Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Nov 1920, p. 10

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i } | | i ¥ PHONE C. BROWN C BR FOR THE BEST IN BAKERS' BREAD ' HOME-MADE BREAD % BROWN BREAD SANDWICH BREAD AND A FULL LINE OF ' PIES, CAKES AND PASTRY ¢ Euless ond Staten customers are application for feposeg eyes YOUR READING NEEDS Are Well Supplied at-- SCOTT'S BOOKSTORE | PAID-UP CAPITAL RESERVE FUND BARRIE BRANCH, Jas. Arnold FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT Real Estate and Money to Loan The Interoutions! A number of Valuable Parma and Town Proportins for Sale on the moet remonsble terms. Masonic Temple Building, B: G.G. Smith & Co, Established 1869 UNDERTAKERS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Morgue and Chapel 1N CONNECTION BARRIE, ONT. - (Continued from last week) ur even fleeting expression. she up the marble entrance stepe and disuppear: rd before a bowing porter into the gloom of the hotel corridor And Brooke, after a muttered "Waldorf i Jontire course of hia Journey ibly «ignify. ' or oe a CHAPTER Vil. Phone 82 Bi) t eee nent Dinner a Deux. wo [New York, a 1 the howe on West One Huitdred and |, he obligation, it aeema fo me." Brooke | KEEP YOUR GRAIN fruit sitet. "we which Brooke Prewmnted ;returned. gallantly, "iv all on my side. tes INSURED ar | Against Fire and Lightning by 1 A Short Date Policy Q0N'T COST MUCH AND KEEPS YoU ' SAFE for pacucuiars write or phone the row of shining bram and last lotte A. F. A. MALCOMSON [fein Cuiev attend the srs Phone 447 Barrie | Multiple accupanoy. 1 nod a varieguted brick superstructure rtpidence of u ningle family, but once tbe visitor hag mounted the rust Vay stone atop with its eighorptely ebigeled balustrade, and had entered the vet hanes here presented found that which he sought. The push ------------_____--_--_--_, DYEING AND / |butti invited, and his forefinger hore np By he waited, CLEANING jinner door Your Clothing will be |} properly cleaned inside and outside ut W- Firth's. The linings aud inside of your clothing are as important as the outside. Why not have them done right when you afe having them done? All || kinds ot Repairing done. |} for hie admittonee, itself stood forbiddi jAgain he pu |the lateb clicked. Tyny and persistently time: a0 long, indghd, that thinking may a child wax endéiv turn t si jempty ly closed before him allway his reason now cleared, first experience with the electric Istch GENUINE ASSISTANCE TO FARMERS ~ That thie Bank is anxious to assist the agri- cultural development of Canada is shown by the fact that two-thirds of our borrowing credit from you will considerate treatment. THE CANADIAN BAN OF COMMERCE 'MILLION DOLLAR SUIT CASE' By Horace Hazelton & TNE MENON NEEM TE building. with w rough ted atone first storey Fram the sidewak it had the uppearance | throngh the heavy beveled plate-glane duvrs, But the! ing unsuccessfully 1 knob from within, he volunteored , to find himaef 'admitted to an'he ventured in reply. at the foot of an ascending /hit on the right ones" : 586 $15,000,000 $15,000,000 H, M. Lay, Manager. Festure Serviee, Ine, Jhold this ungracious comparison in mind, [for aa the stepped forward with outstretch: Aud without waiting for 4 wond or emit: |oJ jeweled hand the hearty cordiaity of the stepped lightly to the sidewalk. tripyed gracefully to dispel, momentarily ut leavt, anything | extended welcome was sufficiently winning 'approaching unkind criticism, n. If Mrs, Mumford's oppearance had been for the instant disillusioning, her voice. 