SAVE ! SAVE ! A reduced price on Every Gar- ment in our big Ready-to-wear Dept. Thousands of lines to select from, The biggest assortment in Barrie and just: the things you need. We are taking our losses so that we may put prices' where they should be. 'STARTLING REDUCTIONS ON NEW WINTER COATS Not a single Coat has been overlooked.-- Pure Wool Hose, 1/1 rib, from England, black or brown, sizes 7 to 84. Regular $1.69, for + $1 All Silk Hosiery and Silk Gloves are cut down 25 per cent. Special White Flannelette Gowns at $2.98 ea. Big lot of Ladies' and Children's Knitted Capes, up to $1.25, for 59c Don't Stocks BEAUTIFUL DRESSES AT HALF PRICE Every Silk and CrepedeChene Dress in stock and we have everything will be brought forward and the real Yuletide spirit brought' into this store. Buy here, where shop- ping is made easy. MOorRE & ARMSTRONG -------- et =a j is * te ; : Everything soapy Sasi Wonvone yong bo contin rong's ata Bargains in Every Department. . EVERY MODEL AT A CUT PRICE you would desire in them for any Social function. Prices ranging from evading it by reducing all lines under Plush and Velour Coats up to $78.00. - -_ - $18.00 to $60.00. Get your choice this week. The greatest Bargain $3.85, to $2.00 a yard for this Sale. All . In town ie ee eee ie me se - - HALF PRICE colors and dependable qualities are among n nen * Feat On Sale, $1.98 yd. - Coats up to $50.00, for - - - - - = SAVE ARTE! FT ull line of $2.65 Silk Poplins cut down to Goats up to $40.00, for - = = - - ao. a Be ee peoueee HALF PRICE S Hie ga me Beem $1.59 yd. 'An assorted lot up to $30.00, for - - $16.98 What does this amount to? An assorted lot of Ladies' and Narrow width Silks up to $1.50. Your choice - A Few Black Coatsat - - - - - $5.00 each Every 'model in stock at the Children's Sweater Coats and Tt 59c yd. Every yard of Coating Reduced from $2.13 to same reduction. Hundreds to Ladies' All-Wool Pullovers.-- 87c yard. Now is your time to buy it. choose from. Regular price cut in two. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! 27-inch Cord Velvet - - - - - - 59c yd. ' Teddy Bear Cl ildren' z Chamoisette Gloves at a price that will please CHRISTMAS DISPLAYS EVERY HAT AT HALF Regular icc aaa acon ait YOU ee See every paivatc Riccdat NEXT WEEK PRICE 25c Cotton Batts. - - - - ----- 19¢ Specials in Hosiery--Every pair af & Every Department will undergo | We are closing our Department for 40c White Flannelette - - - - - - 33 Price. renovation next week. Xmas goods Cream Union Flannel, 89c, for - - - - 45¢ the season, and rather than carry over stock, will sacrifice all profits and part of cost. Some lovely Hats all at HALF PRICE. SAVE! '. SAVE! This is your opportunity -- 'such "reductions cannot be offered. indefinitely. The re- adjustment period is on and prices may possibly, 'be higher in some lines when, the real level is found. Sale--- Cut Price get your share. HUNDREDS OF YARDS OF SILKS AT $1.98 YARD The tax has retarded Silk sales, and we are Beautiful Scotch Blankets, $27.50, for $23.50 Men's Union Underwear, a great Bargain at z - + $1.39 each Save One Dollar a pair on the Ibex Flannelette" Blankets. Sheetings and Cottons of every kind red for this Sale. a eee EL of Minesing, The program ™ | chair being ably filled by G. G. Jobnston | Thursday, The ev by singing "Auld Lang Syne." spent in games, lunch was served and the entertainment closed at 10,30 with singing "God Save the King." All seenied to have enjoyed on Friday to her 8.8, class and treated candy and all sorts of games, The boys seemed to be having a good time by the amount of laughing they were doing. was concluded 'The rest mT a the evening. Tt sure takes the boys to enjoy themselyes PETTr. SIXTH, LINE VESPRA Harold MpDonald of the G.T.R. spent Sunday st his home here, Jack Murphy visited for a few days last week in Toronto, Miss M. Kenny of Barrie epent last week with Miss M. Murphy. Earl Carson returned last week from Al- berta, where he hes spent three months. Mrs. Switeer/Was called to Orillia last 'Thursday owing tO the seriou: illness of her niece, Mre, Blackwell, Good Assortment of More than sixty friends and neighbors | thernsel ves. Suitings and met + Mn, Svea on Fridsy fs =a ' Jus, E, Switser (nee . Overcoatings Hlobertaon} to ber new home, A miscellan- J lege ghomer wan ven the ride, the pre -- tation being made by Mr. MeDonald. . . fir, Grier Tepid, shankng, the, fend stairs Tailor SI in the nome of himself and wile, The ev- Up Tailor Shop ning was pleasantly spent in games, music ROSS BLOCK nd dancing, everyone having a good time od Choice Porterhouse Roast... .. 