GC BROW! Cor. p and uality, almond-iced and lecorated, 50c per pound Phohe your order early, please,--250. We will Decorate: your own cake if you wish it. 4} Real Estate and Money to Loan A number of valuable farms and Town Properties for Sale on the most rensonable terms, Masonic Temple Building-- Barrie, ne RY ¢.6. Smith & Co, Established 1869 UNDERTAKERS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Morgue and Chapel : IN CONNECTION BARRIE, ONT. ~Phone 82 ee ; Get Your Laundry Done by LEM BROS. & CO. Most Caréful Hand Work 107 Dunlop Sti--Opp. Barrle Inn Phone 588 P. O- Box 813 Laundry Call Daye-- Moudlay. Wednesday and Friday DYEING AND "Your Clothing will be properly cleaned inside and outside at W. Firth's. The linings'and inside of your clothing are as im- portant aS-- the - outside. Why not have them done right when you are hav- ing them done? All kinds of Repairing done.-- We know how W. FIRTH. | Phone 229 | Opp. Barrie Hotel, Barrie Seepage The B. . . | arrie Planing Mill) Corner Sothia, and Mary Streets Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Frames, Flooring Ceilimg, Moulding, Water Troughs, Tanks, ete. We carry in «tock a large assortment of Rough and Dresed Lumber, B, C. Shingles » d Prepared Roofing, Wood Térning and ¢ Kiln Drying a Specialty, Dressing 'done | promptly. Consult us with your" building THOS. ROGERS Phones:-- Office 163, Residence 353 | ete etter eA | PROTECT Your: Family Your Business Your Future '| * With an Annual Dividend Policy'in the ." CLEANING ||: (Continued from ast week) ThetPestls Recovered The bed creaked as the body upon it rolled over, and the snoring was succeeded /Brooke had first heard outside in the pass age. Assured now that the creature was 'once more soundly asleep, the invader rose cautiously, holding out to the light the uniform shape and color, and glowing wi'h aGsellow radiance! like liquid moonbeams. For just s moment\he was perplexed. How had the pearls, comp where but » min- tite before fe had' seshthed. diligently. The fallen shoe could, alone~give answer. The drunken man, stnsible only to the Value of his stolen' property had evidently hidden them therein, and jhe sceidentsl overturning of the ehoe had displaced them, Now Brooke thrust them into the side pocket of hix coat, and even as he did so ii contuct with something | oblong in shape and a drew out a gold card case 'belonging to Miss Colby which, strange. ly enough. from the moment he picked it up at the side of the-bridle path in the park that afternoon until this very moment bud been entirely absent from his memory. -- | A Pleasing Menage. Still smiling, he opened it and drew out s card, ond along the upper half of it he wrote hastily in pencil: "The pearls you took in such cowardly fiahion ure on /their way back to their owner, ~ Below the lines, in engra®ed Old' Eng- lish, was the name is: MISS ANNETTE COLBY, / Dropping the card into the shoe with j@SJow chuckle, be replaced it on the chif. fonier, found. proving j 10 be the right one, he stood a minute later in the free open sir of the atreet, breathing 4 grateful. prayer to. Providence for his tafe delivery' and his unexpected good for tune, CHAPTER IX, Conference, Tt was some minutes after midnizht-when ved atthe Waldorf, his head- ly gone, his knees once more ie bi ponder jmen'al in credible, ifeed--events" of the sfternoan snd evenings He had availed himself of that dinner invitation, meant evidently, for someone else, 'on the flimsy, uncertain chance of learning something of a man of the sunte- ngme as. 'hat attached. to. the letter. . Ait, behold the astonishing result! Of such stuff dreams are made, he told himeelf, ond an ning whether ras waking or sleeping. But the string of pearls which he fingered in his pocket was real, beyond'.all mistaking, and there wax no denying the. rattle and rumble of. the. car in which he was riding) nor the chur. acteristical ° unintelligible guard who at interyale® As hé-esked for "Mi formation - Desk by. 0 tall. young ming i ing dreas detached himself from \a sroup. of men standing near and -gppro amilin | er' spoke the name in chorug, with rising questioning inflection.; Then, they. bowed BARRIE BRANCH, H, M,'Lay, Manager. by that loud stertorous breathing' which | oh out string of pearls, rarely beautiful in, their | p) Joh {POF Me--uhd when they found ¢hey had' him, [Phe "Mr, Moore?!' The. two facing erch oth-{%. 