'rich. full aud deliciously' melodious, "This is xo good of you. Mr. Moore," | Boy" and "Peaches!" business could poe {for after all, we aro reully utter strangers lto you. But we are Chicago people, and jwe make it a point t keep open bouse There for (bieRRoane when they come to 1 ts awfully good of you to entertain me, 8 stranger, Mtv. Mumford." were one of ber best {eutures. "Oh. we don't ak everybody," she has- toned to make clear, "We know some- "thing of you, Mr, Moore, Ax T wrote you, ; Uthink we bave mutual friends." Intimate Questions == var And bavide it st chose a place for » horell GA at ad im smrt gold upholstered f xofy at hit fight fuse. "You could i#vér tuney." "1 suppose, Brooke bent hin head to a study of the who those mutual ftitnte ako? he pro- and second in line. pounded Brooke reulized now that bi' Aug, nove with the utmost caution jfair wae very much of u puzzle f Bita. [Mumford who lived here und who he it button, und spain | strongly suapeeted of huving that day con. is! mitin bigamy he mut play his part 60 well that no suspicion would attach to nas counterfeit. "T could fancy any ni ber of persons," and probably not "Try." she suggesterl. coaxingly. The names that Min Colby had given him were still fresh in his memory "The Malmeleys, for instance." be nid, We know how. ler: and ue he climbed to the upper floor | bndly. ithe novelty of the mechanixm was upper: | [moar in his thoughts. A Little Suspicious The white-cupped maid that by had ex- 'pected below-staira met him in| response to hie ring st the door of the {Mumford Jj apartment, und ehowed him in. through the tiny. box-like hull of the flat to a {miniature and somewhat garisbly furnished T H . NE drawing room, which looked upimn, the € barrie HLL strove | ee |" Brooke, with 9 sense of unrequifing Corner Soplin aad Mary Streets 'hospitality «hould be ature with -eddely Menufecturerr of Sait, Doors, Frames, 'critical eyes ut the inharmonioux furniture Floonng, Coiling, Mouldings, Water Troughs, | und decorations, strode over to a window Tanks es. {and juve hia sttention to the houses op- We carry im stock 4 large amortment of | posite, He was thus engaged when a rustle Rough aod These! Lumber, BG. Shingles | of «ilk in the passage announced the com: aad. Prepared Roofing, Wood Turning aod | ing of hiv hostew, and, not without some Kilo Drying "9 Speciatty Dressing done! misgiving lest hix deception be detected-- peomouy ~ for it was just possible that the real John, Conmult ds with your building. Moore was known to the lady, by night, THOS. ROGERS at lenst--he turned to face her. : The tableaux which confronted him he Prone: Office 168 Residence 363 involuntarily (o an Oabu «tn jenmpangd set. Mrs. Mumford stood in the doorway between tinsel portieres of vivid crimson, Her haif--and there were flufly quantities of it--held the dassling. glow W. FIRTH Phone 229 Opp. Barrie Hotel, Barrie. ee PROTECT Your Family Your Business Your Future With 'an Annual Divi- dend Policy in the 'Sua - Lite: of Canada "Canada's Greatest Life Tnsurance'Co. OJ. REB (it 'Phone, 142 Distt, Manager sn obvious application of powder, was bril- liantly florid, and ber generous figure, clad jin: shimmering pale lavender. natin, aup- plied s semblance to that effective contrast which nature provides "for her spectacles by means of prismatic clouds. Very Alluril But only for on instant the visitor THE BEST PE preaprigs foevins cannot be frittered away er of burnished copper; her. face, in spite of |, bequests: Thie kind of insurance / r neome: ch monthily i Scinmears Metioad ou $8 is Ceanys senioge. Crown Life Insurance Co.;Toronte a 1.0. MATSON, Manager at Barrie His hostess amiled an inscrutable smile. Whether it meant he was right or wrong Brooke, for the life of him, could not de- termine. | ! Still Bphinx-Like _ | Am T right?" he asked, | Still ube smiled. | "Do you think' it likely?" she queried, 'in turn, | "Poni n,"" abe urged. "Toe Leitners, maybe." She shook her head. |. He was at the end of his rope now, but the let go without 4 quaver, 'Mise. Pad- dock, perhaps?" Once more Mra, Mumford donnal « sphinx-like expression. "Yea? he questioned, "T'm not going to tell you," she replied, teasingly. "At least, not just now. Un- grateful to these mutual friends for baving thrown you into our society, I shall not tell you at all, It wouldn't be nice to have yout go back to Chieago blaming them for} pid evening," | promine not to do' that." "One can never tell," she insisted blithe- "m. a faitly good judge, though, enjoyed yourself I'll tell you you| may thank. That's fuir, isn't it, Mr.