33e Choice Rib Roa: BEEF stock W. A. McConkey, Auct. MEAT PRICES DOWN We have made a general reduction in all our choice cuts of Meats of from 2 to Sc per "pound. The following list will help lower the high living expenses of your family. sis. ; 3c and expressing many wishes for the future happiness and prosperity of the bride and groom. The Slavonic language is spokes by about 140,000,000 persons. ~ Chinese art is largely conventional, no abadows being put in. % Bowman, lot 9,| Russian pensants salute each other, with |storey cake, nd implements. | * kiss 6D dsy. urned to the Subscribe for The Examiner. CHOICE POULTRY NOW ON HAND Roy McDonald, who has for some time 'been working in Toron! Inst week and, to the surprise of his many ith s blushing bride. Heartiest ions, jaw returned home from Lind- 'A large circle of friends and relati gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Fralick on Saturday evening, Nov. 27, to celebrate the twenty-fifth annive their wedding. evening @ sumptuous fowl supper was serv- ed of which about sixty people partook. The table was adorned with » bride's four- mpeeches were given by some friends, th . iis CHOPS Choice Roast of Veal 35¢ | "Choice Pork Chops. .35¢ Choice Leg of Veal. 35¢ | Choice Veal Chops. .35¢ k . NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS Me ale hie tne pt My soroToIoboroo igi oro iond ik EDENVALE Nov. 29.--W. ©, Webb hes returned home from Algonquin Park where be has been spending a couple of months with his son-in-law, Mark Robinson. Miss Annie Webber of Barrie is visiting with her brother Will here, The local W. I. held their annual fowl supper on Thursday evening of last week at the home of Mrs. Peter Gilchrist. A large crowd were present and spent the evening in music and games, all enjoying turned home Roy, In the early part of the! After supper the friends room where short twenty-five years ogo. Mr. Fralick was jdreded in his wedding suit which was in. deed attractive und of good material and would not look too far from etyle if worn today. Mr. and Mrs. Fralick were the re- cipienta of a great many useful and valu- able' presenta, showing the high esteem in which they are beld. W, MacLelland, spent the week-end under the parental roof. Mrs, Thompson, in Orillia last week. landale this week. spending three weeks with her brother, W. Ellson of Thornton. ond of horses before returning home. 'ing the night of Dec. 22. | i jper, is making regular shipm rt Smith of Toronto, the bridesmaid of ORO STATION Leslie Kinsick of Toronto is visiting P. 'Mrs, (Dr.) Wm. MoClinton of Midland Mrs, James McArthur visited her sister, Mrs. Poole is visiting in Barrie and Al- Miss Ellen Ellson bas returned home after The many friends of Mrs. Jus. 8 auspices of the Ladies' Aid of Oro Method- fst Church, was a decided success, Miss Jessie Beasley and Bert Crawford were the winners of the costume prizes. Mr, and Mrs. AG. Crawford and family of Emo, Ont., visited the former's parents ere over the week-end. Mr. Crawford iad some 400 lambs on the Toronto market last week. He intends purchasing s car- 'The young people of the Oro Methodist are busy practising for their Christ- itertainment, which they intend hold- Crawford, the U.F.O. stock ship- per ae ees ants Lea to. He is al ing pot for the far- a = Many poe in this neighborhood were filled with sorrow when they learned of the death Jast Saturday mogning at Hawkestone of George Reid. Mr. Reid was slwi looking for opportunities to extend the helping band and will be mised by old and young alike, IVY Nov. 20.--Matt, Lowery of Toronto spent the week-epd with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lowery, =: A social time was spent in the Hall lest Mins Bessie Johnson of Coldwater is the suit of Mine Elie Bpeers iss Jean-MeLean is spending a couple of weeks with Toronto friends. 7 Sscrament service will be held next Sun- day morning in the Presbyterian Chu The funeral of the Inte Mrs. of Hinilton took place on 'Wednesday, jov. 24, Rev, R. H. Somerville who based his re- marks on 11 Cor. 4:17-18, The remains 'were Isid beside her husband and two child- ren who predeceased her some years ago. Besides a large circle of friends, she leaves one son, D, Gibson of Toronto, and one daughter, Mrs, E, Smith of Hamilton, to mourn her loss.) A number from here attended the sale of the property of the inte D, Banks and Wm, Prebble last Wednesday. Miss Elsie Speers gave a social evening when they get out. Deputy-Reeve G. County Council in Bartie last week, oveni chi [China Famine Fund. J. Gibson 'The service was conducted by Give Gifts that Last REEVE'S JEWELRY STORE ls Barrie's Big Gift Store Lf OPERA HOUSE MONDAY AND TUESDAY, DEC. 6 AND 7 L, Davis attended the A collection was taken up last Sunday in the Presbyterian Church for the Choice Rump Roast 28¢ Veal.%. Choice Shoulder Steak Roast .. 0. . Good Chuck Roasts 25¢ Choice Rib Boil .... 20¢ Cholee Brisket..." I6e | pasta ie ame, | > Cups Ys Rey, Choice Stewing Beef 20¢ | Leg of Lamb... ... 35c SHORTENING : STEAKS ~ '| Loin.of Lamb .. .. 33¢ | Swift's Finest Shortening ; Choice Sirloin Steak 35¢ Stevitig-Lamb .. + 206 ve Bb, pails at 85c + Choice Porterhouse'Steak || | \ HAM - Snowflake -. ++ 3%¢ | Finest Smoked'Ham, half ne Choice T-Bone Steak 37¢ Choice Round Steak 30¢ BACON Choite Breakfast Bacon, half or whole sidé:55c, Stewing Veal, 18c to 25¢ LAMB Choice Shoulder Roast.of or whole hamyat Ib. 50¢ Finest Pickled Ham, half |: or whole ham at Ib,'45e | Full linejof Cooked and Fore-quarter Roast of 28 Choice Lamb Chops, 1st quality ..... ... 35¢ Choice Hamburger Steak Choice Pork Sausage, all - home-made. from best - A Story of'the Faroff Southern Seas Another story as good as 'The Bird of Paradise" ¥