15,000,000 313,000000 of th bse pare Ey 'rampton, one e ric! "Eng. laud. "Charming girl, Kitty. Where did you meet them?"' "They're friends of » friend of mine," Brooke returned, guatdedly, ' He! e old man is worth a) thi hundred millions, he's immune from all law. and justice, and uns amuck wherever he goes, regardless of consequences. I was talking to him when you came in, What do you suppose he had iust proposed? A night run over to Philadelphia in bis sixty- horse-power Panhardt. He's just bought a balloon over there, and he wanted to take four of us un with him tomorrow, morning, balloonist. eh?" 'Thinks he is., Member of the Aero Club, By Jove! Here he is now.": And Moore turned with, 'Hello! Walter!" to 18 fnir-haired youth, os tall a himself, "but with narrow, somewhst stoning shoulders, who at this juncture approached the table, $1 83. A hax ing. inse, took lei urely drink, and replaced it onthe table, Strangers to Him 'You never heard of these Mumford peo- le ie asked, "Never "What did the letter?" « +'Well,' answered Moote,. as be shook the ashes from his cigar, "if it badn't been for one thing T shouldn't have been at all suspiciou. It would have seemed natural enough for some friends of mutual friends to invitesme to dine, but anybody that knows any bing about me knows that I just about as much at home in Ni as Tam in Chicago. I can hardly be 4 stranger here; and yet that was the conveyed in the invi 'Then you don't think ol you think when you found vijed him to join them--to do which ko politely decliied--Moore asked: Not for His "How about it? Did Stevie and Harry decide to go?" "Couldn't," fon snswored young Paddock. |G 'Harry's got a mare running jn the Hundi- |p. gap tomorrow, and Stevie's gomto see some folks off on the Amerika at daybreak. Shame! Both going t thourh, How about -you? Moore waved him awa; "Not for mine," he said, laughing |wait until you have a little more experience, | | No trial ripe for your Uncle Jack, Walter." | | Waiter.'s Won't' you come, Mr, Moore?" vited, turnine.to Brooke. "Ji ck here fis something of an old Iedy, you. Know-- | |rather timtt vbouk his fading beauty, T'll| {assure you there isn't the slightest danger. | 85 TH run aver to Philadephia in. my mach air Tine, if thene and we'll come bi southerly winds will hold good for another thirty-ix hours,' The idsn rather appealed te Brooke. "How long will you give me to decide?" -d. was meant for ' + "Tt might have been, but it seenix hard. Wv probable, Bu: tell me what' happened. Nid they give you the names of the kindiy reople who suggested entertainment for the 'onely and friendless Moore man?" Brooke related his experience with more or Jees circumstantiality of detail, omitting vnly his recovery of the pearl necklnce. "But what in heavei queried Moore, witen he had finished, "do you suppose the kind Indy drugged you for? Qnly Robbery don't know," Brooke answered. "'T can't imagine. What' is your theory? Would there have been any object in drug. ging you?" "Only robbery. Nothing else, I assure you. And yet you asy you found your valuables intact "s+ "'Absolutely."" Brooke, to reassure him- self, drew out his wallet, in which there were some papers, including the envelope containing: the warehouse receipt for the fortune he had left that morning in the safe deposit' vault, 'He made sure that this envelope was atill there, since that was his most valuable POmession, "'T enn't, discover' that they took a penny. from me," he said, In his tone was a $2 ter by é fui eri to at | nieht. -If you to have: vou ry en as ins Pullman,' q To Brooke, whose recent experience with Pullmene was not sltogetHer happy, the enmnarison was searcely reassuring, but he thanked Paddock. nevertheless, and added: A Leave Taking "I'd like it immensely, and if I ean manage it I'll be on hand here at ten sharp to-morrow night." "Now I must be popping on," the Aero Club member foment. a oe ie at of, perplexity, Moquin's on hour.-sgo, 'in case - trip the most thunderingly queer thing wasn't pulled off tos » To,to, Jackie! T evor'heard of," commented Moore. "You Good nfe!." Hope you'll eut, couldn't bring a 'complaint against them, | everyth else and join us on our little Your: hostess cimply gave you s dinner in- flyer. the abundance of her hospitality.. You} And he gtrolled off, drank too much wine and became inenn-| "Crary!"* exclaimed Monre, when he had: eita'ed-fora few. hours, She mas called, gone. "Absolutely dotty! out meanwhile, and when she returned you| Brooke mage no rejoinder. After » mo- were gone, Thrt is how. it would appear|ment, however, be wid: to: 9 police. magistrate," _ | "Y'wonder'if you would care to make » Brooke' reoognized the force of this, call with me tomorrow afternoon on some- 'Oh; I shouldn't think of complaining," |one who knows all these peovle. and' yet 'he waid frankly; "*but all the same I wasn't | One whom you hav§ never met tence 1" Moore asked. "Man. woman or chi indifferently. ° (To be' continued) ~" \STAYNER Nov. 29.