| Moore?" i "Mr. Moore" bowed his approval, A» '8 minttor of fact, be was very glad to have got off so casily. What jf she had quee- |/ tioned him about. these m /BEQUE! "to meet ru unwisély invested. ' 7 eis smiled, and he noted that ber ath a be j Aud he wax sibrant "The her visitor's eyow, however. "That's the street door plained. "Aren't they confusing ap effort to make converva he related his experience at ing of the latch. Tensed the inner atreet door, "It'a so odd you never wu jthe Windy City. clothing [much of an atmosphere of he was able to command. which he mace allusion, deney jt the cubman, dropped back once more it jcupted with the churm of well-bred Eng. | Chicuzo that he did bimgell to hin corner of the tiki, where with brow lth igtouation and aeecnt, wan aulfcien' iran into wrinkles of perplexity he made! euiwe her ealler to forget bie first dls. energetic but vuin endeavor Lbroughout ho Puraging impreaion. 'venue to maging jet fwhat this "duckie \ghe was saying." "So awfully good of you; 781: "How long bus it boon, "" the «alad "Tap yea i} "You lived there long? 'Undafled, "Did T understand tbat you North Bidet' Following She xiniled. and he noted that het tocth |denomination had lingered. wae evidently not familisr ford. which puszled bim. "My memory for names she excused herrelf. atrect. It may have been N to wk Mr, Mumford," Brooke hud been Aetyed cook tall ax an aperitif, ing. yety temperstely tasting ChampePne, which in lowered, The peculiar tude of the The white, af-| with thix add method of serving it, city 19 whinb sbe ba einen. 1 durlden distrust 4 jdm vain be endeavated' to the flavor of the wil aMmi note of resemblance, "Don't you like the wine, It's as new brand that was of the grap explained," ing his glass. "1 do observe 1 differene tell her, that made it, 8 sedative in which cbloral ingredient. It was of t the champugne reminded" a suspicion, almost a con wine. The maid ut that moment another glace. "P can't suy." for it partioularly."" added, diseour: ter?" Brooke politely negative "Oh; ie don't bother, of a drinker at any ly don't wish anything else. He was hoping the little friends? | drunk would not be sufficient to affect him, Certainly, he would drink no more, He wondered whether coffee would serve a an antidote, One thing was certain--he was not alarmed. On the contr: they meant bim any harm, ands, 'At 'that moment a: bell long, belt rang-~s long, She saw the question in The Plot Ripens his failure ot first to respond to the click- 'You're not used to calling on flat dwell- el she Joughed, amused ut his recital. Later, when they were in the dining. room, before taking their places at table, she showed him the push-button which rr thing before," she commented, and Brooke, i realizing thut he had stumbled in his part, ; devoted hie conversation at dinner to men 'tion of much sights and acones as had im: | {rested him most during his brief wtay in| But gradually, ae he rattled on. he be. cume conscious that his entertainer failed Butter. per th to reapond with any degree of certainty | Egus. jer dozen concerning the street or the buildings to' Chicken. dread 'wince you left Chicugo, Mr. Mumford" quainiance with the city, thie geoxrapbical w be it nid, tn odd- poured ut the tabla eas brought fm by the maid, 4 fresh glues being pro vided when the wife In the one in use i goth cpnaidered in conjunction. with hin) Fi momentarily expecting He knew be was not the John Moore Whu!