Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Nov 1920, p. 3

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/ : \, |) 2 THE BARRIE EXAMINER. REV. OR. THURLOW FRASER . y Y) , e@,.e@ @ , " Divine Discontent " ; . , "I am not going b atick to this jab. Df | i am going to get something better,"" said - luboring lad not out of his teens. | IC Ze e "You shouldn't be discontented because you have to work at manual Iabor," re. Plied his grandmother, "Your father and your grandfather worked at it all their ie s lives fi ; e It p "Yes; and how far did it? ' cee For Selling Our Stock |[:2:2uzs2xn2/6 22" hard, | But I want something better to work |¢¥%.,Wo'm water, by meine of tho-J, B, EVERYDAY RELIGION Weekend: Talks by A SERIES OF TALKS ON MUSIC By Prof, CO. C. Leugher, Mus, Bae. cl No. 1V.--Instrumental Accompaniment, : Rfe, Rot relieved of their monoy Instrumental secompaniment means to pebvemes, No! But Buckley's sccompany with the instrument, or. as He Mistare: ta relieving them [cc soue pute ty, tp add an scosaraneet of -thelr colds, hacking coughs, bron- |; mone Puls it tp add a : ghreale 'sethma and similar |" We teuily think of tne plana af the silments One Montreal man--Her- generul wcompaniment far the cinger oF roltart, Che fire mention. of the pranwturte | egcnnanving intra ept 'eae wine in| 1767 on the play bill 6f'The Beggar's Grey Bewween the fist acd «tom vet 'io Bricker was announesd 10 SE LILA ITIP NN SILAS S70 WY i ane ue cies 0 i - L. Csseade, the lower intestines ar2" kept + * eet aD yr Si, mel ' : 2h ye 2 te ea / yy magic. 2. * Bach 4 "Th i ' wren Nature. Internal bathing assists her. f a 2, 1» Ba ¢ Apostle Paul T have | W BS eed epee d of Mens Clot Tg Ak fic Bete ete al Ne ia rere, it ean do for you, |!" 3! content,'" aid the old indy, bringing in{2?tcislist on Internal Bathing, invented and Even the first dose brings amazing Felief, and after a few doses the | ough vanishes. ~ | Ask your druggist for Buckley's isious urgument. ""Aud he seotkay (Perfected the J.B.L. Chscade, which. het . ue a tent-maker,"" lone more during the pest 20' yoara sn ree o1esa e rices ut {That's all right for Paul. Tent-making |*erirg health nnd Irene disease than 9 was only a sideline with him. Preaching |', other, means combine |was his real job. He wouldn't have beck | Atk Wm. Crosaland, rirugeist. for booke on a enst-iron\ mongy-back basis if te {used in aceomnpaniment. even @ chore of fontent to do nothing but make tents when |!et- "Why Man of Today is Only 50 per fails to give Yoliot at all {Yoices may succesfully curry an accom- he was fit for something bigger. Anyway, He will aleo be pleased BUCKLEY. Limited, 142 MUTUAL | To sequire this art, the accompanist going to be always at the bottom of the|' You. or write to Tyrrall's Hygienic In- Woe y tyes of the wecom:ncty sent separ che jrmveipal part. 'tnt fey oor tut should ulwava explain the J. B, L. Cascade 8T., TORONTO. @ [must have great cure und judgment. He P ladder, titute, 163 College Street. Toronto, i Tmust not overwhelm the voice, but must | The young fellow was right. . _-- : = {assimilate with the quality of the voice, | e 0S 0 ot In | A man must be discontented with him- : 9 || jself before he will ever make himself het, 1 Tm mvmnvemcmmommommeans |tuking special eure of the contrast. Coo f} [often we hear auch an accompaniment that {ter than he is. That lad's discontent with -@ jis 40 strong that the soloist wi simply ai e 'hie lot as an unskilled Inborer got him an t foccasional part, and the ffeet ix very ti jedmeati a. a tecbaleal training and success Ere an e Are Doin Sr chan ag oe WISS | We read that at the time of the old! |, The ndvice his grandmother gave hi - [hax alwayn been # pot doctrine those who want everything to stay an it in. It | pastes for piety. simply to add anusieal effect. and) even is impiety peti ech" THING WE SELL TO BE EXACTLY AS | i | Back in the days of 1600, Cavalli arrang- | Choice Meats Always at. Brennan's ' t i H Homemade Headcheese, : Pure Pork Sausages, i t H ; i ' ; H t i | miracle pliys the accompaniments were per. fa doable falas Tok es Gand Te eo REMEMBER--WE GUARANTEE EVERY- Also the choicest of Beef, Pork, Veal and lamb, Cured Meats, Lard and Shortening, Vegetables, "4 ; { ny LADIES fof sem ev sae-et et | WE REPRESENT IT TO BE, OR WE WILL fiers and the sighing of the winds brie {and wrote for one voice only, These com stad et" tc's"i | REFUND YOUR MONEY. isn arnt er aon ert Good Assortment of | eritions, be ung thie on sscompani | WE APOLOGIZE TO THE MANY PEO- |must be content to sup out of a wonden @ ment, 1 jhow! with a ladle. . Suitings and shaped instrument four feet fon, with 1 | We \are told that contentment ie one of |} €tc., all at prices compar- : Overcoatings Cacao get wae" | PLE WE COULD NOT SERVE ON SAT- _ |] sv io xe oct aoaotigy lm |t &4 With other butchers, These wurly musicians aimed only to de- | |prove ourselves or our lot, it ix no longer i Eee <a viee mexns to combine music with poetry. ||] <f wal ji blewing but a cune. That kind of con {? Give us a trial for Za cee Sat | © URDAY.~COME EARLY AND WE CAN Sis cePGA | ie ws 3 ua th i i another. but when it ix undersioud that the unele, a shoemaker, and Abroham Lincoln s . Upstairs Tailor Shop | {soot nt chin ongaried that GIVE YOU BETTER SERVICE. itike Ks thers suse: QPzatam Lineola i ROSS BLOCK were provided only with a figured base have taught Saul of Tarsus to spend his > Pec so ed A | || tent-maker, and Jesus of Natureth = Phone 731 jaccompanist at the harpsichord that mut | would have remained a carpenter, But Gud lamly the detailx. Thir wesknesn and in: | put into their souls that Divine Discontent Smcminmwrmorenmenemnecevcmnwemees § | offectivenie wold mnke the music unen. | W. A H t St [which mude them great and let to ih R ------ tre nai € Are Here to Stay [res crm ros | MEAT MARKET ; . LAWSON, WELCH & CAMPBELL From about thie time on. particulurly a Tt is the same in the spiritual rexlm, * in the matter of accompaniment, the te: |The man who boasta that he ix us good ac Service, Quality and - Chartered Accountants sources of expression iv mutsie were becom READ 'AREFULL his neighbor, or as good ae he needs to be, ice Assi ' Phone Main 5974. 59 Yonge 8t., Toront: tae much enlary amd elastic, for the THIS LIST Cc Y Price ured i has reached the limit. He will 1 get i A. J. Welch, CA. G. D. Campbell, U2 {harmony wax more richly developed and | jsuy farther, He is content to be w it he PROMI | . nT. E Lawlew. CA the tonality better naderstond. The inal | 2 is, and no more. So far ax growth is con | PHONE 51 DELIveny , ; W. 8. Hulhig, Produeton Eogineer Teton ae enme in aw an alitional teams | LOT NO. 1 LOT NO4 er Ted. he might wel be ded ot atl! : Manager Cost and Efficienty Department |! effect. : B 1 Dr, Parry adie 'Where th» wore are 7 oy 7 growth, all improvement, all righteousness, Serre see ennai toa teal ate oman MEN'S SUITS MEN'S O'COATS Tein trun that the Apostle Pal wos een: 7 tt nd skilful the music fits the words at {tent with the hardships of his lot as a qnim- F jimary. 