--Mrs, J. Craveh returned home from 'he Collingwood. Hospita) on Saturday much improved from her recent serious you Levi "fins been in Toronto for the | last week toking.treatment for his face, but ; 1 am sorty to report it has not been very | ful hone | _ Mts, Toole of Newmarket is vikting het i wheaay 'and the.next instant were shak- in aed 'You're a little Inte. old 0 mented the Chicago. youth, ae seturned, "T didn't know. when I phoned you that: I was locked'in- T lost some: time hunting for: the Kkay.'* At Mr, Moore's" suexestion a found:in,the cafe, ands waiter A "Relation sister; Mrs. r, 2 Miss Estelle Lee of 'North Bay is/spend- linea week wi'h hee pareats, Mr-ond Mrv, ohn WeColeman and son of North Bay } ith be former's mother, = ing quoted. A great marketed, mostly jduck was 8c and » few geese were 32c Ib. | Beets, per basket Pumpkins, ech al SATURDAY MARKET The elusby condition of the rosds caused e market to be only fair" on Saturday. Potatoes were again featured and sold .75 per bag mostly. Mann apples at .00 and $3.50 per barrel were on sale, fish' vendor is working up s Ssturday |trade on the Square, Eggs were the"scare- est aricle in the building, the few noticed were lubelled 90 cents "a. dozen, Butter ds downward tendency, 60c to 65¢ be- juantity of fowl was chic! at 38c to 320, ly ull were nicely prepared for market- ine. Live hogs were quoted st $14.00 and i hay |Butter, per poynd . | Eggs, per dozen Having presented him to Brooke. snd ing Chicken, dressed, per pound iDuck, per pound .. |Geese, per pound Potatoes, per bag $25 to $28. nions, basket lery, bunch trons, each NEARBY MARKETS : (Noy. 25, 1920) Shelburne--Wheat 5-| Offices 13 Owen {po stoes $1.30 bug, hogs $! Orillina--Whout $1.55. 55-1.75, barley .75- ie. oats 40-50c, rye $1.25, buckwheat 5 inmy machine |85c. pens $1.25-1.50, hogs $15, ork $18- 10 cwt., dressed chicken 2 wr 55-600, eggs 65-70c, pot hay $25-80, Packet--'There a er"marked decline, in the price of 'sins, Pork weaker. Wool dropped 3c 5c lb, Potatoes for the most part sold $1.50 bag." ' Alliston--Wheat $1.45-1.50, barley .70c, fe $1.25, on'n 40¢, peas $1.50, butter 45c, te 850. dressed chicken 25-30c, turkey be, potatoes $1.75, geese 26-28c. hogs 35¢ | 100 Peel Phone 835° -- "LEGAL. conan 2 <2 MUSIC: MISS VIOLET Hb A.T.C.M. TEACHER OF PIANO AND THEORY Telephone No. 160, Barrie P. O, Box. 875 B6tic DOROTHY J. SARJEANT, A.T.C.M. 3 OF RIANO © -- 151, Barrie fox' 88° P.O, bg ~MYRTLE V. RICE OFganist and of Collier Street TEACHER OF PIANO, ORGAN, SINGING i, Pupils, prepared for Toronto Con. stoping ions. DIO--KING'BLOCK PHONE 853 "HERBERT 1, BAMFORD, A.T.C.M. Organist-Choirmaster drew's Church * TUITION fi! PIANO, ORGAN, THEORY and SINGING reli Prepared for = ns of Conservatory ete. Phone 500 126 Dunlop 8. Over Moodie &.Jory's store Ot _ MAUDE E: CLAXTON, L.T.C.M. "Piano and Vocal Lessons In voeal work special attention is given to Voice Production. Pupils prepared for A.T.C.M, degree in both piuno-and vocal; slso elementary: exams. of Toronto Con. jservatory of Musie or University 'exams, Studio: King Block. Phone 424 MUSIC LESSONS PIANO AND VOICE =by-- MISS_ NETTIE COLPITTS ( diploma) fer information apply to nfo For ALEXANDER COWAN. 0c ' Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining' probate of (00 | Wills,' guardianship -and administration, '0¢ | General Solfpitor, Notary, Conveyancer, ete nd Offices: Hinds' Block, No. 8 Dunlop street. Money to loan BOYS & MURCHISON Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan at eee rates of interes. t,, in Masonic Temple Building, ; Branch office, Elmvale, O>t, 'W. A. Boys, KC. MP. "D.C, Murchison PLAXTON& PLAXTON BA - DONALD Ross; LL.B. BAI ; SOLICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie Money to foun, CRESWICKE & BELL ARRISTERS Bi 2 Solicitors for the Supreme Court of Judi- eature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Con- veyancers, éte, Money to faa, Offices in Rom Block, Bavie. % W. A. J. Bell, K.C. OR. H. T. ARNALL 'Associate Coroner County of. Simcoe ; Office and Residence: Cor. Toronto and Elisabeth Sts., opp. Central Methodist . Chueh." 'Telephone 167. tll oe Iniverni Ofice and residence, corner Elisabeth acd Bradford Sts., Batrie, Office hours 9 to 10 a.m,, I to p.m., 7 to 8/p.m. Phone 105 W. A. LEWIS, M.D., CM. SURGERY AND 'GYNECOLOGY ~ akan ™ , 8. DICKSON, B.A., Phone 61. _/ 56 Collier St., Barria DR. VICTOR A. HART Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto; also and: Glasgow. Specialty--Diseases of Stomach Office: Bayfield. and Worsley Sts. Office open. until 8 p.m. daily OR, E.G. Graduate of M