| hostem'« singular luck of kno upped maid to awing oven the | was expected ing That ww probubly the John Moore who uly unswer to hw ring wax <a nervous! wns known to Mise Colby a« 'Jackie Boy." king of the door latch. while the door But if he wus to lesrn anything of the A Peculiut Flavor hud ws medicinal tsng thu Was as specific: lally elusive ax it was genchaly esipents | welt directly to the sistance Agsin and again he tusted it ab «ph ux comported with good tuste und & disitr not to urouse suspicion, seurching for thie) 1 hostess asked prevently, having detected j .4%¥! munner of drinking in spite of his eare. | 200 to Mr. Mumnford--the pure, fermented juice yout way' doctoring,"* you taste the grape in Take one big »wnllow, und you'll not-| ure, though he did not! seepi i was 'not the grape that] tis aissoon efter the For now, even us he spoke, that for which be hud been groping. revealed itself, A physician bud once given crow ix 'whlerstanding, -For some roa-| | son or other, ,the hig, florid-fuced woman, with hair of" burnished copper, who. mat opposite to har" wae plying him with drug- Tess I con feel sure you'll end up by' being | ged But Mrs. Mumford ww evidently not araged. "It's a matter of taste--educated taste, ly. Ta . I don't like it much myself. 'and if when you leave I believe you have| Would you prefer some whiskey and wa- the suggestion. pose 'He wae sorry that that-scoundrel Mum- bell."" she ex- nm. And then the door and SA Bs ing market oi tuyed at Inst week's price of were on the market, the price question nt $1.73. but quickly receded t It was snid sbipmen , exusing a declins R27 to $28 per ton. Therr was w that sort of round 88¢ 10 85¢ por Ib jot Inscious apples, anows and | dominating, were 25¢ to 50c. 13he to Oc 4 barker. each with an familiarity as lswakened im bw mind 9 question ux to Potstor, bag whether she know even the little ubout | Onio: per tb, There wus » ten: Duck, per Ib. on her part to generalize which ' Hogs, ewt, Iouakeet If. Beets, hasket he asked when! Colery. hunch .. und cheene were before hin, |Citrons, eacn Pumpkins, each he answered. unflinch {Apple, per bbl. . Apples. per basket, Honey, per Ib. . + Hay. ton (Nov. 11, 1020) don the} BERTON: . Butter 60 Bbc, cage 750. po- Wit thor ve | ators, be, $1.90, pean $1.00: 0c, barley $1.00, hogs $15.50. but the term | to Mr«. Mum | $2.00, barley $1,00, outs 60¢, rye $1.70. hogs $15.00. dressed in wretched." eth § "T can't recall the {to #94. wiyterCapples, bbl,, $3.00, ALLISTON-- Whent $1.80 to $1.90, bar- TH avg rye $1.50, oats 600, ley lela, with « Hro he. wis Grin! cliicken 80 to mteud of being | E tin in gluse | CANADIAN PATRIOTIC Evory ott Subscribed Went led) Far fi "Expense. intage, bn owledge regard- il heen, by her nt the vikitor's ~ but owing to an arrangement rhink of whsf!bauks the interest during that inded btm, I: ;ounted £6 mine hundred und fou tighy wharever Mr. Moore?" | Win. Galeau of Vieto for keeping liqui wine that #' private dwell recommended | e,° be #aid. the m. HALLS © 'my in nature te det work was the chief sedative that Instantly ection, Mashed brought. him "that I caro i fk Pett . T'm time. I real- thut he bad he felt possible "that "twas Tehn Clark, of Drookvitie, But his wife} be asked in f THE MARKETS SATURDAY MARKET. Ege were 85c a dozen at the Saturday sold quickly. Butter in miost cases, While very few potatons In a few casex they were quoted offering of dreewed chicken and duck ut for each. Onions were NEAR-BY MARKETS ORILLIA. - Butter 580, eggs O4e. wheut 'dey ec great sulting into few Westar Gi 'Drs hari Mads, Gow Sie a Boaith fo Malf-e-mitiion pent, It was, io 'meet Mumford that be| "MS@Fer® tome. "It will be charming," he ssid, A beaithful, money-saving remedy, "s. Mumford hopes to be home before) wall Keown for filtesn, pres you go," the wife .,, "He begged me} sori aoctory old by dru to offer you his apologies. gists, fa, Bt £08 ben. po .peent Onse:more Brooks bowsd, Tompletons, 142 King W, Toreate Again bell sounded! but Mr. Mur-11 