheeting, raf- ters, rhedling, windows, doors, with frames ond saxh, «orm doom, frame for ree co tohte, Box 1087 or 142 Blake | St.; Barrie, 49) 15 horse power upright inveetor, in firet-clu condition, be received within the next Please .uddrens Box No. '¥2" Examiner. 490 ------------------------ Property for Sale /~ | Apply 8. V. Jones. Oro Station, 49 {FOR SAL reduction for children, Doors open at 1.45, HORSE FOR SALE--One general purpose mare. Apply to Ed. McLaughlin, West End. - 44-40 REGISTERED OXFORD DOWN RAM for sale, two shear. Thos, Smith, Ut- opia. 48-8 JUST MISSED THE WRECK | 8, Dyment was very nearly in the G-T.R. wreck near Toronto last week in which two were killed and seversl injured. He had taken a reservation for that train but a LEGHORNS--Puro 'bred mangle comb white wren night. Leghorns for sale, George Brewater. | Midburet. 44-49) YORKSHIRE SOW of breedi . from registered stock, for sale, price reasonable HELLO! SANTA CLAUS You are starting to think about those lovely Xmas Cakes you are going to make. Have you purchas- ed your supplies yet ? year-old Barred Rock hens and pulleta; alo pony and outfit. Apply Hunter Huxtable, 28 Louisa 48-49 FOR SALE--One bay team, Durham bull calf, luo few young cattle. Apply to E. M. Freck, Barrie, Phone 652. 49tfc , SHROPSHIRES for eale--Pure-bred Shrop. | hit id lamba, Re ible ! A prices, Bell Bron. 'R.'R. 3, Barrie, On-|f Get Vostizza Currants, Ladd __47-48p-te|$ Valencia Raisins, Citron, 18 (SIMOOE REDS' 8.0. BHODE BAND} Orange and Lemon Peels, ; . These | birds come from good atobk, their mother)$ Dates, Shelled Almonds, Wri leat winter 'nu a pallet 98 one in| $ at' The Hub." You are 105 days. she won Ist ut rie an Blmvale Kalra. and her wether wan tat Sl eee best of at Ottaws ynd Guelph Winter Eairs in|$ quality as well as reason- eee oe a able price. Insure your success at 3! 1918, Thi Fant' redetad. won athe fal Teey "The Hub"--Phone 18 T. N. HOBLEY for hatching in season, C. M. Hickling, R.R. No, 2, Barrie, phone 606r2. 48.53) "Property to Let FOR RENT--Two cottages, town water. Apply. 2 Charlotte St. . _ 48-49p FURNISHED ROOM TO LET, in central location, with or without board. Apply Examiner. \ 49p Car Owners 'TWO, LOTS,. 60 feet frontage each, on Willam' St., Allandale, for 'Apply 0 Mrs. J. AL Mi 104r31, Allan. | tale 34tfo ee BRICK HOUSE, splendid metal-clad stable and ornge." House has all conveniences and hardwood 'floors throughout. Beau- | tifully situnted on west aide Bayfield 8+. Preference' given to purchaser not desir. INE pose until spring. , Otton. 48tfe eats ae ee a DALSTON STORE and -residence--Uniil | * December 10th. tenders will be received | for thepurchase of these buildings ancl the en'ire lot. No tender necessarily so- cepted. Twenty' ner cent of purchase 'price, cash; and the balance in four exqug! annual payments, without interest, yeryable/at the beginning of each succeed: Address Hampton E. Jory, --_-- FAGM FOR SALE-75 acres, goed clay' » with stock snd implements; large house' and "good outbuildings, 1% ---- qwilés from Barrie, For full particulars CLEANING AND PRESSING--Your. old Apply to W. H. Sloane, R. R. No. 1, Barrie. _ 49-506 po de a AM i id FARM FOR SALE--Lot 1, con, 4, Veapra, 75. serves, fs and clay "loam, sbout 4 ac. 