'He bat ehoren that ite. BS 4e| ~~ HENRY-T. DEVLIN |was never content with himaelf. He was |forever "forgetting the things which are be. | Sueeessar to A. W. Longhurst & Son , hind and stretching forward to things which lee Duseact with himself! It is LICENSED CARTE. & the source of all success, the impule: to all [Prozress, the essential requisite of all growth| ALL KINDS OF CARTAGE WORK in character. ° UNDERTAKEN WINTERING THE BEES Worth up to $40.00 $29.90 LOT NO. 2 MEN'S SUITS Worth up to $38.00 $24.90 LOT NO. 5 MEN'S O'COATS : every instunt ond makes the words glow WE WANT wih) neaning Both Schubert and Schnmann were very : . A RELIABLE AGENT $lexprocice in thay torn Scnomenne, very iti geniua showed iteelf in hix power to sug Sei coreronn Aci, ss | fee Mew ba in se mental t shrubs, etc. Tinew. The piano accompaniments and post { Good Pay, Exclusive territory rights ${luden to many of bis songs intensifier this { Om Leahy ie eee to | lcratiial atone: Present conditions, Rendere of Canada's national sportemen's 600 acres of Nursery, thly, ROD AND GUN. IN CANADA. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE: : . Established 40 Vaare 3 cil rend with interett the Woverster tense, Worth up to $45.00 Worth up to $40.00 oat et caneem oC telocion of sexu {e> OWEN $1, BARAIE PHONE aa7, F f. Write for particulars to Agency h contains among other interesting oat in Canada every winter through lick 0 o: . l. : Department, stories und articles, '"Where the Amber Ri- |ebe de to ene eat: Scthi0e ISS | siaaenemmemeanemmmmaes f ' .-21.90-29, are due to want of timely and intelligent |preparation, Mr. F. W. L, Sladen, Dom. PELHAM NURSERY CO., ver Flowmr"-« story of the North country ; AisallNlaedl Sr Hodpen,) Mn "ramen Robert fete, atike Beet emi. 211 ayy op were Lowers -- | . LOT NO. 3 LOT NO6 fe eae iit oe ae inter, Foc tha 'Moai Bemuaifea : MEN'S SUITS | | MEN'S O'COATS Tepe he saat winter ea ht Designs for ' i Worth up to $60.00 Worth up to $45.00 in wth ether nae "si bene WEDDING BOQUETS : , ter in Cana, One of the tout inporte AND - a $42.90 $31.90, | [See ee Pae|l ruveral"roKens © another is an abundant supply of whole. CONSULT THE Zn some stores in the combs, and the third is " A FEW ONLY YOUNG MEN'S FORM- [fics posits enh) "|| West End Florist in Canada" is available at the Publications E. A. Harris, Prop. FITTING O'COATS, WORTH UP TO $45, || &:=* "eta | Sher--ttanen ; in the cellar the temperature for the cellar : x GOING SATURDAY AT Pee af aed tad mgeem|| OM susan an Sain Fa ment of bees are recorded in the bulletin.1] tie none 713 P.O. Box 149 ' $1 g 75 Minard's Liniment for Colds, ete Re e , = = -- . . a Hundreds Have Come, Hundreds Have Saved Peerless Wi re Fence 'S ; If You Cannot Save, Do Not Bay The name "Peerless" as applied to wire fenc- : F .. ' ing stands for a guarantee of quality, square 'g Again we say--Duplicate Our Values dealing, and popularity. The Banwell-Hoxie i 'Weuarantee it to sustain the test offdirect and we will Refund Your Money Wire Fence Co., who manufacture the PEER- ' || comparison with thé performances of living F y LESS, have grown to be the largest producers i artists. That makes it the of woven wire fence in the Dominion. There rf : : you want to give the family for Christmas. y is.a réason. "Peerless" means in wire fenee a cra soleatyctboratory Model has won thp quality and satisfaction. ip for real 5 A ¢ &. H Its perfect realism has been tested oven" We believe in honest | OUR MONEY BACK Another carload has just arrived, bought before | El| . 4000 times. More than fifty noted vocal- i ising.-- Do not GUARANTEE the last advance in price. To all purchasers ii } mos cab ane ey teaphee 2 tests. November we will give the advantage of this } f directly wih he ies Cameron chee Price. If you are needing any wire fence this | _¢ - His Performances by the New Edison. The ' .Fall or next Spring, get your requirements now } < ; Tesult was no difference between the two, ' from ~ Opposite Brown & - _, Co.'s Seed. Store *

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