cal agents for Barrie: Wnt Crosland: on he ee ened te oe a Ailandale, E. Pa 65e per Ib. wan a live 0 $1.50 per te. Toronto Buskets awoets pre. -. $15. $1.50-81.75 Abe-600 Te sevens Be + 6-100 5.10 00.83.00 » 25-500 serve Glie 27.928 $2.15, onte peas $2.25. pork 825 to putstoes $28 to $1.50 bag. hay $25 | Offi MI88 VIOLET TAYLOR, A.T.Cc. TEACHER OF PIANO AND THEORY Telephone No, 160, Barrie P. O, Box 375, B8tfoB« MYRTLE V. RICE Organist and Choirleader of Collier Street » Church TEACHER OF PIANO, ORGAN, SINGING Pupils prepared for Toronto "Conservatory of Music" Examinations STUDIO--KING BLOCK, PHONE 675 ---------- Organist Tuition in Piano. Orgun, Theory and Sin, Pupil prepared for 'examinations a" Toronto Conservatory of Music. eto. Phone 5635 126 Dunlop Bs. Over Moodie & Jory's store MAUDE E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.M, In vou, sed Vocal Lessons in vooal work special attention is to Voice Production, Pupila prepared: for A.T.C.M, degree in both piano and voeal; also clementury exams. of Toronto Conser- vatory of music or University exams, Studio: King Block, Phone 424. ee OR ee MUSIC LESSONS r PIANO AND VOICE --BY-- MISS NETTIE COLPITTS holding diploma) For further 'information apply to 100 Peel St. Phoue 885 LeGau ' ALEXANDER COWAN arrister, Solicitor for obtainit robate of Daim, Slee Sonning pst General Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer, ee. Offices: Hinds' Block, No, 8 Dunlop street, Money to loan BOYS & MURCHISON Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Conveyanceri, Bto. | Money to loan at lowest rBtee of interes, fice 13 Owen St. (in the premises fer- merly occupied by the Bank of Toronto), Branch office, wale, Ont, . buckwheat $1.90 to $2.14, butter 52c to Bi, teat AO, potatom hag. $1.00, dreseest be. 'iy 1 < sm Fun, to Purpose hich it Was Intended, Without teport of the Cunsdian Patriotic Fund shows that over thirty-eight million {dollars was paid to the dependents of the reared from childhond.| men overseus. at a coe of nine hundred ond thirteen thousand dollars for adminis. | tration expenarm--lens than 214 per cent, with the period am- rteen thous- and dollars, therefore every cent xubseribed of the sol- diers' dependents, without any deduction for expenses of adminiatration. 'This auroly i » splendid record, Harbor wan fin- place other- eer rer yr he | ie Cait Be Cured ' i ee local dis Li 'ate: A I epced, conatitationet veoh aitona Tt Brooke, partly rewwured, obeyed. dain mireeet S neral health al te. lark free. fig, Cheney & Co,, Toledo, Oblo, yet! t Wa tags Me Arta tontcd crowds a W. A. Boys, K.C., MAP.» D.C, Murchison ELAXTON @ PLAXTON BARRIBTRAB, SOLICITORS, ETC. =, Offices: 707-8 Kent Building, 4 ~~. Toronto, Oj 0, W, Plaxlitf ~m.G. Gordon Plaxwon, BONALO HODES, LLB. "time ACITOR, Etc, king, Batrie CRESWICKE & 1 eu 7 epee all licitorn for thé Fe cartel Gace, Sepmene Court of de veyancers, etc, Money to lone ices: in Ross Block, Barrie, W. A. J. Bell, K.C. MEDIOAL _ eins HET ARNALL Avvocioto Corpner 'Co Y Office and Restlence! Cor, Torsan tog Elizsbeth Ste., opp. Central Methodist burch, "Fetepbone 167" DR, E @. TURNBULL Graduate 'of MeGill University ~ Offic and Residence, comer Elisabeth and Bradford Sts., Barrie . Offic 1O a.m 105 pany 7 io pom. Phooe W. A. LEWIS,,M.0., C.M. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY and C. $, DICKSON, B.A. MB. Phone 41. 56 Collier St., Barrie, 'DR. VICTOR A. HART Grrdoate of Trini Ly J. SIMPSON, mB, aa FRYBICMN AND SURGEON joe and residence, ColMer 8t,, Clapperton Bt., Bart Picoe 3e i" i» Barrie P. O: Box 107. as OR: MORTIMER LYON Bloor' St; W., Toronto, will be st Owen 8¢;, : oe eke re OR. J. A: KEARNS® Office hous: 12.2 and 7.9 p.m. vy | 'rom which ; ommended V eral friends, Minurd's Lini Gentlemen, IMENT on years, and fo denta of life | T would 1 it cost » doll oorke

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