'hi hurh, Jn. orchard, brick house. bank barn 40x60, 'hay barn' #0240, all | = house, new bathroom. furnace. to care: |TUSH. H. JONES, of 'Peterboro, is making revular ly well fenced, soil clay | LIGHT CARTAGE. of all. kinds If you have your car overhaul- ed rooms} ed or repaired now, you will ROOMS--Tiwo or three unt bed Soe have your car when you want HOUSE TO RENT---Furmcdand every |it in the Spring. convenience, corner Peel and-Sophis 8ts.| It can be repaired now. when Apily fo Mas. Blk 4¢\ our repair shop is not as busy HOUSE TO RENT--$30.00. "Will leese for as it will be during the Spring ix months or longer, newly decorated tral. Apply 490 Stree tt Apply Mise Ruth Bird: Peel) We also repair Tractors and ees Stationary Gasoline Engines, Miscellaneous and all kinds of machinery. ALL KINDS OF KNITTING door to oer,|,_,!f you trust us with your Apply Mra. H. 8, Wray, 119 Elizabeth |job we will sure please you, as St. 4851p /all work must pass your own FURS REMODELLED AND RePaIRED.,inspection before leaving our} phan M. MoAPthur. King: Block, ai shop. eR =| .CHAS, A. KELLY 'Twelve years! experience in this' work Location: St. John's Machine Shop "(Next to: Tannery ) monthly trips to Barrie, Orders left' at the Greene Music Co. will receive prompt attention, © 48-88) SSS eee suit and overcost cat be»made to look|N, COTTER, 76 Worsley 8t., Barrie. boot Bali property on Mary St. and is now o¢-; cupying it. ig ow ot up pleture frame at greatly reduced prices at . by proving ownershin and paying expens- |Town Hall, Tuesday night, Dec. 7, Ruth-| os. belly'" and, the evening plan was practically? from Montreal delayed hix trip to the 'mother, Rechael material price - - value $3.00.-- Special - - - . i] --Special price - - z BLACK AND WHITE WOOL CHECKS--54 inches w Special price - - - - - «© - -oe Blue, Brown and Green. Big value $3.00.--Cleari line is big value $5.00.+ Special price - - - EIDERDOW NS--54 inches wide, fine quality; Colors, This is big value $3.00.-- Special price - - Special - - Vi bite, Plain Blue, Grey and Value $3.00.--Special price Colors, Orange, Old Gold, Ca BORN ' DI MOORE--In Barrie, Nov. 27, to Mr. snd|OSBORNE--In Barrie, Nov. 80, 1920, Wil: Mrs. Fred Moore, » daughter. fred, youngest son of Mr, and Mrs. Frank CROSSLAND--In the R. V. Hospital, of| Osborne, formerly of Toronto, 'Tuening, Dee, 1, 1020, 10 Mr, and Hrs ; Wm, Crossland, 2 son. CaS waar ae es: ----_-- ---------- Collier St. Methodist Church IN MEMORIAM The fifty-sixth anniversary of Collier St. Berry--In memory of a loving wife and | Methodist Church will be celebrated next mother, who fell asleep Dec. 1, 1919, | Sundsy: Des. &, Rev. W. B. Smith, BiA., | of Orillia, will preach morning and evening. Till the day brewk and ae apie He 11 a.m, 'wubject: "The Programme of the 490 Husband and Sons. Chureh and Her Secret of Success." 7>p.m, subject: "The Iron Pillar." The choir, IN MEMORIAM . under the leadership of Mrs, Rice, will give In loving memory of Sarah Elisabeth | appropriate music and will render seme Poole, who pamed away Dec. 8, 1918. special numbers for the occasion. 0. may the winds blow softly | Everybody cordially invited. O'er the far-off lonely spot; The monthly Fellowship meeting at 10 Though the miles divide your grave from | a.m. will take the form of a prayer mect, us, You shall never be forgot. | 49p --Mother, Father, Brothers. | IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear son, Gun- ner Thos. Alfred ker, who died in Ox- Confeasi ford, England, Dec. 3, 1917. | Confession. Fresh fi6wers ure planted on his grave, A holly sent for Xmas Day, | But it cannot fill the aching void in our) hearts, | Or bring back our dear boy God\ called | away. | s --Family IN MEMORIAM Hewitt--In. loving memiory of our dear att Hewitt, who passed | away, Dee. 5, 1917, «Do not sak if we miss her, , | herp suet a vacant pide. | Can we ére. er footsteps Aad at daar fuilier Jace BAPTIST.CHURCH Enemy, Evening subject--"The 'Conturion's Noble like by Hi Twiss, Roks Block: tr n in i ama id ye ee mee attended to, Ressontble chi Rows 'St, if putting 'on | "atta Beery ing ond tana] morai 5 'a cdneday ight. 'Days of sadness still come o'er us, : 2 eas Silks and Dress Goods DRESS PL.AID--All wool; Red and Black, Navy and Black; 54 inches wide. Good BLACK AND WHITE CHECK, wool checks, 54 inches wide. Good value $2.50. SERGE DRESS GOODS--40 inches wide, nice fine quality; Colors, Black, Navy 54-INCH COATINGS-- All wool; Colors, Navy and Brown, Grey and Navy. This BLANKET CLOTH-- Black and Red Check, 2 yds. wide, all wool. Just the thing for lining buffalo robes, bed blankets or horse blankets. GIRLS' AND BOYS' SWEATER COATS Fit agés 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 years old; Colors, Pink, Pink and LADIES' SILK SWEATER COATS is Big Value at $14.50.--Clearing price - - With the above lines we give no Coupons Morning subject--'The Subtlety of the | Weac } Christmas gift, Pri are truly Personal Gifts One impulse is to buy enough 1 for many dresses, so en- chanting are the Silks in this pre- holiday showing. And with a gift list waiting to be taken care of and prices unusually favorable, there is no reason why one shouldn't. GEORGETTE €REPES, CREPE DE CHENES,' SATINS, SILKS await selection here, in Black and many much-desired color tones. HERE ARE SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS, JUST WHEN YOU NEED THEM : SILK POPLINS-- One yard wide; Colors, Black, Navy Blue, Grey, Taupe, Dark Brown, Sand, Russian Green, Nile Green, Fawn. Old price $2.00.--Special $1.29 yd. $1.98 yd. - - + $1.98 yd. ide. Extra value $3.25,.-- $2.49 yd. ng price - - $2.29 yd. - - $3.99 yd. Plain Red and Plain Grey. - + = + $2.29 yd. Big value $3.00-- $2.50 yd. Maroon. These are Big $1.99 nary and Black. This line $9.98 CLARIFIED MILK Our: new process ensures the best quality, free from all ' impurities. Price, 14¢ per quart CLEARVIEW DAIRY L. J. ALLEN, Prop. ~ Phone 528 ee | $8 TO $12 PER DAY Auto Tractor Mechanics, Vulcanizing. to $12 per day, Men wanted fill prevent Memand automobile imechanies, driving, tractor operating, tire vuloanizing, oxy- acetylene welding, storage battery electrical work, ened training. Only few | weel |, Day and night classes, | Write free catelogue. Big wages, Steniy employment, Hemphill's Auto snd Gas 'Tractor Schools, 168 King St, West, Tor- onto, 48-190 7 Boston Terriers * for Sale Four Male Puppies; sired by Sporty's Churn, © Ganadian and American winner. Tho dam of these puppies is 'also » Cansdian wintier. Puppies are all perfectly mark rorew tails, large expressive eyes; breed Sbeolutely perfect. Buy one of these for lope reasonable, PURE' BRED COLLIES females, fiv I. sais rae 'The

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